Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Dec 1917, p. 8

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a "f ® i ner, tell i 4 not be | with in town. © 'Major: and Mrs. Horace Law~ sou: and daughter of Kingston Apply. Box 865, Barrie SS "SMALL GRAY MARE:FQR SALE --cheap. S. V. Jones, Oro Station. 52-52p 52-52p Ze ee HOUSE TO LET--170 Dunlop St, mod. ern," Apply to James Arnold 49-tf * COFFEE GRINDER.FOR SALE--'Star," Apply 50 Maple Ave. 51-Nol almost new. -- WANTED--A_ 3-burner, Coal Oil Stove' in good condition. 'Apply 14 Worsley St, 1t eee FURS--Remodelled: and repaired. Miss Minnie McArthur, King Block, upstairs. > 48-53 FOR SALE--One mow of timothy hay con- tuining 16 tons, et lot 8, con. 8, Vespra. Geo. 8. Hogan. 2-52p BAW FURS WANTED--Best prices paid. "Harry Levit, 64 Bayfield St., Barrie, near. Ball Planing Mill. tf a HEMSTITCHING--Hemititching and picot 'edge work done while you wait 'at the Singer Shop, Birriv. 50+ | | FOR SALE-Set of Bob Sleighs, new, suit- isle for delivery rig or light democrat. Apply H. J, Buchénan, 62-52 FOR SALE Off RENT--Residence, 8 rooms electric light, water, 36 Mary St. Mrs, Webb, 26 Small St., Phone 119. 49-tE | 'OR SALE -- 1918 Modei er, praotically new. Ap- SUTOMOBIL. Dodge, S-fuse sou. of Miss: King, the bay Chris [the weather Twenty-four (lot 17). Schools re-open on Jan. 3. Forthe mayoralty it looks like Mi a -straight' Aight between Dr. Sprott and J..F. Craig. thousand are to be called to-the colors on Sao Fe Jan. 3, to twelve 'battalion de- FUR ROBE WANTED--Black preferred. | pots. , : - "Wr .N.. Neve, Dalston, has hought from: H.. D..Jamieson a pasture farm on con. 4, Vespra "men Many people remembered the ound their big. Christr kiddies at the Children's Shelter and they ,had 'a right jolly time mas tree. 'Shipments at, the Barrie stock-. 'The January ill be 13 Poyn 3 o'clyek on PhursMay, Jan, 3. lyards on Wednesday consisted of one car of hogs and oné car of cattle, For hogs $17.25 to 817.- 50 was paid. | > meeting of the W. held at 'the home| tz St. at the afternoon of 'This week a soldier was fined laid for similar offences. Reeve Todd of -Inn fi Roeve Carter. of -Tecumseth Nave been appointed to represent the armers of South Simeoe- at. the mption tribunal app 00 without costs for 'short- utling: across the P. '0. lawn. Other informations -,have' been nals. There was splendid skating qn. nas mor' too. vi was many 'people to enjoy t. ning, bat 'ough for Before next morning the ire was cover= ply'to Mrs. H: Ball, 49 Mary St. 52-p |ed with several inches of snow. a CLEANING AND PRESSING -- Your old 'Mie Railway Commission has Fat and frercoat cah-be sade to look [OoTmitted | Le. railwaye fo ine "AMG new bytHarry Twins, Owen St. Baf[erease theif' passenger rates 15 Jper cent. jt the East and 10 per WANTED--All Kinds of auto fires to re-jcont, in the West, except in Brit- pair, All work guaranted, 'The Barrie ish Columbia, Increases are al- Vulewniging Plant, 37 Eliznbeth St. 44-3m| so permitted on coal, lanber Ge acid pice Wil bassin ft pA ATO and other goods. gold piece--Will person who got 7 2 Resale oll piece instiad of 'copper' up ehange, |... 90%" Howard. a laborer from Trout Creek, arrived in Barrie Friday night, please leave at this office oe ee FOR SALE--Two choice milk cows, one due Dec. 19 and one Jan. 19. Apply to ILS «€ V.-Brown; Burton: Farm, AL) Tandale, * 49-tf. | Poko AS rr ty STRAYED--From lot 17,-con. 2, Flos, on |" or, about Oct, 13, two,'calves, red and white, 'Any information will be thank- ly received by Ed. 52-2p | FOR SALE--Standing timber, mostly hard | 'wood, some suitable for square timber or | lumber. Any' quantity to suit 'purchaser. Lot 12, con, 11, Innisfil. B. F Quanta, | Barrie. - 51-52 SALE OR TO .LET--On Burton Avi ron, hot water heat: in im, elevtrie light. Possession immediately. ° Apply J. E. Morriso Phone 42%, 7 <\ 51: FOR br ee STRAYED---Onto te premises of Russell | Robsan, lot 16, con. 7, Essa, sometime in November, one red ster, year old ér can have same 'by° paying expenses. Russell Robson, Utopia. | B2-5p $150 Rewaré--Will be pid for information | ud persons responsibl» for the fire which or- Jginated .at-85 Sophia St:, Barrie. on Dec. a4 Fes sR vests: inca ais Rc * WANTED--Local Representatives to sell | finest line of udvertising calendars and foveltien in Ganada, Men: or women, whole of part time. Liberal commission, Thole oF Revelty Go. 67 Given W,, Tor-| onto, : Ba-b2p | nt STANDING TIMBER FOR SALE--Suit:| 'ble for barn timber, lumber, , shingle tole, fence posts and pail timber. Large Ge small quantities to suit purchaser: 'Aloo hardwood by the cre. Apply to 1D. J. Barclay, Stroud. 6-11 nder eight spring creek, small bern, drive canileg from, Barrie, Terms, reasonable. Possession on short jpoticr. Apply at! + Examigier 'Office 45-8 LR--Modern 9-roomed _ house, corner Bayfield ond Welling- 2 All 'edmrveniences, hardwood , hot. water "hesting, 4 fire places, | verandah, spreious grounds. Apply '41 Dunlop. St. Barrie 82-¢-0. PAINSWICK Dice. 26---Mrs, Swartman and Master Har- 'old of Toronto spent, Xmas with relatives go hore. "Miss Hasel Hurst spent e few days at her. i 'relatives spent Xanes. wit pes seer 'and ~ebruted their 25th emrereney |rect, it by | 1 to the conviction of the person or') Chr ¢ SALE =~ The | xpent |here. [last night penniless an he taken eare of hy: th Howard js 75 years of when bis usefulness someone bought him a ronto.g When he arri he had $2.00 in his pe the Toronto authorities Barrie. Chief King sen Among the eases al émption tribunal week, Wm. Hy: Mayes Mills was iucladed, itv thi sallowed. .While this has given aw pression. to some. was pot made by the aitist.the decision of tribunal whieh placed 277 As 'the appeal empt untit Cl Misses Mingay The Fred. Smith, 94-Sophin St, Barrie. |4y)lotide in Lindsay. ut | y Mr. and Mrs. Philip Iv tmas-in Toronto. Miss 'Frankieg, Warren onte . for~Christmas. Miss Bessie Ness' of reported militaey'represc do had by Ve police. age and was gone ticket bo pd there, yeket and used this Mulroy, Anten |ioriey to buy him a Lickel for {the old 1 back to Trout Creek today. the ex~ last of, Anten © appeals was cor- rong .im~- the local him in was dis lowed, Mr_sMayes remains ex- <2 ix called. PERSONAL MENTION passed ove spent 1 was in Toronto was. home for. the holiday. Mf.-and Mrs. 8. H. Henry went to"obeurg for Christm Geo, Folster was in Miss Lluella Marr Christmas at b Orville Metealf of gent the holidays with G: Ms Upham of Por in, town for a couple of ek her home in-Oro Statio holiday. : Jack "Armstrong and Mt. and Mrs. C.-C, Mi nas. Toronto and 'Owen: Sound ,over' the holi- day. . of Toronto her home Toronto his par- 'onto was days last : Miss~Clard Crawford was' at m for the family of oiph spent the holiday with his Grail of Ottawa Spent Xmas with Bartie friends. Gadet Lawrence Barwick of the R.P.C., Toronto, was home over the holiday. C.'B. Carpenter of the Toronto Technical School spen home. - The Misse t Christ- Bessie and Edna Gollins of Orillia "visited in town Will Armstrong and town for Christm: 'Miss. V. Milligan 'of Tottenham }Esq. The school was held in. the, * Home , =. 3 She ci uring' the 'holiday. - RO hen bi she |W. A. Caley of Buffalo spent cag Mrs. A, Roberts is, spending ® few deys|Yuletide . with his parents, Mr. _awith her daughter in Cundles.- x _ [and Mrs. A. Carley. i i : family 0: Hamilton were with relatives in is 'spending this week with her sistér, Mrs. G.. Walls. Mable Ritchie of Elmvale skating |was with her sister; Mrs. W. ©. Sap Tale Me ae S Spry's for the ho! -- * Mr. and Mrs. H. Metoal Xmas holidays|T.C.D., was appointed, year to}. Walls/-for the -holidey. Capt. and Mrs. 'Ross and son of Toro lays, ronto. spent the relatives 'Cameron |are holidaying with relatives in town. . : 2. dies 'Mr. and Mrs. Gundy of Tor- 'onto' were with Mrs. Lount,. Ma. ple Ave., over Christmas. - . Senator and: Mrs.. Bennett of land were holiday guests~of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bennett. _ Miss Birdie Rhinehart has re- turned home from a month's vis- it with-friends in Toronto. . . Mrs. Fred Cole 'and children of Hamilton are visiting Mrs. S. Kilgour during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLarty of illia spent the Christmas hol y T's. parents, Miss. Stella Gove, who. is. at- tending Normal School in Peter- horo, is home for the holidays. Misses Annie and Edith Boy io spent: Christmas with. ister, Mrs. Thos. Hobley. Austin .McGill and Miss Rose McGill of 'Toronto were .at_ the home of Alex. Kénnedy for the holiday. Mr.'and Mrs. C: F. Foster of Lindsay 'are visiting. thé, latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.| Shannon. Frank O'Connor, 2nd Ov- Batt., C.A.S.C.,_ Toronto, iting his parents. oyer the holidays. 5 Cadet Dick' Porritt of the 'R. M.C., Kingston, spent: Christa: with his parents, Mr. and a | ¥. R. Porritt. Cadet Harold Partridge of the WLE.C. spent "his Christnias leave | at the home of the Misses King, 13 Poyntz St. Wilfred Drury ofthe Peter- boro Examiner and D. Thompson of the' Penetang Herald were in! town for Yuletide. Mr. and Mrs. H. Coughey and two little daughters were visifing Mr. Coughey's parents in Plaster NB. 7 Marj. ildved, of London visiting with her sister, Mrs. , John St. West. 3to 8, they-are 4 a aad se $11, big value S00, Clalit wees A Moore & Arm." strong's stall was in Toronto for Christinas, and> Miss Carley at her home in Toney: Harbor Ple, Fred Elliott Nas returned | from England and is visiting | with' friends jin town befo gu. ing lo Whithy Convalescent Hos- | pital : | Miss Fila Catiieron taf Toronto | ind do RS Cameron !of Winnipes were with their parents, Mr. and M Geo, Cameron, for the hol- | "Hy He Milbee and family of| Marshfield, Wisconsin, are hol-| idaying 'over Christmastide witlr| his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 'Milbee, Owen St. | Miss Mary Atkinson, Dr Atkinson of 'Port Dalhous Chas. Atkinson of Beadle, 32 spent Christmas at the home 'ot | their father St. Miss Florence Armstrong -- of| the. Toronte Geheral Hospital stafand Misses: Alice and Lou- ise Armstiong of Hamillon were at their home on Bayfield St. for Christinas. "Dr. and Mrs. (fas. Powell and son of Port Afihur were? Xmas guests with Mri and Mrs, David Powell, Miss \Joan Powell of Haileybury sehOol staf is 'alse at home for the holidays. Mrs, (Dr.)' 1). B. Henry has re- turned. to hen home in. North-, ville, Mish., actompanied by har Sister. Mrs. \../Bailey and daugh-| ter Monas aNer a month's: visit | with her mother, Mrs.cH. Ball. 8.0.1, COMMENCEMENT A HUGE SUCCESS (Continued from page 5.) Valedictory Address <The valedictury address the graduating but slight referer to his notes. An opehing he expressed his, sin- vere gratitude to the B.C.1. as an memories are too dear to ever forget and. what it has. meant to us can never be told in words. In a' short historical, sketch of the ~school, but. the following facts: © In 1823, the first common school in the County. of Simcoe was started. Twenty years later, in' 1843, the first Grammar. school was estah- lished.. On7Aug.. 3° of that -vear Sir Charles Metcalfe appointed the trustees, who were the Rev. Samuel "B. Ardagh, chairman, Judge: Gowan and George Lount. éast wing yof the: Court. House at Barrie. Three yéars later, 1846. the Government granted nine lots 'on the north side of Blake St. for. the school and master's resi- dence. The building was com- 'are at Mrs. tof Tos pleted in 1849. In 1856 Mr..'Gore, value. 2... 6 we it decided to bw Pr 1879, mally Uhis An fou opened: * ceremony is |Barcie Examiner of Apr. His Honor,,Judge Gow man of the High. Sch presided. In (audience he referred for |Proeress and present -position.of Me ee fort was [ine soho! and how all denomin- = 3 ations-had worked together hat- the good: of made by Otto Gallagher, new ously" fot taking a course at Wyeliffe.. His | enya. Me etan te matter was .excelient and ; he (opi a eelieei * ceived the status of a Galles jate spoke: easily anil clearly, making \nvtitute e i cals Al' Christmas> 1894. land (o-carry out the words: left lr. Spotton resigned, after 23;thetu by the late Mr-Redditt, "Tet years' leadership. On' the death} your motto' be he good. "the at Mr. Hunter, who succeeded |heautiful andthe trad' dit mp. wns aman respecte vered, hy ill looked to him as a | but Nedditt was follow ritt and Mr.. Hen maintained the sc niane. A history erijjoys shoukl inspire hot oct tain the high standard stitution, bringing not also' to themsélves. n spirit actuates the the splendid work now: under the adverse, conditions re-_ sulting from the fire a year ago. "After pointing out of what 'the-Collegiate the first master, resigned, and the Rev. F.- Checkley, M.A.. 1868 HB. Spotton, M.A:, became prin- eipal and the name changed tiv ithe Barrie High School: An. 1877, quiring 4 knowledge ~ upon. atl showed- how the With Every Dollar ium Counter. J WHERE MOST "Linpsay: the new building, was for- account, of addressing th II the student side. Such. as: ts to greater efforts to main-| je: or and good fo the schost but That -such id staff today Ys evident from the graduates in"the way worth 'while, the speak histiés. and sports _ and is tudent at' this| thei OVERCOATS -- BUY OVERCOATS NOW; they are big value at our price. ...6.. 562s $20.00, $19.00, $18.00, $15.50, $14.50 LITTLE BOYS' OVERCOATS, fit ages big value. os... - eee . .. $7.00, $5.50, $5.00 COATS, good Tweed LADIES' WHITE, BROWN. AND BLACK WOOL BONNETS; these are CHILDREN'S WHITE WOOL BON- NETS; these are big value 60c. LADIES' AND. CHILDREN'S BLACK WOOL MITTS, with long cuffs, special .35c, 50c and 69¢ BUY SUTCLIFFE'S LAUNDRY SOAP, 5 bars for 25c and save money. 1 LB, JAR VASELINE, special. . . special price WE SELL FOR CASH: Ch er Ri EOPLE TRADE - light age. spe- ees ild~a new | choo iw the 241879 chrair= Board, nad an, o the ri the school re- ye h example, Mr. hoof whom their con a high |ioyn flown the srhooLf relation tie pupils thal they be. satisfied but strive fo ge on ng on, ever. with the desire 1 -more and-te achieye gr things; to-strive to help them- selves and 16 help the Colfegiate, | udies' to het only within the walls'of the }intormption the speaker brought) yoniroom a icate a A a ciatio 1 is, ng to the V)and thre prompt action taken hy the Board, which" permitted th sntinued= withont| othe Be be re to ex n of. these effe behalf. should feel th With Bib, special value. +. 2+ ++ .MEN'S BLUE OVERALLS, MEN'S BLUE AND WHITE S' : SMOCKS, special price. ... +++ /MEN'S COT-TONADE - PANT. forage eo eer ve $150. BOYS' CORDUROY AND TWEED' "BLOOMERS, sizes 25 'to 36, special value... seer e oe MEN' I : these are big value. . . $4.50 and'$3.75 ~ You should not miss them-at this price. developed mentally, marally'.and physically. He paid a warm trihute-to {he teaching staff, with Special reference to, Mr. Hay ' Refer the Collegiate should have-to, its [present pupils, he observed: that -the Collegiate should bear. such to education and to The citizens of the Whilé the Boys are at the Front fighting , * for the Empire you wearing Canadian-made Overalls.. Head- can do. your bit by Overalls are made in Canada by Can- adian operators and deserve yout patron- .» $2.50 AND WHITE STRIPE: with Bib, special. .$1.75 $1.75 OVER- . . $1.75, $2.00 TWEED PANTS, v'S UNTEARABLE LADIES' AND BOYS' BLACK RIBBED © WOOL HOSE, sizes 8% to 9% Valubess os ity ARES LADIES' AND BOYS' FINE BLACK RIBBED WOOL HOSE, sizes 8% to 10, special. ..... and LADIES BLACK CASHMERE HOSE, - Penman's, sizes 8% to 10, buy these now and save money... .. 26... es) special #y.7 4 STB $1.00 ~. .$1,00, 906, 75¢, 60e, 50c LADIES' CASHERINO HOSE, sizes: 814 ° to. 91%, Special. ...-. 135¢, 3 prs $1.00. | Purchase we give you a 5c. Coupon, redeemable at our Prem- See the nice goods at small prices. : WE SELL FOR LESS. Yi TRENTON" 'Thursday Wholesal relationship should never to at institution, as a source of learn-, Me. Hag canted as "nat ¢ : ee rae ate ingpa aose 1 Me! Mine ana san aie at inane ee alk -who have opportunity |joumer, 1892, Mr. en: ROOME Moe ame He eee qi | Wool tanvesphed, tb avail themselves of it, "We do} 4 (ook 'the position: I wera bi| Purning. to® the relation of tle! Wool,-washed, Ib: [not care to say farewell to 'the |j,¢ iapOaeible tn 'Aor Tull 'ston euens ; a the Catleniale, hie! Beef Hides, 'old collegiate," he said. "ItS ig, Myr, Re ., fe MESHES Weietly dwelt, «upon the: seriour to Mr, Redditt's juriadiction. Hel Giyatien' arising from. the rd the press appre=| made on} j ir close re-| them, f the stud-ling a of the in- every only hon- students. being done something smeant for of things difficulties, studies wel the high! nd tothe students and refrain- possible from ¢rit- m. endeayor to help them fn The parents partic- hularly. ought fo recognize what they owe- to.-the Collegiate, the principal and staff. Though suf- fering tnder the most serious the organization of the school is up-to the standard. Over many serious and seeming- ly ungurmountable 'barriers, 'the re proceeded i satisfactory results of of ar-|laet' June. achieved. -- : An closing his et touched fedietorian said, s far- way. nts; will ever the high ideals which dress' the val- "T trust, that the be"the foremost in produci and keep hefore { Barrie Markets 5 Prices: world Lo take the places. of those. who "have precedes = ~ Canada needs «men and - women of upright character, and of such' may our Collegiate ever ng." we

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