¢ Clute put. on 62 shoes a 'Satur- day and 66 on Monday. - : Nurse Readman of Toronto is spending afew holidays' at her home here. | Mr. and Mrs. Levi Henson were n Barrie tor Christmas. | Miss Beatrice Pollock of 'the 'Bring - your 'Wheat and Exchang ge Farmers, for Flour; Bran and Shorts. WE GUARANTEE OUR FLOUR WATER 'LILY makes the nice Sweet Maist Loaf. ah renetane patioo stalls is Spends MOSS ROSE makes the Beautiful White Crisp, Pastry we all like. eee ee A aiaia We manufacture Graham Flour, Whole Wheat Flour for Dark Bread. Better-a boot bill than a do Wheatléts and Germ' Meal for Porridge. tor bill | Don't forget that Fish- CHOPPING:- 'Tuesdays, Thursdays aad Saturdays ;et's 'shoe' department is © well ROBINSON BROS. - Proprietors hen tinge ee NEWS OF COOKSTOWN Christmas. visitor at "his home | fiere . The representative of The Barrie Examiner and Saturday Morning in Cookstown - i George F. Thompson... News items for Cookstown and, adjacent . H. BS Barnés is ovisiting this week at ler former home in Stouffville, > Howard Banting and family of ly and Mr. and°Mrs. Wells Flet- cher of Thornton spent Xmas at gin Cookstown - | John Flynn's, * handed er phoned to Mr. Thompson and will be 'forw: an + 89 finds him. Subscriptions, either new or renewals seiead te ere throneit ba Further Victory Loan Figures Ina letter 'lo' The Exaininer which was)childten f, thanking this paper for its The school concert, mithe West are vi sans hie (ita "Hides rita : tare op: ziven in the Town Hall on Thurs-|iling with the former's father, [eration in the-gloat Vielges Lown | . day evening of last week, was] Allan Nixon " |Campaign, Petes Ry Jace organ a very largely, altended,:a number | Stewart McFadden "of Elmvale|izer tor Simeve Count gives . of people not, being, ables to spent Yuletide wif h his brothers, | some further details of the sub- , in. Thé prograin was thorough-|Chas. and Jas. McFadden. ser erritory 2 kK ' Is enjoxéil by rveryone presentel Me, and Mee. das. Priaee re. [eerhten His tertitory as tol- . Too mush praixg cnncl be given | ceived. offi week |-<GiMie respanse.uf the Duminion the students and kiddies who that their son. P: Alber! , lt Lo 'the Vietor: ants TOOK REL oPCaRweNe AeGtinen on, Pl Albee of Canada to tke Victory Loan has Prince, is presumed to. established a world record. The out & ilar to about BOs pbeing missing since May 9. latest figures for the Doininion St: Jumps: Ser, Sathedeat 2 Olto Arnold of Torento spent! Mr, and Mrs. 'T. E..Monkinan [now 'total 18,000,000, -- with | Xmas at his home here. spent Xmas. with, friends. in To. [801,743 subseribi and as ot ONTREAL fs proud to celebrate _ dack Donnell visited last week ratito. _jganizer fur the County of Simcse, M its 275th birthday this year, wilh friends in'-Toronty Mrs. Reid gf Toronto is visit- |] should'like to give you certain 'Chote: po a4 _ Paul de Mrs. (Capt. I Son and ing ahr danehior 8. Ddiifariiatin home eur' de Maisonneuve, an ee apt sane on, anid ii aw here daughter, Mrs, D.| nt ht a, ; Brought bhi little fathottomed ot ue i iz Xuts H. Ross. he tolal subseriplions receiv- | nace to anchor close to the site se. week with her parents, Mr, and Miss 1. Lowery of Toronto is fed for fhe County of Simeve lected by» Samuel de Champlain Mrs. Geo, Duff, spending the holiday week at hérjmount to $4,023,000, with between | -- thirty-ong years previously, aud th David and Joseph Coleman are home here 17,900 and 8,000 Subseribers. This. new settlement was formally +0 spending this week with friends ! Mrs. Robt, Sproule of Toronto feans that ene person in every | tet ny Bere vimiont: : | im 'Foronfo and Hamilton, bassed away at her home on !lenof the population of the Coun |g fOid#% Montreal te w city or wid iy i I vets and stately "buildings, with : Ferris Donnel} and family of Monday, ° Her femains werejty of Siméene purchased. Vietory wealth unaccountable and' a. popula Toronto spent Xmas al James brought to-town on Wednesd: Bonds, ands al total distribution tion of nearly three-qiarters of 4 mil Donnell's. Wmorning aud buried at Wilson's }per héail for men, women and| * liens. peadquarters' of most ol' the Mrs. McClinton of Black Hawk Hill cemetery, children in the County was 850.00. | reat banking companies and ot that --*t r si nal: " ar broth. K. ined ot Por r saul . The Siveae aig \orld-wide enterprise, the Canxoiai = . e pent last week with her broth D.K. Roge of Toronto and sin} - The County of Simcoe stands] 'paliqe Railway. 'But all this seringe Dominion Square, Montreal, with the great C. P. R. Station in backéround nr Hugh Hayes. . Russell of Detroit, Mieh., spent |first for "Team Mem * with | tom the lending of Madgoineure end ; : > Miss Sylvia Coleman of Tor- Christmastide amogg old friends |folal sybseriptions of 83,503,000 his associates in May, 1642. every tree were an lroqiois." Barré, and-about a dozen. farmers, onto, is, spending thé holidays at here, This is after deducting all "Spec- The Island, of, Montreal was visited The long buffeting across the At- artizans and laboteré. A guard was ter home hore. Miss 'Alma Noeilly, who~has!ial-Subseriptions" and only con-| by Jacques Cartier in 1585, and near- Jantic in-bis cockleshell of a beat had hurriedly set to watch the forest Thos. Webb attended the fun- been attending 'Model School atjsidoring the hieiiees turned. in ly a bundred years passed before.an- not daunted' his courage or.that of paths. Tents: were landed and set eral of his mother at Holland) Orillia, returned to her home on|by* canvassers direct, Tt is. im other white man came. Of the 28th his companions, nor did the almost up, and the-bigeage-and stores were Lande Deidas: tet leat * canve Ut i | of May, 1611, Samuel de Champlain equally perilous. passage up the un- brought ashore. And then - havin aOneIBe on. Ari ast. _ | Saturd + |possible for me to gise vou de- ixnded with another Frenchman and' chartered St. Lawrence, which occu: "provided for their immediale 'safecy" , = «MP. and Mrs. Ed. Duff and lite m, y Gaduley and family of | finite. figures of definite districts, au Indian. He seems.to have explor- pied them ten days. He and his as- and comfort, an altar was raised and: Pe fle daugliter spent) Xinas with Barrie -spent Christnras alt' Harry |as canyassers were allotted ter. {> ed the shore line a8 far asthe Rapids, sociates "had their duty to do amd Divine Service was held. } °°. othe farmer's mother, Mrs, J). 8./ Fisher's ritory whieh earried them inta| Sut finaily decided that the best place they went on and'did it. The sun Was sipking as Pere Vi- Dur, Mise Margaret. Thompson rez {adjoining tivhships and villares for @ settlement was a little strip of _ It.was a heautiful afternoon. when mont pronounced the last words of > iS cai Skca) Heli; baa: add (tdened sto, heechnme ott eturoas kee ire fun ips § ages.) meadowland, to which he gave the 'they first sighted the Island,.with the his solemn exhortation and: the fire A Bia . Pe | Red ake t § day | However the following figures, name of Place Royale: Incidentally, forestclad mountain rising steeply fties were twinkling in thousands children "of Edmonton ave visit-/ front her position al Bradford. -- |whieh are only approximate, may| » it was de Champlain who first advo: against the sky, The pinnace fetched about the meadow." The. colnisis ing with, friends in town. Miss T. Sutherland is visiting |he -of interest cated the cutting of what ts now the up by the side of a rivulet running caught them and bung'them in phials ee Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Duni-ef|with het "sister, Mrs. Allan, atl sidtand sqis.ann| > Fanania Canal, in 1600, into the St. Lawrence, There was @ about the altar, where they givamed Toronte .apont Xmas" with "the | Barrie ----~ ei hae Thirty years later, plans were per- siretcti of meadowland along the for a little'time and then faded one "Jaiter's mother, Mrs. -Danie}| Miss Malief Pollock, who is |q)7il!@ 869,800) fected for the founding of the sattle- shore, with patches of flowers-grow: by oné into the, darkness. Where " ULES | AR * : PSs xis went, which was called-in advance, ing amid tb+ grass and -brightly col -vpon the little eompany, having light Sutherland. .;teaching~at Stroud, is. home for | Gating wood, Vilie-Marie de Montreal for Mount: ored birds dartivg. to and fro Be ed watchfires and strengthened their Will Reilly: left "last week for|the holidays. _- Benstang royal. De Maisonnetive was 'ap-®yond the meadowland lay ihe forest .guard, lay quietly down to glep- om Toronto, where: he will take a} Owing' to the iey condition: Of! xtietun and disitien Di pointed leader of the Mitte varty with who knew what secrets hidden the grassy slopes. of what is nom position. 7 : . the. roads during the.past week, arts a aul hs nics censisting of about a score of people. in its mysterious depths. De Cham. Place Royale. From the heroism 'of Mr. and Mrs. John. Nixon and}blacksithe were. urged to work| PA"" sy SORE They set sail from France in a-small. plain had told them of the palisadec. the:r-early Canadians to the' heroism Townships .: jprinace, landing, at Quebec: on the towmof Hochelags which stood appv: of those who have, immortalized the Pay (uot ingluding Mid- of May. Here they were warned sit# the present McGill University, _ nanies of Ypres, Coiircelette, Givenchy land lontmagny of the danger of anni- De Maisonneuve was the firet to "and Vimy Ridge, is along way as i Nottawa: (not ine Miation by the Troavels spring ashore, followed by Governor time goes, but" it shows tha ie 1 'fealt, it my duty wad my nonor to Montmnens fram Quebiey Rens vio shart Ot Alaigqutienys art thos bd eluding! Collingwood found a colony at Macnee ate tie tat Maher vada © relued him to found the city of Munt Innistil phaisuulcure "Saud 4 would go al "1. Peitrie und ber servalt, Chunuite realsgtill survives, Feeumseth 4 '2 hw, Gwillffabntes : : | Flos in Memoriam Vespra 4g Tn loving memory of our dear git,'Gladys Tins 48.500! Hubbert.. wife of Howari! Robson; who | Desr Sunnidal 500 Railway Soldier? \Xmav Gifts Duff Esq., Sedretery-Treasurer, Barrié Div. Rlymen's Pat, Assoen., From Pte. Bergin' Clayton On Nov. 23, Pte, Bergin Clayton wrote to kis mother, Mrs, John' Clayton, ss follows:;| ps Allandale, Ont. -I enclose ° pattern of card | sending with. your parcels. } to say that on checking over | Sir which we are 1 arf sorry | your list received two days ago we can only is find 86. addresses for the Front and 9 Eng- | lish, which it 'seemed safe to send to, Many are incomplete or absorbed in battalions and it is-absolutely. useless sending -to Reserve | Battalions or Depots without first making sure that the men are there so ure obliged Another week gone, but this time I' can report a great improvement, There is' very Little pain attached to-it now and Tam sure Hr can be around by Christmas. The only thing Rean't stand is being. in-bed all. the, time, I am getting thin on it but-not losing appetite atment here; four meals « day and fairly good ones. Visitors are here. on Wednes- sand Sundays und bring us cake and The. people treatwus et their own sons and brothers. We have a great time We are given the: best. of | ~~ | LETTERS FROM SOLDIERS |: | Card of Thanks | Kinidly allow .me space through your | per to thank' the employers.of the G. T. R. ad friends for their practical appréeia- | tion in the presentation of a purse of money. | received. 'at such my duty: and services to King and Gobntry.{ | for Fight und liberty-have been appreciated It brings great cheer to our home | time of th* year, also to feel that | PTE. A. H. DART, 76th Bn. | Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. | {eft un Deeeniber 3th, 1016 Ftis-sweet to know we. will méet again, Where parting is nts 'more, 'And our dear Gladys, we loved so well Has only gone before.' God knows how. much we.misé her; He counts the tears we shed And whispers, 'Hush, she only. Your loved one is not dead, Some time. some dav. our eves sball see The face we loved so well, Some day, some time, her. hand shall clasp To never say farewell. --FATHER, MOTHER. AND FAMILY, Shanty. Ba: sleeps, Lt holfl their parcels. Thr other 44. have. tilling thém. sbout Canada and how 'far | 'gobe and I hope we shail be able to Wind honky tobias thee eae id customs. g - they «ure behind in their wavs : : thé 'remainder within a few days. The | \ Red Cross representative brought us such} (C¥ : 6 Xmax, post closes Decrl4. articles as we need in hospital. Well, it-will With reference to Lieut.-Walker, prisoner of war, it ix very difficult .to obtain per- mision: to. send. food parcels 'outside of what is provided by the Red Cross Society. We are making an effort .and if it should prove impossible we will send: bit a, parcel of books and games from Smiths, which' is permitted. We huve sdded the naine' of Pte ford to the list as requested We sent the men in the 'first pordel as follows:--1 tin af tobaecs (% Ib.) 60 cigarettes, 1 pipe, 1 shirt, 1-toothbrush, 1 pair of socks, 1 'pair of leather- boutlaces. And in the second:--1 tin of lamb and green peas, 1 tin of fruit, (peaches' or apri- be one month: tomorrow since Ib was hit. We were going over the top at Ypres, Four- teon of us statted but we had-not gone ver far when the-boys commenced falling. Five '8f ux were left and ax the boys carrying the machine' guns were 'hit, und I'being. then Can you 'Afford to. | senior, T hacl to return fora gun. ,T got it | f ' all right, and' came back to the boys wait: | 3 ing in shell holes and was lying on my | mo e? stomach giving them some orders when 'a | ; bullet caught me in the left knee. It, was | 3 : | ae not so painful, #0 I'walked about six miles Whi of coiirsé=-whek dies thie cick of before I-got a lift_in a motor. This all | oes a b 5 pes happenert about ser the inorning and two. cr three .cigars a day amount to? nicht I-wae far dway from the firing Tine | and operated upon. Then the next day ad But. their cost, if invested: ii an Imperial Life. Durn. When He Gets This Whether "Jim" is on a man-of-war or in a trench, he's going to have long-lasting en. joyment and a lot of benefit from. | sot 1 ifum pudding. 1 gake, 4 ie trip down to Rouen where I spent 9 couple j policy, might' mean. the' difference betiveén of gum, 1 packet of notepaper, envelopes : of wecks before I wax in shupie to cross, the | ena and peneil, 1-box.of dates, 1 box of candy." Channel and then serit'to u hospital ix 'this pov ee ae comfort for-your ey ee We added the. dates as it is so «lifficult to | city (Portsmouth? | your deat! get anything im the way of sweets just now | sis os ie = and .in some cases we sent one big tin 'of { Think of it--a'quarter a day--for a tan pees, The Famous ders Sum. toffee and in others 'a. small tin of toffee | From Pte.'Sidney Minnikin | and 30 yl, metntain, approxiniately $4,000 of 'fe and s eke of chorolate, andl in some abox | B. Minnikin ree-ntly received from bis of chocolates.* It was quite impossible to |son Sidney the following letter, dated at | get enough to put the same things in each | Folkestone on Dee, 3. Re | partel "When-we.finish, a little more T will | «Well, I am away at last. Tam at Folke- ; - you-know exactly og it ge out (Be | stone waiting too nerose he chasinel., We lates ure_very fice and much appreci left Seaford about'S p.m. and, got 'away in} 'Yours faithfully, good shape, not having to wait oh parade 'afford 'an Imperial Home,Protectioa pale @ tg oe MARY PLUMMER, (Capt.', ground long or at.statjon. The band led your wife and_little ones. Canadian Field Comforts Commission, | ws #9 bo ane artge garters bye | Asc for full fiarticulars to-day. Address R E. Barracks, Shorneliffe | We had » good send-off, Half of : 'THE IMPERIAL . LIFE was down to the station to see us off and | : AssuranceCompany of Canada ' ; It's one of-the ouit- _ And the $4,000 in cashi will pe there for .your wife and amily immediately, it you' own Aa Ir policy, and your call shoula coms suddenly. _ You can afford. to smoke, sure... But you cn also tonic effect onstom- -ach and nerves--its _ welcome: 'r efresh- * ment in time of heed The prow POU MF "C" Oo. officers were there to shake hands | - and give us a sehd off. We changed at | London' end were there- for about. eighty" minutes "Had Iynch 'there. 'We arrived |. hers ~ 420 am, There must be absut | Card of- Thanks, - Alex. ba ggptan li and, H. a TarBush, ustralians, New | Kilties, Pa ey F