_. Nerves of the [|News from Neighbor OF. Stomach] -- 'Were Weak and Inactive as Result of Nervous Prostration-- Lost | Twenty Pounds -- Had to Take Sleeping Powders. to Get Any Rest. - "As Told by Our "IVY. * Feb, 19--A very quiet_wedding was sol- nized at the manse, Thornton, on Tues- , Feb! 32, by Rev. BR. H. Somerville, when two of Ivy's most popular young Many people never realize that the movement 'and action of every organ of the human body. is dependent on the energy supplied by the nervous aystem. ~ "When, the nervous system gets run | down there is weakness throughout | e entire body. You feél tired and | 0 | : | bride was a gold wrist watch. JanguM and your stomach, and other diget 'organs are similarly aftected. || The Buchelors' Dance last Friday night | Appr fifls, digestion is poor, you | wus @ success. * The Lennox Orchestra gave | the good of what you eat and gradually grow weaker 'and | weaker, cleipes 'This process can-only be stopred by | Grose such: treatment as Dr, Chase's Nerve ¥ . suk, teentrient £8 Guhieliy: fo create |», Au™ Hatton be spendifg = Tew new nerve force and thereby to invi- gerate the Whole human body'. 'Mrs, Geo.' 8, Hllse, 46 Davidson street, St. Catharines, Ont., writes: | "My husband had an attack of nerv- ous-.prostration, and, although he Goctored: for some time 'and tried dif- ferent, other medicines, he' could' not eet relief. He had ta resort to' sleep- ing powders given him .by the AOgOr | to make him sleep. The greater par. of the- trouble seemed to 'be with the nerves of his stomach, He begin to loxe weight, and kept on going down until hé had lost twenty pounds, , We had-read advertisements in the news- papers for Dr. Chase's Nerve: Food. and noticed that.it-seemed to be doin, & lot of good for peoplé troubled. wit nervousness, so my husband decided to try it. He found benefit almost "from the start, and cortinued this treatment until he had taken about twelve or thirteen boxes, 'TWe' results. were Ynost satisfactory, He 1s now enjoying good health, 'sleeps, well. and has gained-back nearly all the weight: he had lost. . He also uses Dr, Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills occasionally, and thinks them an exce) ent remedy. 7 hava also used this Jatter medicine for dizzy spells and liver trouble, and was completely: cured of.these complaint». We think a great deal of Dr. Chas medicines, und cinngt speak too high ly of them." Dr. Chase's Nerve "Food, 50 cents full treatment of 6 boxes oak. cat all dealers. or Edmanson fiustes & Co., Limited, "Toronto. De pet be talked into accepting A substi fate. Imitations only disappoint Bert, Jennett attended the anniversary | of th» Methodist Church, Cookstown, on Sunday. ot Master Frank Lennox underwent an op- | eration at the R. V, Hospital on Saturny. The remuinx of Mrs. Roland Beckerton of Barrie were laid: to test on Suturday | sfternoon in Christ Church cemetery. Mrs.-| Beekerten spent anany years in. this neigh- | borhood before moving' to-Barrie and was Toved und respeéted by all who knew her. She' was always a. Kind 'neighbor, "Ivy ) extends dep "synipathy to the sorrowing { husband. 4 bi Mrs. S. J. MeDowald is on. the sick list | A very piedsant evening was spent at the | home of Mr. and: Mrs: W, E. Lennox last Friday, it being the 25th snniversary of their wedding... It "ie hoped that Mr. and Mrs, Lennox -will be spared to see "their golden wedding. Reggie Arnold entertainéd # few friends on Monday evening | Miss L. Wright has returned "to her homie ia Owen Sound after spending some | vith Mrs. Watson. Perey 'Buscomb, had. the misfortine 'to | hurt his back last week end' is confined to the house. Miss' Elsie Speers has taken a school in Ofevle and started her datos om Monday | moraing. | Mrgp Lce- Bunting entertained a number | of friends on Tuesday. evening. G..1. Davis was elected to sit in the township council for the remainder of 'this | year 'A nuniber.ffom here took, in, the Valen- H{ine Concert. at Thornton on 'Thurslay evening. | "(THE above was received after, the la isue of The Examiner was printed). ANTEN MILLS iinscce ER Feb. 15--Miss Norma: Matthews, school Notice is hereby given. that a By-Law | teach r of Auten Mills, held.on the night "was passed by the Council \of the Corpora: | of the 11th inst. in the above named school tion of the' County' of Simeoe on 'the 23rd /y-sort of theatrical play, the company con- day. of Janusry, 1918, authorizing : the | sisting of five boys and three. girls. | The County of Simeoe to, guarantee 'debentures | boys were F. and M. Kennedy, F, Coughlin, to be issued'by thé Corporation of the'/1,, Sedtt and-W. Knapp and the girls Lillie Village .6f Tottenhum to the: amount of - $9,000.00 under By-Law No. 259. of the | Mutthews. Kennedy" (Jrei took the leading said Corporation of the Village of Tottén- | part, that of Larry, Finnigan and -Lilhe ham: for? the puspdse, of paying for the | Shanahan that.of Finnigan's wife. When installation of & system in the said Village | the time arrived fot order A. Wilson (Dep- | of Tottenham for the transmission and | iity-Reeve) was speedily chofen to take the supply of Electric Power -and Light to :be | chuir, which position. he filled to the en- 1 supplied by the Hydro -Electric Power: |tire, satisfaction -of all "présent. His first z Commission of Ontario, bearing interest -aé | uunouncement was « song: from Muriel Car- the rate 6f five per cent. per annum son, coupled with, a few short dialogues And that the said By-Law of the Corvora- | given by the school boys, all of which were | tion of the County of Simcoe was registered | well uppreciated by the audience. The in the Registry 'Olfice of the County of Sim- | chairman then called for the firsst' scene of coe on the'13th day of February, 1918. | (he play, which was performed in. good Any. motion to quash' or set Hide the style. The 'tinfe between scenes wus most same of any part. thereof must he smade'| enjoyably taken up by sweet selections of Within three months from the first -publi- [Songs etc, given by Sam, Platt of Phelp- cation. of this -notice and cannot be' made j ston -on his phonograph. When the -play thereafter, ded, Mr. Wilson-called on'P. A.-Coughlin, box, a | 5. I /COUNTY BY-LAWS "BY-LAW NO. 1256. Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe | (Received too. late for Barrie and |in Welland. Barrie friends. j fri '| rexpectively. 'The address was as. follows : Shanahan, Kathleen' McLaughlin 'and Norma. / Dated "idth day of February, 1918. 8-40 R. J. FLETCHER, Clerk of County of Simcoe. auctioneer, to. sell the ladies' boxes. No time was. lost in runnitig the boxes up to their highest value, varying as high as $3.75. 'However the total proceeds from the entertainment. amounted . to $60, for which the ratepayers of the school section desire to extend (including ull' those who assisted) their most sincere thanks for the grand success of the entertainment both socially and finan: RE BY-LAW NO. 1257. 'Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe Notice "is hereby given that a 'By-Law 'was passed: by the Council of the Corpors- * tion of the County of Simcoe on the 23rd day. of January, 1918, authorising the elally.t 7 | County of Simcoe to guarantee debentures x Gn AK \ to be issued by the Corporation of the SHANTY BAY- | \ Village .of Bratiford 'to the amount of | pe) 25--Alfred Hubbert is spending al $15,600.00 under By-Law No, 444 of the uid 'Corporation of the Village of Bradford for the Installation of a system in the said Village of -Bradford for the transihission vand, supply. of Electric Power snd Light : tobe eal y the Hydro etic Power | "yggy Helen Arthur of 'Toronto hase Commission of Ontario. tured 'again after 'a couple of weeks' .holi- 'And thet the said By-Law of the Corpora. | aye with her sister Mra. A. B. H. Peterson tion'of the County of Sinveoe was registered |"°Rr ™ Auted Palkia visiting a week. in {othe Registry Office of the County of sitn-|aovtnig with her daughter: Margaret. epg on the 18th day of February, 1918 had the misfortune to injure | 'Any motion to quash or set side the pire sume Gr any part thereof spust, be made . - Mithin three. months from the 'first publi- [O° Ot to ke aol sith eta Soe ares. ootieg- koa -canpot. be' rasde, | je NE. Gaapbell ix ponding a week thereafter, . . Dated i4th day of February, 1918. 8:10 R. J, FLETCHER, Clerk of County of Simcoe: few -days at Victoria Harbour with his daughters there. + 'Thomas White hax gone to Bracebridge again "after -visiting a few weeks with Mr | and Mrs, James Hart. | ~ BY-LAW NO. 1261. Of the Coiporation af the County of Simcoe | Mingrd's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows Notice is hereby given that « By-Law was passed by the Council of the Corpore- tion -of the County of Simeoe on the 25th | day of Japuery, 1918, authorising the + County of Simcoe to guarantee debentures: to be issued by, the Corporation of the Villoge. of Beeton to the amount: of $15, 7,900.00 undef By-Law. No. 359° of 'the suid Corporation of the Village of 'Beeton, for the installation of 'a system in, the said Village of Beeton for the transmission: and supply of Electric Power. and Light /to be supplied by the Hydro-Electric Com- mission of' Ontario, bearing interest at the rate of five cent, per annum." 'And that 'the said By-Law of thé Corpora. RE BY-LAW NO. 1269. q Of the-Corporation of the County of Simcoe by the Corporation of the Town of Alliston, under By-Law No. 323 of the said Corpots- tion of 'the Town of Alliston, for the wurpose. of taking over the Alliston Electric aot Daeg ee repairii ae aa fy z improving' the same for the purpose o! tion of ste cess Solero Bay tg teibuting Blac Power t6 be poled by ate leey nina : 'side the |" "And that the said By-Law of the Corpora- tion of the County of Simcoe was registered in the Registry Office of-the County of Sim- 'coe on, the 13th day 'of February, 1918. 'Any motion to quash or set aside the shme or any" part thereof myst be made within three months from 'the first publi- cation of this notice. and cannot be msde thervafter. i Dated 14th day of February, 1818. 8-10 RJ, FLETCHER, - At Clerk of County of Simcoe. or any part thereof, mist be madé_ sithin three months from the: first publi- cation of this notice and cannot be made' thereafter. Dated A4th day of February, 1918. 8-10 Bea 'R., J. FLETCHER, 1 Clerk 'of County of Simeoe. 'to Miss Norma Matthews |" Correspondents last week.) GRENFEL .- "Feb, 20--Mirs. Jno.. Johnson. and John Hockridge, who have been seriously ill,' are much improved. : Mrs. Alf. Herron of Toronto. is visiting Mrs, Jas. Brumby. Eo Mrs. Hy. Dundas of Baxter spent a, few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Win, McFadden. . ~ Miss Ethel Hockridge is visiting her sister 'Mrs, Wm. J. Holmes'is visiting her father in Toronto, who is seriously ill. ~" Mrs. F. Thrun of Toronto spent over the week-e The home of- Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Harris' last night and presented them with a fine young David Hirons of Yellow Grass is visiting his muny old friends here: They 'are glad to see him. : 'The houte of Jas. Brumby caught fire on Monday morning end but for the 'aid of the neighbor:, who. were summoned by. phone, would have been burned' to, the ground. About ten fect square of.the roof war buriied before it was got under control 'Mr. und Mrs. Chas. Harris gave a party. |" /to.u number of the yoring people last -we-k. \(Note--The above did not reach The Ex- 'aminer until efter the last issue was printed. 'A surprise patty was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, McKernan on Feb: 20, when 'about forty of their friends. assembled. lto show th-ir appreciation of them ere they leave for Sedgewick, Alberta, Dancing and other amusements made. the hours pass pleassintly, During the evening, an address. was read by Thos. Walton and present: 'tions of a watch to Mr. McKernan and a sugar bowl. to Mrs. McKernan were made by Albert Bishop and Mrs, W. W. Scott. Dear Friends:--The residents of Grenfel and vicinity slesire to express to yau their sincere regret at your departure from our ide. Kor -many years: you have lived umotig us dnd have at all.times pliyed an imiportant .part in. all movements- whether ofa socidl or patriotic nature. You have both proved yourselves good citizens and kind neighbors, and while deeply regretting the loss your future sb- série will bring, we wish you every prosper- ity and happiness in your-western home. We esn confidently assure you both you Juke with you'the good will and esteem of the residents of this locality, all of whom count you as warm friends. : As a slight token of our regard we ask , Mr, McKernan, to accept this watch, nil hope that each, time you 16% at it ou will feel that each tick is « -"Good Wish" from your: Grenfel friends, and' Mrs. MeKernan this sifver sugar-bowl, antl bope that you will long be spared to use it in your new home, Signed on behilf,of the resigents of Gren- fef und vicinity ---Thos. Walt Feb. afternoon at the home of Mrs, 8. Marshall. The spellinggontest held at the social evening-of the League on, Monday proved good amusenient for those-present. 'A. Steele hus been sent east with a draft, leaving Toronto on the 16th. : The patriotic concert held in the Grange Hall on' Friday evening was largely at- tended phd -greatly enjoyed. A dance was held after the concert and the total. pro- ceeds amounted to over $100 to be used in sending boxes to the boys overseus. John Allan. léft for Swift Current on Saturday. PROTECTING SHEEP : AGAINST THE DOGS A Matter of Great Importance to the Sheep Raising Indus- try. The Fairs Association has asked the Leg- inluture to greatly increase the 'tax on dogs, to provide that every dog be tagged wnd that every dog found abroad between sun- set, and sunrise be' shot. Whethier these & commonly called the dog nuisance, is 'open to-debate.. But-there'is no doubt that {omething should be done to protest sheep Arowers and breeders from. the dogs. It 'matters little whether they are town. dogs or country' dogs that do the killing, the fact remains that many good sheep are killed and the size of the flocks ix kept down by the dogs. Many farmers would gladly go into sheep raising if they felt that they hud half a chance to raise tHeir lambs. When wool is so scarce all over -the world, and [the shortage is keenly felt. by every nation, drastic measures should be taken to: protect sheep raisers and encourage: more farmers to keep a flock of sheep, Last fall a farmer told the Packet that for three years he had been. trying to raise. cheep, and build up a strong flock of pure breil -sheep, but 'he was no further ahead than when he pur- chased the Aheep he intended to use as the found of his. flock: The. dogs. had worried/enough each' year to retard all progress. Now that beef and pork are re- quired for overseas, why not' make it" pos- sible to) have more lamb. and' mutton 'for home consumption ? It is not a question of whether one likes a dog or not, or how he may be. It is a question,of supplying the.allied people 'with enough food a raimept., Under war- conditions .the inno- cent,/sometimes have. to suffer: with and if strong measures 'are taken innocent mpy suffer with the ment of Agricul. seems. absur 'and produce, recently : » drawback to the no: claim for' my dog comes srourid here st ni I shoot it, then' I am up agai of ill-feeling." Mat 9 pone out. of the jeter. dage Tas fa problem for , A. Bishop, - "creased by two it to be-so. -extravagance. 'Send some records to ta Columbia Grafe Zi s yy NI & Py <-- GEE aa LS: Music isa tremendous necess the trenches.. Good music is al en .our 'endurance--our Great Britain Recognizes _ the Value of Music in War-time To manufacturé any. article in England todayy it must be proven' te L stripped bare of extravagance and waste. be an' absolute necessity Yet the making of musical instruments has been. in- 'thirds in the last year over ity in homes no less than. in. bsolutely needed'to'strength-- » Great Britain knows morale, oe : So your purchase ria a Columbia Grafonola. is not. an It is a sign you are bringing courage, cheer, inspiration, good fellowship. into your' home. Columbi "or Knights af Columbus Hat. Columbia Grafonola Price $100 'Your Home Needs the Grafonola Its value apnok be computed in cold dollars and cents. The golden flood of. Columbia music--song--ban« instrumental--is just waiting 'today to delight you and nearest Col aGrafonolas =] and Records yours. - Why not .step into the and enjoy the marvellous tone of at all to buy unless you wish. Vag IN Zh Lp the Grafonola--no need % ges. in the law would overcome what | helpful 'he may be, or what good company | << A 654 é Local Agency . Conimittee,' or. some other department. While the output is being limited by dogs, Ontaria is not doing all she might to win the war--Orillia Packet. --Pictures framed"hy Dougall Bros. asti eee NOTHING LIKE INTERNAL BATHING FOR CON- +s _ STIPATION Af people only knew what Inteynal Bath- there ing is doing for thousands of would be fewer Pille and La swal- Constipation and the accompanying Stom- sch and Nervous troubles resulting from it. Mrs, Cave, 841 Ellery' street, Victoria, B. C,, writes 2 fore 'using the"J. B. L. Cascade' 1 suffered constantly from Constipation, bad frequent billious attacks and sick headaches. Since beginning your system .of Internal Bathing with the 'J. B. L.: Cascade' four months ago, I have not had one attack snd. feel stronger and better in every way. My only regret is that I did not get a Cascade sooner." . se tp een ot By the . proper cure; warm water, Cascade' the lower intestines are the 'J. B. E. kept free force 'lowed and very much' less suffering from" of -nature's- New Colambia Records out the 20th of the month. Music helps you enduré the war? enjoy it. Food will win the COLUMBIA "GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY, - Toronto, Ont. Garrett's Music Store TO SPEND $1;400:00 ON FOUR ORO ROADS By-Law re Colonization Roads Before the Council at Feb- Oro Council met on' Feb. 13 with all the: menibers present. t _ Deputy McKinley and Coun, Thonipson presented report' of special" committee re securing & winter road from Emms Bros. at lot 2, con. 7: They were received in & gentlemanly manner. but, were unable. to make the desired arrangement. for this winter road. The committee recommended {that a deputation from the Council examine 'the hill on con. 6, next June, with a view (to cutting hill, so as,to allow an outlet for | the timber on lots 2 and 3: Report arlopted. i }\ Deputy-Reeye MeKinley. paid to the 'Treasurer $12.50, refund' for 10 sticks of Townline. - Auditors', report was, aiiopted . and. 200 © pies ordered. 'The offer of T. H."Aconley of $5.00 for. timber on road, 'line con. 2 and Range 2, opposite lots 7, 8 and 9, was aecepted upon terms of tender. : : 'A communication from F, H. Ball was laid over, upon the motion of McKifsy and cedar uséd on. County road, Ore-Medonte'| Kz . The land is 1916. . Why? Yi", A) Lor SES os "0N. Le GA Here- is a Permanent Entertainer umbia dealers war: don't.waste it. re] 'Box' 178 Phone 259 forniution, re road to Goyt. dock at Hawke- stone. | Newmarket's petition re peat was signed by Council and ordered to be forwarded. Coun. Thoinpson. presented 4 petition from: his 'neighborhood re. free showplowing if Council would provide plow. On. motion of MéKinley 'and Scott, Coun. Thompson 'was authorized: wae a snowplow for tise on the roads "in the vicinity. of 8. S. io. 15. a) "Bylaw confirming appointment of town- ship officials was passed. " 1° 'Power was' given_to the Reeve. to deal with John -Elson's offer te purchase of some trees on, crossroad 25 and 26, con. 8. 'The Reeve -reported having 'sold some 'mall scrub <trees on road opposite J. H. Crawford's lot to him, for $1.00. "W. Enims,aked the opening of rosil ot line, con. § and 6,"between Ridge ani-the lake. Reeve' was tequested 'to.make bext arrangments possible to get rasd opened By-law re Colonization Roiids was gives two. péadings and will be: submitted to. the Minister of Public Works for his approval. The roads' designated for improvement in this byltw are ' Line, con. 1 and 2, lots 12, 13 snd 14 $4005. Line, con, 7 and 8, Jots:12,-13 and'14 $200 Line, con. 11 and. 12, lots 1 to 7 $400 and 12, lots 13, 14, and 15 rey amount passed for payment. Council adjourned 'to' meet' Mar, 21. st 20 am; a ic,