Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Dec 1917, p. 1

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3500 Copies WITH. WHICH IS AMALGAMATED------------._- THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING SECTION 1. PAGES 1 TO 4 54th Year. aE eT eS eT a te Msclaen Eater BARRIE, CANADA: DECEMBER 27,1917 eae No. 52 per ee ae ie PROPOSED . " . f ; ) i f ' 1 Jae ea "For additional information furnished by the arch There were about six soon had them alt lawn. CADET MYERS TELLS _ OF HALIFAX DISASTER Thrilling Experiences when City was Wrecked by the | Mont Blanc Explosion. Cadet .¢ Tiyal Naval sof Mrs aud Mr: would Those he who another wero Myers of the! e, Halifax, soi WW. B, Myers, was lon. felt out 'NEW B. C. L BUILDING FOR CENTRAL and we on the 'The naval or' military auth- orities gave warning that there explosion. f alive in. the north end, where the college is. jbegan fo go south in a hurry. in with an officer:and weit up te the commons of five acres. an open place.expected ta be safi turés fortunate to excape with- a. few|4, was so packed with: people you scratches bout ihe neek and gid haediy ge standing roo head, in. thy Fecent disaster 'wll? porminied me.of those p Halifax. acted Before coming home he tack confined tvou see af the Belgian nehitis. whieh severe has [retreating with all they could get ; ii 1 neil ton, their wagons. 9 Him 'te thee house most of hel oyia sod, exepShody: that had time since his velurn home. To} R Sfar reporter he gaxe some of His experiences ax follows: "L was in the: Royal Naval Gol- | Jege "at the times | heard a fairly, joud noise, and beard * things | shing 'and . 'falling, all over. Two of the .cadets were blown "clean through the gunrcom -wins dow on the ground Moor hut were only stunned by -the tumble. All _ of us-who were in the: gunroom | found, ourselves, knocked "to the floor. One little fellow 'nanied i _ Gedree Marler certainly kept his head. "He yelled fo as allto stay where we were on the-floor and} i's lueky we did, because. several cadets who dashed out of doors to the lawn were nearly killed by warned --wns 'about' to was fomtunately flooded thénghtfu) persons. 'gan to dispe: mous. At the Will Hospital they were the wounded: int, piled. on one wagon ggvith badiy wounde one "I was afraid. to go the. dockyard So we e from the damaged tot blankets, put » families in, and drove ay tH as fast as possible. ay Phe Magazine Ihall we were blow up by some all bringing wagons. There was a shortage of vehicles, let: alone ambulances; and J. saw layer of and others on top, Poultry in an Uproar hack to because we were Auspicious of ansther explosion, : pieces of fying -steel from the |so 1 made, for the egntre of the ' Mont Bla) three hundred yards.|city and came to the large mar- Ry away. ket. -I though) if musi -be full "When things had stopped falling 'a little, we beat it out the windows and then we saw that everybody' we met.-wag cut in some way and streaming with|causing the disturbance. hlood.. There wasn't a cadet) "Then 1. st either who wasn't' seratehed in}yards, but I s some way." * ple' streaming away, One Doctor Took 87, Eyes Out sone me not "Most. 'of the - officers were [DAC& pag Daily Wounded and-one of them|t2 see Hennes wih may lose'an eye. | L_ know ney doeLor who took out 87 eyes. The. women who clean the, college ev- ery day could be heard screaming upstairs, xo some sailors, rushed | fo their assistance. The, cadets, ' wf course, did the same. © Tran was A seonere! up. the sipirs and saw. the.C.P,0, [2804 to it (chief petty officer . bringing |* r =down moaning. Woman whose ee h blood. There had flattened out. was I soon flattened right down lof wounded, forT heard a great been a d for the: dock- | ill found the peo-' and fo go near It seemed so 'unriatural doors windows blown in, but T soen got used:, ahd when T went, far \ther north T found whole hou Dead people were lying in the doorways of houses, and the sereaming,aind moaning they the and became Street Cars Flattened "1 passed streetcars that were on the' SITE ' FIRE THREATENED 'On Monday evening, but af house which was separated tr fhe store of T ». TarBush only eight: feel 'sparks from dhe frame buildings } were showerfd . upon. the ro for acdistanee of several hun red' yards, ange Halland the: stables of West, Bert AVilloughby and W Carson were\ set on fire, but th incipient blazes wer iched by an Active band-of wot ers. y Ti is a marvel that the T: Bush store' and post-office. Strand, Theatre and the"Dom ion Hotel escaped. ain it was. thought they "wor go, and a large proportion of contents of -the hotel; 'were moved. - But. a "hard-work Ve") eS jirucks, and 1 beard of one which the conductor and all paxsengers were. killed. All 4elephone posts wefe snapped half way. A large fire had stai ed in the graving dock. It spread!" This is to the houses nearest to the wa- ter on Barrington Street a swept out to the. mills, It, eourse, was only burning wre ed houses, because from there there were about two squ miles of buildings knocked to ground. F t " a bed in aecabin on a We all were like one cable ship. everyhody out to help Far additional information furnished. by : TO CLEAN OUT ANGUS and (the giantiihe tire under control, The roof of the Or. soon quén- Time and ag- ee i 24. [pea itects in-:connection with this building see page 2. . . force of volunteer fire: fighters, numbering about 200, succeeded in keeping the main fire confined to the Lee properties. The heat ter) from the Lee store was particu- Hard Fight Flames were |!*"! hat, ati ty its. heavy , i raime construction.» Fortunate- Confined to Lee Properties. jj). (he storehouse next the post ot otview had been emptied of oil J An 88.0000 tire, which for a) cone fime previously. About 8.30 lime threatened ta wine oat the lipo burning buildings collapsed, pareaer portion of the village ofan the main danger to the vill- Angus,-ocearred on Monday ev- [age was over. A. force of men ening. The fire broke out al 640 troy Camp Border rhed the nthe upper storey of Leets store . shortly afterwards. the corner west of the post! pha total toss sustained -- by offies. th a few mriputes the |Lagnard S.7Lee is about 88,000, flames fad spread very viddly covered by insurdnce, over the buibling and, aby s of the diré was phoned aostrong north-west' wind, soon anrie' a few -mitiules after leaped across to fhe vacant store e started, with. a redquest adjoining and tothe storehouse |ihat a fie engine and crew be tothe south, . Extending east- jsent to the aid) of the. village Ward itdaid hold on an, oil store: lafore the assistance ,could be OM started on -ils way, news: came bylihat the citizens were gettirig fs. id To Help Overseas Y.M.C.A. To the Editor of The Examiner, Dear Sir:--Your sreaders- may be aware that ever sin me "the » Provincial W.C, have been supporting ¥; M. € work at the front; the first rk- | : i i Jone Secretary, the second lithe third year three, Now they are further develyping, this: d Dr. "ni. | ese ar the | int One of these advances 18 to fin- jqiance what are called -the Pay Book Leaflets. te, | One of our secretaries, writing ing Says that already fifteen thous-. 'and a week are,asked for hy the nen, The committee began pub- in'lishing a series of little tracts, the which they call "Pay Book Leaf- the Jets" hecause they are printed in om! rt- uu the ithe soldiers') pay bool what Capt. Sharpe 'says about them:-- ° "To receive them a man has to oflask for themic--this is a token of ck-!his interest_and desire Tor them. up; They go, in the mail so he 'gets are j(hem regularly--{here is no delay the |hetween France. and -his unit, on- y between Canada and France: y.are written on the ground hy our officers and others who the|know the life bere and the sort -lof méssage it demands. That apd appreciated The number ask~- . They are o F. old and in-our Divisian a0, 'men requested them. You have only to picture thoys- ands of .men here with, from time to time, nothing to do, to know how easily that. condition can work harm.' Reading mater- jal, though supplied ih enor- mous quantities, is inadequate; and the fact that it is 80 sug- gests how eager the men are to occupy their minds. It:only tak- :Jes-a jiffy. to read these messages, but.they. are framed to provoke thought; ahd sp are very help- ful." The sécond. proposition is to pay for half the hot drinks that the men'reeeive from the Y. M. 'A..absalutely. free before go- ing 'ints an 'they' are 'Fthey can get to dnessing stations.' How. to: Finance This! Tt will cost 825,000. The Pro- vineial W. C, T. conven- Cornwall in September schenie-in and month alone 4, partment of work for our troops. | such form-and size a to fit into engagement-and as}. rought out--before|, BARRIE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Information for the Electors in Connection with the Re- : building and Selection of Site. TO THE. ELECTORS :-- 5 : The Board of Education: are desirous of not, only ob- taining all'information in every, featare and detail in con- nection with: the proposed. Collegiate Institute, but are sol- icilous. that. the Electors should be furnished with the same, and set forth in such a manner as will give them all-the in- formation at hand so. they willbe prepared to vote intelli- tly on the questions asked-at the coming Municipal: El- ections in danuary. ae ' With this object in view, facts before you:-- From 'the competing architects. who entered into the competition 'for re-building on the present site,' and for a new building on-a new site; the following architects were selected from the number, ¥! : : W. W: LaChanée for the re-building, and Ellis & Ellis for the new building. In-order to give the Electors. the privilege of saying where for the future the Collegiate Institute should be, we asked for two Sepatate and distinct sketches, plans and spec ifications; . From .these, bona fide tenders were asked for, and from {he number. feceived on-both propositions that of The Ball Planing Mill/Cempany, Limited, both for the new ~ building and the tecoueiohion on the' present site, was ap- proved of by the Board, ost 'of, viz.: New Bullding Planing Mill Co. we' beg to lay the following +7 $94,000.00 Tender, -The Ball Site .... . 6,000.00 Equipment Archifect's Fees. Levelling -Grounds . Less Insurance 50,000.00 Amount 58;644.00 | required Reconstruction, Yender, 'The Ball Planing Mill Co. . $84,140.00 quipment 5,144.00 Architect's ; 4500.00 Levelling Grounds .... 0+ Less Insurance Money Amount required wo. ..., cesses eee eee Questions to be Submitted to the Elettors 1° Which site de you' prefer for, the new. Collegia Institute a (b eniral site at Which Central 'Site do you pre Hurvey Site. > Agricultural Park Site. age on Clapperton and on, OWén SL. of 324 éd by High School Inspector 'H. B Department. of Education, 'and approved of. From a report asked for hy the Board, A. O.L.S., says that in his opinion suitable soil ca: and found at thé probablé required depth t posed building thereon, and that ample fac draining and sewerage «an }e obtained. The acquisition the Agricultural Park. § proved. of: by. the Elec will be a matter of. withthe Joint Stoek Company. who own. the building, the Agricultural Society who are tenants, and the Town of Bar~ | rie who are the. ownet's. of the lands. The annual meetings of these Companies, which are held in January, will afford an early opportunity of. ascertaining the position they take.» In both cases. ample and' sufficient accommodation has heen. provided commensurate with "an up-to-date Institute, © suvh as Auditorium, 'Gyiimasium," Manual 'Training, etc,, * and: the comfort of both teachers and pupils. has been, well guarded in minor details, such as Rest: Room for teachers and-Lunch Room for .pupils. In Question No. 1 to be submitted, the total cost of both proposttions is-set forth, but.from the amounts stated, in each case, the insurance on hand, viz. $50,000.00, would' nat- urally: be deducted, anil the balance would:be the amount required to be raised by Debentures. . Debentures are to run 30. years. : : ot Both architects have been in close touch with the De- partment of Education in the-matter of School. construction. and 'have assured the Board. that the 'proposed plans will meet with the-approval of the Department. . och We hope fo have 'a colored 'sketch: of each proposed building. placed -on view in some prominent place for your. inspection, together with other drawings. setting forth the interior plan in each case. * The Board, in the matter of the selection of a new site, and in the choice of architects, and plaris, etc.. and the. a eaptance. of tenders, have used their very best judzment ii the interests of the ratepayers of Barrie and trust that. you\" will give this important matter the consideration that it daseryes. fe accommodation the 4 fe G. Ardagh, be obtained ) has beén-provided in hoth- of ropasitions for ineréased. attendance. ss Yours truly, *- ae 5 WILL , KING. Chairman, '7, \., | Board of Education. part. Each member of the Union| INNISFIL PATRIOTIC ASSOCN. will contribute as a nucleus (to : ; i the . fund one dollar--making} This Association "wishes | to $10:000.'. This work will be ful-|¢lose its books by the end of the: ly explained at a meeting to be! year, 'and would ask: any who are- heli in a Barrie Church on Jan. in sympathy with the cause and _ 8--place announced later. At thi have not' been reached by the meeting " "Pennyson Smith,-collectars, and any * who -have © the world-rénowned dramatic! signed nnd: 'not: paid to. please lecturer, will give a recital on send their contribution: ithe the life of the date. John B. Sterlins Bank, Lefroy, or R. W.~° Gough. This is'a realistic' por Churchill. 'The. trayal of the famous lecturer's fund this year is for the British . life, . Mr. Tennyson: Smith 'has Red Gros been. With the men at the front} in>~ se Furiher patticulars later. +, Yours to serve our troops, F. Todd, President. - uates . se cured office eptes during. the - _xear,, (2), Won Canadian Pen- --° _- "\manship competition. (3) W like The Examiner, tell, Typewriting' Speed and "who may net be acy Lift 81.50 per year to present alsendance: Canada. i fs Hf-you. your . fr subscribers.

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