Twenty-two beautifully trimmed Hats, béing the entire 5 -fot that is left of. this Winter Season's styles, -u TO P575! vessa piss cae aes 6 $1.97 We offer any one of them at...... 18 trimmed in the Season's most approved af styles, priced up to $10.00.....%2..5. + Your choice of these we offer at. Being a clearance of odd oddments; such as Hos- iery, of which we have a few odd sizes in each line, Sample Hose, Underwear, both ladiés and. children's, odd' lengths of Table Linen, Towelling, 'Art Sateens, Flannelettes, both white and coloréd, Dress 2004s, etc. : » It will pay you well to see. . CLEARANCE OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S MANTLES Every Coat for a Woman or Child is reduced in price. There's to be no reserve. We have-just seven of the better kind for Women, of Velour in Taupe, Brown and Green: : RSE a me 3 Soe Twelve <THE BARRIE EXAMINER 3 Thursday, January 3, 1918: ; ing a , ___ALL DEPARTMENTS ARE BUSY, MEASURING, COUNTING AND TAKING INTO ACCOUNT ALL MERCH: ANDISE IN BOTH THE DRYGOODS AND MEN'S SIDE OF THE STORE, AND THIS SEASON FINDS US WITH THE. LARGEST STOCK WE HAVE EVER HAD. WE ARE QUOTING LOWER PRICES ON SOME LINES THAN THE MANUFACTURERS AND WAREHOUSEMEN ARE ASKING TODAY, AND LOW PRICES ON MANY LINES. THAT ° ARE ENTIRELY OFF THE MARKET AND CANNOT BE REPLACED AT ANY PRICE. > - __ "KEEP MOVING" IS ONE OF THE MAXIMS OF THIS STORE'S MANAGEMENT AND. THOSE: WHO -DO | THEIR SHOPPING AT THIS STORE WHILE STOCK-TAKING IS ON WILL,PROFIT MOST. ___ A SHAP TN MILLINERY ATTENTION! PATRIOTIC. SOCIETIES : The situation of the market for- Wool, Flannelette, Buttercloth; Tow- elling, etc., much used in the work of Patriotic Societies for, help of our Boys at the Front, is now very.serious, and soon there'll he a famine in the several lines of goods needed. The-war may be over in a few weeks or it may not be over for a few years to come, but one thing is certain--the need for these commodities will last a long, long time, and now of-all times is the time to look about for some source of supply of these much needed lines--prices are soaring--no one can tell how high--it's a safe assertion there'll be no. break in the market fora long time.' In keeping with. the Progressive spirit of this Store's organization. we bought largely of these - much wanted lines and the, wisdom of such.action is manifest in the large orders we have received from Patriotic Societies and the quantities being disposed of! Even Wholesale Warehousemen are buying. whatever sur- plus of these lines there are in country. stores. : : 'ancl VICKERS' $25.00 SUITS - MEAN A SAVING For every Man. who buys' his. Suit here. It is the power of Efficiency applied in the nick of time--a time when the general advance in.cost of all wearing apparel has been so great. But re: what we say--ihe ad- vance for 1918 for the Clothes you will need will astound you. $10.00 advance on the price of a Suit will be a modest amount, so we say to you for your good--Buy your Suit, your Shirts, your Hose, your. Underwear, and every item-of wearing apparel you can afford to buy--Buy It Now. We make it our business to know and ° s These quotations and quantities are offered until the 45th of January ang remember we can deliver the goods. : 3547 Spindles of White Yarn, A quality; at... as. e.. 15 \ Spindles of Light Grey Yarn, A quality, at... 25 Spindles of Khaki Yarn, A quality, 'at 800 Spindles of White and Light Grey Yarn, "Hespeler" at... : $12.50 95, pieces,.120 yds. each, Pure White Buttercloth, at per yard. ... .73,e. pieces Pure Bleached Flannelettes, 36-in. wide, good quality, at 26%. 75 pieces Pure Bleached Flannelettes, 31-in. wide, extra good; yd. .28'%5e. \ WHITE BEARSKIN COATS FOR CHILDREN in 14 different styles of the better grades 'of Bearskin, neatly made.and well lined. _ These are priced from ' $1.95 to $3.65 10 pieces Stripe Flannelette, 35 inches wide, extra good, yard.....-25e. 10 cases Cotton Batting in rolls of 6 oz. to 14 oz., per roll 20¢ to..35¢. 60 dozen White Terry Towels, 17 by 33 inches, at dozen : 2 we know. Be.advised. Customers having balances of account on our fyles Special terms of payment can be ed fox fatale does 4 A 'R. MALCOMSON, are' requested 'to call or remit by mail settlement, before come--first served. Buy Now and See 'or futare deliveries. First ' i Mgr. Men's Department. Inventory is taken: ° . . 3 5: i : Barrie Distributors _ Victor Victrolas and Records January Records now on Sale Pictorial Patterns and. Magazines = a WHY G. B. McLEAN DESERVES to {hie fullest degree. "SUPPORT Give him a ehanee. 4st--Because of his municipal: Mcl.KAN FOR RE Record. | He has seryed one year as al 8t Andrew's. 8, 8. Entertainment : The 'pupils of -St. Andrew's redve,. Sunday School gave their annual Duritig that tine he was chair. Chvistmas. entertainment 'on Fri- maw of the Industrial"Committee day evening, with an attendance and the Town. secuyed-two of its Of about two hundred. important the, Unv . After a merry supper. the: chil- derhills Shoe Fue and® the dren gave a very. enjoyable mys VoTE ~ Advt. -: COMMENT OF THE WEEK: :- Inthe minds of some there is. Inv considering the 'two. plans. an impression that the-industrial jit should be remembered: that the jvatures: for the. B.C.1. womld add |eentral- site plan is for an.ab- +ymeatly. to the. cost' of 'maintens/sohitaly new Suilding, while: the. ance' which the ratepayers are|other is a re-modelling propos- called upan, to beat: Such, how-|ition,/ and to a certain degree ever, if not the case, 'The tiber-!muist be patehwork. Anyone who | < ality of (he-Legislative grants of- ergan-and tWo years as depuly- z ---- - : Mr. and Mrs 'B., Burgess spent jin plice 'of (he late R. Stanley Year's Day with. relatives injand has entered upon his' new Elnvale. : duties. > Pte: Alhert Jay. of" Toronto.| --This waok's. special at Bre svent the holidays al: his hori /Son's 'Fountain is: "Honey. Dew... on Tiffin St. See it. im the. window has had any @xperionce in build- | Whiteside. .& Arnold éxcelsior. ©al-Program consisting largely of |" yiss M: Furlong is homé again eThirsday.: °C pls 0 : fered has been the chief induce. |ing knows that the advantages of | Wouesid® Richardsiin-McAls choruses by the little folks. after a pleasant, holiday in.Port|Rolls, $86. {hey SPeCiah Nuts ment which has led municipal. la wholly new structure should be! yine cluthing concern aise was' lformer:years each" child has |iiron, Mith, Mids Maspersageiaiadn' 'covi "\ «ities to establish. industrial and| sufficient to warrant. the addi- | socurcii." thougli they were. not Peceived a present, bul this time| wise Sadie: Forbes of Toronto Master "Kenneth - Paddison of E technical clases in tollegiate in-|4ional percentage of edst it det able "Lo mainufabture petmranent- the gifts om the sparkling XM&S | visited her Sister, Mrs. Wm. Caf- | Collingwood spent New Year's stitutes. and the' opportunities | mands: ~ Jly here, During that time the tree were' from the children, The} .05,° sor niple of weeks. 7 With their 'couging Miss 'Aleta: x 5 for organization. made. possible | sk ty Sf Visit' of the ath Higtlanders entertainment was regarded a8 21° 1.» axes. of Whitby. is|Paddison, Brock At. bythe' money 'supplied from' the [> Mr. LaChanee in his adverlise-! Regt was secured, birthday. party .for. Chi fat epondiria "the. holidays. with Mr] .-Condueior L AtibeMEe sei< pes grants make it easily obtainable} ment. lays emphasis on the fact) ye tire Whom the children gladly: brought els 3 . advocated a phone their. gift H alarm system instead ofthe pre-. their - stig sent. unsatisfactory arrangement. For the Children's Shelter and He vigbro opposed the Hy. the homeless little ones of Hali- dro-methods which meant in-.f@% many parcels of clothing and and-Mrs; John Cattin, Tiffin St: » Mr, and Mrs. Ghas. Taylor have returned-"home after spending the holidays in. Dundas and"Buf- lieving J. Hanley a: onduetor on the Penetang mail train. Con- ductor Hanley is seriously ill al. his home in Penetang. > * e. without adding any considerable additional cost. "The. grants are apportioned to the schoois on the hasis of the arhount paid for the that, jis plans give a much lar- ger cubic. air space than the other and also more accommo. | dation, Im, these days of 'fuel ine, r x Sons of England meet F; : salary of teachers, Upon the, ae-|problems, the greater air space |creasing costs of installation to toys were brought, and the offer- ane. aha "SHG. Geb. Sane RORe eT 3.00 sharp . oe iy commodations and') upon the) would 'mean a big 'itenr in the} the citizens. : ings in money were ber forles have: feturned Home atler an ex. |ange Hall. District Demity Ga, equipment provided. In towns |heating cost and. offers no ad-| Ye was active in having the For the Belgian Relief, 829. tended visit to Island Pond, Ver-}oreme President Roberts of Mid two-thirds, of all the total sal-|vantdge over the Ellis & Elis/sireets opened across the GT-R, [oT the Halifax sufferers, vee , fad Will bec eee ea + varies are paid. On equipment.;plans which' provide _ for every | to the bay, and particularly in se- for the Children's Shelter, g Mine"Mostun, "ater 9. hobidas there Moces atnee ar 1918. there is an "{nitial' grant. of 40)pupil and teacher having 30 cu-|¢uring the subway at St. Vin- ibe pans ore een BON aie tanthe ceonmedeee Bae per cent. om the cost of new|bic-feet of fresh properly tem-)cent's Park, E Ae 'Queen's Line ihelotal ote lias nt the Burton: Ave." scioal Th Mayoratty equipment provided in-any year {perad air. per minute. As. the! He. was instruméntal ji having A*sCiation, making the {otal of- today ' \ Jélip, vike: Seeds otha and 20. per cent. on. the same jcentral plans would take care Of). plan of all sewers 'and connec. , {rine 877.28. - SE 1 aia: Ac cPaduison bas welaeded ieitda boon thee ead equipment for each -of three'suc- |twice.the present attendance, nO~ tions prepared, obviating. such. | a ee 2 0 » it should not be much éeeding years, The grant :on ac- thing need bexfeared as to the difficulties as were experienced | >. Red Cross Notes The reguigr meeting of Barrie 'home after spending a week' witli enough when: that is 'the onty commodations is apportioned un-|accommodation "of 'the Ellis &| oi Clapperton St. a few years ago ; fee, peontiey and-'parents in To- Spa rsn As Graig has cod Mle ' "der..a scheme which 'takes into Ellis plans not being sufficient.|; qe had all the unsanitary dit: Branch will be held' on "Monday, | Mr. Clénimens:.of South "niger Sa account. the adequacy wand -the|From ultiost any point of view! cones on Blake St. filled in with. J@M- 7, al 4 pam. , © dogs Bick eae RE is 'suitability of the school grounds, |the-Ellis & Ellis plans seem pre- ! St. Mary's Church will bave/}!? appp : school building, "etass workshops, ete. rooms, Thus, if will be seen the introduction of indus- {location quite. outweighs any ad-|.ecured for Barrie. fay; St. Andrew's Church. ee is rae : oES eae ae fe) 'trial and>technical classes, 'while |Vantage the Blake St. proposition) 'that he was not unmindfal of, SPOP. cami this . week: 4 ; fe @ Polk! Gea Be avery great advantage, will/may 'have in.the way of price. [the rights of women is shown by Mrs. Eats me Seolaren; text i or. oJee y : mean but little additional expen- was ASA S > {a motion which 'he moved' im, Oe ene . a Be sume reagan : Rie Cae age The pastetton is the beet for| March, (1014, asking the Lagis~ Marguerite "Gordon re-'f' ( Sortie: ratepayers. who are not *-directly nterested in the-B. C. I. are inclined to let the apparent ference of $14,360 between the two propositions sway them in favor ofthe cheaper. . As the money is to be raised by deben- ferable -tq us and this when add- ed to the benefifs from a central Canada that equips the mass of } Canadians the va for the work: ping the youth of Barrie for a broad, and useful Canadian cil- out expense: to 4he 'Pown. Both years he was-in the Coun- © ty Council speciat grants were 7# jature 'to' extend the: franchise to! them. z Feoord. lin business upon modern progress. ive lines: In the business of the, kn: ceived this week from {who received a pair _ 2nd--Because of his business through Barrie Red. Cross y * He has shown energy 'and en-! sofa.pillow worked by him, One Position to assist' in fully equip-|topprise and has conducted 'his soins idea of showtng apprecia- tion -of arge-of the Shop on. Saturday, n. 5p and. the following Satur- soldier. ks sent and it by her a' hand emibroidered the work done by the itters,- ° $ =G, O.D. our rules, 'companied by cash: "our best service. 'Being obliged to make: delivery of ¢ small Quantities during the: winter. séason, we are. compelled 'to.ask the public to give their orders at our offices ac-- Please do not ask us to send coal We are doing out utmost to give eve: Kindly help us by conmiplying Read the Adlet Column." rybody:' 'with - ' k izenship. Town: as well ds iri the husiriess | pene Eee i ilies Suhel CR es ae fell eda Mg ca? Mita Cae 'jot the individual progressive: Seamaf Wesley Robinson, bro- Yard Office: Foot of Mary St. i © would: represent: is sa small that) ' Ratepayers should> make methods are required---continu-;ther of Major Mark Robinson, st 3 3 in, reachiny Wecision. "It cer- tainly should not: be ' jo. ause any person to vote. for ing the schoo} at almost the pend of the town. + point ty attend jing tomorrow ( bef te ahowe 2) might 9nd day) ta 'that nt dees not 8.30, as the etl 'ally seeking .