"o cTHE BAR . = RIE EXAMINER: the Trust Company,are ex- pensive. On' the contrary, the charges are usually less than those allowed to individual Executors or Trustees. _Q@Write for Booklet.' The Royal Trust Company 'TORONTO BRANCH 'Yonge Stra "Gerth al thet et | REE FROM'PARIS | flowers scattered over the square mesh, with | %* Jewus,: t pa covithy all het femmes: LATEST DEC sail ag adi ri ian G¢2ee implies and iets, "And. the New | period after the war may be awumed to be The "Little Dress" for Morning or After-'| the face of the. charmiig: wearer eat, in" spite of 'all untoward' circum- ! at least as.grest as it-now. is-during the con- 'i nd gelecne wali 'The string of beads, unusual in colngpor stances, must be happy because in its sub- | ict. i noon--Materials--Sty design, or both, gites, sn-interesting-fouch, {stantial progress .in the safeguarding 'of | If municipal by-laws were relaxed, as ') New York: December i1,' i917, |t0.8 costume, . Sometimes these. cheins are Democracy will be made; if its triumph: is ! war measure, so to. permit' suburban | lew York, Dec , | quite long, , reaching down. almost to the | Bot actually achieved. dwellers to keep pigs near their dwellings, | : Somehow the picture of Paris, wartime Pan ae tte ee varee aml ofodt |. Letich Tiight"be sceomplished:"' Mr. Hoover Paris, ix just' wx fascinating ox it was in | pore: amulets anid charms are, eugerly has stated that .properly-kept pigs are. no | . | timex of pesce, "The spirit of the French') so cht by the woman of fachion, whose e Th more unsanitary than sre dogs By.| people is as great as ever; galety, and the | ioe eT different." 2 "backyard" methods alone' last year, Ger- Artermination ta be gay, it in the very air." |'*-£¥er "Sonia CANN FOOD CONTROLL ER many was able:to raise 500,000 more pigs j The latest news corftiins much talk of iniuttenee id than Canada possessed from' east to coast. | 5 "the little dress." Tho tert is quite: de-'| _ Black-and-white is one of the niget pop: u SAYS :- sIf the imperative necessity of increased scriptive, too, of this type of frogk. ° Sim-' ular combinations. pelt is pt to be con. {- : a prodivfion of bogs is realized by the far- | plicity, tirummed int :our ears for so long, Spicuous if not' very be lone, es '|mers of this country, and by, others, who | that we are fnirly- sick of the word, lurks in /spicuananens is ever in Dae tite satin car {cit ¢annot too earnestly be urged that |eould help, there is no doubt that the pro. | every, fold. Cunningly designed' these He core vis ioe. cdg The agin, weet , Canada's:supply of pork products for export -blem will be solved. «But we cannot afford | * frocks ure, for they make a little material aie tis ib ri wook The He eflect | to the Allied nations must be increased al-| to delay, for the demand is very great and ! and.trimming gd a long way. . Some are | is lined 'with (white satin, and the narrow | most without limit. Patriotiem and. good | the situation in regard to food is one of the one-piece, others 'simulate the one-piece |turw ver epllar and deep cuffs are. also of | business combine to make the effort com- | utmost gravity dress; anil tll othérs belong t6| the tunic the white satin. The buttons, too, are white fmendable, The need for animal foods by --------_-- funfily, ever growing in popularity. A simpl a the Allied armies and civil -populations is '1 it ring | en cadeul F touch of embroidery in New Year Sermonette, 1918 S| Hnckeashtgly. great the-peed ter tions i cae eetine and furniture | repairing the same or a contrasting shade, buttons} Qur holidays aré true -deasures of 'our | pork products most of all, 'because 'they | Pestly done by competent" workmen at | or # bit of fur, any of these may act a8 |griefs. 'The, recurrence of three. of them }eontsin' th largest quantity, weight fey | DOWRall Bros. : ety trimming. It-is impossible to say where the |in three successive mionths mukes the our- | weight, of the animal fats needed for the | --Pictures framed hy Dougall Bros. 451i é tine is to be me hp "this is.for the | rent' events oe more tae Bidvote 'and | soldiers, bees 'contains .2,930. calorics as | sqesssssss--eeee essences Monsieur xi : beet sant bat person sick of rheumatism, morning, ani?this-for afternoon. hopeless. Thanksgiving! How. could - we | comipured with 1,180 in the Sate weight of aT : 5 could tell them about this remedy. observe she day at all? Christmas! The | beef, nd of 670 in lean beet shrine! GRAY HAIR |ee mea eee in{ Your LL ate ee : gsngel chant is drowned in the roar of |too, in « dressed product is only o : ! i i i > E, | Krupp. "Happy New Year!" A" white | cent. of the live weight, of hog met, while] Df- Tremain's Natural Hair: Restorative, the foot. I tried 'all kinds of remedies but 1216 Rue Ontario East, Montreal. frost strikes it dead before the greeting |in beef, veal, 'mutton 'and lamb it' ix 50 | used--as. directed, is guaranteed to restore Ne absut MINARD'S LINIMENTs ov Feb. 14, 1908: ' leaves our lips. Luy any one of these gold: | » r cent grey hair to its natural color or money as I tried it the Saturday night, 'the next 7 : 2 en measures of our holidays, jeweled with | Canada's hog, products in 1916 totalled | refunded. Positively 'not a dye and non- morning I was feeling ve good? F tall yo Children Or ~+ | their happy mémories, down 'upon the tap- | 125,000,000 pounds. 'The Allies" require. | injurious. Price $1.00, post-paid, Write ! this remedy is very goods could give sou 7 cstry of our times, now, sinfolding snd et |ments in the "same year were 1,260,-| Tremain Supply Co,, Toronto, Ont. * Onin good coniheate vig tine thet son eeuld FOR FLETCHER'S 2 ie takes ona bue sober as +repe. 1000.00 pounds. In other thegAl-] ale at Wm. Crosslad's Drug Store. | like to have one. If any timelomet| CASTORIA Wed f} if / Mtadiee Hy iy, "HIS M + BoSt | Dignity in the "Little: Dress" Material Values One hears # great deal ubout the panel "(dress; it is particularly good, for combiba: vons of materials and colors; though' made of one nivtefiul, it is'very smart -- indeed. 'The dress hus a panel frost and back, with |- 'leiraight pleated side sections, and the nat ural waistline may be.defined bya belt, two or u girdle, 'The one illustrated here is of brown woobmixture, wih a novel collar of chamois andi 'yellow kid belt," An odd conceit_of well-known designer ix to leave the pleats, unpressed, thus. giving a softer sppearance than would otherwise be poss: abe, i) ¢ Vicor qualiay. always fask for the famous rey Thee Manes alee aka os Ste famene of the Berliner Geam-o-phone Co., Limite 1 The, Panel. Dress «There ix'un unusual fuct about, materials thel, few women realize Or tike into, '2c: count when pla new dostume, and this is that the style change: regard to viress goods, Itis- absolutely, impossible to make a stiff perky bustle out of soft crépe de Chine .or Georgette crepe (unless some stitiening be used) anc the straighi-silhou ite dretees faust. b= made of soft material; a ' WA a e, ; : il full skirts:that stand out, puffed*sleev- | - & ou r a 1 'bustles, and do forth, require taffeta, . . : I I ] J : nie other material with "body" te it. - 'dor change mented The | ' cai ° ) that Victrola » Don't disappoint them--buy it now ! There's a Victrola.to suit every family. from $27.50 to $520 (sold'.on easy payments, --- S it any "His Master's Voice" dealers. Write for free copy of our 550-page Musical Encyclopedia, listing ever 9000 Victor Records. < Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. MONTREAL LIMITED REZ? Lenoir Street - "His Master's Voice" Barrie Dealer Don't Forget There are no others! You cannot purchase Victroles, Victor Records or " any other "His Master's Voice" proditcts at any. but our authorized dealers it The Distinctive Touch of Embroidery first value of a material is its wearing qual ity; for, after all, the material that wears + well is always 'handsomer and makes up | . better than any other. .'Serge is ever a stand-byyygubardihe, "broadcloth and wool mixtures rarely go "out-of style." The | silk goods' styles change more quickly, and sine. year everything dlust be made of taffeta and. the next of chatmeuse of soft sytin: Study the silhouette of the mode with" in- | telligence, and you cannot go far wrong, as | to: the'inategigl to be, used. Veils-*and So. Forth If you can' wear @ veil, "do sb by all means, for there is- nothing that adds so muuch to the smart appearance as one of % these filmy squares of lube or-net, carefully <-° grranged: over the mfdish "hat." There is ""- gn art of putting on the veil. The small |- 'that is the best foundation, though it is. possible to wear one with the larger founda- * tio, though' it' is possible to wear one-with «fh larder chapeau, | 'This year they are i in Reme mber--There are no others 'His Master's Voice" Records Make' Ideal Christmas Gifts. for Vidrola Owners _& designs,' birds; andl = | 5