THE BARRIE EXAMINER When the War's to E' Absolute knéwledge-I have none, * aunt's: washerwomtan's sister's son ee ped ths _ 1. Page Sevén Always Had _ Spells Brought Sick Headaches. Lost Much Time, But is 1S 1 éret! it: a8 good @ place us sny-- but no votes that were not applied ther' by the electors 'who'céét:them can naw' be diverted 1 filace:by 'anybody elie. * Ss > a, jon Department Food Controller's |" 'The "Nuisances" Made Good . Office The Toronto News siys: "It ir interest- °Practical 'farmers 'know more than most '|ing to recell thut away back in 1892 there less 4 Af workers the necessity of planning | Wer? "held. st the same time five bye-elec- well wheud. Success in the fields no less | tion which were bitterly. contested. The ay in the field may depend on teking [Conservatives carried all.five sand five new: "the long.view." Canadian farniers, there. |™ombers: made the -next session their bow e i d it _the finest G as fore, move then anyone eeu profit by (% the house. All five remuined in. polities [Germanic elements' in the 'region of which From: Chinese oolie in Timbuetdo, wuiching caynestly the words of as English {for néarly.twenty-five year and became in- Kitchener is the ceitre and. their neighbors | Who said the negtoes in Cubs knew ean time cven if war cere to meee |fluential members of. the Commons, They, | Will become even mare,.embittered in. the | Of « colored mn in a Texas town, B aerial ermp conditions -coukd |Were Sit Sim Hiighes, Mr. W. F. Maclesn; jfuture than they have 'been in the ast: | Who got it straight from circus clown, dint world for from three |Mr..W.'B. Northrup, Mr. W.eH, Smith and | This danger is inereased.'by the talk of Tht « man in Klondike heard the news to six The stored-up sappliesof food Mr. W. H. Bennett.' Despite the ivany and | "holeting'Kiteheher- 'and penalizing, rhe yom a gang of Sout America Jews 7a hoanheavilé Jeon und in sone | rand + ift the political ur-na, ull five (city's industnes, irrespective entirely of the | About somebody in Borneo, have bern'heuvily drawn uyen snd in sonte | Tinid changes 16 the polities! rng. ol ve eee ee these industries---as.a titans' Who.beard a mai who claimed to know Don't Widen 'the Cleavage: | Nea Globe--The result of the recent general ' election has beens increase of the tension But 5 between the people of Kitchener ang the | Heard~a policeman' on his beat, > who are df German birth and their'| Say,:to.a,leborer-on the street. |, fellow-citizens of British ancestry. There', That he had a letter just last .week is da that: the r lations, betwetn the.! Written in the finest Greek Pat Ahead, as Usual ' An Irishman 'ind » Scot' were ufguing as to the merits of their respective countries. "Sh, wel," said Sandy, "they Yore down an | auld castle if Seotland and found nian wires under it, which graph was'kuown theré/hoondreds 0" y 7 hey tore down | zm a} Aa g 8 3 & & ae a pe cwithin three Soon lifter all three niore pliant : Mr, and 'Mrs, Robt" Bell 'from the Mani- | {Re ction of, the cases have chéen schtullys exhuuinte ix /sut 'in the lest Parliament." However, only mn ' canes have heen wevialls, exhausted. Ths Tiree will be found in the next Parkement|Of showing the country's retentment eon-|Of a swell society female fake, they Anew. all ubout "Wireless telegraptiy' int - Tee Q wall.cpmiprebend, that there vcill: he ant soute my. Mr-Suith, who curri'd his ridings ceruing the atitude, of the majority ofthe | Whose mother-in-law will undertake __ |Oireland hundreds av-years ago." Here is convineing evindree that Homand.cas compared with pre-war years, South On ari, by aver a thourund, and citizens of Kitchener toward the. war. }To prove that her seventh husband's sister's gases however much you..y.. salter fr for food grain orops snd food canimals, » Mr. Maclean. To the paragraph from the | ch sn indiscriminate: béyeott would ; . "niece : UTOPIA liver mounle and. cOnsequeng billous- Should wahire bee cuspendess. of which News this Page may add, a hit of "seeret Constitute a very greut wrong. 'The enthus: | Hud "ated in a printed piece,' » 'ate 'far Lest Weeki? ets seers. ie cube in ae tae of Fh Tete ie he sige at present the denobiliee, hitory." About 25 years. ago, the late iastic Canadians of Kitchener, who huve no | That she has a son who has a friend The Fifth Line contributed to; Overeating le athe. imost -komim Hien would také month. the recon. ° Robert Birnhinsham,. ger fal organiver in More love for thy Kuiser than their fellow. | Thu: kuows when the war is going torend. | te Red Cross on Thére because of sluggish iver wetohe Pros J truction period the restockdug 'qf turns | Ontatin for the Ce chatting. countrymen all over the Dofinion, would ae were alo taken "in for hipment loge your' appetite, have ssi : and Grest Britain it the Packet office, declared: "There are be seriously hurt by it. Apart from this, Use -ot Overseas Soldiers' Votes * > | 14 pairs' of socks -This. made 39 pairs of | bilious spells, usually uc: unied by must inevitably be done froni this side of thr e ccnfounde? nuisunces, Billy Mucl "e reott is a pe 'Weapon. which 2 Toronto Star: "Tn. no ,constituency this month for Red Cross, as well hexdache and. vomiting. bowels fas ly Bennett. who relf-respecting people ought to use only in | could the soliliers' vote from' overseas be '11 pairs for Field Comforts. become irregular, 'con: , Hang vider con the Oar ty "ont of three good. the lust resort. Threats against Kitebien- | ore righteously applied than 'in ousting |. George from Toronto, Lorne from 'the | Toseriess alternating. a suian farmer prepare for this, Ts is in this Wih th se fellows out of the way, we equld | ¢* industrial life are; to put it mildly, |W. D. Buler, Lauriep Liberal, from his ill- West' snd Miss, Lucy Dobson from Totien. | St and you get icriteble si fF combarstive iy ihe fi carry all three conptituencies. So long ab' prematures and are likely to: stiffen, the | eotten seut in North Waterloo,"---Hamilton hain. are spending their holidays at' the.| hearted 2 ' fife that he will have most time to think they pe in shoving themselves in, the [backs of the. people tuther than make them |S ectutor, héme of their moth-r, Mrs. R. Dobson No treatment fo AUN aaa emt the means at his disposed He will -0e lees." Very i s Passing over the qu.stion of the advisub- >| Chawe's: Kidtiey-Liver Pills oo f that there is both good business snd good nes" were in the House, and with) 'There are more effective means than 0m | ity of dang this, ieit-ould be done, we tovlin Island ore spending Christuuks holi | thd pod thie Seeaicine! ip woitmens j patriotism inthe adview of the Foul Con. the exception of'one term in the case of Mr, ne inate boveo't of getting atthe real sich y-suy: that this paragraph tends-to 'lays here. ~ gully popular and has enormous salea. 'roller spd of the Depurtinent of Ae Bennett, remained -there without difficulty hileontents of Waterloo county. Many encourage w very wide-spread misconception Mr. und: Mrs. David Miller spent' Christ." My. Charles R. 'Tait, Newtovei, Nis Yure to piroruee mors pork: be will do whar for aanort or of w cen ney. Two of then: * tari came to the Globe of tunlawful oy the us* the Government ean muke-of | us at Nantyr. writes; "I was nearly always troubled : hettaneto sfld to the grain urea OP are still there."and the third no-doubt would #¢t» by fotorious yo Germans since war. 2. noliliery' 'voted . denuiett, Sr, who © has be with neadiches, and would often hav= x Owing to lack of fertilise for the intensive systems of farming + Jevased to the Senut > how how far wide of cet und clever pol broke 'out Tr claimed "that some of | these men re more outspokenly anti-Bri niber 17th than ever before. iniproved, His son + t Clemens, Mich, i& speriding x few ith hi pnsists. in: supposing 'lin bulk, either for This. misconception that th» soldiers vot nj to Stop wi , s many a night's sleep every month with T lost for a day or twe Hilibus sick headaches, and cithougy tlder lands, and. to Uhie consequent a the Gov iment or for the Opposition, and - a erichmmentt sat the expocilly. int France ee be Packet ass there should "be no diffi hat sir Robert Borden and Sir Wilfrid Lau- | "Quite few Utopia citizens went to An. |T tried doc medicines. and als. ani) Tkelyy next sear' ee eully in securing evidence "that would war Sir Wilfrid Law | gus Mondiy night' 16 help, fight. the fire MAY other patent medicines, tt. was snes Oil Drilire' Hard Luck rant drastic It Would be useful : sient [without success, "When I hed thes be smiuller tho vested, which fell £ e Midlan! oil drillers, aft 4 long per jon also to Jewrn to what viet has extent the leaven of ; en bold of the young which destroyed considershle property them where bi Ntevcandidates © Mr.-and: Mrs) W. J.;Jones of Oshawa orite candidates bapont the week-end with the latter's sister, | jeudahes.T would) vomit, aha: could keep-Nothing on my- stomach, ' Sluppiig is not available to cargy fertilizing ind of Successful drilling, met with a rev: rd uny'/opponent to +l pure el eapnline "abit Tobie inde scarce, me, WA "week when' their cable broke Jeavine of German ancestry: whe Before levine may be 5 ayer, Mrz, H. McCann. leieigutiver iene baie Gat Ree: that the dhainulion of the crops for 1918 the drill thirteen Jundred feet down m the obo] SHY deere Bek of the "by- 1." This, of course, iF hen the War. Misex R. Sproule and R: McCann, 'who! icuthen, druggist, of Susmex, NR, and will be lingly sid that it, will cost $150 or DheMated" group A swnall, Commingon | tine Jiloetions Act wis intAtluced the Star "8% atfending Hamilton Noriual, are spiend~| afte takingone box T was so. mutch Shithee iniee : before operitions aehouted by the Bomidion Government |yiide strong protest azuinst the possibility, iM& the vacation at their respective homes | reiieved ihat | continued to take ther farmer mutt-r for 'thowht as to what he 'eam be resumed, rll cause regrettable 81th full pawer to investigate the conditions | of this: Imagine the two leader standing bte. "2 Lunt] am now completed wil oto meet the shortage Geers an tly" "Mtr" Martin of Penang wes an fNETNE m Bitches Ly the calling of i" |iexde a tse eonpeting for a-consttanney , | MF- and Mr. W. Stinchany Of Alliulale [advice to inne sari to de legitimate benefit €rom bis re town Vist week looking o situation ani] the: publi of complaints | ry i is by the bale ants: the"! e ¢ latter's parents, | headaches is ta: try, 0 derive a legitimate benef <n bis cm "fon Tint week Woking over the situation, [esr aad whe noble heating of eomntaints | and throwing ballots by the hale into, the 'spent the holiday with the fatter' parents, | healiaches is ta: try, Dr amirkably favored economie position, The work js now closed down until -ufter ) Flesherton Advance. Christmins jmught de he strain. Tf there seule until the one with the largest dray: load won, Nothing of the sort can happen: , Miss jola MeMaster of Hanuilton ix oli. | Cured. A. Be Mace,' EP. end = re, enna san Kitch who are z ti re, i "The votes of the soldiers overseas wi Sing. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. yoo. capes BY-LAW NO. 1249 Wha Bares a Blide for Scot eee nee ore count in the constituencies to which the | McMaster: 18 edule oe kan pe Of the Corporation of the County of Simooe: Win. uses u* blade" for" Scotland she's Tngwer they shouldbe exposed and interned: | Berar ky a eee Are MINESING STATION Save nb aytarin iy * J, teed' ye sairly 1 at would be a fer more Byorgt ond | otha, wit a domicili ven their,» Dee, 26-<Mr. and Mps: BY F. Tracy: spent | he teue lanes i Nice» hereby ven that By-Laté yyy"! ye dior Sétland. for ashe eoraeons way uf dating with Kitchener | 1"TS with, Regal daminiyonven thir Des 20 ME ond Mrs: BB racy set er / was passed, bs the Council of the Corpora. has dine for you! ' {sroubles thin the inauguration of a boycott, |G epament or On Ron in Caneda to |. "The Christian 'concase-Hald. in the S- & akg ates ve nthe 256 Think o° the: auld time slogaps, the thread) which would igyyre ihe snnocent equally '6 yiptied whetd the party leader thinks {rion on the 19th inst. was a deciled sue " Canty. of Sunewe ie pualartes lebechiaes your plaids with the offenders will do th) mbar kood. --- The place |cees.'" Priceeds were"$30.65, half. of which {55 be weuéd by the Cotupation nf the town tie Poyesanters white me ae [where euch of these ballots' was to, apply | were given to the Red Come, or Fielil Com: . : ' hanes are laid; --Upholstering and furniture repairing | was decider by the soldier elector at the | forts ; { ; 'of Midland to the amoiint of $25.000,00 un. tion of the. pose of, pay grants of thi Ffown of Midland for the pur- off the indebtedness snd 'own of Midhund incurred and wes, bearmg hoo! your godly. fathers. sit hathing ty you ¢he di aude for Seotland ' now is The | | jnently done by competent workmen a: | Dowigafl Bros. abt Send your orders for engraved visiting cards to 'The Examiner monent of voting, and the name of the | Miss Dorothy "Kaspp of Toronto spent constituency writteh"on the: bullot. Many | the holiday 'at her home here saldie huve chosen to cast théir votes | Pte. "Bob" Thomas is. visiting with hi in the Ki election may have consid: | ister at M. Totnlinson's. BY-LAW. NO. 920. an Wohaur are tie htirns she sheltered, the se nt alti she was Thith. to lose? ' ay And that Wh a they wandered awa' on the ootwith | By AE BP i Renae? a tien of the County: of whanrevel their faney_ cho Culion it a ty be Regitry (fice of the Cu Aa pecan | rk, 3 lays the ith cor.on The. 10th diy of December, 6 " y inv' hasne ai' your hearts athrob? | a piessrd at re gpotent vo. au Or speakin' as big asever- hut na throwin' | Ceatiedd te fr cany part thereof must be baie fabs | : aie A 3 avithin three months. fron The first py Yo stand-to the tiast Wha'sike we? ant | Mens boo thet sition of this¢natiee and cannot be made eae eee eee er 'Nene | sulin ~Munte efit tient J Weel, the time to prove it, the | Ver uty: f Dated Weh-shiy of Dee mibei teeth othe wart again. | \Munietpal Geanenol the Gorge Ra FU eI ation of ihe Swe Jot "e Clerk 'of the County of Siteoe, |O ay, ye suid ye were sorry when ae chil | favHies os mn i : that ve ker was killed, | " iho ; But didsthut: gar ye miss your mornin', or Beeler eliiin = x RE BY-LAW NO. 1259 speir gin his plucé was filled? | L Lo fee tors Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe | Ye'vr ren! aboot Bruce an' Wallace, the Munieipal, Carperdtion af ihe ------- an' thé fechts that they' focht lingewne, Town ot Barri the 10th, day of December, 1917 Any motion to quash. or set aside the- sine of sny part thereof inust be made jonths from the first publié- notite and 'cwjnot be made, ation of thi th rewiter, Dated 10th day 6f December, 1917, Gierk of the County of Simeoe, An' mony a tale an! ballad hauds your fo Highlanders' Incomparable Gallangry ' | The march of a Highland regiment [through a hail of 'their French' cntnrates provides one of the | most stirring and draniati jawar, as related by Professor Edouard Ress, nard's Lisiment Cures Distemiper © ao Rob ae caITyIMR Lewis eeatbound, javberatiuue ot Ud Allan Line reais apie UPARE NOTICE | Uy Whiek-sitocts sou { salen pat Lhe ate (a ue did cor law passed on the above d thal the -questjons: "iL. Which "site de eripy peere Notice is hereby given thet a By-Law Pattee il | ais passed by 'ouncil of the Cor ' hears' ides in twin'; f e New Colteinte Lr Min the County of Sinens on the 2h [0+ they were the lds for Sentiand, they | | aes tara li : Sy. of Novenibey- 1917, 'authosining. Che stooil for her staunch an' true, a Bast end elie al a ees Cminty of Simeor to guarantee debentures |But what o' the bairns that's comin', will Op ROTO fo' be iasued-by the Corporation, of | they #ay the sume 0" you? . fh Central sity at aleast of Collingwood te the unt of | i S 08.64 1.00 $95,500.00. under the «fillowing By: .Ye key o® your country's story, is this then | 5 a A ee nws of 'the suid Corporation of the'town ) to ohdeit aby . i Wiiteh, enteral. =f dos gan Collitigwood, nanely: Under By-Law No. | ¥e ate heirs o° her ancient glory, can ye sre, nee? i +882 the amount of $13,000.00 for patriotic | "it 9 fate beta' 1 Hievey sibe parfioses. "Under By-Liaw No, 888° the' a |Can ye lnokron her purple heather, her hills chs Melanson thse et snount of $9,000.00 under the suthority of an' her howex me, F the Collingwood . Debenture Aci of 1899. | 80" find'but a. tether that keeps ye and ended thes ' Uader By-Law 884 the amount of $3,500. __- Contenitat" hanie. ' ' rat : for Cement Sidewalks, Curbs' und Gutters; | Gin Death be the price 0° Freedom, Death's 1 ECR and the said By-Law of the Corporation of | little eneuch to pays ji | Mieed the County of Simcoe was registered in the Wha bares w blade. for Scotland 'ber Vw hitPa Registry Office of the County of Simcoe on bark's tthe wa' the day. m se R.J. FLETCHER, |" |who for the lost three years has held in = : = { : ; Clerk of the County of Simede. |importunt, position we interpreter with the, ; jor the New Gollegiaie institutt ee ine table We aie Hedi tere (1) & eP O &. Ravine Liner which made w speed revord a few weeks.ago. | (a) Fast nee ae "BY-LAW NO. 1248 Jutes how, hile British wnd French troops io) U F U.S. mBusntig Lauer 7 I ~ i a a ae ' heise bersifon of, the: Coun, #F STencoer ese. Splenerating. 5 Ee ek ee, FTSte claim made oy: Raiser Wil [large supplies: of troops, stores, am: the tact that the Allan [ine was ons, Notice ix heréby given that w By-Law [inent. which had. to face grext difficulties, __ fet and bis satellites that (ne |mtunitioas of war. From the outbreak of ibe frst vompanirs if not werscly * Was passed by the Council-of the Corpora: | The Highlanders got through with their Vuritish merchanule teets are of war down to the present day the the first to 'effect a direct service: ve vf the' County of Simoue on the 28kbr [task first. They wore entitled to « rest, but | 'Wsappearing fram tbe oceuu seema|Canudian Pacific aud. Allad vessels/tucen Great. Britain and Canada iy of Noveniber, 1917; authorizing 'the |anstead of takinig what, was their due 'they jurticularly ludierous/ip the case of engaged on trooping and gimilar| The founder of the Allan Line wax ¢ a He eee ee ciuatee debeeCared [crete wn aiee forward te the sid of | the fleet, most closely associated with work have trausported=ne.tewer than Cuptain Alexander Allan, who ia | iby Amricul peal Park. ing fa Welidued. by the Corpormidi cof tbe {thelr French comrades, who were on the | CaNada, namely that of the Casadiah 100.000, troops -and passengers from /sdiled from Glasgow to Quepe' th correct" slaleutent cof lke Town fof Midland to the, amowit ef | point, of being surrounded Pacitic Ocean Services, so farlor to Canada, the Mediterranean, Jean," im search of 'cargo fo: diions'? EAM thavvilted,, 'tidd : Fea ni sea NS. ae ee ee ee ieee prifescor, "had | itetn dimintshing has actully incress-|India, China, Egypt, Gallipolt. Meso- bis:vessel. In 1852 the galling ¥¢*. Jinay the vata af the qhilitiod ' raid Corporation of the Ton of Midiand | hemmed the French in on three rides, are | €@ 1&8 tonnage slave. the bexinning. of jpotamia, or acrose Channel. or on ihe sels of the Allen. tise wate TAT | stectors of the carpiiaidon «ithe for granting certain ud to the Midland Dry | wer preparing for x final thrust, when the | ee eee aa cane ee nt ape) ya! Vessels since the outbreak tradq A» showing the progressics | Town of Barrie will, be Dock Company, Limtited,, bearing interest | Highlanders advanced to the sid of my | 18000 men are employed - with ap j company ice sirady al peste . at thectae of Avena hall per sede, er a eeNerown: 'The Boches threw in their | DFoximately 60,000 dependents, and of war have sieamed over 1,230,000 tendencies of these hard-headed and jthe said question' al. f ane Fee cent ee ieiaervee at that point. and the Highlanders | t® gumbers are steadily increasing, jritles a Wass Qirried eastbound and tenacious Scoitish founders of the --'ltime atid' at the <aine place AndJthat the said By-Law of the Corpor: | end Frenchmen had to "fight nearly ten Taking the Atiuntic fleets first. At| westbound ove: shree million tous-ef' line. 11 is worthy of\note that, the sha annual sleclions forthe dun: i FT eee RE ee oe rerieteeed [iheumeel rr the army, On the rewtoy { the eurlreak of the war the stean:|careo, munitions, supplies, etc. These "Allan Line has bee pioneer (A) 1B | ii Cou Eee ath ii the Registry Office of the County of Sim- | which the Scots hud tov'ddvunce the' Ger: éhips of the Allan Line-and Canadian ivy eee no sent comHibhtien the nee eg i fora jsererae oA ND FU THER TAKE SOTICE "10t a : ; yes Pacific. Ce 0 ~ the Cana-|to the "carrying on" of the war, amd.tion of 'its ¥! 7 eg AD aR T Ee "Snes ga She AO ay ak Desembeny U7 | ae a chaeaeaa kay Fe sete ene Grou Services! umber. {constitute a splendidvribite to what {teu of the turbine as a inode of yo ° |Ubat-on the ih day of January sian Op 42g part, Iheteo! Mk be mace | temic ohpleath, al Gurrehelle ane. the ei] ogo with & gross: tonnage of 315.000 |(anada--Britein's Nearest Dominion |pilsion; (C) tm the adoption of twin "| A"D. 1918 at thie hour of two o"- Ee ta nt a ate sane | ica The value-ol these @eria'to the|~ bas tried to help the Motheriscrewa, on ts steamers; "ai@ (0) Lotdek "in the afternadu. the' heal j ation' of this notice and cannot be made y grim fline. We who saw what it was like | _U7itish porns ae "aatraesnert ee peta ergerd og bec Rec ny as 8 moans of checking' foe the Counsil or seme. member 4 wark 'has beet nable, t 4 ae it " . aurea & BT oi day ak Dechsibany 4083 along that road were confident that there | vy: lieat possible adv ne lbeen carrying. in practically every |. The founder's family, dow beaded. .-}Of said Council appointed for that sans ' Tiot hall of death se ib bs the British Government al-|case large quantities -of munitions by Col. Sir Montague Allan, C.V.¢ purpose by. resolution: shall at- 4 S002 R. J. FLETCHER, . hail of death. We kad forgotten the | "ies from the momen} of devlaration| wade in: the Canadian Pacific Augus and bl Mr. A. Atlan al tend gt the Couriéil Chamber mn Clerk of the County of Simeoe.:| | We were wrong, We bid forgotten the | yN. Arvgp. the ath Aveust 1914 a/Sbovs. the value: of the contribution' ways adopled a progressive veliry.."|the said Municipality for the pu L SSS eee an the on at the end of | 'sree provortion-of the jon! feet was ofthe vompanies under notice und of with the vesuit that steady tacrease «| ao 6 of appointing {wo yorsens". RE BY-LAW NO. 1251 the. road. -Ax they came nearer they pre | "TUES Toned. including the farger|te great parent company--the C. P |in the size and speed of steamers has 0 p fe . : 4 H thi County of § senied x striking uppewrance. They advan.) "\ittelboned. | 'nituG ven in service R---received. still greater emphasis. uren sitnvésed whenever additions, (to attend al -the final summing DiLiSie erparation: of ths: County ot Sivncre fax: he eens sod ochre pee two of the-newes; and largest of the, The Canadian Pacific Fleet.'altheugh the feet were m ad |p of the votes by the Clerk and) = Notlie-is-herehy given' (hat: By-lawlete waves even, See. 2 rasting calmly | \jian Line steimern were Immediate: 'suffering but-x siigut diminution of jancts bave.dome much to stimita: ane person fo attend at each pol- was passed by the. Councik of the Corpors- between us and them: We held our breath | {) pat Into ¢ommismon ag armed!tounage by the act of the King's /the demand fur passeager and-eacke | ling division 'an "behalf, of the "Fon jf the County: ef Sinicoe, om the 80th and stood spel-bounc: with admiration for |» VrVhan! cruisers. ~The Emaprena af |encmies, bas been grad tally tnereae: 'acconimesnie® on. che Atlantic 220". jberséns interésted in and xoting! day lof November, 1917, 'suthorizing the | these incomparsbly brave' souls who were | | . Empress of Asia." -"Km: jing by purchase nu i Monta Ae the Philippines: as' (i the affirmative on. said ques. ita Snr gn tr sag sh mai reach] yo" a URE et SN 8 ge Chat Sn a eet at een ee e_ nah erm a forthe amount of B4G60.00. to 'be teued:| regiment fore the ortieal before it. Through | trina eruisers Magy of the[ber. 40. ateathers, with' a. grows-ton |vire as obe af the naimerous ports of. [half_of stich persis interested? wv the Corporation of the Village OF (Cre the break inthe grim: chorus of shell and} 47 ceasels: of the Joint companies nage 'of "411,000 tone. whfist further 'all in the Eastvand the company is in and voting iy: the negative on eae a a eee ot Chccmote | pachineseun firs we caught. now and then} ctousiy engaged -on the passenger orders have been placed for four more. steadily but surely working up. 4 | rid suestions, "4 * Tet ie tonnes of papite balance of tabeel (e isecing RE hau tatb saunic hen rade peiween Burope and Canada juf still: greater lonnage. Services are sirenx and use'u: service'on the Pact 1" i eee pam NOTICE ESiralpeays ating Srey ee are ee Mim above the mone aad |. *77= Grougbt'4nto Trooping Service |being steadily "maintained carrying fe. which cannot but be of the greut Ghat en tha sinc doe eteeanes 'Gh the- said ee Daag Fp eigen dl hana Po 3 cat ag * Tautowed "in transhortine supplies |mxile for the different parte of the'°st advantage to the' Pacific tradé.in at on. the, 9th. day of January. re Tatbnot in' the 'Rogutey, Gee oes the Hotly-waged fight sed thei | \- (i'd ammnunitions, aot on)¥ arrose the|Nomtnions and the outer Buropean igeneral. On the Atlantic. the PR [AL D., "1918, at the hour of twe the Oo mast ¢ Germans.ab this stage delivered their J ea over the oceans of the {ports of the Allied =: ontries Every'iiistituted its own directly.owned and jw'clork "in. Hye, afternoon, at the- of the County of Siméée on the 10th day of kon the French, thinki i nf and i ti Seccukar ter : Stronpest attack on the French, thinking to | "14" trom the Pat West to the Par/negnx within tne power of the Cana-/contralted fee: of steamers to 1405 bx. \(ouncil. Chambers' in the said mber, 1917 f 2 |settle them. before the Hngblanders could ee rwithstandibg. thie great|dian Pacific ts being used to maintain: the purchase of the Atlantic ves#la si Nr. nieinality, the Clerk -shall at- Any motion to quash or St aside. the |get at! them. 'But not sq. -- Or came Heese ee purine cad jexporr trade andthe. importation of of the Pides: tempter Bearer (ane, .| MUDESMAy, LRP SIPC: all, at, same or any. part thercof must be niade | the Scots with their"pipes skirling, aid the [Pe Canali Tea Sar necesuurine: alike. for: thn-nse of the a vefvice' wbich hay xrown te Nie pin tend and: sum up the votes inthe within' three months from the-first publi- | French, Highlanders, und other Scottish new ithe mies In the fields * or the sent -proportipns and which now. in. -|affirmative' and. negative -on the a ; bor ee panders, She <e theor auble without prev jarmies in the and tor the peo. (sant. promo r i 'mati a pt tepaRian nae (emccdky ced Gp N pram Peat ligen ng regulay yassenger and ple at. tome. * Coden somes of the Gest passenger |auestions, <9 ee ' i geval ek ayers nto hy these maibialcing a* un'): The recentussnmptiouby-the Cana. thd: care carrsing vessels piving ie trie: "Diepecaber "atin, 4812: Depet Jun tay sf Diecestber: S82; incomparable gellantry of their rescuers, "ted cabeie of meaile an4 we dian Pacific: Orean Sercives-af the en teen Canad and the Mother Co: ee : : 50-52 R. J. FLETCHER, : SES Te "etait teeth Giede SAamd " othe. mmanaltemeett - bre Yat rhe try. eb * : e