Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jan 1918, p. 1

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_ CIRCULATION This |DR. SPROTT ELEC} - A HELPING CHASE TURKS = [another: field "ambulanee. THOSE: WHO WILL sir "The, Lilac Bomino" a For East 'op Central Site me Nip [country is a great advertisement = ) 4 Sub-Division: East tral |- aq 5 Ee EPS Re Sats y Fee ee ee a tara], MAYOR FORMS o-Dries: "Sh Court" peaaig CO, COUNCHL| 7h Fite Data me E Tees \ thousands of thein out heré. They) |. 0* 0° | n------- Boe Capt. Percy Sarjeant writes In- | seem, (o be the ouly 'ears which|J. F. Craig lacked ten votes of 2 H Tree * vk with |2°¢ light enough to 'keep frorir ., 3 anes 3 . terestingly of his work with sinking too deep in the -sand.| Getting fourth Fn British Forces in Palestine. «|Thiey. use theni as ambulances| | 'tors favor a Central B:C.I, a anti Jand~ with a wagon box on: for Tg 20 anes Frogn Laat Va,y|Chatles:Cuvillier, Which delight. ig, |Few Changes from Last Year éd the most critical] audiences of 19 --Most of the Members Now York 'and Bostdn for an en- 39 : . mies ire year,-will be presented for Py Elected 'by Acciamation. the first time in Barrie at the : : = Grand Opera House on Monday, P Capt. Percy Sarjeant, who was |carrying' stores. and as touring} © Mayor--Dr.-R.'J. Sprott." / 48° Only. "a small. percentage of|Jun, 14. ° J. Humbird' Duffey, i » with the Britt troops in Meso- | pare The ambulances only car- Reeve-----Geo. B. McLean. B4 new faces will be seen in* the formerly of the Mottdpotite ? » Polamia for a year and spent gn- ty two steetohor canna 'and one ist Deputy--W. P. Soules. 60. {County Council when it assembi-|Opera Co.of New York,. Marjorie a other year in hospital work in. sitling Ticats oes eielo re '2nd Deputy--Chris, Horsfield." 43, js for.the January session en the| Dunbar Pringle, Canada's great- - Egypt, is now in Palestine. The! twenty at 8 : -- |22nd inst." The members who est light oper; following letter 'was written from!bulances, so they do the work} -Aldermen--tL, L. R. Ord; H.-E. Total'... ..... .. 888 410 haveenot previously been in 'the| e pera prima -donna 'esar Gonzales, , Previously con- 1 the Holy Land on Noy. 10. to his|all right. Reid; II, C. H?Beelby, Dr. A. H: goa Council are James Shi -- | nee: i Savage' : Barents, Mr, aid Mrs.'A.d- Sar-| "Today ur» division moved | Brother; De yaar, iW. |.. Medotily for Oenial; tne, ..". PERRIS ape dacs Shahan fA Hiplish Geek ee a cemaels {ean -* ; back to railhead: for a few days"|Payne; IV., A. E. Lennox, W. Ad- Which Central Site? C. Horsfield. of. Barrie, A. MeIn-|Payne, last season with the Ane "4m with. the 32nd Field' Am{jtest. Then on we. go to Jerusa- V., Thos. Pearce, R. J./Sub-Division Agr: Park Harvey |tosh of Collingwood, C.B. Janes |dreas Dippel 'Opera Comigque Co.; i bulance of the 10th Irish Divis-|lem-- perhaps ?~ The old Turk is » Alex: Clark, We S[q PES 14, J¢f Orillia, Wm. Gowahlock of Or_| Herbert Standing, who has best ion and we have been pretty busy |0 the run:now. _ We have taken er ape 7 na 2a-- . 22 15. jillia Tp., and -Dr. McKenzie of identifiéd: with the George Ed- for the past few' days. You will|@ good. maily 'prisaners. and the 8 above is "the: composition | 5). -- 25 * 16 .|Tottenham. Members who have|wards' 'productions. 'in. London; have known long ago of the great} Australian Cavalry. is still trying|of Barrie's' Towa Council for|3._ 9 .'20__ [served previously but were not in|Clara Thropp, a comedienne with work we liave been doing out|!o round off more of-them. But/ 1918, and eight of these-did not 23 26. [the 1917 council are: G. B.'Mc-an international reputation; 'Led. " here. 'The old Turk is now on his|the Tur! pretty good at retire- have avats in the council cham- |; 81 14 Lean of Barrie,. Jno. "Toole \of|ily Wilde, for the Past six sea- Nhat ) Way to Jericho. or somewhere|Ments. It was the same. in Mes-|ber last seer. Messrs. Ord, Reid, | ; 66 14 |Midland, Alex. McArthur of Oro,|suns. with Henry W. Savage's "thereabouts. The 10th Division |ipotamia when we chased thim|Beelby, "Adamson, "Finley." and 60 3 jA- A, Cunningham of Orillia Tp.|produetions; Sydney De Grey, the F distinguished themselves by tak-|vack to Bagdad. The Turkish |Gracey are new to the municipal 33 6 jand T. B. Shaw of Matchedash. | well-known singing and dancing ing the Hereira redoubt. 'It was| soldier lives on very little; only game, but (he. Mayor and Reeve Sow 84 4 |, Owing to Port. MeNicholl tak-|comedian, who, has appeared in a very strong redoubt, a sort of/4 Turkish biscuit a day, and he|have had experience "that - will 46° " 3° |ing part of-Tay, "that.township|the principal comedy roles. with of sup-/Prove helpful: to them. i natural fortress with barbed wire |is setting nearer his hase loses its second deputy-reeve. E.}the leading London and Nqw York ; and trenches all-about and de-|Plies all the time while we are] Apparéntly the electors took 4 126 |Dutton- and [: §. Taylor,) reeve|musical: productions' for" years, fended by- machiiie guns. -Our| Setting farther 'away from our only a moderate interest in the Majority for Ngricultural Park |@24 deputy-reeve-., in' Tay last|are among. the' cast, A large, boys lost rather heavily but they |base and besides biscuits we -are | various contests, as less than site, 320. year, have changed places -forj}pretty and Vivacious Broadway qe took it. If was one of those stir-,Setting "bully" and jam ind tea. 1,000 votés 'wereffpolted from a For Aldermen 1918. f'vl.Chorus sing and dance their Ying Weeds that' are taken. as a/We have captured the Turkish |list of 2379 namls, By wards Ward I ik bs i| J: T. Simpson, reeve of Tiny|way through » the twenty-one' matter of course now; it's an ev-/Tailway which runs from Beer-|the polling was as follows (in the] Ward I.-- - > Total Ifor the Just seveft years, was tied beautifully staged musical num-' ¢ eryday occurrence, but you hav¢|Sheba to the Gaza--Jerusalem line | mayoralty contest): I, 112 out of oo 51 142 |for' the "teeveship: by W. D. Rob-|hers of the entertainment, fo»hand it to our division any.|and we expect to connect it up|275; I1., 165 out of 370; IIL, 123 62 102 |nins. * way. - with our line in'a'few days*now-.| out-uf-358;°IV., 288 out-of 528; "8165. This Year's Members _ - The Late John Turner "I joingd the 32nd Field Am-|, "I'm living ipja little canvas|V., 156<out of 448; VI, 146 out|Ward/I¥-- 'Adjala--James Shehan. ~ The 'death' of ° John Turner, bulance on: Nov. 5, . just 'before|Divouac about 'six feet square|of 400. Lennax .. i + 87 96 183 Alliston'--James Moore. < which' took plave at his home i + 73 79 152 Bradford--J.'E. Coombs. UiNsdale on 'New Year's Day, they moved up with the brigade.|and four feet high gt the. ridge.! The close finish for the may-1 Adamson # We had along march that night|/T'm writing this lotter "lying on|oralty was a surprise to doth | Cur .\. 89 j_ Barric--G. B. McLean, W. P.|marked: the passing of one of and .our ainbulance bivouacked,/™y blankets on the ground. Of|parties as each expected to win Soules, C. Horsfield. the oldest settlers of Flos," Al- t {the night, in a/Ccourse, T'm° sleeping on. the|by a good margin. The extreme de reves xeton---W. T. ' " ma ae waa: (or gal) aout 2000 yards | sround now and only have part/ends of the town split about even, Sgen Wetting et. Theentari Colinewoed Seat at "A faults Hie deareane, ida ia behind the front line, Next morn-|?f my kit (supposed to have not|Craig getting 24 in: No. 1 and| ON of those rather rare but we pm Eee ome sudden. ing was the day the show start |0Vver 30 Ibs.). Our main diet now| Sprott 20 in No. 6, . Sprott led by |Ye'S happy events, the celebration ee WiLawednce, Janaut a nile eee tase ed. Jt Was. @ very important|is "bully" and biscuits and ofe Now? and 28 in No. 3, while/@r Atty years of wedded Wed,| , Cildwater--A, 'W. Rohineon'..|where hie iene ott iio a show too, because the Turks had) Night I was reduced 10° eating Craig was 20 ahead'ih No.'5." In{Banignship, took 'place. om Wed. . Culdwate Dundas, J..J..D. Ban-|1835 on coming from. Scotland, Jan. 2-at the homé of Mr. and all the wells strongly defended| "bully" with my fingers; -didn't|No. 4, where both the candidates - P. Cart, 'Thornton, ting. later moving 'tothe 2nd of Flos and we were very short of water./¢ven have biscuits ta eat it with.|reside, the eleclors chewed tre ». Carr, 'Tho aaacl "Flom cAtga Cae eo eee 6 Fag of a "TV edidn'( have a wash ora shave S01 think {hat at last Tam real-|impartinhly he making wt ane soot Prive end groom of fifty. eT ot Frain." 2 jena ie BE eee tHe file. that morning. We just had en. {J¥ entitled tu-put "On Active Ser-|en hrenk, Fears. wore the/ setipients of COMPRES pad yeh ithoiitaoh ilanralenccar nee ough 40 fit our: water bottles'and | Vit on my letters, and 1 like it. lext interest centred in the | U2!Y gifts and"pssages of con-. Colerhen ss 5 A ~ bales e w "ER adaar estes Ra Sse ry didn't know when' we would get! Am, Woking forward to the next | schol aneetinne On thee only] Srawulatin tid were presented (area aniel MeLean, Jno.|three suis, und five deuknten ; them 'filled again. 1'went out with |*how and hope to spend Nias |fyeohulders voli, A eumparicny oot _ eget fete chile Be = survive, . an~ advanced . dressing. station| ar Jerusalem. : uf the: folal potted: in the vol rnad 'ta her ream ee tee - JS, MeDowell, Jno] Mr. Tyner was' for many ME P4P-| Shows that 708 ballots were cast that morning, . but our brigade} "We don't get any ri of a severe "accident some weeks jYears an élder and faithful wor- ql erve, so our only /ePs hut we hear they Nave been |a "4 central or 'east end while atchedash-- The the Presbylerian Chare Camuallies: were due (0. shell dre [sing hig thjngs in France lates [agg oe Sahat see tad SHE lagu, tut orlunately had recunee Notlawasaan umieson, [ab Hilladgle, Tee rea ee and we were very fortunate in|I¥/ On the wliole the prospects | choice 'hetween- ihe Agricuitaral {°! sufficiently to-enjoy: with MY. Haamag-Jarditie, Theat lvice, which was conducted by the only hdving afew of them. [tof Ihe war ending 'next year look {Park and the Warvey site, In {ltt the gathering. 'together. of Oro--Alex. McArthur, D. Mé/Nev. Eo. Lockhaft s my first experience of abel /Drelly bright. et J IWard:1, hetween 50 and'60 rate. Heures ou Fee inlay a * * D elaraw's Ghareh on-Piurg ' Sire : K i ine? a Gee the hal. | Se lad with Sher' the handke cae = é i ek bs sree cea | Sate ary int rte at en caren we wre lysines rae atom tee 16 Wiis del u ood Start il. Several simply wrote acgows ["Mle she carrie *'MeLeud, 6.8, Janes. |Horat offerings was-a beautite Itis.casy to distinguish' a shell] Ai auspicious pening 'for/ihe halal "Nethiue dine, Q OI bacrtia arn 1 tame was | Orillia Tye A A. Cuniingham, |wreath from the eliers and-man. | : . ' 4 one|thejr O.H.A. season was' made. hy Pe 0 voted. for the east |! arr's ei aS iy : . Ate 'aif re } The form-|the Barcie Juniors lest Nad lee walla, Tor the Varseg {Elia Abigail Warntiea, dau.) ynaul warden, | rhe Syabaihe OF Gai ii i | é z=12 but thetone hex [night when they won at Auroralsite, "Int the couth made eek Biter of the:late Geo, anit Plipehe!| ang--K '. AitW ig-etlended: "lp ihe tiles ed I comes gradually lower and kiwer}by "11 lo 7. The Aurora boys lof slectors vot nie for the tee oat one ete, Ske asl Siayner--dolin \ramily, ; nn | | 7 Ul you hear a dull thud in the|were somewhat short of practice! sicultural Park, thinking (he oth. Sua 8 dnee te Bow: the pe onl -sunnidale--los: | eee SS ge x : | distance. "But when you hear onejand in the first period the B er hallot did not' matter, No: {, Methodtey aie eye "Th preil Tecumpeth----H. We Carler,| _oieeve will olf weet go zzz'with a tone gradually get- lads. -skatetthe -homesters . off|which has had the local seat ot | Me : 7 " Thos. Fleming ' 'i "Soe his two sons and one daughter, B.J,| avi, on Page rr of Tors | onte and Mrs, Ashford BE. Pedwell } xf ding higher you: just have. time; their feet and piled' up a lead of secondary education sines' it was T! Simpson, NX. Belz tudrdp to the ground before she] 8 0. Aurora. gradually im-Jestablished in 1856, went alyiost: : Carr of Rgbert, G. A, ¢ Will anyone willing to donate goes "errrump" not. far away. proved, holding the sitors 2-2) solid Yor the old site while No. Thor : r 8. Taylor, E. Dutton, e-paper br- magazir the "Is: a great life. That night|!n the second section "andM4 to 1/6 gave even a bigger majority [°F Tuernton, F 'toxsorontio--Thos, Pulford, « TG. oligns, Oe an het eur brigade moved. up to the-line/in the last. . "|for a central location. ross Notes or, McKenzies will be talled for on or about the and we had'to move-back and act{~"Moore in goal. worke! Jike | Following "are the details of nee 0 » f ; : Wattie, Alex, H. i The regular . monthly: packing pat BRS © Sojk tora Lees J i orok real champion, stopping shot' af- f Si asx a clearing 'station acro&s a the, vofing in Barrie: wih se ee ee 24. 39° [Rural -Auxiliagies 'are asked to 69 82 |bring in -pareels on Saturdays} 75 2 Orders may be phoned to the : py ig/l@r shot,° some that, looked. im- p SDnekworth A e bee Duss q math mere BAGS cap heen is|Dossible: while. the" defence, { For: Mayor contributions should "bein by! West Guillimbilre--P. BS West |namerahet iin ae gerrite " i cut by deep gullies (called -wa-|"Tex." White and "Scotty" Suth- |Sub4Division. Craig Sprott Wennastey, san. 36: ' ------ i iW. R, Clark and i Waller Hate ( dis) which are now dry bul are{erland, 'played a'sterling gamé./1--.\,. 1. 2... 68 44 Owing 4 the shortage of fuel, A Tie in Tiny - ter. ' Both 'withdrew; leaviiis Wa difficult to cross except in, some|The line "Babe" Bogardis, "Dot" 43 38 -/the Red Cfoss Shap will not bey'). Simpson, who has repre-|H. Kvos elected hy acclamation estes laces. The soil is not 'sandy, Meeking and "Tony" Dyment all 34 49 [open Tuesday sand Thursday! nied Hie til the 'County Coune | 2 ry oui ae Stee * " : in is @ fine dust; now very dry,|Played like stars. Rosenfelt, the | 3 Fee, She Tatoral oa einupie eee eee ee aly darcahaean: Seuyh Nad a neck |. ¢0 Gunalel Thanks. i nd with no green vegetation on| proved himself a coming - it, but'in the rainy' season it is|Player. -- - very fertile © and: "covered with| The line-up was-as follows:-- b crops of barley. Consequently,|Goal, Moore; right defence, | 5 ti 1 like plowed field and|White; left defence, Sutherland; yore ee Dina prac centre, Meeking; right wing, Dy- and-neck race wi W. D, ROb-|ny (he Blectors' of Ward Fur: hins of Wyebridg¢ for. the reeve- -Ladies and Gentlemen:--1 wish 52. 39 |Shop Committee at their homes, iP. finishing. in atic. Itis said /to express sy heartiest apprev- 2 _ press, ; 36 . 29 |and'the bookkeeper may also be 'hat the feeling akoused in tle |iation Yor 'ihe vole given mo' on 36 44 [communicated with ty" phone {recent Dominion election' played lelectioit day... It. will be my ain' 4 tae ieee oe very |ment;. left wing, Bogardis; sub., 27. + 39, -|during.the week. z ae ee cae en ty serve the el ; Nes s ¥ fow landmarks, too, 'and conse-'| Rosenfelt. pe Shop Committee. "this 'week, |\"t- cae pnarneNas to the' best of my ability quently," that night we got. lost|, Altogether the team seertis to|Total'.. .. .. ...490 ig9 |Miss: Lawrence, Mrs. A. Carson, | Po. eee Bas ae coe for' the best inter and strtck the wadi in the wrong|be about as swift a junior bunch Majority for: Sprott, 9. < puope 5185 fest week, Mes. Wrolade pine Bienes ae WEE soled io P to hiv 't i wtime| > Pag s anacy, phone aN irs, | W yen ad uae : 5 cha) . place. We bivouaeked for, the|@s Barrie has had for some For Reeve - i one Lefaive's. ....... 54.) -° 45> Lat -the up-burldi f: Barrie { 7 and they-should have a good] -. 'or Reeve Palling,. phone 543. § Ss the up- meu 2 > 7Righy, "but hs aa tie signings chance of' winning the group. |Sub-Division Bennett McLean} Bookkeeper, Mrs. W. A. Ross,' Rc aine hoes Ed ee B ke jer iso ekon to 3% < "At. év . 4|Collingwood' comes to-Barrie on}i-- .. ,, ., .. 48 6i [phone 165. : ye "a : 'jhave been elected a represenia- "6 sla ant iniocboa de eso Op at Friday night'and the game prom- | 94-- + 48 St, Mary's Church had charge {Davidson's 80 33° |tive of the largest. ward in' town. 2 23,°]° Again thanking. you, ladies and af gentlemen, I remain,- + Yonrs talthtully, f 6.30 next mofning and wa, moved | ises-to be..a hot one. "A 'win. for | 2h t) -° aeross. to--our right position: at|Barrie 'would practically cihch | 3a-- 49 jof the Shop.on Saturday, Jan. 5,.|Gibson .. 34 |Net receipts 'were 8197.50, e 184 St. Andrew's Church -will have 263 263, *, . i i ir: i ii {the group honors. 3b-- ' 1 les ee eae e welt oe Bir Bheben ws Ps ; ia 58 [charge of the Shop on Saturday; |. BRR 3 M. ADAMSON. : were kept pretty busy thai day. - Barrie Presbytery Libs oo 60 jan. 12, and 'the following. Sat- 'The Vote in' Sunnidale : - i; The wounded were brought back| Reduced train service affected|5a-- .. _~ 61, jurday Collier St. Church. _ Im Sunnidale the vote for coun-|" To' the Ratepayers of Oro $ from the. front line to the fleld/the attendance, at Barrie Presby-|5b-- . 48 Donations on Jan: 5 were--IWy |cillors --was . pretty close, the} " On Dec 34,.1917, at the Nom-- a ae . 'ambulances -- in. "sand ~ carts" |tery on Tuesday, the namber pre- ea, ei 28 fAuxiliary, $25.05. North Line,|fourth man elected -being only 4 inations at the Town Hall in thé'. -- = # (they are two-wheeled ambulan-|sent being the SmaHest at-any|6b-< .. .. .. 43° jIyy, 1 loaf bread, 1 cake, Votes ahead of the. defeated' can-|Township' of Oro, the. ex-Reeys ~) t r ces drawn, by four-mules) and|regular meeting in years. Busi- - -- ._ +, }zen eas, 4 at. eream, 25, didate. By polls the vote was as {uf Oro, Mr. Francis Ball; dchied 4 -on camels. A sort of a stretcher }ness transacted wasmostly of a/Total .. .. .... 420. "519" = : follows :-- certain statements made by. me - . 4 called'a "cacolét' is slung on|routine nature. -Rey, A. A. Smith, Majority for McLean, 99: , Field Oomforts _ [Division 4.2 3 4 5 tothe eiféet that, the 'Separation \ i each side of the. camel and. the|of Gravenhurst, was elected mod- mien Deputy-R Socks will be collected for the |Baycroft.. 9 34 48 82, 1 Allowanée . and 'fhe Patriotic _ wonnded are carried in {heni.jerator. ... - ¢ t ae y : January shipment on Monday, ion +++, 8:31 50 78 1 und "were two separate funds _ A From the fleld ambulances Ford} Rev: L. W. 'Thom, of the Ves-|Sub-Division Horsfleld Lowe yan. 44, . ay Gilroy 7 uit: of which' women, 'dependent ; Mrs. Stewart gratefully ac {Somerville 4 40° 4 on soldiers 'overséas, eo ht them . back to. us.|pra. field, who is retiring from ° : o enna them and fed them/|the active work, of:the ministry, 36 knowl the sum of. 86,00, (Davidson $ 'and he stated: further and gave them drinks, They had|placed: his résignation before 'the |: . ,39 }through [Miss Pouse. of Lefroy, to i ee hs said'two funds were-one e heen very short of water for a|Preshytery and. it was: accepted. a: be: spent on tobacco for. men at 5 '_- }and 'the "same, fund upon which ' i 355 the Front. ~ fs week and-the poor hoys wereswery| Rev. W...J. Watt was. appointéd thirsty and appreciated' our co.-|moderator of the vacancy and.he . Coa more than anything éIse: We! will declare the charge vacant on "y_ then: transferred them to larger|the third. Sunday in- February. f A:T. has. given $100 |cheques were ued and. signed ". 78 | Avery welcome. gift -received|to endow 'a 3 55. |this week was that of two quilts|Shelter in '51 |made by the Stroud Women's In- ithe "mot 8 which -+oo! _ i 31 | stitute.and donated by. Miss Ber- ay tae, Page dc sea acs. at the Nope encoded 'aring out sale |¢ at tha Orchard, Long Beawh, Calif. railhead.- Achar Sl -- fae on Page 4. : z 3 zi -- sai : On Nov. 8 and 94 had:io: ga]. 'The official majority: in South! - > = | --A big: clearing. out Sale be = out with nine Ford ambulances|Simceoe is 3908,'Mr. Boys having|Total .. .. .. .. 457-438 3 at Beeve's jewelry store ' 5044 votes atid Mr.-Mitchell 1136. | ity for Horsfield, 19.

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