MINESING STATION The wanui Dee 21 hol No. 15, thrugh lity Of th ) training the children." The wef given in good style by members E the. Sunday Sch Mra and Mrs Knay ne ad R Thos; Patte is, The cqticert wus a success arrived home from Orillix on Saturd: Daring the past week we were called, up- night to spnd Christmas at their homes wat saan the death of un ald und much here . hhor, Chus Lafrenier, who | Mr, and Mrs, Roy Hickling returned track of this section éver home on Saturday iter spending a, pleas: auch of cailroutl hastbeen built ant honeymoon trip with friends in Toronti | News from Neighboring Townships As Told'by Our Correspondents tea und @ntertain- snent forthe Sunday Sehoot was preceded) Thursda: rday hy if good concert given -by the The way the little folk nie Class and with D. Casts" comic selec ' @ > SIXTH LINE, VESPRA Dec 20, by the pupils of 8.8. No. 5 was quit | of! for Winnipeg w j Wednesday. Dee 0 26 to Prof. Reynolds wiz pluph,. on Saturday to' and Bellevillé. Their many. fri rommetery 1 every happiness.in their new home. Ter ft b re re glad to have Mrs. 20, e for Lust Week THE. GREAT-WEST LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Head Office: Winnipeg F OR SER A. H. BROTHER Barrie, Ontario, Modern Type Good Paper : Fast Presses Careful Workmen eee Clorenys are' nec the Printing you srden ts fo be -satisfactary The: Byatiiiver anil Saltirday Mopitive @itive is now better WWipped Phan eve: to aneet aby ay for god priat- EnEs : Weare pot muddling in vain basting when we assert Wat we h ' bt Ure Sest eatippedt deb oP Einting Rants weit of Toronte Windle ee seed a Fis always Acouracy Utility Good Appearaice Promptness if you bavétsome printing you: waat well done in every partieviar, talk to us"about it,.or write THE EXAMINER AND "SATURDAY MORNING Barrie, * . aeee SOME LINE Business Stationery." Manufacturers' Forms Window Cards) Postors 'and Dodgers "Wedding and. Society Sta- tionery Visiting Cards--Printed or Engraved Butter Wrappers » Cards and Tickets' - Mr Smith, Public Sebool teacher beré, hie resjgnoil and is going into Tarming, i ar VB viGo Dec 24-Migs Tren (Kelley of Party Saunid'.is spentting the "holidyy under the ntal tof: . Anthony | Huth happened with what might have proved st serious ac j the crank shaft strack his glas-c af the gluss penetratitig one of h E time "of writing be: is progressing. fv oly F. Pattss went' to! Halif® to: help re istruct the dew tated ures. Sinjth. is-recovering from a severe attack of LaGrippe / STROUD Miss Ethef Beefy, Stroud ceived Pte, 4 T Collier; Co tion Section, 19th Bn. Cunadiins, Francs, 4 letter in reply toon ote enclosed ini; a pair of socks knit by her' The writer expressed appreciation' of the excellent «quality af the sucks iyo" referred gratefully to the Tuanner in which the women of Catiada-stp, ply socks to the boys-at the front ~ Western Notes Undenbteily the..serview in th Central Mothodist. Chiurch, Calgdry, on Stinday ev ening preceding the general election, wax easily the ios? exeifing religious ring ever held ip Usleare Theleause of it all was the trenchant remarks of the' pastor, Kev SW. Kallis, who didnot mince wards sort of Union Government 7 ftey declaring' his right to deat al questions where moral «issues ned, prdcerded to praise the stur and Inuduble attitude of Ay nvlopendene nearly all the teading. Literal iewsrapérs Canada. sueh ws the Toronto Globe, HL Chronicle and, Calgary Albértan vay sane dare Sig, that the "Albertan" was usked Mr, Kallis. "L piause for > 6. Munns atose with the tink hekeve the "Albvrtan", yee bought When order was restored, Pals Sant "My: brother, you are the' n wh "Albertun" has heon looking for, You will probably eur from' them "tomorréw" Mr, Fallis, in his introdtictort remarks took tion to Hurtley, Dewart strictures on ninisters 1kity in polities ands he was not taking inst Dewart as to hig course... He referred to Me Dewart as "the: tnworthy son of a worthy further stated that: iF Central ted to bis support Gf, Union that: bY wanted: his pastors imoiediatelyy TI instructed its solicitors to tuke xetiog. against Mr, Munns. Runiors of thie 'nature conceming. the newspaper wete 2 float for sone tinie-hut the Albertan was tunable to get d concrete case against. aay ipervon.~ The Albertin. Co, was+ prganized fifteen yenrs ago by W. M, Davidson, the Liberal member. for Calgary in the Alberta | Legislature,. as editor, having. editorial and voting 'control -of -the paper. | tieeti absolutely no change during the exist jence-of the paper ami whet 'there 'is: the He Chargh 'obj Goverinn to tersuin t hot be associated with it post and he ~NEW YEAR GIFTS-- 'our: son or daught "Scholarship" xt Barrio Bus. College: It's better than a 'Vietory Bord because it pays you 100 times 5% -per cent. on investment, | "Scholarships": cost $57.00 up to $05.00. Phoie 445 or write Box' 567, 5:52 rents-- Pre- with a "business r The concert given in the schoolkouse 'on a-uccess. The children | did their part well Mr. Chappell 'contributed a drills showed the great , number of- gramophone selections. | texcber, Mis; Carrie McLeod, : Watson: gaye a reading that was much ap dialogues ' preciated. Miss Miss Almu Switzer left on Saturday night | of which re site is to be married on | and envir ids wish | every department of the 0 dent when | id | tions from Mr. | The Alberton, | There "has | | editor-annouhees tht his name will not ap- | _.__>_THE BARRIE: EXAMINER / ___Thyrsday, December 27, 1917 PROPOSED NEW B:C.I.-- ON NEW CENTRAL SITE ||. Zn' the present age-of progression impor- tant developments are daily being' made in | alls branches of. Educational, Commercial and 'Domestic Architecture, as well as inj "all other walks of life, and: possibly the | most, important of ll is the Sehool Build. | ing, for here. is where ouf boys and_gitls | who will be, the future statesmen, artisans, | professional nien and wonien, the fathers and miothers 'of. our country, are trained mentally and physically for' their future | work, as they all sooner or later take up | |the "White Man's Buren," 'the currying | depends 'largely. on the training ninent of the schoo! home. -Char-., eters are formed as much from the Aature | Harold McDorigl and Edward Murphy | of the surroundings us from. the training we receive from our teuchers, How very im portant, therefore, that the -sehoolhouse should 'be urtistic 'and' homelike in design the circulation and plan the vunitution uid equipment the est mou » thought ean-prodice,"and so on throughout 7 izations is to. specislize The tencen anying-eut, | unid the archite y of the time ' (1) Lone Tree Lake and Wall of Jericho in Ptarmigan Valley. (2) Snow Cornice on Ptarmigan, showing Douglas in distance. (4) Mt. Black Douglas. - ( Looking down Corral Creek from Ptarmigan. Lake, showing (6) Lone Tree Lake and Lake Myosotis (3) Black and White Douglas, " Mount Temple. : and the base of Ptarmigan 'Peak. WAY yonder ty the wonder wortd| q A of the Canadian Pacific Rockies 'he' sender world that 'y ewaits (ull exyy there is a vi ey- where the F fan tive and trees td die, where the mother hen cto © her chirping brood and where <4 warns them of the danger of stra: wolegged animals known as men, but vom. Whom she is powerless to prote hem. '0 the nanies men who give places marked this particu wise have thardian peak.as Ptarmigan Mountair. In this wiJd + Alpine area. thus ned after a. bird, will be found one the thousand, beanty spots of our | Sanadian Switzerland, including every pe of scenery that belongs.to a moun, | | grea: turbyilent rivers, fed dy | s glacial-tributaries, leaping ii adlong, flight to the lower levels and | he ultimare sea; alpine meadows car | peted with a yfrofusion of flowers, can-| you depths, forested retreats epening into expansive valleys, cliffs, peaks, rocky rainparts, snow cornices and ice aGvliig making the avalanches that re- verbetate like @ Flanders bombard- nient,' There are lakes, beantiful be yond, compare, deep-hearted:" pools, waterf:lis of all heights, muskeg traps hud "rovk stréwn trails, and glacial toulders stranded far'from thefr 'north ev, babitant in the. mysterious. north 'oj 'm-mysterious fee age, | There are moreover' signs of -wild Ife on-every hand. The Ptarmigan is chere, standing stupldly-in one's way, deer and bear tracks fresbiy made 5 t | gophers that Invade tent and Jarder #¢ impudentty' as. percypine, while an occasional -bunny 'or a fying eagle add variety to the mountain zoo. Let us hit the tya{l together for this) Canadian Garden of the Gods, where .. | People of this continent suffer from disturb- | Jeach ochey in towering bi fon as Ptarmigan Valley, and its | te | trall-hitter warms to the sight' ances catised from. eye striin, and as & great percentage of this is caused from im- properly lighted' school buildings, nothing of this nature will occur in. the. propoied central building. © Provision.bias been made that all, cross lights' and shadows will be eliminated, thé Tighting . being parallel to the longest axis af the class rooms and from one side only, always over the left shoulder of the pupil und 'no teacher will be compelled to'stand or sit throughour the petidds facing a strong light, Another very important "feature in the planning of this building is that it is de- signed an the whit principle, thit is," ad ditionaly rooms' can" be udded. ax required, and- without unnecéssary expense, and, th building is always complete An intercommunicating telephone system ie provided which will britig «very part of the building in instunt.commuineatinn. with | the Principal and from bins tothe town if} | Boys' Lunch Room Girls' Lunch Room... .. . 0... 16.ft. 2 in x 37 ft. 6 in, Servery .. TOxt4 ft. | Kitchenette 5 i. 10x10. ft. 3 it Boys' Toilet... in-x 2a ff 4 Girl Toilet 7 2044 ft in. x 24 fe. ; : nN Boys' Bieyele Room ' ! : 16-ft. 2 in. ¥ aS ft. In, Girls' Bieyele Room carne | 16 ft..2 in x 18 ft. Min." | Every Afternoon Bicycle Rooms are contuined | and Evening. i » 18x 37 ft. 6 in, building. * Gymnasium 40x54 ft exited. Girls' Dressing Room 17x16 ft The protection from fire has Deen cafe. | Boys' Dressing Room 17x13, ft fully figured out with wide corridors, brow! | The plane of this: building are on exhib irra Properly locuter. exits (the doors igjon:in Seatt's: Book Store, where with the | ie bolts st this 'huild: | he eniptied ef whieh a b i equipped, with Ps In case_of fin r-cfiicient fire drill i of this description every ritepayer could | orm a good ide# of the whole seheme. Tuesday, Thursday. and Weasel improved in =. Dec. 20-- Miss" Almu Switzer is spending | Messrs Ellis & Ellis, have fore y nade, in forty-five seconds Sines in. th f 4 F ja couple of w pie ip hase, Dore yeaa nase, ity'af sehool buildings fas havi wrigiawted Doctor of Philosophy Saturday Evenings lgwrizht took charge of th te least for her new home in Winni in the boile Rey Thos. Wearing, M.A, B.D. Pha - fest Sunday im the abses Mrs. G 'Winerove, who h mide ubselutely fire. proof "in this box been granted the degre of Doctor 'off 3 r nntendent, Me. Truy, who took Me couple of weel school 'buildings. They staré |gehool proposition. ~All clas roams Philosophy (eum laude) at the Christ: No War Tax This Season corean fast) Sunday |ablt to. bs heme a ithut-the building erected acenrding'to these corridors ure flanked with asulid ts CynYocation of the: University of Z ine Mm Mrs WW. Egerton returned to Coulson on /jlans. would have no. superior "and few lL ceilings other than "ths above The work taken was 3 iver i spel acho fs tnvar-vety fer spending the week sith her equals on the continent. There coli. 4x lath three years in the history day rsmuch better 2. Switzer. many more imposing and expe of plaster, re ng cach Mure and interpretution of fhe Old and Ne 23% z Lae, Byrsie is ryeovering after se- | uot more efficient. The grenteet eae HA aluiont fare: penal, this otng: the Gut estan . ico UR EUEREGN 3 eo JACK'S. LAKE of pleuri + sl twen exefeised to coniply with the requir |struction generally 'udo}ted ig nwo-stur'y Mr. Wearing, wate tecently culled to the | Leo. Kenny is getting. around again: after ap feta 4 2A Curtis Cyok? "of Echo Bay: is ents of "the Department of Kduew' {school buildings. The Huting Pula he pastorate of the First Baptist Church: at'|* Yery serious illness with pneumonia. an wifta- thie. holiday G There are no superfluous or costly exbel 'equipped with standpip® fire Maedc on- pro. Woodstock and. settled there nftet. the "| che body ob Mrs. Ieiwant Grigsialforaier ty The community sturtled on'Tueaday | Dee lishniénts and nowaste spaces Everyghing 1 brackets situated in threcbas 'and | pletion .af his work at Chicago... Before | Tesident. of this place, who died in Toronto prune lied when it was known thut-the | Church beld their sary serv y. {hys-been carefully studied out ta_give the corridors This with s complete nf | going to Chicago he was puctor of Eglinton | revently-ras brought:to Phelpsten far. bur nouse Gb, Wr Galiclith, dr, wae burned to \Geo A Brown of Burrie occupied the pulpit |uhximum efficiency with the nian fire nt bells will make it diffentt for | Baptist Church, Toronto,' and during chix (MA gre op scale i oh : he gemund with but very f@w of the cob: ervices. There was'a good attend: |éost, both in construction and augiten i fire to gain any h Y infany part eourss at the University of Chicago he w th Ase ional of eeaeale Beate 3 a: eseuping t both -services, and stitable music') ance, Our severe climatic conditions with of buildi , \ {editor of one of the "departments. of she [tert in the hlacksmithing business here. eiftan® they hed on'. "The Bre istered by the choir the price of coal constantly soaring The following is a short aleschiption of | "Biblical World." Big inducensents 1 or etive flue, itis supposed, | © Last Friday our village had the pleusure | the'high+ cost. of building materials ' Tons Folferd to him to persuade hin te.» | noticed until the flames welcoming. home another -- soldier, Pte, |labor renders it imperstive that ne Pavone fr jan the 'United bun be fe | r of Quebec is ' Theweny to ost Roy: Cole 'The basement of the Presbyter. cubic air space is constructed te be hee 1 Comat real Rew 246 in Ltrigtie duty to retiien to Can | 2 his holidays at-hjs home' here. 1 ri ian churek, was filled, A goo! programme | onil ventilated or floor aréas to be eonad., 1 Commercial Room 24x14 ft Mr W a sinof, the lute Petor | Mfivs Nellie "Kell is spending-her holidays si a! Gb [of music and addresses was given and Roy fered. While careful economy hay teen Phy fr | Wearing ¢ has.one brother over: |under th: parental roof y f 4 Qeiee with the dormiee's sister, Mrs. J. | seus presanted with a purse-of $74.00, Pte, | iractised, nothing in-the way nf efficiency Che Msaz fr sets, naw wounded in England, and anoth i |--- Miss Flora Dyer of Toronto is' holidaying 30) Novak Bee [Cole hail verted if the. trenches about iten [or bealthfulliew bas' bé Pro Appa 1ONI7 f1..6 mn | « barrister: ir Peterborough at"her hoine-het 3 t cout Toronto iss home, for | months and was wounded in the butfle of | vision has been made-to supply every pupil Dark: Room 6x6 ft ae - | Mr T..Cunmpbell 'is. spetting Xnvas."with china i= He returis this week to Toronto for {und teacher in the building with 30 cubic "43824 ft AX full line of, Wicker Chairs,-ete,, 9 vughter, Mrs,-Fergason, Stroud " | treatment [foot of fresh properly tempered war per nnn i JOx24 ft dls for Xmas. presents "ai factory. price --Uphol-tering and furniture repairing un Women Rest Rosm, Wet? ft |Our Mr. Prinen will beg y t fe S oe ' neatly dome hy competent workmen al KNOCK Further, since one.fourth of the Nien Teac Hi Yiry in rear of V1 Owen S S152 7 0 wt Dauenll' Bros $452tt | Dec The , Publié School concert, | seen _ - a - : fe ses | Which war held itv the Hall here dust Thurs : . i Ye ee re day evening, Dec. 20, was an desided suc > y i } not 7 <The children did their parts in the , iv Vf ii 5 ° "J progeum, ighich. consisted of recitations! dis [®) : yore i Ingues, imustes singing, 'lrills, ete, well, an s @ neery ain mich credit is due thet and also' Miss Ab ' : t ul : A lermethy. the teacher, who, trained them : . . M : ; Proceetis amounted to 'neatly $28.00 ind " ' b thukes Treuritie eu imperative Ty ihe Sewing Cirele wish to thunk the teacher : Tig 4 Jand pupils for handing it over to them ta " re) i : ' : Te use! inv I pss work and also for : ' Ad y ug DL min pe MEP sother gifts presented bysthe ehildren to he . a i ther the, fiagt step teyvanrels ent the soldieys through the Cire: Mrs me ae : ay aie Sa inj sulliewent protection | Switzer ilso, presented the Circle with $1.00: aarmiae a 5 ie be Be . Ha Vy M sree ti foriiation tone iz a lls em peaa, ky Oy gs " 44 ei fe i Dec. 2 Mrs. Madill of Berkley visited at | : vet Foot cod vetuen the highest pro: Tyo Clarkes Inet week at Hoy sre clearly secret, and suf [athe concert h hin, thé Methodist church 7 aOALNY OVA tH Ase Al ae here lust week wins n'decided stu Pro. ut : ceeds amounted to $82.00 + : # Pehiqairy for' mites will be giver Jnu, Wooley has been Gn" the sick tist ye ica gtie sient litiessnonuae aveeeehe do | but. is now convalescent a 5 f Paginecoiacha lati : D'Arcy Ganley of Birrie madé a short : Taya Toiigercawritr a once $18 Fe call at his ott hame here bea wie dhatered, baer WT attended the fineral-of his hieer ley List, week 'i (5) ranges (of mighty, snmintts rivatting™ ghts trough and beyond thé flercy louds. if will Lake touvlse statiqn that 1ack ponies will be dianond-Hitched and saddle ponies mounted. Heading northward, Tit bur lively Corral reek Ulocks the way and demands the 'rst of scores of wadiig processes with tue' water dashing over feet avd leg s 'But water doesn't count on the ruil, whether in wet teer or a down- our from the sky, for warwih and dry: are-at the end of the trail And cha glorious trail tt is. like an un- folding payorama with new. scenes 'at * every turn, 4 sutcession of God's can- vasses. in the gr at gallery of phe Jpop, r. i It is.al] uphill for the first league or two, At each sueceedin altitude a turn im the saddle held. the eye spell- bound with: the scene {o thy south where, like soldiers on parade, thirty miles of giant peaks lined up and made a beautiful vision: the Tem Peaks, lordly Temple, Aberdeen, I.tfroy domi: nating Lake Louse, Victoria's Glacie glistening white, We are high enough to even catch an entrancing glinipse of Lake Louise, It is traly an apheaved world where "hills peep o'er hills and alps on_alps arise." 5 at ' : i fordine streams om ° ines ang. the wor'd of metand war seemsito !treacherous ar belong to another planet. Off we start bridges ofa single lo on another trail, thrilling. at every jing wited' ina: bid i. turn with the sensation of the. first meré incidents in the a 'Now it is facing forward as a new sieht. of nature marvels. We-wruke for-happy hours fiv- quickly é 1 world 'stands revealed. Yonder 'is a One Tree Pass, where the footmarks of day hurries to its close, we-hurtied to speck of white {n an immensity of hat have been. a giant brain were another camp on the 'Rei. Deer, under' space. Thanks be. it. is tent and a freshI\ made. Do not the very names thé lee of the Black and® White. Doug+ url of smoke. How the -heart of the of: Merlin Lake, and , Merlin' Castle/lass peaks, towering over 11,000 feet: . Shelter. 'souhd seductive? 'And little Lake above. sea-level and curiées. Moont warmth, a balsam bongh-bed,'Myosotis is a-miniature Lake Louise Molar filling thé sky csinvass with ite 3 of teu, rashers.of hacon, pails of |and no less beautiful, dammed up-in & toothlike 'summit. Were Were' sore, vrunes, squares' of Banff 'bread, whaj basin formed by the tilting of the lakes, more: Nigsgaras, more fic ifore could mortal as 4 istrata, the cverflow in a trick'ing strewn vales,, more literal ups ard? The ext day, and red Jetter day it streaf_ making the birth of a river, downs, for a trail is rarely content' to, will prove to be. .The early morning | Youder rise.the Walls of Jericho, for: Work on the level, it suf ushgps. in' a day -of wondrous bidding in their biack ané-.frowsing, Se the happy. days sped away 'until - charm that 'makes every nerve tingle mass. Through the Stoky* Valley we the last one 'came. the last camp five - with the glow of life. 'Radiating val meke a detour, catching a glimpse of |was enjoyed, and the final bit of saddle," leys on every hand invite exploration, 'ma 'ood timity and variety, and where He wade the bills bas placed circles ature may be viewed in all her = 2 ive Hector to the west, with Cath-/ travel as the return. journey- wns ma shimmering summits look down upon edral. Peak asserting its lordliness of and @ most delightful trip came to us as giants upon. ptemies. cascades height." aS eet ay eae and rapids sing their pong of. the wild,| -Tramping wuroughi fallen timber, over, z