,_, COLUMBIA OUTFIT 3 No. 24 oak record cabinet, tunes and 300. needles. ALL FOR'$41.00 '4 -each month. No interest. XMAS. GIFTS VIOLINS " GUITARS MANDOLINS { _UKALELAS ) BANJOS ACCORDEONS { MOUTH ORGANS ~ CONCERTINAS 'AUTO HARPS UNIONISTS SWEPT _ THE THREE SIMCOES: Boys Led with a Majority of 3881--Tudhope beat Chew 2778--Currie won by 1487 (Continuéd from page. 1) As the figures 'show, Mr. Boys hada maj- ority in every. poll, the ci gefting behind him with the ity of 1299. Even in Adjala which was expected including a large size fumed twelve $10.00~-down -and $5. 00 . § OTHER USEFUL from the men's corhmittée, 'andl acknowledg- ed jf in # short witty speech. 1. Crown Hill < Brief speeches were given by Sergt. Jurvis | 2 poueny a Lieut. Whitby, representing the G; W. | 3 vie v. 4. Mitchell Siuare s Solos were contributed by Mrs. Laidman | 5. Rugby, . arid Miss. Boys, Miss Palling gave instru: | & Jarratt mental numbers and there were numerous'; 7. Oro Station .... 2... choruses under Dr, Arnall's, direction 8. 'Hawhestone .-.. .. ., _ For the fest time in.its history the North Simooe riding gave one candidate a majority | 1 in every municipality. This was not looked for by many, a8 reports from' this end of Ye Olde Heintzman & Co. Pianos Just'one left in stock for Xmas ° $450.00. $50.00 down and $10.00 each ° month without interest will se- cure this Canadians'. favorite piano. - SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SIX-OCTAVE ORGANS Don't fail to see them. North Simcoe Majorit}.for Currie, 6. Creemore Majority for Currie, 50. : 'to poll quite an, adverse majority he man- | the riding. seemed to indicate that' Mr. Totel Majaritier Po Wiese aged to get one 'vote more than his oppon-.| Drury would carry at least some cof the Collingwood. & vent. Allist Mr. Mitchell's home 'town, townships. Nottawasaga .. Tan up's misjority of 154. Collingwood 'Sunnidale Tn the big total polled were included: the Currie Drury || 'Vespra 'votes of over 1200. women,,most of whoin -105 48 Oro... . "undoubtedly were for Union." The Barrie 38 Stayner 'women 'were very active i the campaign, 45 Creemore *. . both in. canvassing and bi ig out the vote, Altogether, the. Unionist organita- ion in this town was in fine shape and, il issue "was never-in voubt, they hard 'to make the majority as _ le In other: parts of the also," the organi she hand, "ite Mitchell apparently | fanizdtion whatever and. he did not ue single meeting throughout the campaign. As he failed to poll Half as many votes * the winner, his election deposit of $200" is | forfeited. "A sapacity, crowd fill the: opera house 16 hear the returns and most of the peaple 2 'Mayed till after, midnight when the story | = Of the wires showed that' the Union Govern: | ment had secured.a safe majority. John 'Little,. chairnran of the locat Union Com- ities, presided, alternating with the vice: |, 7 /cehairman, A. J, Sarjeant. Mrs Lon qeeudent of the' women's organizatior 'several other women. workers were seated oe the platform, as-well as the: members: of 'Dr. Arnall's Chorus: * "Phdtigh the people very plainly showed their watisfuction as the fayorable returns ame in'and applauded and cheered vigor~ 'ously, one could not help noticing a differ: ence from the usual election night crowd. The - customary | cgi ial = enthus- ee showing t "they realized ng 'atiomeees of the 'tation and that thir election was far dif- pote from anything 'Cenada had experien- ced before. A splendid ering ore given Mr. See ps LE Ut ie i i if the | ai 6 |N on 'was good," On the RO oe gon Singhampton. Duntroon - "Nottawa Lawrence's. Majority tor Currie," 156. 35 Flos 4 25 "Total 96 3B Ha 50 ster. Mrs, Tompkins Foxmead 15 |Wm. Gibson's. . Ball's, Creighton McKinley's "Hall, Warm Pine Grove' School Forest Home School . Stewart's Store, Marchmont Eoapprstee p Geng Hall, .Uhthoff 'arlyon A. Macking's House. The official returns of the vote in Nortk Simcoe 'will be made on Thursday, Dec. 27, but the final returns will not-be known for a month, until the report is received of the 88. | Soldiers' Vote, which, it is not expected, will - : Joas aap" |MAKP any difference in the result hete, - | "Majority for Gurrie, 766 ' East Simcoe Nottawasaga Chew Tudhope . 39 Orillia Town 43, | Orillia see: 887. 1810 15 Coldwater-- 40° | Council: Chainbers 43 136 27 Matchedash-- 38 |Templeman's Store .... .. Temperance Hall, Eady .-: 's House. . Devitt's House, Vasey Midland Majority for: Tudhope Orillia Township-- Ardtres 35 2 68 1) Pi 20. B38 ai 4 BF 14 | 104 ~ 373 44 19 "Our output fer the past three weeks of Columbia and saher h Phaneapiie has, been such that we have 'had to replenish our. stock. We are offering for the Christmas trade only, the follow- ing Bargains at Special Terms: , CQLUMBIA. OUTFIT No..58 " ; , with 12 tunes.and 300 needles ALL FOR $73.00 This machine can be equip- _ ped to play all records. and $5.00 per ater. | month. No .interest. 63 BY 58 Be 4569 3861 46°. 67 23° '5t 9 36 7486 11758 from..... variety from: S$ Pianos of Other Carvers by the pr. from $1.75 to 3.50 SILVERWARE such as Cold Meat Forks, Cake Forks, Pie Knives, Fruit Spoons, Cheese' and. Tomaté Servers, and many other articles similar at prices So SLEICHS || for the Boys and Girls. Large "T- with twelve tunes. l $100.00 month. . No interest. "No needles to,chang GRAPHOPHONES to the wonderful and 12.tunes. Makes. One Only $400. ry Craig for $25.00.down. and $8:00 per month. No interest. Weber Piano Very slightly used, a $350.00 '# Piano for $300.00. $10.00 down and $7.00 a month. Weber Piano $250.00. $10.00 down and $6.00 per . Per month, "te. GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE| = ' in abundant va- Prices $3.75 to. $9.50. ..60c to $2.50 The most popular Electric Heater "made in elegant design; as per cut, $15.00 down and $8.00 per Plays all 'kinds. of records. LS é A SCORE OF OTHER from $15.00 up to $350.00° « We would call your attention . PATHE PHONOGRAPH Elegant in design; sweet--in tone, plays all records, cabinet All for $100.00 In use six months, $325.00 for . OTHER USEFUL XMAS. GIFTS BIBLES HYMN BOOKS FOR ALL CHURCHES - MUSIC ROLLS FOLIO. AND SHEET MUSIC CHOIR BOOKS -------------------- Last Call For Christmas Gifts, ' STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS CASE CARVERS -- || Canadian Beauty Electric Iron Guaranteed for 5 years. -$4.50 Canadiar Beauty c GRILLS: Some: iine very Special for. . Wedgewood's English - Dinner Ware 5 Different styles to- choose from, 97 pieces for.:. Also Stock Pattern Goods by the Dozen. * $24.75 |. English Earthen T Pots