* pos catload .orders.cun'be filled, the 'purchaser than 2 bushels can be. accepted. . bushel at. the Distributing Points. 'LADIES'. SILK "HOSE $1.00 Lovely Silk Hose, Come in all the fn colors. Sizes 8% to. 16. $ Special #1 00 pr. YOUR LAST CHANCE TO 10¥4c. per yard. hight. WHITE COTTON AT 13c. YD. -The Wholesale price of this cotton is now If you want any. at 13c. come before 10 o'clock Saturday, caceeteeey sOnly 13¢. yd. 38e), CANTON -FLANNEL 25c. Heavy quality and Pure White. Price will be 35¢. after Saturday night. .Sale 25. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE IN 'TOWELS AND TOWELLINGS 36-Inch Navy Prints 25c, yd. 'These Prints are a balance of a purchase made months ago and are regular 35c. » » Values... coe: .+ Saturday Sale 25c. yd. MOORE & ARMSTRONG GET THE On Monday mornin; 36. CORSET COVER EMB'RY 25c. -4 pieces only to sell at the price. Dainty designs and 'fine quality. Our regular' 35c. line and all new goods. Saturday 25c. yd.° | WE SELL BUTTERICK PATTERNS [ THE BIG WHITE SALE WILL CLOSE AT 10 orcLOCk SATURDAY NIGHT. WE BELIEVE THE MAJORITY OF BARRIE LADIES HAVE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THE SPECIAL VALUES GIVEN DURING THIS SALE. TO THOSE . WHO HAVE NOT WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT THE STORE BEFORE 10 O'CLOCK SATURDAY NIGHT... SOME. VERY ASTOUNDING BARGAINS . WILL BE PUT ON DURING THE CLOSING HOURS.' VISIT EVERY DEPARTMENT AND GET YOUR SHARE. ~ E LOVELY APPAREL FOR THE SPRING SEASON e will-make our initial display of New Spring Apparel Millinery, Coats, Costumes, Dresses, Skirts, Blouses, etc., have been pour- ing in from all sources, and lovely garments they are. E \The Silk and Dress Goods Department offer a beautiful Collection. to , choose from. Make your Selection early. 4 Fabrics for making your new. Spring Costume: or Coat are here at prices under market valué. ' ' Millinery Department is now open, and no matter how inclement the weather may be outside, the new Models give the Store a Spring like appearance. HEAVY SHEETING 49c. YD. This Sheeting is a heavy and' strong qual- 2 yards wide and _ well worth 60c. or 65c. a yard. Sale Price 49c. vd. ity, well bleached. ee . es PRICE A big assortment of bro- ken lines of 'good .Quality Corseta. a - Several lings of Ladier Summer Lingetie. COMPARE THESE SMALLWARE VALUES. Mending wool on, cards, All pure "wool. Black only anda regular 2 for Sc: line. ' "Sale 1c. per Card Job lot of Diessing Combs, assorted kinds in a package............6 for 25. 35c. and 50c. heavy Dressing. Combs, White or Black. . Sale '29c. Infants' Delight-Soap -. . .3-for 25¢. Toilet' Seaps.... é ». Be Cake Palmolive goods all at... . ....Cut: Prices Fancy Dishes...... 2.4... . Half Price, "BUY THIS WEEK $5.00 and $6.00. Fine Quality Lace Cur- tains, 34 yards long.. Sale $3.98 pr. MOORE & ARMSTRONG SPRING WHEAT SEED "FOR ONTARIO 'The world demand for wheat in 1918 justifies the greatest. possible effort towards increased produgtion, The small acreages of Fall Wheat "put "in last Fall will mean imeredfed acreage in Ontario available for Spring Wheat. . Thé'-Ontario Government is co-operating with the farmers.in order to provide seed, It has purchased 50,000 bushels of No. 1. Marquis Spring Wheat 'through :the Séed Brarich of the Federal Department of Agriculture. More 'wilt be purchased if necessary to fill needs. ' stribution--Seed is sold only-in- 2-bushel bags. Garloads will be ,placed -at certain ts in the Province' where' Jess 'than to paying local freight from such distributing point to bis own stytion. Where Farmers' Clubs or other organizations: bring in var- Joad -lots, the price at their local stations will be the sume as at distributing points. "Where to Buy--Purchases made. be made } either in the warehouse at the distributing today by Mr. terday. Quebbec UNION Govr. HAS 60. MAJORITY Ottawa, Feb, 60. Prinoe Edward Island Nova Scotia. New Brunswick. Ontario Manitoba points, of orders may be-placed with the } Suskatchew nearest District Representative of- the -Pro- Alberta vincial Department of Agriculture, or they | British Colum! inay.be sent direct by mail to. the Markets | Yukon .......++..++ Branch, Department of Agriculture, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto. Payment in Cash--Price is' $2.74 per In' all cases, without éxception,.cash must accom- pany the order, : Serid remittance by mark- ed cheque, postal note, post office or ex- press money order made-payable to Ontario Department "of |, Agriculture, _ Markets 'Branch: = ' Order Early--In event of-the require- 'ments of the Province being underestimated, there may: not be enough seed to go/around. It is advisable in 'order to. insur¢ having their orders filled that purchasers should place orders ,as.soon as possible, - All orders | in are subject to confirmation and will be filled in the' order received. As seed iq delivered in 2-bushel bugs,order should be'for even number 'of bushels, and ;no order for Jess Names of Distributers. at local points "Distributing points 'at present devided are: Chatham, London, |. 'Woodstock, Hamilton, Braipton, St.Marys, Oshawa, Torotito, Port Hope, Port Perry, | Peterboro, Lindsay, 'Barrie, Orillia, will be'dnnounced later New: |" market, Listowel, Orangeville, Alliston, Dur- ham, Simeoe, Wellarid, Palgrave, Ki Brantford, Stouffville, jo Départment of Agriculture, Markets. Branch 'Parliament Buildings, Toronto. F.A. WIGGINS; Ontario Department Agricultire, Collingwocd Ont. gy Ce ete HOLLY Feb, 25--Miss Mary Lougheed has return- éd. home after-spending, some: time with friends -at Stroud. Misa'L, Morse-is recovering from 'per ill- "Kise Lilly Bloxham was home over. Sun- empt= | oa Wiley is récovering after his serious illness: frown Hill: armies and benefit him: of it. this work. CALL at our. office and "Barrie and Allandale |North | American, - 96 ; Total, 2,285: 3,059. Total Government Majority- "24--The official . soldiers' and naval vote taken in France, in Can- ada and in the United States, amounced W. F. O'Connor, General Returning Officer,-has increased the major- ity of the Union Government in Parliament Tt. was 45. when the civilian home vote wus counted, The soldiers' vote taken in Great Britain has 'all. been allocated to the. various constituencies, anda staff of sixty officers commenced to count it yes Mr. O'Connor expects it will all be in by 'Wednesday, when the Govern: inient's majority may. be further increased. The standing of the Government and Op- | position ut, present by Provinces is as fol- lows Govt: Opp. 4 There is: one. deferred' election--Nelson, Manitoba. Where Results are Reversed. 'The seats which have changed from 'the Nova Scotia; Opposition to the Government column are | Cape Breton South and Richmond, where \Kyte and.Carroll were defeated; Cumber- Mund, 'where ex-Speaker Rhodes is elected lover Hance Logan ;.Hants, where Martell's | majority has been wiped out, and Pictou, where McGregor has defeated' MacKay, all South Easex, Ontario, where Brien, Government, has defeated Atkin, Liberal; West Edmonton, where Col. Griesbach has'a large majority over Hon. Frank Oliver, and Skeena, British Colum: bia, where Col, Peck, nother soldier "6 didute, has been elected over Stork, Liberal. "Simcoe Majorities Bigger Simcoe North--Currie' (Government) -- nental, 253, ' Total 4,021 Drury (Opposition) _-- Majority, for Currie 1738. continental, | Civilian, 3,717; *North American, 51; con- vilian, © 2,272; 10; Simeoe South ---Boys (Goverment. -- 'Total, 151.. Mujotity 'for Boys, 4;348- Civilian, 5,044; North American, 96; con- £ tinental, 359. 5,4 Mitphell woo North. American, 3; 'sonfinental, 1: 1,136 ; 'Total Simooe East--Tudhope (Government) --~ Total, 6344. Civilian, aan North American, 177; con- tinental, 'y Sot (Orhostion) ---- ivitisn, North/ American, 5; continental,. jority for Tudhope, $286 iets oso $,024; Total, --U; ipholsterinig vand furniture repairing Arthur Dyer spont Sunday with: friends at { neatly * done by competent Dyer pet ay \ Dougall Bi Now is the FARMER'S opr tunity to aid our more LIVE STOCK and increasing the: pr luction ff by keepin; LOANS made to responsible men to aid. in enquire. : _ THE BANK OF TORONTO ; "eaablahed in 1855. Branches-- re workmen ~ 8 45-0) G.T.R. EMPLOYEES RECEIVE REWARD The local' railwaymen, 'needless 'to say, wre much pleased with the decision handed, down: whereby they are to receive sn in- crease in wages ; also' the nine hour day. 'The agréement is to lust.a yeur, subject to thirty days notice. " By award of 'the board of conciliution which investigated the difficulties between the.Grand Trunk Railway and its employees engaged in mechanical operations, the men secure the favorable incre: of $300 year for each employee and. also: greatly improved working conditions. Employees on 6000 miles of the Grand- Trunk Hallway track 'are coyered by the award, A # mary of the most importunt concessi obtained -by. the' men follows. A nine hour working day : time and a 'half for overtime and legal holidays ; em- ployees not to.be laid off during regular working hours to 'equalize overtime. A grievance committee. is tg; be established in the shops to tuke complaints to officials until the highest official is reached. This implies' recognition of the employee oom mittees. When « reduction of expenses is necessary the employees to be. placed on an eight-hour "day -before the staff. is re- duced. When'the staff is reduced seniority to govern, When' the full staff is again needed men who were laid off to be given the preference, if available. The apprentice system. is regul: allowing one apprentice for every 'mechanics employed and one for the ebop. Apprentices to serve four years und' then receive the minimum rate for journeymen Helpers. not' to be advanced to the: .letri- ment of mechanics' or- apprentices unless the men's committee hus been unable to furnish men. after 'two weeks' votification, the work not to be delayed in the aean- time i No more improvers to be employed and thé improver system mrust' puss automati- cally, 2 'standard -rates for mechanical trades on the .C. P. R., and other oads." Helpers after two years to receive a minimum rate of 35. cents per hour; after three years a0 cents per hour and after four years the imum. rate: of journeymen, The G.T, R. Company and men's repre- sentatives signed the agreement which be- comes operative on the 'first "of March and continue in operation for a year, when 30 |{- days' notice in writing is required to chenge [7 it. The> agreethent wax the unanimous award of the board. Annual Meeting of West Simcoe Co. L.O.L. The annual meeting of West 'Simcoe Co. Ol, was held st Stayner on Tuesday, Feb. '5, and in -spite df 'train service, the seduce was large, - The lodge was-op- trains were from '8.to 5 hours late; the meeting was adjourned - until 7 pm. Promptly at the sopoipted hour the re-opened with W. Co. Master Bro. T. Holbrosk in the i presented their gratulation" was 01 to W. Bro. Hocken, recently elected to Parliament at Ottawa... Letters of condol- 'ence were also sent' to families of late Bros. J. Smith and R. Buebanan of Barrié. 'The election of \officers' resulted as fol; lows : W. Co. ML, G. W/ Glover, 955; D. Ca: it, 's.| Hall was- unable to be /present owing to .| men, 'A new* schedule of wages. equivalent to | ened at 2 p.m., but owing to the-fact that / to be named later. An adjournment was, made at 11 p.m. in order to partuke of 2 banquet prepured at. 4 local restaurant. Nevdless to suy ry brother did his share in this part of the program' After supper the brethren returned to their hall and exem- jilified -the work of the R.°A. P. degree, 'Bra. G. Kitehen of L.O.L, No,. 363, being advanced to the dignity of a R.A.P, Marks- man, The' secret work was thorougbly' gone into and points-of difference were discussed Following the R.A.P. degree the secret work of the Orange and Blue degree was exem~ plified. Meetings of this nature are helpful to the 'cause of Orangeism and uniformity in degree work brought sbout. The meet- ing was kept up until' 7/am. Bro. Alex. lack of train service. Two Awards for: G1 The Board of-Congiliatigghird Investiga tion into: the dispute betviepi the misinten- |ance of way men on the¥G.T-R. and the has concluded ite award; after a ion held in Toronto. There is a majority award'signed by Judge G. Wallace 'of Woodstock and Mr. H. McGuigan for the G.T.R, uwerding the men' a-raise in-wages of 40 cents jer day. J. G. O'Dorioghue, . Trackmen representing the men, hus presented a mindriy report, awarding the men 60 cents a day for foremen, and 55 cents for trackmen, which is the finsl settle- ment that the-C.P.R. made. with' its track- after Goveryment _ interverition |through Senator Robertson. It is likely | that every effort-will be made at 'Ottawa to have the G.T.R. accept the minority' report, as the men are very firm in their demands for-a.reasonuble settlement, and they /ae- cepted the 60 and 55 centg increase"on| the .R. . All the trackmen on the G.T.R. lines in Canada are affected. \ Barrie Curlers at Stroud Barrie and Stroud again enjoyed a friend- ly game: of curling on-Stroud ice on. Mon- day last. Two rinks from» Barrie drove down: to' Stroud and although the ice' was, not all scientific curlers might desire, what' was lacking in this respect was. made up in were played and the score board showed \Barrie with a slight lead. Phil, Love met his old adversary Ben. Webb and the fourth contest betweerrs these two aristocrats of the iced arena' went to Phil. by a narrow rgin making sn even break. on four games, An now the "rubber." One James Paterson 'skipped the other Barrie rink paneer ene HOUSE PROPERTY FOR SALE IN BARRIE © Brick House with -all the latest conven- iences, finished in oak with coal,,wood and electric maitels. Situated on Owen, Street, Barrie.. A beautiful home, Terms easy. 6-room Brick House and jot, Bayfield St., ceatrilly located, with- all - conveniences. Price $3100. '-room Brick House,.Owen St., with all conveniences, with good stable 'and. first- clas: gurden, Price $2200. House and lot, Florence 'Bt, with large. i arden. "Price Neat-Bungalow, John St. Souifli. Price $700. Good 6-room Brick House, Francis -St. [Price $1800, _ Hous and lot, Dunlop St., with heating, and plumbing, overlooking Kem- jHabbick, secorid, and Alex. Brownk enthusiasm and. good will: Sixteen. ends 4 ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE 'PEOPLE OF BARRIE AND VICINITY Will move into new Shop, in the Ross Block (first building east of Post Office) about 1st. of March, with a full line of Serges in Blue, Black, Grey and Brown, also Worsteds and Tweeds. Good' assortment to choose from. Your order solicited early. Workmanship and fit fully guaranteed. 'H. J. TWISS, Ladies' and Men's Tailor. Telephone 731. and although he bad three "gree i is in prospect, in the pérsons-of "Doc" Simon, lea . |Seed Branch of the Department of Agri- culture at Ottawa exiled "Cleaning Seed" |is most timely und valuable. It tells 0 the' implements that are needed. and -the methods that should. be followed, especislly in the-cleaning of grain and. grass seed. A letter to the Publications Branch, Ottawa, will bring the pamphlet promptly and with out cost. was too much for Walter Patterson trary 'to. all: expectation "Jim" proved real:"mud-horse" on..soft ice and: nothing prevented: him, from reaching the winner. After the gaine the visiting etirlers. were right royally entertained at the home: of R. M: MeConkey which 'was very. much enjoyed prior to the: return" journey--and then the' deluge. Estate.of Late Thos. Sproule In order to wind up this-estate, it is neces sary to have all outstanding accounts paid forthwith' Any. accounts unpaid on Mar. Oth, 1918, will be placed in other hands for sollection». Albert. Purvi . mri ser Craigvale. 36 Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The importance of Pure Seed Pure seed: is an 'important factor. in greater production. It. might almost be said. that is the most important, for weedy seed hating once been sown, it. is impossible to foretell-the damage that ma; tbe done. to the growing -crop, or the dik 'appointment' that may ensue when gathe ing or reaping time comes round: Hence; Jat this season of the year, when sowing