Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Feb 1918, p. 9

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News from Neighboring Townships | As Told by Our Correspondents ; STROUD hood, The body was brought to Barrie: for burial. With the demsb of Charles] Barrie f Cuthbert Quantz' at lot 12, eon. Bove Ts Jn Denne 1t.Innisfil, on Feb. 19, the com- Licane on oe BY, VOWERE: it "Fy munity reveived a isis shock, [Vers bad cold. when that promising young life] Rev: Mr. Barclay, of Hamilton, was suddenly cut' off in a. few| Who | has spending some, days by-pneumonia, he being ex.|Weeks here, has returned home: ceptionally robust and active.| Pte. Carl Lennox has gone Deceased' was the only son of|overseas. : _ LABOR SAVED IS MONEY EARNED. WE HAVE THE. 'NECESSITIES -Mr. and Mrs, B. F, Quantz, Bar-| Mrs. -R. is As spending @ Our Washing . Machines, operated By 'Gasoline, Electricity rie, and was horn ¢ the farmjweek with Utopia friends. Water Power, 35 years ago. He was of a-bright| + A very pleasant time was sent : are superior 'in workmanship, reasonable in. price: and genial disposition and hadlat the kXine of Mr. and Mrs. si c Ps numerous friends, ax was altested at te ednesday wai] by the large. atten the/ing, when a number of. their REA burial, whieh took pla "t.} friends wafhered sto bid) them | e aytag K's Celnetery on i rewell on the eve of theirde- and. was conduc arture. fret our midst and to ss Rey. R. J. AV. Perry iClements, In réligion, at § sthool- and chureh, he was Pinected with the old Grai Presbyterian Shurch, of whic -{present them: with some token of inday |remembrance for their many On-lgood qualities, "To Mr. Ce ers was given_a wateh ch iocket, and the W.M. S..present- }Revs W. McConnell was paste to Mrs, Carruthers a Bible and Afterwards, when the church was 'the following address: closed, he attended he Strond! Dear Mrs. Carruthers----It is with : y Presbyterian and Methodist} mingled feelings of pleasure and) There iso Columbia Grafonola for }]Churches, Upon. the retirement|regret we are assembled 'here to- f your home, ut any price you may desire {of his. father in 1904, Bert took ni pleasure -of spending @ to pay. There is a Columbia dealer at P]control of the homestead, "Maple! sucial evening with you, and sin- your service, whose pleasure it will be J) Farm." and by superior manage-_ mus a Sev- to show you the models which you may J} Men{ and progressive methods of » friendly lies whieh cultivation, fiade farming ex= have bound us together so long ceedingly suceessful aid remin- We have always looked forward erative. "Tn the same' y with. the greitlest of pleastire to he married Miss Clara Rainé our afternoons spent' in. your] danghter of the late Mr.and Mrs. home as a Soecety. You have al- Jolen Rainey: then of Thornton, ways beeu mest courtecus and Ont, whe with two danghters. sympathetic and an earn t work= | Reta, aged and Gora, aged 6 er in all our ondertakines, aml years, father, mother and one while we shall sorely tiiss you, we sister, survive to.mourn his. loss. trust what will be our joss, will The -pall arers, mostly old be somebody else's gain You school mates, we as follows: have ever shown us by your zgn- Rabert Gibbons, Norman. V erous, example of giving, thal if Russel Webb, Fred Peacock, Wile we' are without. the imissiot liam Wubbert, and Charles- Wice, Spirit, we are lacking in Chr Washer Takes the "Blue" out 3 of Monday and solves the : : servant. problem:forever. : The motor runs Wringer The Ideal Water as well as Washer--the' |. ; Swinging Wringer. turns |' Power Washer in any. position. desired, : ' over rinse water, station- Those-who are favored ary-tub, clothés basket or with- water supply with | other receptacle. . To do sufficient pressure, have : good washing have good no trouble. with - this . hot water, good'soap and machine. It-opefates un- turn on the power leaving der lowest pressure of the: machine while' you any -Watér Power Mach- .are.daing your. other ine made. It does excel- work... 10 minutes' oper- lent work 'and is a. great desire' fo see, and-to hear. Regardless of the price you pay, the Coiumbia Grafonoi which you buy will be' high-class' musical instrument. "In cleurness 'and. resonance, and int appear- ance' it is certain to be equally gratify-_ ing.' It will he an ornament to 'your home, 4 source of daily enjoyment to your family, w delight to your friends. bia Grafonola brings you sic of the world: Opera, ballids, popular songs, 'instrumental, or- chestral arid band selections, the most rhythmic and compelling dance music-- ist ation all that is. required, labor saver: We-can.zefer he Columbix.Graforiola offers them all. ar er ra vlan spirit. For the whole mind, er 4 vor Cake ee ad IVY ' 'spirit. and life of Christ was mis- Havé one demonstrated you .to many houses, We as a hand of/) THE BEST ONLY IN at our store. Price $90.00] wheré we have placed Feb. 26.--A, numner ff the sion h il gladly play any ic you uld. . 3: 7 * . * ike to Deak" Let hie dogs youth young: people attended the dance seis markets eneuld Jeane WRINGERS ~\ This machine willoper- | them. We are pleased to nore' s. _ us ne. s & Fe a . ¢F ry a i 4 7 js ie Uegepnols, and Oy Gealetght il gt he Mere i Tper nia, i geod that we are taught by Christ our Guaranteéd by makers | ate a'Churn or Separator | demonstrate. Price is do the 4 - . time, thst dependence on one anoth: for 5 years. Price. .$6.50 | also. weg eee es eet $21.00 fo eo ay : lg SATURDAY SPECIAL is spending a holiday with Mr. 'seit. . FOR SATURDAY: "ONLY and Mrs. W Speers: We regret very. muc! bh your rée- The sad news came over fhe moval from our midst. and after 100 only--25 watt Tungsden Lamps for... "s 100 only--40 watt Tungsden Lamps for. . es GARRETT'S... MUSIC STORE P.O; Box 178 Phone 259 phone on Monday "morning that enjoying a well-earned: rest, may Mrs. George, Peacock. of Orillia, | if please Providence to guide had pased awa' Mrs, Pearoek {you back among your' 4 1 oas- was formerly Miss Martha Brown |sociations, where, 1, hssuige you, who was born in this nefghbor-!a most hearty weleume, Will a- .32c. each 3 100 only--60 watt "Tungsden Lam ps for... . ea -37c. each ' : Every Lamp tested before. leaving our Store. ° | | s 'ON HARDWARE CO. Limited GRAND Opera House ¥{ UITON HARDWARE CO. Limite - oy, pera ouse "The old firm with a new name." FIVE POINTS. HARDWARE wait you. In recognition, as a token of vur estbem for you, wel pay Dr.. Thos. J.'Henry of. Detroit | not" only. for liberal dona ask you t Ppl his Bible, and [spent a couple of days recently with friends | faithful work, We especially. may it always remind you/ef 'the y bere, knitters for the many dazeus of -perfectly Inany friends you leavein Ivy. Job, A: Thompson of 'Toronta is in town | knit sox which are being continually hand- e wish yo Mr, Carruth] 05 & vist for a few: days. ed into our sewing. roomis. we eh ae se sour new| ; Rev: J: F. Mears of Toronto spent a\tew |" the following eBicers, were, elected for s[Or8 Syery happiness inyout days last week st the home of Mr. and Mrs.|lthie year 1918: Pres,, Miss Elna Goodwin} ° ome,-and the kind and warm /j 'w. Henry, < st. Vice irs. Wr. Maw; 2nd 'Vice, FAREWELL rireconm hoes OF EE MOST, FASCINATING J ficctine sou hye abvays. shown "tatty ve i ai Chin fis ree yn, ou will soon secure mary friends [last Subbath owing 'to the illness .of the | son; Pree Seoy., Mrs, G, B. Henry; 'Trew. THORNTON tand will just extend our' very. sineere thanks to dur many kind' and' <tiuneh supporters, ONE NIGHT ONLY 7 | |THURSDAY, MARCH 'ot vou. in your new hone Fector, Rev. T. J..Dew. Mrs. Geo. Hill! 'Buying Committee, Mra. , H. foe roe an sour ae 'pent jin] | Mm 7, McFadden is sullering wit 8 | Robt. Westy Mim. J. "A. Lennox, "Mrs. A. vening » wa i Tsovere atiuck of pneumonia, Her friends | Srencep, LAURETTE TAYLOR $ NEW YORK TRIUMP games, mirsic and 'short addres- | hope for « speedy recovery. Sr ainry tale eobabisd ot Us tallies sex, testifying to the high .¢s=) Jos. A. Patterson has purchased the farm.| ing:--§ pillows, 10 suits pyjamas, 6 hospital teem entértained for Mr, and Mrs, | of the late Thos. Henry Estate. shirts; 4-pairs pillow cases, 12 pairs sd'x, 68 : sarruthers. 'They #4 be greats] <A number from here attetided 'the fare handkerchstie : Carruthers. They Be De great | well evening at,Andrew Moore's tast Friday, | re veraterd of the Sewing-Circle niet' at > ly missed: in the "Presbylerian tye 'and Mra, Moore will: leave: shortlyf0r tthe home of Mex WT. Hodgson one .even- Chureh, as they were faithtfal in {the West. tag: lee week io, Wilictacewell 40 Cle, attendance arid Hiberal to all work |" Everal Patton has returved zfter's visit | esteemed past president, Miss Georgie Boake of the church. «Mr. Carruthers with Toronto frierids ico aurace to Mw. ; was: choir leader for a few years. Methodist Ladies: Aid -- Clive, Alta, takes pice next Sa At the "regular monthly meeting of the | March'2,in Toronto. Duritig the plea ra) : : BY J. HARTLEY MANNERS Aiblecesh Soa ioneer Gont Z sterling 'silver teaspoons. The presentation | tablespoins. a Ladies' Aid. of the Thornton Methodist social evening Mrs. Hodgson read an NEW LOWELL | (aera One whose life was. associated with. this x Me SG Bosksexpréseed lec thwakginis tew ; 'Mn J. W. The it Bouke expressed, her. THE IRRESISTIBLE COMEDY OF YOUTH AND LOWE 7 orto: ores ate ut war gm Boge Se 2 Tran aed sacs man ine ae oe" Church' they 'presented their Secretary, Miss | (ress and Mrs. "Geo, Hill presented Miss | Georgia Boake, with an address and a dozen Boake with two handsome xterling silver Dear Frienc-It- ix with feelings of both ear Serres tie teas foot : sites oud eeionened by al ho: kar bee /-reqret and joy, Shak "et the: gave, dy Aligad . AiHier wader fame wu Ann :Paton, and Thornton Ladies' Aid, take this opportupity |. The cet as rigs Spares he was born ithe Coutity of Halton ;in of. wishing you goodbye and God-speed. We |, Dear Georgia As 'the: time for .your, ; és leaye-taking from: our jnidt draws. nes, the 1834. She lived in Toronto until -cannot express just how much we. will_miss IE8S in which your abe came to New Law- your' uniailing cheerfulness nad ye; the members.of the Thoenton 'Sewing e : 10,000,000: PEOPLE HAVE LAUGHED AND CRIED WITH "PEG" / a : % DIALOGUE THAT. IS SPAI NG? MIT ell, where her father had erected 'a saw' mill. | humor in our ge ieee ip eorant ch ma penal Nopetines this evening, / 7 . all your splendid willingness :to\help. forw: : HUMOR THAT IS TIMELY AND WHOLESOME SS hp i oe Fthy « President af our Circle. You « i y & Paton' Mrs. 'Macham | ask you to take with you this little gift as wo : Hai 95 ag Hil za a 200-aere. farm a small expression, of our hearty spprecia- [have abergs taken "a igen --_ i where she lived until her son, R. J. Macham, | tion of your wrork and opt of helpline: (wane of tees i oaieamaan gs Cari a Sce rac the nent_of it. He is ,among us And us you take-up your new batt : h _ This Company Carries'& 60 ft. drlond of Scenery, Props, Brica-Brac and sa he i Rnlee horn "Crs [ ates fin nw home twit make Srtiog othe werk te Gc foe ' faithful member of the | many gw friends where. your 'new worl been' an. inspi : : ; i Electrical Esfecte Trysern Cootihe Nee: Leal Tee (wil bar shin unly "ted often, of your} Be ar service are to Be ote family -consisted of seven daughters und | many old friends. in Thornton aud awe can ; US. but our grief is by far outhslaneed by two. sons, Mr: Macham died seven years j assure you there will always be very.niany | thé joy' we feel at your entering into, the | field of mati 7, wh it be-ue - 'ago and two 'daughters and one son also: and pleasant memories .of, you ameng ' Bi firsecraest lic ese 8 'ot NOW PLAYING TO CAPACITY BUSINESS IN TORONTO scr antes ac" tt |i cua [tel er Oe 4 2 cee ee ET A. Mrs, (Dr.). Hunt, | < Signed on behalf of the Thornton. Ladies' Mre. 7 Ww, come ae Lowell; Mrs. | Aid--F- 'M.. Henry, Pres; E. 8.. Lennox, speed to your new home, and 'trust, though. fi from the old "easing M. Johnston, Decewrvile, 'Ont., and Soa ill santos peabiag ens Hoge irs, | Vice- tes a MB kala, co in Thornton ois men's War Work, snd that gina 'will PLAN OPENS MONDAY, MAR 4 cmsinanessecosmsinaiimecsiiant| gia" 60 tae Ned ood es stars Sere rt are TY CHURCH | © | nouthy bu sent toed Gri Serene, [2 prareane ayers we Sa Bema ost en nto, et » PRICES--25° 50° 75° $1.00._NO HIGHER = utara Sen eee | Z Third Sunday in Lent July and August-- 24 hori ie ; fo, use them, :and that they will always < s Sept--18 suits pyjamas, Oct.--12 Prove; a connecting link, between' yourself q i ~ . s 'i 830 a.m--Holy Communion. shirts, 3 -Nov.--12 and ie cies é Sewing a 3 i$ 4 ss = 1 .--Morning Prayer, Holy Com- Citele, ist: whose ee: Seats on Sale at A.\F. A. Malcomson's, Phone 447w, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. QM | Samant : Gea : 38 rai ' : 3.00 pm--8. 8. and Bible Classes. i s 2 -- " 7.00 p.m.--Evening Prayer and Sermon. ea ' yee Bx} ae dD _RAYMOND, es

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