Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Dec 1917, p. 7

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i { ~ electors 4 HAPPIEST MAN ee CANADA, E HE SAYS "It's All Because of What -'. Tanlae' Did For Me,' States Ward. - "1 believe 1am, the: happiést man in all Canada today and" 1 want to tell thé publie it's-all-be- cause of. what this Tanlac has done forme; said Henry Ward, wfio resides at 20 Batavia avenue, Toronto, and is employed by the Swift Canadiay Company. Sometimes, * continued M Ward, "when J. stuvped over a pain yonld eateh ine in fhe small of my back and 7 could hardly aighten up, again. «My .kid- neys were 'all out of order and disturbed me sot WW Sea ly get any test al night: My stom. s su outof fix that 1 could- like other people and for 'tored and tried nearly every. kind of, medicine yvecommended for such troubles, nothing did me any good until I began, taking. Tanlac- Others: said so.much about Tan- | lace helping them that. I thought} I might as welt tey i So I did, and whén I' found it was doing me, good I kept on-taking it. 1! have taken xix botlles now andy I.can say' it and. telt the truth, 1 am feeling better than I have in| fifteen years: I am simply get=| ting along Yiné and have gained) Hive poumls in' weight, whieh think is wonderful for one of my ve, as Tani sixty-four. J ha' n¢t heen bothered: with my s! ach and kidn first bottle of Tanlae and I be- lieve these Wwoubles are gone for good. All sigus of the rhéuma tism have left me too, Pm not vonstipated any' more and. feel jstronger and more Vi us "than | Ihave in many yearss 1 certainly | aim happy over ny wonderful re- m4 < sincé 1 took my fiflees years I have siniply suf-- Y amy hack hatt jhe so-bad. avid was [Tight that 1 should tell about it , forsthe benefit-of others. so stiff that | ¢ uldn't raise my) ; Tanlaeis sold in Barrie by Geo, » 'POULTRY. (Experimental Farms Note® The :problem of economical 'production, with feed' at the p sent prices, is a question tha!-has| been worryiig: producers during the past_few months.' The ques- jtion of. what to feed, is-one that requires more careful .consider- ation than. ever before. Feed jis high, therefore the: {lock | should-be cuuled close'y and nuth- ing but the most vigdrou s |retained. Théy Should not only be ifed: peavily, but should -be fed ,Such feeds as, will give results. 'Por this purpose it is ecessary to supply cereal, aninfal, vege- table and mineral feeds. Cereal or grain feeds' should furm the principal part of the ration and for bést results a cer- tain proportion sould be ground. The -question what are the -best and ingst eevnomical feeds to 'use .Durmg ordinaiy .times, a mixture of corn, wheat and oals popular, but under, present conditions milling wheat: should be conseryed for human féod and is is OUR CLOTHES | have the Happy Faculty - of putting _ +. Men at their Ease "That feeling. of ,being well . dressed which ART CLUTHES. supply, gives 'a man 'self assurance anda sense of head and J woul actually bave ty only the lower" grades used for : Saaen roll out-of bed... F Have gune ty |Monkman,in Orillia by MA i. foexs stock feed. Lower grade whe being at home m)> any work yprting so bad that: ! could | Sunk ie te my by 6 iN Aral, a pind corn; bucks . , di 2 lardly drag along and felt tha 7 Paes "+ barley these- ave alg | would be compelled lo go back {im Stayner ov B. West, nay hecdaed' to aaWenie surrounding. F home. [have had to quit work | Cookstown by Ww. G. Mackay, iM extent to which each is used will \ { matty times on account of my, Waubaushene" by Georgian Bay | jepend on prices. } : condition and last Spring J'got| Sumber Co. Ltd,, in Port MeNie-| "For yround feed, "Buckwheat : ' x Ai in such-a bad 'shape T had to Stop | Cll, by, P.-H. Beattie, mAlliston bY! sereenings" may be used to ad- . off for more thar a week, and []E. B. Schell, in me by Roberfi vantage, aise mixtures contain- IC KERS can't deseribe-my suffering. Then | B Eilts in Gilford ly James As ling bran, chromeal, ground oats } ee . my legs became affected with | Blain, in Tottenham by Chas. A. | oy other similar grains E something like #heumatism and| Weaver, in Penetanguishene' by Vezetable or green feed is. ab- | SELLS THEM Ss there were sharp; cramping pains|Chas. A, Nettleton," in| Hawke-!sotulely necessary tu keep the gomg through my niuseles that! stone by Thos. A. Stone, in Hills- tock in thrifty condition. For}, rey " . tuade my legs feel like they were /dale by Richard Rumble, in Cold- | this purpose. sprouted oats is one a. in vane such lower grade|, Because feed is high in price,!. During the . German ~ attack drawing double. Many a arght| water hy C. G. Millard, in Mid-|.f ine very hest. It not ouly sup-|re@ outs aud corn,barley, oats don't stint. the flock. It takes [near Masitieres on Nov. 30; sin- 1 have had to crawl out of bed! lind by ge Gerrie, in Brad-| hes succulence, but grain fe eng icon! .-barley, oats and buck certain amount of feed merely eaten thar and rub to get[tordshs We T Campbell and inlA) ei Mangels, turnips, rahe | SWeab-or whatever grains a jfr maintenance: It is only thea heavy stick, a :British staff relief from these awful cramps, Sttoud by Chantler Bros, in 'Hage. small potatoes, or other | Heapest- at the time. far this | ; Lover and above-this, amount chaplain attacked and killed or and T just tell you Twas in mis. (Craighurst by 'T. WiML--Adver- "similar waste products may all Slsen oats have bebn the-vheap | ae an be used for production, |disperséd' "a 'group-of Germans ery ail ihe (inte lisement ha Vnedtiy GaRntRGe. SM [rat grain food, so it is advisable | therefore feed and waker liberalls.fwito were in postession . of an "This is just the fix I was in oe 1 Animalor meat feed is a form) t? Ust then to as greatjan extent! ammunition dump. Later. he for fifteen years atid while Pdoe- WESTERN NOTES for food: that poultry ke A Ba poseline f Evidence was given at the {rial |shot: eight machine gunners: ' _ Sa - "Ardmore", the Hereford buil quently neglect soppiying. His} iat worn eee ets of Albert Kaftschmidt in. Detroit] 2 - |which, carried the Grand Cham-jnot possible for a hen ty produce | 7 'iy | nh Wires is oe : o show -Utat che shad heen well Prices for Papers BY-LAW. NO 920 pionship at the Chic + profitably on an all-erain | ey he used extens oe paid: by the Germans . for his'|Daily Globe . Sluck show, was suld by au ion. Sour milk is usually |e ented with ahi protein 5 Pee Ma on Empire: ats to W.A. Pickering, Kansas City, javailable on farms and nef animal |TyPPIemented With ality protein) Athort <Stewart;, living east! of Rveding Star Whereas the Board of Kdu-, [0r, $31,000, the bids "jumping |feed. will give better results, serap it is one uf the mont vant Corinth, Ont. was ick: by, a| Evening News». eRlion al € iieeline Wald on-Tues=lP9 (ue thousand and the price ix |i it only Supplies the neces. | "18 tees alu-" train while driving actoss the M. [Farmer's Advocate . day, the 4th of December, 1917,/2vmewhat of a tecurd for beef sary feed, but it also Keeps te ie oo woing) ah C.K. track: near Sprin at Prices are net. paxsed-a resolution requesting the Pulls. Beau Perfection 48th, own |birds im 'good. tone, Tf milk' is Sey ed ceuing & NOD: Tinsturilly. killed: his hy maliver 36: $]e90; per ese. Council, to submit certain ques-/¢d by' the Curtice Cattle Com- not ilable, beef serap,, blood |» | seraeitinws three parte {being killed and' the rig. demot- tions lo. the electors'at the ei) 2 of Calgary is valued al) fleur, green cut bone or sim Y aoe veet ued parts, | jched, suing' Municipal clectidns.:-- |" _devording to actual mer- feeds must be supplied to br is kept wonatunthe pefece| A double fatality occurred at Be it therefore enacted by the) !& & Comparison of the: two bulls the place of the grubs and in 5) HED . POnSTAnty verer Sad Reunk serasina' Hoar . is s slrane avon ¢ sAlber-.whieh the birds get on range, Hock, alse hoppers 3 . 8, NORE Municipal Council of the Corpor. | ey in fi ve mF eae NRL bende cuanie iets shell and beef scrap.. If sour! pester whens Leonard and aH the Town gt Bashie ai, HO ee a hacte thes Cuptiee shells. and oiineral salts tor the] Milk is° available the beef scrap | Wesley Pimogat: . the |< orteen follows': = : : indy be omitted or green cut hone | AU nine-year-old? sons of Luth- That the following questions ball iS eusily worth more niouess grew ef tame must be sup. [Mas he supplied in place of eith . farmer, were strick be submitted to the electors of Hereiord authority al the|plied Stnall quantities anay) Mane supple A re aL cr lbs a freight é ul the Municipal Corporation of the af the.upitivn tal tbe) he cabtalniy) feo eogh feel ke at the, noon teed! wher a thagh n, Sir Arthur 'Currie writes '11 Grenville St., Toronte, Ont. Town Of Bartle m= 1; nudlan Le Was superior hes tlovers, byt it is neces: . to made from: the kitchen bs mae ied im Vancouverthat 'the Toronto's Select Family Hotel. LW hieh site do' you' prefes for * HU ke 7 und -if) the latter as) feed oyster shells or something in whieh' ia tniked "the nH oa Ca will: 'goon feol the Centrally located just off Yonge ae New Colleg Institute?) WoTth-#51,000- a new value should similar to supply lime in saltit. hei Spat uae' a Bee oa : 'Street. _Cénveniént to Shopping ~ ' ne eee be altached-lo Beau Perfection. (ient quantities for a> heavy pene, at the rate of about one|.pineh very acutely. whieh the and Theatre district. ale 5 ra rere lle Hoe iL pecutds. tap puréiite 1 dprcauention. half ounce per -bitd and dried; men now, being massed in Can-|--] Basses artes BES 'ber day. Hien sree a'cost of horus were -sinashed at Calgary Sanghi. RB bot off with the meal mixture, may ada ay reinforcements will, not Revers Piao eet tate ey ene aes, \ on-December 12th' when Chi Morning--A light-feed of mix }be fed irrive in time to prevent. Write for Denrintive Boat $108,644.00. vonttal site do youlG: Beeching" of "Nanton, paid ed grains séatfered in a de pete ee h conftat site do. ¥00, f 900 fur Roseberry, a bull of. ter oh--Grem fred; mangols a) Rarvey atta: fered. al atction. This is the yegetaye. parings ory sp (bh) Agricultural Park' site. {Highest price ever paid al at aue-joats, Night--Fall feed of serateh is 'Syi, tion sale in Ganada. J. W. Knit- grains q sme assed ud enaeieA {his tel of Winnipeg 'also Pa on the| The, serateli grains: should he Slivday af Derembers 1247. animal and -stopped' at. "#39 . ree) FORMS: Roseberry wasebred at St. € 3 LAYOT =| Minin. ggind v 'M. es ib * A.W. SMITH, oo yary-for the Yule & Bawes farts. y. IM Ds - ~ Clerk" "He was shown at Cal nil Kd NOTICE that the above is a thue'and correct copy of a/ by- law passed on the' above dete anrl that the' questions; M1: Which site-do you prefer for. the. New Collegiate institute ? (a) East end site ala cost 84.00; 5 site at a cost of & ae bred -in Aberdeenshire, Scotland Pe a osran aca fwas 'sald at auetion in Calgary Wirieh central site do YOU ye tit na tor 88125, M ice nee f Marshall, the auctioneer, i arvey site. " the sale aid that although : Agricultural Park site" bie was aware prices of stock of is a correct. statement of? the!) Beak ween (Gy on ie juestions to 'be> subnyftted; and)" urs Be : Ruestions to, Be ee J]Precedented wight, "he ghar not that the voles of the qualified) reatize the extent of the rise or xt the Corporation of the 'Town of Barrie will be taken. ont the said questions at the same time and al the same place the annvat elections for, the Mun- ivipal; Gouncil. AND FURTHER TAKE that on the 4th day, of J A.T. 1948 at the hour-of twe. o'- clock in the afternoon. the -head o{.the Gouneil or some nienber of said Conneil appointed for that purpose by resolution shall tend-at 'the Council Chamber thé said Municipality forihe put- pose -of. appointing two persons to. attend at the final summing "tap of the voles by the Clerk.and one person to attend at each pol- ling division .on behalf of the persons 'interested injand=voting in the affirmative on said qués. -tions and alike number. on be- Half of, such persons interested in arid voting in: the negative 'on said 'questions, AND FURTHER, TAKE NOTICE. . that on the Sth cday of January, AD, 1948, at the hour of two clock in the afternoon,-at the Ceuneil Chambers in. the 'said Municipality, the Clerk shall at- tend and sum up the votes in the affirmative and negative on the questions. . . : Burts, December 17th; 1917 al-| in} and Won each monton: fairs this y irst 'in shis ekiss at place. he next highest price paid -it the | sale was S1Z56 by Mr. Knitteil for Oakland Knight. The high- est priced heifer of the: sale vas Oakland. Lavender whieh sold for 50. Red' Major a 'Shorthorn bull the ata a few demand until he was present | shortWrn' sale in Chieagn | days' provieusly when the second prize bull al the fair was shld for $17,000 and $30,000 re fused "for the, first prize animal. syou "want to make your farm. pay. that is whal you are' working for, you want help too no doubt. , Has it ever éecurred te you thal there is an- other kind of help which costs but a trifle and pays for' itself over .and 'over again each year, help that Helps you to farm and buy and sell right. Thé farmers' business paper, The Weekly Sun year) 'is published with only one point, in views that of serving thé farmer.- It costs but. a trifle to find, out what a real help-the Sun:can be to you and you will wonder how you got a- long without it. Its market r parts are unsurpasséed:for accur- acy and-its. general farm news is, worth imany dolars to you. The 'Subséription priee remains. the same as heretofore, One Dollar. You cannot get as much real help through any. other. soutee -or. spend a dollar to greater advan- 'tage. Try' it for 1918, --lndoubtedly Most 'of the bombs dropped on Heater: during the last raid waa 'endiary. Would Twitch |And Waken Me=Unable to Rest or Sleep, I Walked the Floor in' Nervous State -- When Specialists Failed I Found ~ a Cure. \ \ aw + This is the kind of cure that hus set Windsor people thinking anu talk- ing about Dr.. Chase's Nerve Food. Tne action of this food cre is so radically different to the usyal treat- nients for the. nerves that everybody wants to try it dually and cer- tainly it nourishes the starved nerves back to health and Vigor and the bene- fits obtained are both thorough and lasting. Mrs. M. Smithson, 27' Arthur street, Windsor, Ont., writes: "I was suffer- ing from nervous, breakdown, which was caused by a shock when fire broke out in the adjoining' house. My |- nerves were in such a state that, after goitig to bed I covid not get my nerves quieted down sufficiently to go 'to sleep. I used to get up and walk around the room, or go downstairs. Even when I would: be dropping off ;to sleep my limbs would twitch and |waken me. I used to have cold, nerv- ous, night sweats, sometimes would become unconscious and He that way for quite a little while. I was always, cold and it seemed impossible for me to get warm or keep warm. 'When oa the street I would see two or three, objects at onve, and did not want any person to speak to me or bother me. -Any dittle noise irritated and annoyed me very much. -I had consulted specialists and tried many remedies during thia-time, but could not gain 'At last I tried Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and before long 'could eee that 'treatment' war proving beni I am now feeling so mi better that I can go out on the street without any difficulty, can go across the river and go about the seme as usual. I sleep well at night; and em. feeling. mére like myself every day. I dm pleased to be able to write you to tell you. how much' good: the Nerve od bias done me.. It has strength- > State Collegeof Agriculture, the live the CCOORDING: to & recent state-) cent official repart issued. byt Min- ment by Prof. W, L. Carlyle, |ister of Agriculture for the Province late Dean 'of 'the Oklabama of Saskatchewan by the Secretary of Provincia} stock outlook, in Alberta could hard- shows, that returns were oly de excelled anywhet ened afd, built up my whole system. |. - I am recommending jt to everybody msnervousness of T fing 5 eens. 'fray any Kini Dr. aae's Nerve Food, 40 cons box, & full treatment of 6 -boxes. for -all over the country are looking to|stock in Saskatchewan is eatigibted the Pacific slope sections for im-|at $173,.207,848, and these. returns Provenient in breeding, and Western deal with conditions only, up' te | April 30th last. There has been a great) tock. ily recognized |increase since that date as farmers | thét increase; s live stock' in future! tr Na

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