"BY-LAW NO. 920. | ¥ - Whereas. ie 'Board of Edu-| : cation at a meeting held on Tues- day, the 4th of, December, 1917; ~passed a resolutionrequesting the] _ dia Council 10 submit certain ques-|~ Friends. tions to the electors at. the en- suing Municipal elections :--- Be it therefore enacted by the ot "8 | BOYS'-CONFERENCE-HELD IN: BARRIE SHOWED. Were - 'THE POSSIBILITIES, OF -FOURFOLD DEVELOP. statement made by G. We ilier|, MENT--R.INGRAM IS PRESIDENT. : of 232 MeNab street, Hamilton, Gifts : fc ey Sa | WARIED, PRACTICAL, PLEASING | That the. following question! .ouble by taking 'Tanlac, but that] D%:,-im, the Baptist Church, with 216 | He said that it was necessary io be "in the : i é : 1 young: Canadiana regitered fyom the. sie es We have made careful preparations for thé Christ- ie Sruhivinat Geren ae he ee pen ee faints leo Funding four counties, vide a {ot a feline or te "lookenon we oat He mia' trade and 'have now a displ y a splendid assort- tae oA Poe e sides. - . y jan. nglies 10. develop tl i e iy a * Town of Barrie ---_ tor [Miller was for twelve years post-|80, Baptist 21, Chrutigns 5.00" 7! 28 'boys registered eae tee sty |g Ment of useful gifts. For example:-- _ «. Which site do you prefer for master and merchant at 69 Cor-| Those present: came from the following |00 cards which were distributed to them and Fi N ' 019 New Collegiate Ingtitute? |nors, Brant county, and is well. places:--Barrie.55, Orillia 41, Collingwood |these boys will receive from Me, Verses ancy Neckwear, neatly boxed, \... ...., .35¢.to $1.00 . a, East epd site ata cost 28, Bradford 16, Gravenhurst 12, Penetang |in a day or. two a personal message of en- 3 Municipal Council, of the Corpor-!\ ho recently declared that he has| The last of a-reries of twenty-one Lead: | climbing Ii : { i : iH ' - @ life and the boy wh ation of the Towb of Barrié as] no, only gotten complete relied |et™hip and 'Work Conferences for the | winning pme was that boy "dea follows :-- : from rheumatism and stomach | 2 Friday night, | training under the head coach Jesus Christ. eet Peet ot. pbwa Bid reepeoted Abroughout Allston 7, Latroy 7, Keswick , Stayner Gouragenrent. for' them' to resolutely" carry | ' Silk Neck Scarfs, in many handsome desigtis, . aga bicGentral site at a cost Of oomplete statement. follows tori arbor 3, Mexford sod Thereby (age will long ve in the Hvet ot bis pebaieka| Settee Pe eee ee as Sapa ones: $108,688.00. - : "Asa resull of rheumatism] 'These-Conferences ere protioted under the | . TH services of the churches on Sunday Gloves, a fine range, lined and unlined ' " Which central site-do"you | a4" stomach trouble I-had fallen Nationl Advisory, Committee for co-opera- Tey eee een by the outside leaders Fe H Pe if i 3 i 5 f prefer? t red" ifleen | tion\in boys' worl iting the -Angli- ceived impressive: mexsages ani * i i i fi * Scie dik ert i OP banded aud, ilaen |S Ber Settee Mba toc ale of ese | Hlsiry in all weights plain and fancy, ; (bh tAgricultural Park site. even pounds, whieh |Prrbyreriam Churches of Canada, 'slag thé |p elt of this conference, » Sweater Coats... 00.0500. 620. 1. ..$3.50 to $6.75 he = Gmssrd and enacted itis ; pounds, internutionsl Sunday School- Association . ence was HE : 5 Z ie } _ nlc; Opened and enpeled buts ine"even beyond my normal land the National Council Young Men's |e! wt 8.15 in the Central Methodi Shirts, all sizes, for boys and men, in attractive patterns 45th day of 1 7 7 urch With the President, R. = y { ees ht,,and-T don't think I have [Christian Association, Th» Leaders: of the The eeiectr} fre feliabl k / ef J. F. CRAIG, felt better iu my life, «1 was [Conference were: Mr. Francis of Toroito,.| ead "ihe faleaice a mee LE EREES ees set su sick and. crippled 'up that: 1] fpneenting the S. 6. Amocn. of the Angli-|That our thanks be f Handkerchiefs, suspenders, pyjamas, etc., étc. } AW. SD ' had to. sell my: business and get. representing' the Baptist Conventigns of | 1-,-The Barrie people w! 5 ' 3 7 A Pie j a Clerk a man to eis hare of the Bost Ontario ail Quebec; Rev. 4. E Black of | rpthes homes for o i ditgnen' Suits and Overcoats, ready-to-wear, and made to order. . ee . ice. My legs had perished a-| Bradford, representing the 8..S. Board of gee s ¢ Fy - TAKE NOVICE that the aboxe is}way until.they were no larger than |the Methodist Church of CanadayiRev- Jno. wee at f thie hur Come here for your Men's Xmas. Gifts. Our:prices a true aid correct copy of @ by=|my arms---1 couldn't bend: them--|Mu'eh of Toronto, associate editor, Presby- | 3+ The ear nisved tel Gree and stock will please you. ate i 9 trian Publications; Rev, D. H. Wing, To. The ladies who, played thé organs and you. law passed.on the above dete ani ithe leaders seemed to be tied in tonto, Rural Secretary of the Ontario 8, , |*!9 those who. provided the bhnquet. that the questions; in kniots and hurt me so J could /Asoclation; W. H. Viughan, Aworiag | 5: The press for the publicity they have | < : 4 ' il i iven our, conf : + io 1. Whieh site do you prefer |hardly bear anything to touch.me |General Secreimy Boys' Division Nationgl |& conference. ; oO n eee r a for the New Collegiate anstitule 2/1. just could manage to hobble | Council ¥.M.CA., and R..C. Sidenius, Zone |, 0, The leaders of the conference for their : : on I (a) East end site at a costfaround by the use of a walking | Supervisor, Galt. w Fs of $94,284.00. stick. The meeting openéd at 7.30 with the us- | After the Secretary, Arthur' Bourne, had ~ Men's. Tailor and Haberdasher: 5 Points, Barrie _ sfomach was 'so upsel i sy Y read the minutes, Mr. Vaughan was called th) Central site at a cost of] that T could hardly eat anything. |Ucevotional exercises, "Rey. John Mutch |, 'tase part in the cloaine services. ie 7 y spoke very fittingly on the Allies, who were 108,644.00, My appetite was, all gone «nd I} represented by the clergy of the Protestant |*0ld of the value of such a conference and f . 2 Which central sile do you)just seemed to he slowly stacving. | denominations; also the Sunday School and |7°4 & number of the registered resolutions t prefer? 4 Sometimes all I could take was a| YMCA, and hol it was necessary to do,| that some of the boys made in, the- after NOTICE TORE IONS: BY. ta BO- 1240 i (ay 1s ite: ase-at milk ¢ = the best' work by a co-operative movement, [M00 Reports were: then called' for from Ss . Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe | Harvey. site: »{alass of milk and even then T-sut-/sH¢ Best work bys co-operative movement. |the Denominutional Secretaries and were | -Notice is* hereby given 'puisuant to the : : (b) Agnicuitural Park. site."|fored." / by given an follows Anglican W. Thompaon, | Prostee Act. that all persone having claims |» novice ia" byerebn given: that. a By-Law is a. correct statement of the) "Por several months T was un- en hoe sera Gerald Toner, Col- fitinst, the Beate Bibs e Drury; bps was passed by the Council of the Corpore- questions to be. submitied, and}dor 'treatment at a, cimsiderable President; Vi «Tay | anuand, 'Online Bresbyiete wridkes | Sister, 'Widow, deceased, whe died oe or | ion of the County of Simcoe on the 28th that Ube viles of- the qualified} us without getting relief, but Campbell, Oro Station about the sixth-dav of Novembe day' of: November, 1917, authorizing the r , Campbell, 8 le y of November, 1916, are a pt : vlectors of the Corporation of the |iny improvement on a few bottles The Delegation' Secretaries then read | requetted to: send particulars of thejr claims | COUM'Y Of Simcoe. to guarantee py aapeien own of Barrie will be taken OnJof 'Tarlac has astonished me and Burt, | Colling- |their rcports. Ferris Goodfellow reud 'the | to the undersigned on or before the twenty- FE orneration of the town (he said 'questions al the Samefan who knew of my awful eondi- : rity Onlin; B. "Partridge, | resolutions for Barrie; Venner Boyd for | second day of December,' 1917, after which | °% Midland to the amount of $25,000.00 un- ' x B Barrie, F. Saunders, . Orillia 'Graves , i : 'll distri ; der By-Law No. 967 of the said Corpors- time and' al-the same places as|tion. It seems, that everyhody |" Nominations for towne under 5000-2. Vv. {¢ evel Pevtene endl: Midtend he prt verapentige Nem fhe assets ition of the Town' of Midland for-the pur. 5 the annual elections for (he Mun-|] se. asks me what'T-have done to Boyd. Gravenhurst ; D. Hopper, Cookstown; | Bradford, Aurora, Newmarket cand Brod (having resurd ole to the clare of oiick (80%, OF Paying off the 'indebtedness "and a seein a 4 h ce ; age ; j h E ' { the Town of Midland, incurred and ivipal Couneil. jeain so much weight and make Robinson, Aurora; Gordon -Me- | ford districts; C. Lennox spoke for Alliston, | they sball-then have notice, and that they | S@uts o! adv by AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE |e took so much beller, M. Thornbury; Arthur Bourne, Pene ' Cookstawn, 'Thornton, Creemore and. Vie- | will not be responsible to any person for the | Tee Ae Tete paihaies Bearing dake thal dn 'the atheday of January tpotite is sc hig How T can hardly |tmg: Gorton "Hunter, Newmarket: Lloyd |toria Hechor: okt W. Pr Meteea ees Ooi, | Carnet eke eible £0 any person for the 'six per eent. pe annum, " ' Bromiy, Gravenhurst, if 3 And that the said By-Law-of the Corpor: A.D. 1918 at the hour of two o'-leal enough! to satisfy me, and T "Nominations. Toes BOCA 'eountiallieas: eee i 1 eaux Grane not then have bee eee ee ROSS, tion of the County of Simcoe was registered inthe afternoon the head lean éat anything--meats arid all | Harry. Ball, Shanty Bay; Chis. Feilding, | Parner was then eilied tar oid eee Solicitor for Executors, | in the Registry Oifice of the Connty of Sima- neil er some member| kinds of vegetables--and nothing-|Crown Hill; Horace Pardy,---; Roy Reid, For towns over 8000, Byron | 49-51 Barrie, Ontario, | °°, 0% the: 10th day of December, 1917. 4 unefl appointed for'that)jiurts me. 1 was badly consti-|------j Harry Morton,-- ;.L.. Fleteher-- | under 5 Anthur DATED 30th November, 1917 ht a qua pr set tside the a purpose by resolution shall at-|pated too, iit by using the Tanlac dab i ong Kien Rum; within three months from the first public- At no eet tt : rata iRge teae cpa | calle? : | ble, is Boys' Parliament is i ue ae vane at ie Sonne ee = table ts in connection with Penler __-Mr. Vaughan delivered very interest: | he tint of its kind ta the world wert te sen at this notice and cannot be made By @ said Municipality for the pur-j{ have been relieved of All this ting address on "New Canadian Ideils, Yor Theld Christmas weekvend.i Tomo Ane AN ENDOWMENT "es : «pose of appointing two persons |trouble.. The rheumatis Boys." Mervyn Taylor was charted under thur Bourne' is a returned soldier, hi ng Deted 10th day of December, "1917. wi to attend at the final. .summing/ gone out .of my legs--I "4 a the Intellectual Standard und was found up | served with the Princess. Pats. _ Policy is the. best 'and safest of all |] 50-52 a R. J; FLETCHER, u lip.of the votesby .the Clerk and|tq: use a) cane -nny. thy to the standard. These charfs exphiin the |" Closing aneseuges were then given by investments; the, only investment. not Clerk of the County of Simece. one person te aitend at each pol- lean walk any pliceT want to go. pores riniea pag Ce how: | {ne gre Sev 2H Moore for, Bantie excellent Coulis trial ot ea --_------ $$ wi ting division on-behal{ of the) My legs-are getting back -to their | more nearly reach the standatd of efficiency | The foe sie ian nd gohan {| dends paid to Great-West Life. Poliey- RE BY-LAW NO, 1250 wl persons interested in and voting |regular size, my muscles are get-}in the Jebus' way of fiving: and thus re. | ide of the church and with clasped hands { f bolders ; Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe " in the. affirmative on said ques-|ting firm and I simply feel alto; [place the Leaders who have: gone to. the and unbroken einele they cane the mt || Poliey for $1,000 on 'fe.20 Year En : - tions and alike numer on' bez! gether differenti every way front never to return and thereby be rearly [verse of "Blessed Be ths Tie thut Binds" dowment Plan inva in {Naz at the age ||. Notice ix. hereby given 'thi a' By-Low he half' of: such persons interested! course L owe-imy present to live for Canada in the Jesus' way. as | Then each boy silently prayed for the fel. || Of 39. The Policy matured this year | was passed by the Couneil of the' Corpora- a alf-o' hp ; jcour jowe- ny, pre these boys at the front are dying-for Cun- | Jow on his-right. After the singing of the || the Policyholder 'receives not only. the J] tion of the Cuunty of Simcoe on the 29th " * in, and voting in the negative-onjhealth (o/rothing but Tania je ¥, .. °, second verse he' prayed silent? for the fel. |] guaranteed value of $1,000 but in, addi- [I day "of Noveniber, 1917, authorizing the : = said questions, Mayor Craig extended @ hearty welcome | low on the left. Then each boy with folded |] ton the profits which smount to $663, [| County oi Simeve to guarantee 'debentures a hs s AND FURTHER TAKE, NOTICE} will reacti others who may be su boys and congratulated the leaders. | arms, to-represent that when he goes home || ™king # total of $1,663. The annual J} to be issued by the Corporation-of the town mr that onthe. 9th day of January,|fering as 1 did, for 1 honestly |Rev » Brown pronouperd the benedic- /he will not have the fellowship of all. these | Premium: paid was. $00.79; so that the 1 of Collingwood. to the amount of = A.D. 1918, at, the hotr of twolpolieve Tanlae will. help. them,'"] on at the close of the meeting, > boys but will have to sand alowe, after |} tt eettlaiae 8 in during twatly $25,500.00, under "the 'following 'By- zi 3 ri: Poi ea ' th : md ys The, meeting on Saturrigy was beld.in 8°. | singing the closing verse, prayed silently for || Year® was $1016.80. Thus the Policy-|/ Laws of the said Corporation of the town 3 rd 'elock in the. afternoon, at the; Tanlac-is sold in Barrie by (e0-| agirew's Church, the Vige President in the | iiemet ~" :f J bolder 'not only received buck all 'the 1} of Collingwood, namely: Under 'By:Law No: : ' Council Chambers in -the said} Monkman, in Orillia by M.H:Cooke | chair and opened with hymns and prayers.' Mayor Craig then spoke fevlingly and ex. | Premiums paid 'im, but in addition the }/ 882 the ainount of $13,000.00 for patriotic : "4 Municipality, the Clerk shall at~| go, "Ebnvale ly W. J..M idenius spoke on "Daily Bible' Read- the hopé thet Barrie would 'soon {| 8U™ of $647-20, and he wus insured for T| purposes. Under By-Law No. 883 the a- . a oH tend.and sum.up the votes in the} Guire. froy by GR. Ardilt,fings." "Mr. Vaughan followed with a talk |huxe the opportunity again of entertaining |] *enty years for, $1,000 free of cow: mount of $9,000.00 under the authority of * haar affirmative and negative on the}inStayvor bv N.. B. West, in]Q®-# course of training fpr Canadian Older | such « splendid group of young Canadians, Many other' results 'maturing in 1917 1) the Collingwood Debenture Act of 1899. A Eri bysibaieor Gs Us - ' Boys, showing the boxs/how to extend the | The -President,-R. then deci are shown in the Pamphlet "Deferred By 884 the' amount of $3,500.00 4 uestions. 1 W. G. Mackay, -in ; f ty » R. Ingram, then declare | #f* shown, inthe Pi ret 884 the' amount of $3,500. 2 " : gs ety jGackstown by Ge MBEKay area of their lives through the CS.E:T. A, this, the twenty-first Conference of the || Dividend Policies." "Ask for a copy- sidewalks, Curbs -and, Gut. + Bs Barrie, Devember, 17'h. 1917) Waubaughene by Georgian' Bay | very interesting demonstration of the Sun)! Dominionseide. fall drive' movement, clos . and the said By-Law of the Corporation of a A. W.SMITH, «fLumberOo., Ltd, in Port McNie-]day Session of Organized Sunday School | ed j the County of Simeoe was registered in the . eas es | Clerk VP. Beattie. in Alliston hy | Class was put-on by Collingwood, under The | The National Anthem was sung and ben- rs : Registry Office of the County of Simcoe on } . in, Lisle by. Robert4lesderhip of Mr, Francis and also an or- |ediction pronouticed by Rev, R. J. Fallis: the 10th day of December, 1917," 'ord hy James A.[ete oot Fon Bete be Kenpo Head Office: Winnipeg 'Any: motion to quash or set. aside the 6 same' or any part thereof must be msde it Ret Blain, in Tottenham, by Chas. Ac}oresting points were to -be learned by -the | 1 Was cured of painful. Goitre by MIN. OR SEE. within three months from. the first public. ' Weaver. in' Penetanguishene by [diferent muggestions made: Rev: ALE, |ARDSLINIMENT. A. H. BROTHER ation -of 'this rotice and cannot be made THE Chas, "A. Nettleton, in. Hawke-{Black of Bradford end Class then demon: | AYARD McMULIN, thereafter." "> ites Barrie, Ontario, ; i strate how: the riid*week session of the | Chatham, Ont. : stone by Thos. A. muons, in wie Organized 8, 8. Class was carried on, After |: © Was cured of Inflammation by 'MIN- dale by Richard Rumble, in Cold-| gecuming these topics, Rev. Mr. Wing -of DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE ARD'S LINIMENT. BETWEEN water by C Millard, in Mid=|the 8:8, Asociation, Toronto, gave an at- eg MRS. W. A. JOHNSON. MONTREAL George; Gorrie, iu Rrad- dress. 'The National Anthem brought the | Walsh, Ont Neuralgia byaean-|YOUP friends who "may net be [ Dated: 10th 'day of Deceitiber, 1917. 50-52, . RJ. FLETCHER, Clerk of the County: of Simcoe If you like The Examiner, 'tell a |ofthe boys present assivtedd on farms curing T was cured of Rheumatic Gout ty MIN- | the-past year. ' . UNEXCELLED ARD'S LINIMENT. Rev, 'Mr. Mutch spoke cn, "The Five Cy Hulifax,' ANDREW KING. | Cates for Buocews 'These uré: 1--Chart- DINING CAR SERVICE dai ing, 2--Programme and Schedule, 3---Keep. Pen : Iwas ured of Actite Bronchitis by MIN Py tar ger tgp Sleepinig Cars on, night trains and Parlor | Rp' LINIMENT: at Ii, Keep outeide interest from Cars on, principal day trains" ane MeL. CoCREWE-READ, |ming in, 5--Keep records, And the five Wail eestdlacstior ty Giaid Trea ts i causes of failure, of course, are the opposite Wiel Agere GG Ei Hettine Dee | | Sone to the-five secrets of kuccess. * : okst "Agent, or C. #. Horning, Distrigh | 1 was cured! bf Acute Rheuinstinn by |. The denotiinational conferentes followed j i b i lose Ther p +> BY-LAW NO. 1248 TORONTO ell ancl Uru leeeraie meeknig fo. 8 6 vo. |ARD'S. LINIMENT. <"|subserihers. $1.50 per-year to' ae ei : ' : : ley ollingwood led the devo- | ss del : Of the Corporation: of the County of Siméoe Re " DETROIT Craigniival Shantien. Bros an |tionsl exercises for the opening of the after. | Parlidale Ont J. H, BAILEY. }any, address' in' Canada, : aineee vote ANOS , ml tion' gession. Mr. Sidenius epoke nthe ' jevtey vee ae car a CHICAGO {ISOORERE "Soldiers of the Soil." Over fifty per cent. {wale jpamed by the Council of the. © 'tion of the. County. of Simeoe on the-28th }day of November, 191%, authorizing the You don't have to die Ficita 4 . C a for grantmg certain sid to the Midland Dry to win # Dock 'Company, Liniited,, bearing internst at the nite of five-and-a-half per cent. -per MN SS OO Pawenger Agent, Tordnto, Ont. |MINARD'S. LINIMENT. and the different bodies were distributed An advertisement to men in their 4 annum. ion J. EL. BILLINGSLEY fi Markhain, Ont. C.-8. BILLING. | throughout the-building and secretarie: y "twenties" and "thirties" _ And that the said By | Depot Agent : +t) Phone 6b Lakefield, Que., Oct. 9, 1907." | were elected' to represent then. The dele- Z z z tion of the County of. 'gation meetines came under: the supervision |. of Rev. Mr. Wing. ; demanatration of Group Games un- in the Registry Office of $5,000 or $ro.q60-would come in mighty handy to » you to-day, wouldn't it? SS 5 der Mr. Sidenius and Mr. Vaughan. was a Z Think, then, how mich more valuable it will be to : "se ' huge success and was ably helped out gupta . it g rst public- - i Beedl of Crecences, ie -- akg Z you at forty-five or fifty. 'i ar ase ation of this. notice ahd -eannot -be sudo ° self-quite-a magician. Miss 'Jessie Ban-.| | Of course, you'll say, I'll have been successful and thereafter: tae 4 eroft's book of games for home, playground, won't netd it thenscReestop! You miey--and if you :Dated 16th day of December, 1917. - heeding gymnasium and school was heartily ree. RS. do, you'll nepd, it more then than you do to-day. Yout producing years will be waning and $10,000 | - will mean all the difference between a dependent and an independent old age. , : Man, there's a big idea back of Imperial Old Age Insurance--oné.that's. mighty interesting to you. Let 'us send you particulars: "Write for them now. A postal will do... Address: _ 'THE IMPERIAL LIFE Assurance Company. of Canada _ ommended. At 6.30 & War Banquet was held in Trin- {ity Parish Hall where the boys gavp their town and school yells; also the CSET. SQ n 1. Everyone the" sumptuous SSS WE