~ Depot Agent It isa matter of the greatest: that Canada should increase her pro¢ tion of BACON HOGS and other live stock as there is at present a world-wide short- age of meat. Good markéts for some time to come are assured. © fr ° _THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. -will gladly 'make loans to assist farmers in good standing to acquire live stock. BARRIE BRANCH mCRA D TRUNK svsvem § THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE BETWEEN. "MONTREAL "TORONTO DETROIT AND CHICAGO UNEXCELLED - DINING CAR SERVICE, Sleeping Care on principal day trains Cars on night trains and Parlor | Full particulars from any Grand Trunk "Ticket Agent, or C, E. Horning, Distriet. Pusseager Agent, Toronto, Ont. J. -€. BILLINGSLEY Your Reading Needs arae Are Well Supplied --at-- ; Plone B | Mrs, 'Rheinbcldt's 'Jas. Arnold « Fire & Life Insurance Agent Real Estat: and-Money to Loan t A vaniber ot Valuatie Farms and Towp, Properties fv Sule on the most reasor ableterms © ° + BN NK OF TORONTO BUILDING BARRIE 6.6, Smith & Co, UNDERTAKERS Open Day and Night Morgue and Chapel in connection BARRIE, ONT. Phone: 82 a fF. a MALOOMBON Representa insurance Companies of undoubted Financial Standiuy a nd . ALL STEAMSHIP LINES. Your passage book-d tv or fron . parts of the world. A. F. A. MALCOMSON THE INSURANCE MAN AND STEAMBOAT AGENT. Repr iting Canadian Norther: © .0. Square, Barrie. 'Phone 4475 -W. D. Minnikin Licensed Embalmer Proprietor .. THE BARRIE UNDERTAKING ren tl (Successor to the:Late Medford Webb) | Butt line of "all the Jatest | Caskets kept. in stock, in- cluding' Grave Vauits and Oak Shells, * 'Open Day & Night Phone 431 W.RNellly, Funeral Direotor PIE, CARED AND: SaaTRY: "Bake Sal i Bllsabeth and Small Street: i oes ae | ' Jup 'the drive ant tirned Lowards : Es « L. F. CROSS; -- THE | BLACK | BOX By E.. Phillips Oppesheim ; SYNOPSIS ' Sanford Quest, master criminologist of the th brother, to récover:a stolen | 4, skeleton of an anthropoid ape, hurned to reception, where her dia- monds. haye bsen torn from her throat hy a pair of hands without arms or body, a bluck box later appears-from nowhere rooms and a note contained in it, signed by the 'armless bards, sarcastically suggests that the Rheinholdt onds and the skel- éton muy be hidden-together. While Laura, Quest's secretary, shadows Craig,- the Pro. feasor's valet,-Quest and Lenora, his »wis- tant, find the skeleton. in's hut in the Pro- feasor'a garden, and discover there.an in: human creature, half monkey and half man. fa the Professor explains, the but is set. afire and the monkey-man and 'skeleton are 'destroyed in the flames. . In Quest's rooms the Rheinholdt:diamonds suddenly reappear, enelosed in a gecond black box with a' note signed by the threatening 'hands, ~ an (Continued: frpni last. week) A-moment or two: later Quest laughed sof jin ws he caughl sight c upstairs, paused in his sit- om rom the Thedvogm. off, and itation selected from the ward- robe-a rough tweed suit with a thick lining and lapels.) Just as he was tying his 'tie, the little wireless which he had- laid on the table at his side began to re- jeord the message. He -glanced at the clo It. was exactly three. Craig here inthe Pro- fessor'y garage, locked up. If our Plan bas succeeded, come at. once, | 1 am waiting here 'for-you." Quest's eves shone Tor a ino- ment with sa sent off Wis answering 'niessage, put on duster and slouch halt, left. the house by the side4en- france. In a few-minatexhe was | in Broadway, dnud-a quarter:of ain | hour "later a' taxicab. deposited him at the entiance to the Pro- Tossor's house. - He watked swiftly only to tae a cigar abinet, passed onto the threw Laura's' clothes ca in int lai the garage, hoping. every moment |o" !o.see something of Laura. The door*of the plage stood open. He entered and walked around, It was emply, There' was no' sign of either Craig or Laura ! oy Quest, recovered from his: firs disappointment; stole cirefully out and made a-minute-examin. ation ofthe. place. lose: to the corner from which Lenora had sent her wireless message (6 him, he-stooped picked up a hand- kerchief, which from the. mark- ing he recognized at once. A few feet away. the gravel was dislurb- | ed as though by the trampling of several feet.. He set his. teeth. Fora single" moment his own Hal produc- | Quest." red: ed 2?" ~"'Perhaps I made a mistake," |he admitted, "but here L-am. listen, Profeswor. will be painful to you, but. give me your best attention for a few These young women assistants of mine have formed a theory of their own about the murder in.my flat and. the robbery of the jewels, ; Hold on to your chair, minutes. ment. wi al any shreds companion nounced, afew moments hes, | he wireless. or at liberty, she will cémmuni- assented. isfaction.. Then he | jie It. is S, The Professor swung around in his chair, and eyed his visito in blank astonishment...» ° / -"Quest 2" he exclaimed. tbléss my soul4 you out already, th "I came "out," est replied down ant--Hten. to. Timly. "Sit me for a moment, "You came Pro! hat the guil: " he ing sor. person was Craig." Hav they le! vill: you 2" out The Professor's. face was il "That's ent on. » find "yor he "Maybe," The Profes: nd" the of evidence. ont most pitiful-in its blank amaze) His mouth was 'open like a child's, -words' seenied absolut- ely denied to him. their "They. may be right or they may be wrong-----Lenora, rate, thas collected some "Ehey hatéh- eda scheme between them, clever | theor 7 Ques Baath fhe mire at Lord weit: lonough- in its' wast They' locked|trevblée' ror vali you the truth, daughter, be has but just entered a lfeand: |Craig up in your garage, and got |Professtr," Quest" caneéhuded:it contest. with 'a ious master |Mie out of the.Tombs in Lanra's|it, not af myself Tam thinking at beer Engaged by Professor Ashleigh, |cluthes., I have come straight up,iall just now. It is Lenora Why, replied, "but sor, to where he had "Now," he said, "what has he- Walked deliberately down the cor-|Come. of widor of the 'prison, crossed the | Wha' pe pavement, and. stepped into a-tax- [ant Letiora ? terrupted your man Craig}and has heeome of my assist- ieab. He reached Georgia Square) "Perhaps we had better search at five minutes to three. A glance |{he "house," The Professor sug- up and' down assured 'him that /®ested... "Craig: 2 My dear Mr. the house was 'unwatehed, He let |Quest, you little kniw himself, in with' His own Reysand| "Where is he, then 2" Quest The Professor could do nothing lof his reflection in. the mirvor. The. house' was strangely: quiet |bul and deserted, but he wasted no time in looking around. ie ran|te" the house . . without. result "Tam. going te with me. "My ok around him a little vag_ uely. Together they went back and searched it - Then they re- jturned once myore to the ga ge. back." Quest an- only? éhance is If Lenora is alive "May I come too.?"? the Pro- fessor asked limidly. iter has' upset me thoroughiy. cannot stay here without -Crai: "Come b; ya w car. if: you later They sithi othe' id it down, est declar nds. Just o "This ntat- Il. means," Ques! ill drive you down you like." The Professor hurried away to get his coat and hat. and a few minutes In Broadway they left the-car ata ze. and made their way up a k street, which .eriabled them! fo-enter the house at the. side en- rance, they started off. sed ng-rooni. upstains Quest fetched the pockel wireless, and The uble." Professir exainined it' with ine ter "You are marvellous my friend," | "With all thes# re-! not heernshere, remember !" sources of science at ye Mand, it seems > ineredible that! you should be in the position you] are. Quest nodded, coolly, }\ "CU. get out Of that afl right." | Lo the front door, peered out for! he asserted 'confidently. trouble is that while Iam dodg- ing about.like this dcanngt devote myself properly to the' task of minning down ua Com- 'The only the fiend of the rie moniént,: Pro. fessor, while. L send off.a meas- Sage," he' continued, opening the little: instrument. you, Lenora'?" he signalled. "Send me word, and J will fetch you, Tam in my own house for .the "Where are 7 esent. Let me kriow that danger. was forgotten. A feeling bas earn Pre RNY RE On which he utterly failed to'recog-|" "phe Professor leaned . back. nise robbed- him of indomitable nerve. He realized with vivid. but scarcely displeasing 'potency a Wedkness in' the armour of his complete self-control. + "T've gov to find the. girl, muttered. ""Oraig ean go to hell." He turned away 'and approach- ed the house., The front door stood open, and he made his way at. once to the library. The Pro- fessor, who was. sitting -at his desk 'surrounded by a pile of books and papers, addressed hiim as he'entered without looking: up, est cigars. He "Quesi,"ke said: "i helinduce you to dis smoking one of Quest's excellent was beginning. to" show signs of the liveliest inter- wish I could iss this ex: traordinary supposition of yours ooncerning my servant Craig: The man has heen with 'me. for 'the best part of twenty years. saved my life in South America: we havé travelled in all parts of the world. He has proved him-|hurriedly in the direction of the self to be exemplary..a faithtnl{street." - i i and devoted. servant. "Where 'on earth have you been, [it absurb, Mr. T thought Quest, when you!" 'and tell juited petulantly. "I have tung for you six times. Have Inot told you-never to leave the place without orders ?" "It is not Craig;" Quest replied. Professor--Sanford "God the -Profes- sor repeated, looking a' little daz-} "You mean that you escap- ow 1 know .this garage open and Lenora miss ing." The'Professor-rose to his feet, obviously making a tremendous éfforl to adjust his ideas. "Craig locked up in m age ? y -gar- murmurined, "Craig guilty .of those murders? my dear Mr. Quest, a more harm- less, a more inoffensive, peaec-- loving and devoted servant than John Craig never trod this earfh!"} Quest come out here, Mr. Ashleigh." followed his the garage. Quest showed him the open door tracks picked up to haudkerchiet. {Stooul at the end of the street. A "He}* |were suspected of these. crimes. 1 should 'think: it even more rid: feulous. to associate Craig with them in-any Way. whatever." "Then perhaps you will tell ine," Quest suggested, "where he is now, and why he has gone a- way ? That -does not look like T leomplete.innocencn, does: it 2" 'The-Proféessor sighed. "declared.-" "Craig is a man of highly nervous susceptibilities. 'The. very idea of being suspected of anything -so. terrible would: be enough to drive him' almost out of hisunind, Tam-eonvinced that shall find him at. héme"pres- ent ith-some xeasonable ex- pkination of his absence," ' Quest 'paced | the: room few minutes meodily. » There wag a certain amount « reason' in the Proféssor's point of view, 2 "Anyway, 1 ¢; ;much longer, tn back -to the Tonibs," he declared, "Surely," the Professor sug- gested: * your innocence will very von he established 2" |. "Theresis-oné- thing whieh: will happen, without a doubt," Quest jreplied. "My auto and the chauf-- feur will he discovered. Ihave in- Sisied upon inqtiries being sent Gut throughoutthe State of Con- tlneeticnt. 'They tell me, too, that the police-are hard on the seenf for a not. stay "here ss I mean to go They believé UnJess they get wind of and, sell-me purposely, their est "will be tbe end of my The Professor nodded: sympa- thetically. The young lady who Graig up in the garage; mean? A Paueky young. woman she must be." "She has niany other gooi +|qualities besides courage,"Quest declared, "Women ™ have - not counted for much with me, Pro- fessor, up till now, any. more. than. they have done, [should think, with you, but T fel vou frankly, if any one has hyrt a hairgot that, girl's head V.will have their lives. whatever 'the peualty may be! It is her sake---to find her--thal poke ont of prison and that J-ab ry ine 40 keep tree, 'The Wkest thing to do, from my point of4view would be to give myself Ap. 1 can't bring myself to do that/with out Knowing what has becothe of her." . Phe Professor nodded. again. "A charming: and well-bred young womin she 'seems. he ad_ mitted. "I foar that [ should only be a bungler in your profession, iT ean do to help her whereabouts jupon me, Pe: y, Tam eon vineed that Craig will return to me with some plausible explane uty diseg afion as to what has' ha Tn that case he will doubtless bring 'news 'of the' young. lady." Quest, for the third or fourth lime, moved cautiously towards the window. His expression Su@_ denly changed: He glanced down-| warils, frowning slightly. An alert light flashed into his eye. "They're after me!" he ex. jvlaimed. "Sit Still, Professor." He darted into his revi, aud reappeared again almost inuned- Jiately. - The Professor gave a.| leasp of astonishnient at his al- (eked. appearance. His tweed suit Seemed lo have been tirned in- side wut. There were no lapels now, and it was buttoned up (o his j neck. He wore a long white apron, a peaked cap and a chin-piece of astonishi naturalness ~ had transformed. him into the sem. \t eof a Ditel grocer's be Tm off. Brofessor, 1 have } :He 'rin diehtly down the steps and into the kitchen, picked up_a basket, filled if haphazard 'with | vegetables, and threw.a cloth over the top. Then he made his way a moment, swung: through' it on to thie sfep, and, turning around, | mmencer: 16, belabot it with his | t. -Twis. plain-clothes | men, lige automobile drew up out. "Appearances are nothing," he Red Gallagher and the other |S Mr: Quast, bot if there is ahything | Says?" h i "With an Annual Divi- _ derid Policy in 'the Sun Life _of Canada * Canada's Greatest Life | Insurance Co. D. J. REBURN, | "Phone 142. \.. Dis. Mgr. jhid better leave off. delivering lgoods chere: for the present." Quest Went off, grumbling, He walked, with the peculiar. waddle affeated by young 'Dutchmen' of certain class, and was-soon oul sight around the corner of the eel., Frengh, opening the door with a master-key and_seduring it carefully, leaving one of -his meu to guard it. He searched the jrooms on the ground floor and finally ascended to Quest's' study. 'The P: his ciza j "Say, where's Quest?" the In- je | eplied, in a tone of in the 'Tombs prison ' The Inspector pressed .on with- ont answering. Every room: in |(he house was ransacked. Pres- ently -he_eaime back 'to' the- roowi where the Professor was' still ssitting. His usually good-hum- joured: fave was a little eluded. "Professor --" he began. "What's that, Miles?" A plain-clothes man from 'the street had come hurrying into the room. . "Say, Mr. Ereneh," he wéport= ed, "our fellows have got hold of a newsie down if the street, who Iwas coming along way round the |back, and'saw two men enter this jhouse by the side entrance; 'half ago. One he desertibed s the Professor here. The rithout a doubt.was Quest." Freneh turned swiftly towards |the P sor, focYou ter what this "man exclaimed. «Mr: Ash- \ieigh, your fooling me You entered-this: house with. Sante Quest? You mist tell me where he is' hiding," he: Professor-knoyked Ure 'ash from his cigar and} replaced it in-his mouth. His.efasped hands rested in front of him. There was a. twinkle of something al- most like mirth 'in his eyes. as he glanced upat the Inspector Mr.-Preneh." he said,- "Mr, Sanford Quest is my friend. 1 am here-in charge of his house. Relieving, as { do, that his arrest was an egregious -blinder, I shall say or do nothing likely to afford you information:" Pr way. Suddenly a'new light broke in upon him, he rushed towards the door, - "That gamned-Dutechie!" he Pxelaimed., ¥ Thé Professor smiled henignly. (To Be.Continued:) . If you have any new ring 'up The Examiner. Phone 194 DANGER TO . SYSTEM UNLESS ACTION IS TAKEN ~ Ignorance alone can excuse neglect of the health when all' inuiations point to Kidney trouble. Everyone should know that from the-hour the eens fail to remove the poisons from the blood streaz, these poisons are accumu: | sidé the gate.. Tispector French, minutes already have T wasted, 1 French «miled: ¥¥ou 'cag hop it, Dutehia," he advised. "By the by, when wa: that order: for vegetables give: he-added, frowning for a moment, "It is three times a week the The Inspector' pushed hin! "You run along home." he said,' your master that he me attended by a policeman, stepped, Se out. Phe former tooked search. | is in danger from poisoning? One or ingly at Quest. more of the following symptomis should "Well, my. boy, what, are you, leave mo doubt in your - Tf you i 7 ¥ | are the victim of backache, pains in the doing here?" he. asked. | back or-sides, or JLombago, ture nee "I cannot answer yel, Quest 'calling'for better' idney action. replied, in broken English: "Ten Suneeggunaeter have -Anoeked at 'all the doors." lating ready to cause sickness, pain and rings « i - ie How are you to know that the system sot was Still enjoying |: jnuild surprise. "I thought he was |2! sh turned' impatiently a-|y fF February 14, 1918 -- @WEADYS-JONES 'THE WELSH SOPRANO; - Teacher of Voice | ion and Singing.. Special lee: sons for ; 'and 'Studio: at Mrs. Gauley's, 67 McDonald' St, Barrie, Phone §81. For terms, etc., call at studio on Wednesdays Voices tested' free. MAUD E. CLAXTON, L-T.C.M: PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS. In vocal 'work special attention is given to Voice Production. : Pupils prepared for A:T.CM in both piano atid 'vocal; also ele mentary"exams. of .Toronto Conservatory |of Music or University' exams. ' Studio: 'King Block. Phone.424.-'.' ~_MISS ELSIE NELSON 'TEACHER. OF PIANO AND. THEORY, Pupils 'prepared for examinations. in the different colleges. Also painti ~. Studio at- Mrs. Phone 186. °°) LEGAL _ ALEXANDER COWAN Successor to Lenox, Cowan. & Brown Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining. probate of inship and admis istration, and >|} Wills, gua General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ete Offices: Hinds' "Block, No. 8 Dunlop St Money to loan, _. BOYS & MURCHISON. Barristers, Solicitors, Notary "Public, Con: veyaneers, Ete. Money to loan at 'lowes: rates of interest. Offices: 13 Owen St. (in of Toronto). Branch' office, W. A Boys, KC, MP. DB: CHARLES W. PLAXTON ° BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, RTC, - 606 Coutinental Life Building, southesst cori Bay and Richmond Sts, Toronto. . + DONALD ROSS, LLB. BARRISTER, 'SOLICITOR, ETC; Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie," Money to loan Elmvals, Ont. C. Marte BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS FOR THE Supreme _ OR. HT. ARNALL and Elizabeth Stretts, opposite Elizabath St. Methodist: Church." Telephone 167, -., DR/W.A. ROSS_ LR.CS.,, Edinburgh, F.CP., Londo, Phy- sician, Surgeon, ete. Office, and Residenes, Dunlop 8c, Barrie: > 185. DR. E. G. TURNBULL (McGill) (Successor to Dr: R. 8. Brosd).: Office and Pesidence, corner Flizubeth and Bradford Sts,, Barrie, Phone '105. W. A. LEWIS, M.D., CM. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY, espevial- ly.. Phone 61. 56 Collier St., Barrie: DR. VICTSR A. HART Graduate. of Trinity. University, 'Totosito, also. Edinburgh 'snd Glasgow. Specialty Diseascs of Stomach. Office: Corner Bay: field and Worsley Sts, Office open until 8 pan. daily, aes DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W.7Forenta,' will be at 92 Gwen St, Barrie, every Saturday," Dae eases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat' Gop: sultation hours 11 a.m. to-5 p.m. and by 'sppointment. Toronto Phone Nor:h 33826 Barrie Phone' No. 2.) i 3 CHIROPRACTOR DR. VYLA M. FINLAY. U.C. C. Graduate. Office ang' residence, 21 MeDonald St,, Barrie. : ACCOUNTANTS LAWSON, WELCH & COMPANY. 1D. ACCOUNTANTS, - Crown fe ing, 59-Yonge Street, Toronto. Telephone Main 5874. * |. F.- Lawson. H. J. Welch. <_. JAMES PATERSON Licensed Auctionéer and. Appraiser For County.of Simcoe, Prepared to' con- duct Sales at reasonable: rates. Satisfaction 120 Bayfield St., Phone. 191. left at A. F. A. Malcomson's office will receive prompt attention. The Barrie Planing Mill 'Corner Sophia 'and Mary Streets Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Mould- 'ings, Water Troughs, Tanks, ete. We -carry in' stock a." large assortment of Rough and Dressed ' Lumber, B.C. Shingles and Pre-~ ared:Roofing. Wood Turning and. iin Drying a Specialty. Dressing '| done promptly. At the sri tniayes of Rheumatism, ankles ints, or other, tion of arte acid. pou is so sure money-back guar- Se 'Main St, Consult'us. with your building. 2 FURS! iting. . 'Bertram's, 23. Owen St,, the premises formerly 'occupied by the- Bank. Office and Residence- Corner: of Toronto . A yf a sae HAR eae RQOODDORyER Oddo rHa ets OR & © @eres!