Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Dec 1917, p. 8

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FURS-Reinodelled and repdired. Miss' subscriber offers for' sale by tender eight | Give the boy a pair of - a bARIEE : Minnie McArthur, King Block, upstairs. acres hardwood bush, either in whole oF | burt Shoe Co, has them at pte ey ren's Gloves, Hose; Hand- ° 48-53p | by parcel. The above is nine miles from |'g1.95 4 pair, or a pair of hockey boots for aer | Barrie: -Tenders received up to Satur- | $1 99, $2.69) or $2.98, at Eurlburt's Shoe _ THE ADLET COLUMN per issue. Terms'cash. Six insertions will Sitiona! charge of ie. mil be mad on all adlets less than .one dollar. be. given for the price of four. Where fe-) "ue Dec. 19 and one Jan..19. Apply' to --Pictures framed hy Dougall Bros. 45tf rected to this Office an addi} 5°S J. V. Brown, Burton Farm, Al- = Pesiching done atthe Singer Sew at 0c, wil be Leyeows The}: isndale, 2 ~.* 49-tf. | ing Machine. Sho} tes are' for F Lo en a a Bare alegiats was burned dows x ya : id for before the paper is issued, an ad-; PIANO FOR: SALE--Mason & Risch, up- z pai grt mon cn, 80, 'ago last Tuesday, Dec, 1 You can have many more FRESH. MILK DAILY--Phone 295 a J. Saliigber; Se ca Toeedhy ogi ' |'and is now in possession. 9 Owner may have same YOUNG PIGS--for sale. "Apply § V. Sones, crit rroperty and payiig for advt. 81 | --African brown cashmere hose are the | SUTCLIFFE'S 'Oro Station Se WANTED--Hounes for a few high org pinnos, J. G, Keenan. ing, bathioom, electric' light. Possession | --XMAS. SPECIAL--A beautiful Colum- . Si cmmod, |: immediately." Apply J." E. Morrisén, bia, Grafonola outht, with record. cabinet ' B HOUSE TO LET--170 Dunlop St, mod: |' Phone 427. 51-tf. | and twelve selections for only. $41.00. Gar: er. Apply to James Arnold 49.f | ---- | reti's Music Store. Open evenings. WE 'WISH YOU ALL WORMWITH PIANO--In good repair. At a big bargain. J. G. Ketan, GIRL WANTED--For general housework. Apply at Classic Hotel,-Allandale. 51-51 jc a lg te FOR SALE--Young pigs for sale Apply to J. R. Revie, Shanty Bay. R.MD. 51-1) "'SECOND-HAND VIOLINS, 12 only--Come' J.C. Kee, | 60-51 | quick if yoir want one. --_ PEN FOUND--On Saturday, between. sta- tion and P. O., fountain pen. here. sertres [20 AQRE FARM FOR GALE Cel goa the father of Peter R. Jak, Victory ; car ANTE ad wie a, Tas WANTED oor eal fend EE toned oe Organizer for Simcoe Co. He died Suits, Men's, Youths' and Boys'. Over- Lis' Dark Brown Barrie, near Horry Levits 64 Bayfield St., ie 50-tf Ball Planing Mill Singer Shop, Burrie. 50-5 SALE---Sitleboard, portieres, pictures, li fixtures, Public School books, twenty elo- cution books, 63 McDonald St. ~ 51-51 Pane RP WANTED--Experienced girl, girl from the country preferred. Also woman to wash. 50-51) cost of advertising. in this column is| Private lessons arranged for at reasonable . BNE "cent PER WORD EACH INSER- being anes lass Fr Geitories 41 Be: TION, with aminimum .charge of 15 conts sel for | $200. Satisfactory terms. Aj to J. G. Keenan or A..F. Garrett. 51-51 FOUND--At. corner'of Mary FOR SALE OR TO LET--On Burton Ave., brick house, six rooms, hot water heat- STRAYED--From Lot 11, con. 10, Innis- | fil, one 2-year-old red heifer, two, yearling red steers, Information as to their whereabouts will be rewarded. Quantz, Craigvale R. R. No. 1 tf STANDING 'TIMBER FOR SALE--Suit- lumber, | able for barn tmias, bolts, fence posts and p: or emall quantities to suit purchaser. + Also hardwood by the acre. Apply to D. J, Barclay, 'Stroud. 6 ! HARDWOOD BUSH FOR SALE -- The day, Det. 29.. George Raikes, Barrie. 2t -------- smalt barn, drive shed and hog pen, 6% miles from Barrie, Terms reasonable. FARM FOR SALE---95 sores: west. half lot 9, con. 4, Vespra; 35 acres bush-- hardwood: and pine; 10 acres rye, 15 seeded: ploughing done. Convenient to school and station. Implements with farm, Good 'house and bank barn, plen- | ty of water. Price $3300. Terms,. small Apply to tf} so: faithfully throughout the year would no Read the advts. thar tell how well the: merchants have prepared: to help you with your Xmas. shopping. W. BE. Gries of Toronto purchased 'the grocery business of T. B.-Crothers last week searcest thing ia the world. Vickers have them $1.35 per pair, also African brown Naco hose 60¢. per pair.' --A full line of Wicker Chairs, etc., suit- able for Xrpas. presents 'at factory prices |Our Mr. Prince will be glad to see you at factory im rear of 91 Owen Street." 61-52 --You will: find the largest. stock of dif: ferent makes of phonographs, from $15.00 up. to $300.00, at Garrett's Music, Store, cash or easy terms of payment. Open even- Bs. The postmen are heavily Inden these days Some remembrance from those they serve doubt be appreciated by them at the Christmas season. + ' Store. Carcy's old stand, Among the. vietims of the Hulifax disaster | last week from very severe injuries caused | by: the explosion. . He' wax one of the lead- ing citizens of Halifax. town has « fourth term been given: one man for the mayoralty. Mr. Craig will be oppos: ed by either Dr, Sprott or H. G. Robertson, iness College recently accepted office posi 'tions: I. McKinnon, Ottawa firm; L. Me- Doneld, M. Robinson, G. Atkinson, Toronto firms; in Barrie, M, Gordon, Crown Life In --The following pupils of the Barrie Bus- || coats, Sweater, Scarfs, Neckties, Coats, Bath Robes, Shirts, Collars, Hand- Books by good authors, good print and naiey Arm Bands' and Garters, Price. well bound, easy priced. .25c,-20c, 19c: 99%, yfine quality, special... Ladies' White. Lisle Hose, fine. quality, price. ssi. 60c. Crib Silk Comforters, Plain Pink and Sky Blue, special... ...- pach yb eS ot | Possession on "short niotice. Apply 8) Mayor Craig. told 'The E 8 lies' Dark Brown Lisle Hose, fine ial: BEMSTITCHING --Hemstitching and picot | pyeminer Office apt). Bevoe Céale: told The: Exanitace on Sat- kerchiefs, Men's 's and Boys' Gloves:and z q ~ . urday that he would be a candidate again , "4 Ig work done. while you wait at the | *™ tne nnn ee vere Only ence iat the hives ofthe Mitts. NO ity, sizes 9, 9%, 10, special... . 50c. family by stocking 'up at 'A VERY MERRY kerchiefs, Shoe Horns. Hose, sizes $1.50 - -$2.00 4) BESS Fay peated YeePtes 5c, 25¢ Special Value i in Men's Braces 50c and 25c School Suit Cases, 12x09, fibre, with good handle, two catches, special 'price 40c. As coal anid wood are scarce why not buy. an Eiderdown Comforter, satin trim- med in Rose, muse Pink, sizes 66x72, easy priced. - $10.00, $8.50, $7.00 Fine Quality White Batting Filled Com- fortere, choice coverings, easy ptice.. $2.25 to $6.00 Children' 's Brown Winter Coats, with sail- ~~ or collar and leather belt, lined through- ayment, balance 5 per cent. Apply to Mrs. (Dr.) Lewii 51 Lado or 237 Elizabeth St. Barrie. 46-tf| surance; R. Norton, Ball \Planing Mill; R. Rouse, Pensions office; D. Peacock, Ross' law office; R Fowler, Baik of Nova Scotin; K. Lett, Bank of Nova Scotia, Toronto ; A. Keaney, Standdrd Bank, Bradford; | K. Duna, Bradford Milling Co., Bradford 2t FOR SALE OR RENT -- Residence, 8 roome elbetrie -Ligts, matte, 8} Mary Bi ie e public 'is hereby notified that I, John Webb, 26 Sinall St. Phone 110. 40-tf Peseitis 197 Bradford St,, Barrie, will 5 not be responsible for any debts contracted COFFEE GRINDER FOR SALB--"Star," | by my wile, Josephine, Armstrong, or any almost new. Apply 50 Maple Ave. 51-Nol | of my family, after Thursday, Déc. 20; 1917 -------- (Sgd) JOHN ARMSTRONG CLEANING AND PRESSING '-- Your old | ----$-- -------- suit and overcoat can-be made to look Sale of Household Effects like 'new by Harry. Twiss, Owen St. 8+tf) On Friduy, Dec. 21, there will be an auc: 2 : tion sale of the household effects of the late WANTED All kinds df- auto 'tires to re-| Rev. D. D. McLeod. D.D., at his late resi- pain All work guaranteed. The Barrie| dence, 100 Owen St. Sule at-1 pm. sharp Vulcanizing Plant $87 Elizabeth St, 44-3m | W. A. McConkey, auctioneer. NOTICE PERSONAL MENTION Migs-Fulljames is the guest of Mrs. G. B McLean. Arthur E. Bryun of Ottawa is spending the Xmas, holidays in town | J. A. Harris of Chapleau spent the week- ent with his fémily in town Mrs. Russell of Swift Cu her sister, Mre. A. W. Wil Mrs. Partridge of Sintalut iting her sisters, the Misses Street it is visiting | tebe on ask. ie vis King, Poyntz Black Leather Club Bags, with two hand- les, leather lined,. 18° and-20_ inches, prices... ..$10.50, $10.00, $9.00 On Sat,, Dec. 22, Harry, Boug, will ell by Standing timbir, mostly hard public auction at the Market Square, Barrie, FOR SALE: wood, some suitable for square. timber or | D1 hi quantity of household furniture, harness, as tige "7? rane 5 EME Sma FP eing aeraege setae an Ww. | comes tee pimon Out with-grey Mannelelte, Ht 282%: 2 | Bye litation Leather Cab Bag, with Barrie so 5152 [A.M auctioneer. ----_\_| away very suddenly, Dial dade: 1 bined arias two handles and two catches, will wear } $1.95 YES! IT'S THE TALK ALL OVER. MANY DOLLARS ARE SAVED AT SUTCLIFFE'S. "Mrs. J..S. Legge wishes her friends to' |know that she escuped the disaster while | visiting in Halifax. Mrs. Nx_B. Johnston attended the final Unionist rally for the wonien in Orillia of Saturday last 'and gave an address. The Barrie friends of Gertrude Aiken of | Toronto, formerly of this tows, will be glad to know she has recoverse| Afom. her recent | fi illness, Dr. and Mrs, W. E. Gallie-und son were . as- well .as a leather bag,.18 inch, spe- Giale . 3.00 "$4.50 Fittings, both Ladies'..and Gentleman's, - for the Club Bag, easy priced. .....3. : - -$9.00,; $6.75, $5.00 Christmas Slippers With Every Dollar Purchase' we give you a 5c. Coupon,. redeemable at. our Prem- : Pe , . lth : i i. with his parents over Sunday; He expects : Ty bo avieraeas in a. See days tatty arctat ium Counter. See the nice goods at small prices. i 4 = ; orthopaedic work in the military hospitals. | : i 2 ' C ; ' ne : PY) te aa Mis J Welly Orchant "Sort || WE, SELL FOR CASH. WE SELL FOR LESS. J Hs pci aia ii : of heir daughter, Mary \Seliia Ronald, *o af - 5 David' Walter Fralick, son of Mr. sind Mrs ae Me F i Wm. Fralick, "Minesing/ the marriage: to i . We are ready- for Christmas 'trade with the most. take place early in the New Year | ie s i i A wn in' Barrie. -------- vo) R complete line of Holiday Slippers ayer sho gel hang Lita vaken, sal : f After an illness of three weeks Miss 'Vill = T POPULAR PRICES McCullough, only duughter of Mr, and Mrs, | Po ' }W.8. McCullough, Perry St, died in the | bis * . ss Royal Vietorin Hospital, on Thursday, Dec. jee tig el a We studied the needs and comfort of Men, Women (15 Decent fukin Fee Pir eat ane I he ' f . é porn at Tregarva, Sark, In 1809 the family t and Children and bought the prettiest and mostiservice- | nioved to Minesing. and for the last. six ae " years have resided "in Burtie. Miss McCul- as i : | iough' was.a member of the Central 'Metho- ot y STYLES FOR ALL '| dish Shuich and aang in the choir, She am : 'was an enthusiastic worker for the soldiers at and was interested in' many lines.of sctivity. | a Of.» bright atid happy disposition, she was | a | general favorite wniong the young people | and will. be greatly 'missed She is survived by her MEN'S 'SLIPPERS in Cosy, Everitt, Opera and Romeo LINDSAY arents and two Styles, etc. Pri from $1.00 t $3.00 brothets, W. J. of Lusela Sask. ind 4 > 'rices ranging from $1. fo $3.! air Harry of Toronto, both of whom were fire- | : ° : 2 TEE TAREE ; i seat ot the funeral," Tussday"aftersoon | BORN | Collier St: Methodist Church Barri ' "a ™ Fenn re Se ee Bas [auackavne ee emer Cree eee ee le Merits pe : tnd the pallbearers were Geo: Livingston, |" Dee. 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bluck, | Sunday, Deveniber. 23, 1917 3 nd WOMEN'S SLIPPERS in fancy cosy styles with padded ) | Wm. Ness, Geo. Folter, Chas Lowe, Altre | Elmvale, 0 daughter = Ah pa eee ie a = insoles and fancy trimmings in the newest colors and Qj Palme, and FG Micon nm pe | MARTIN. At the R. V. Hospital on Satur "evening. : : oy 'various other designs at «| anchor from the citizens of Luseland, Sank. | © 24%; Dee. 15, to Mr. auiq 'Mrs. Martin, CHRISTMAS MUSIC su arious 0 a 8 9 As idhurst, a son. Interment was made in Stroud Cemetery. ~ and ; ; MENSON--At 207 Bradford St., Barrie, on | CHRISTMAS SERMONS Prices ranging from $1, 15 to $1 90 pair MIDHURST * | Dee. 17, to Gorporal and Mrs; Menton, ae thi son (James Borden) 1 4 Co) sole, 18 Evenybodyis invita tothe Es | ona the HV. Hospital on Won.| BAPTIST CHURCH ~ on CHILDREN' Ss SLIPPERS i in endless' variety of designs , )|rown He Friday evening, Dee. 21." A day, Dee a Mr. and Meo Rog. | conlitintee: Wan. Harri Wallace = ¢ ad | ets,"Allandale, a son. 'omer Clspperton and Worley Sis é At prices ranging-from-50c pair) er oe eae ae ie beeeived some: giknies 1 Sermon Tones for' Deoember 23 in a prise Sundi , Dee. 16, | LL am.."The Forerunner." z ' : ee se «Tae. Thos anounced bis re FRASER--LOVE--At the residence of the 7 p.m.~--'The Glad Tidings." - ba i iy ¥ ii bride its, at noon, on Tur y, p.m.--"Christmas mn," : Our stocks. are also complete with. full ranges of panetite tree: the 'olureh, as he is retiring ges iy aa te rm "Campbell Herbert e Visitor. Weleda: eet t Gaiters; Overshoes, Leggings, Moccasins, Hockey Boots, Our school: teacher has resigned and will |" Fraser, of Fairfax, Manitoba, to Florence Calf Ski on Snow. Shoes, etc. leave' at Christmas holidays Muriel, youngest daughter' of Gilbert | \ TRINITY CHURCH corps: green . i = x The. children, "old and young,. welcomed, Love, Guthrie. pices. Tees ne tarjo) a a rl a y 1- Christmas 'with all its many pleasant doings | SIMPSON--SCOTT-- _ On. Saturday, isa Sunday, Dec. 23. - Manitoba) . a - These qe onily suggestions from our "Holiday Set and remembrances. "December, 1917, at St. Andrew's Church, Fourth Sunday After. Advent ders ton > _ection. oes The large gang of Talians thet wee work Barrie, "Ont.,_by Rev. a 4 Brown. 8.30 p.m.--Holy Communion. Belin see ' 4 f i it Midhurst. left on Saturday, . C: Scott, te r. --! Sieeteed ' Rememiber we cheerfully, exchange' goods after §]/™«™ "NN St oe "er A Aeon Barta Ono Sergeant ae hang mgr, Aad Semen: | Woo}, ama Nuss. : SHANTY BAY Garence Simpron, son' of Mr: F. Sip Table" hee shecnil Dec, 18--Phe annual Sunday School én- | son, Thornhill, Ont. 3 p.m.--Sundlay School. Hides, green cog end ig lng ag em Bning Prager and Sern, | ape Set gene, Ehanty Pax, on mt In 'Memoriam # Bong-of the Angels." Deer Skins, Ib 126, at $ o'clock.' The programme is. a can- \ Christmas. Day. ' tata entitled "Kes Kringle and his Crew" | 22 loving memory of the Inte Robert Mf |) 880 2.m.--Holy Communion, Gneisaias GAA allt All are welcome, A liberal silver collection . | tem Marking Prager Bisly Commun. --Christmas: Gai caliniori ie solicited, --WIFE AND FAMILY | io. and Sermon, ieéd_and decorated, op plain, 350 od ee Robertson 'of. Calgary; Misa i Special music. and 45¢ per. lb, We will oo Sure Hood Boathots, SE -- \ Card of Thanks, Rev. H. 'D. Raymond, Vicar:|ice and- decorate your own ¢i oe a eee a ie al ae] Mr. and Mes: W. §. McCullough and fam. !----------=====-=--=--= | Pies in' Mince, Lemon, Apple and: "Win, Brown from Barrie, were guests of Mr. |¥, Perry. St.; wish to: thank the people of [| ---The' Midhurst; Sunday School will hold |Raisin. Please order: .eatly. 'nd Mrs..R. Robertabn during the weekend, ,Battié for 'their many _ manifestations . of | its Concer: and Chr "Tree in} Brown's Bakery, Phone 250. 54. -: im HH ©. Merc har beck quive al e305. Pegen pepo og alam the Town Hall, Midhurst, on Friday, Dee. oe ee throat trouble but is now doi | the death of their-only, daughter, Vill '21. 'Admission 25 and 15 'cents. Glad to ba aud Mrs. } . . "in this iny Minard's Liniment 'Cures pide

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