¢ 9 to $2.00. lates only. than one of these boxes? 20¢. up. Xmas. Mixtures, Car. at reasonable pricés. CAKE AND Xmas..Cakes, 'best ated, 45 cts. Ih. scp. Xmas. and decorated, 35 kes, an cts Almond Paste ready our-cold fountain special. Tomato Soup, Chicken Sc * lion, Sandwiches, Pie, etc. one Saturday, Barrie Phone .125., (BY-LAW..NO. 1249 Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe Notiew is hereby given that 4 By-Law ora yout Simeoe on tht 28 , 1s to be the Cor of Mid. der By-Law tim of the worstion of the tow! paying Off, the indebtedness ani if the Town of Midlind incurred an ern mide for Patriotic purposes, bearing inter: f six' per cent. per annutn. = eet Att, the Any 'metiam to quash or set: aside th Mame or Why part thereof. siust be mude within three months from the first public- | ation. of thiv notice and cannot be made th reafter Pated 10th day of Degember, 1917. 50.52 R. J. FLETCHER, Dlerk of the County' of Simcoe. "THE COST OF LIVING" It is-a significant and gratifying fact that while-the édat_ of everything else in tho line' of necessity hax gone up--the price ef one. of the chief necessities: of l---Life Iysurance--has gone, DOWN. 'To those looking for the best available in Life Insurance, 'it, is stifficient to point 1 t9 the fact that Tor ten successive years J: the public tiave showar that they consider the Great-West Life Policies unequalled, For fen supcessive years-the Gre: Life has written the largest, Canadian -] Business of 'all the Canadian Companies. Policies, are inexpensive--liberal--pro- '} fitable---arranged to covet 'all needs, Ask for pervonal information, stating age. . basse dios These boxes.are filled with our best, quality choco- Everybody enjoys good Candy. What nicer gift Other assortmenits of 'CANDY FOR THE HOME Taffies, 15 cts.'a pound and up. quality, almond iced and decor- Cream Putts: 50c. a doz. Whipped Cream Cakes, 40c. each. FOUNTAIN Pie Ice Cream Sandwich, with fudge dressing~10c. is In hot drinks: we have Tea, Coffee, Chocolate, All our Xmas Specials will be on display and' salé See windows. ne week BUY YOUR CANDY AT ~ BRYSON'S CONFECTIONERY 5 THIS YEAR authorizing. the ranter 'debentures 967: of the said, Corpora- nwa of Midlsind for the pur a CANDY GIFTS , We are showing a large variety of Fancy Xmas. Boxés, all 1917 design, some of them unique. range from 75c. to $4.00 with a good range at $1.50 Prices Box, Chocolates priced from 'amels, Bon Bons, Fudge, etc., BISCUIT DEPT. excellent cake, almond iced to place on your cake, 35c. Ib. Try it! sup, Homemade Tomato Boul- , Served. Further announcement Allandale Phone 770. "RE BY-LAW NO. 1250 4 Of the Corporation of the Couhty'of Simcoe h authorizing. the Simcoe: to guarantee debentures n issued by the Corporation of the town gwood: to, the umount of under "the | of cl e Avy motion to quash or set aside the sarie or any part thereof must he made ation. of 'this notice and cannot be mude th renfter, % Dated 10th day of December, 1917. 52 . R.J. FLETCHER, Clerk of the Courity 'of Simese, eV7_--alae------------------------ BY-LAW.NO. 1248 Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe Notice is fereby given that -« By-Law was passed by the Council of the Corpora- tion. of the County of Simeoe on_the 28th day of Noyember, 1917, authorizing the County of Simcoe to guarantee debentures to be issued by the "Corporation of . the Town -of Midland to the amount of $25,000.00 under By-Law No. 953'of the said Corporation of the: Town of Midland for granting certain kid-to the Midlind'Dry } Dock. Company, 'Limited, bering' interest 'ut the rate of five-and-a-half" er cent. per. annum. aan "And that the said By-Law of the Corpor: tion of the County of Sitheoe wes registered the Registry of the County of Bim- éoe on the 10th day' of Dedember, 1917, Any motion, to quash 'or: set aside the Vancouver will conti 000 ta Halifax relief. Hibute, $25,. (able and unremitting 4 'meinber of Signet \Chapt»r, 00°" 1800 .| within three: monthe. from the first public: |42,¢° Superintendent' of Car Department R. R. STANLEY'S DEATH Coroner's Jury Attached No Blame to Anyone in Con- nection. with the Fatality. The 'jury which investigated the death of Robt. R.- Stanley at Vine on Nov. 28, con: cluded its:work on Thursday last by bring- ing in a verdict of secidental death, attach- ing no blame to anyone. i composing the jury were:--H..G. Robertson (foreman}, R. Powell, E. = rer, A.D Simon, R. Webb, A. T. Campbell, .G. Lawr, W. B. -Edward R. Kightley, cond Auxiliary, said On c ear draw bar being higher than that op the derrick car it was necessary to put bent link in to. couple. When siowing down for switch at Vine, the pin between the crippled car. and 'the der- rick car gave. way, pulling the cars apart and 'putting off the pair of trucks that. was on the crippled car:and to which the deiricl chain was attached. Mr. Stanley and A. Jay were standing 'between the trucks and the end of the car, He was crushéd as: the trucks were drawn up against the end of the the derrick chain' from the' trucks before they started but'he said it was perfectly sufe attéched. Mr. Stanley was in charge of' the operations, "He was instantly killed. Douglus Matchett, brakemun; gave cor. roborative evidence. Stanley must have. becn, ulmost immediate. Ribs on right side were crushed badly and 'abdomen also was severely crushed Henry - Hirlehey, cur repairer, wrecked trucks were pulled out of the car. The bent coupling was 'not broken but wus pulled out, Sometimes chain of. derrick is but sometimes it is left attached when the run is short. He culled deceased's attention to the coupling -pin telling him that it was not in, proper place. Mr. Stanley said it would go into line all- right. Arthur Jay, car repairer, suid he wanted to detach the derrick chain, but Mr. Stunley said it was all right. Witness suggested moving the trucks to-other end of car but deceased replied that this could be done at Vine. If ix not customary derrick chain attached to. wreckage. John, Hudson, machinist's apprentice, did not make coupling byt heard someone in would pull apart, Frank Hughes said the coupling was too high for the wrecked! cur. Tt was necessary to use a bent 'link. Witness tried to make the coupling but-could not get in the second: pin, He wos ordered out und some one else maile the. coupling, 'Wm. Little, trainmuster, said it was nec- essary to move derrick car,about 4 feet to make » coupling. The derrick car was moy. ed Up. He saw Hughes und another man between the curs and thinking it dangeroux ordered them out. He ordered Conductor Kightly to make 'the coupling, went. to opposite 'ide of track and pushed the drawbar of the wrecked car over a little so that drawbars could come together more eusily, He, noticed when 'starting that coupling was not all the way' through. They coupled. tethe loaded -cars:and when the slack was tuken up he saw that the coupl ing would: hold blame could be attached to anyone. A. Derrick.said that he an¢ y it ed to unhook the derrick hain from: the trucks, "but train started € move and they stopped. He did not know that anyone was responsible for the aceident.. Harry Peters, in charge of the derrick,. said that-wl he saw thé. cars part. he let off the band: brake so ag'to let out all the chaitt slack, but cars were going too fast. to allow ghuin' to stad The Late R. Ri Stanley Stunley was a man beloved | ight and cheery*dispositicin an ness at all times to help.or to do kind ns to any tind all with whom-he came: in contact, In the home-he was a loving de. voted busbind and an ideal' und, deatfy. | 'et father. At his, business he wus cap- in the discharge of the onerous 'duties evolving upon him. In j fraternal work he was uctive and the high |wsteem in which he was held-by his fellows wax indi¢eted by the responsible offices to | which he was elected. He was a Past Mas- |ter-cf Golden Rule Lodge, Gravenburst, a Barrie, Past | President and Distriet Deputy, Lodge. Dov: | er, Grovenhurst Past Chief Councillor -of | [Chosen Friends; Pest Master A.0.U.W., and | | als a veteran of 1885 with Bar snd Medal | He war born in Berkinhead, England. in He came to Canada. in 1881, enter | ing the employ of the Grand Trunk' at To- jfonto and five years later was transferred to Gravenhurst as car foreman. In 1887 he wax married to Helena Mary Crowle of Brock, residing at Gravenhurst. until five eare ago when Mr. Stanley was promoted, | t A funeral sorvige was held at his late res- idence 10 Burton Avenue on Friday after- Every Afternoon and. Evening. - Every Evening Till After fe New Year's Tax This Season No War WAS ACCIDENTAL |; car. The men wanted Mr. Stanley to detach | | Dr. Ross testified that the death of Mr. | said | detached when 4 long. run.is to be made, | to lewve the | Mr. Stanley's presence sy: that the coupling | Witness ' As far.as he knew, no / es County of Simcoe on the 10th set same or any part therof nrust 'within 'three months from the fi ion: of tris to Hi P | | | and embroidery. Price. Other lines... .. Caters tons, at.... Prices edo. style: Price... .. collar and, satin. stock to sell at old prices. noon and was conducted by Rev..J.Bs Lamb pastor of Burton Ave, Methodist Church, of which the deceased was ,a member, funeral then pfoceeded to Allandale station, members of the Maroic Orders following their departed brother. thet pall-bearers were :- Mesirs, W, Cul: toss, T\ Horner, I'. J. D: Norman, W. Turn- bull, W.7J. Little and J, Piggott. _ The weulth of floral tributes consisted! of tokens from friends far and near, the offices | and several departments and organizations of the Grand Trunk, the lodges: of which: the 'deceased was a, member and from the Official Board of Burton Ave. Church, Friends and relatives were present from Orillia, Gravenhurst, Zephyr, Oshawa,' Mid-.| tand,. 'Toronto, Hamilton, Crondon, Utopia and Cookstown, . Interment took place in Oshawa Ceme- tery on Saturday afternoon from the resi- dence of Mr. Crowle, Division St, » private vervice being conducted by Rev: J. 8.. I. Wilson,' a friend of many years, assisted by Capt. Garbutt . esides his, sorrowing "wife, Ge Stunley leaves' two, children, Mra. Jas, E. Bell, Mil- ton, und Will, T., of Toronto, and one *six- ter, Mrs: Thomas Hobson, Manchester, Eng. _ RE BY-LAW NO. 1251 'Qf the Corporation of the County of Simcoe Notice is hereby given that a By-Law' was pased by the Council of the Corpora: tion of the County of Simcoé, 'on the 30th Law was registered in the Regiktry ember, 1917. , "Any. motion: to quash a Hamilton has 'voted. $10,000) be spent on relief supplies, fort Hifi eS et ractical Gifts for Xmas Giving SILK CREPE BLOUSES in White, Maize and Flesh, all '. SILK*'CREPE BLOUSES, saine style as above, sizes 34 WHITE HABUTAI WHITE, SILK BLOUSES in pearl buttons, at of fine White Nainsook, nicely trimmed 'with insertion and lace, |. .$2.00 and $2.50 each CORSET COVERS, trimmed with inser- tion and lase? some with lace sleeves 35c. to $1.00 | FANCY TEA APRONS, 35c. to 75¢. each LADIES' COLLARS White Satin or White Poplin Collars, the Tuxedo style, trimmed with pearl but- - +. $1.25 Crepe Collars, in all the newest styles. . -50c. to $2.00 each Stock Collars, of crepe or net. in . White, Ecru and Black... .50c. to $2.75 each White Satin Collar and Cutt Sets, in Tux- . $1.75. set Pique and Plain Linen Sets with. sailor 75c to $1.25 set BOUDOIR CAPS of Net or Crepe. 'in Ecru, White, Maize and Peach....... ....39c, 50c.and 85c each CAMISOLES in White only of White Silk Crepe or Habitai Silk, trimmed with shadow lace and insertion... .. - $1.50 and $2.25 each RIBBONS--Plain colors in. all widths from the narrowest to the widest in sitk Ribbons have advanced a, « lot-in' price but we still hive some old DEVLIN & MURCHISON | Among wumerous instances 'of heroism around Cambrai it is r a British colonel, ed, Was led among his, men ah orderly. - mas.trade and have now on "display a | ment of useful gifts. For example:-- Fancy Neckwear, neatly boxed, ....... .35e. to $1.00 | Silk Neck Scarfs, in many handsome Assigns, fos... Gloves, a fine range, lined and Hosiery in ali weights, plain and fancy. Sweater Coats. .0..00...55. 2... + $350 t0-$6.75- Shirts, all sizes, for boys and men, in attractive patterns Handkerchiefs, suspenders, Byjamas, ete. etc, Suits and Overcoats, ready-to-wear, and made to order. and stock will please you. F John F. Thursday, Dec. 13, 1917 ONLY 10 MORE SHOPPING DAYS AND. cha} CREPE DE CHENE AND. OTHER SILK BLOUSES = sizes, and made in the neweststyles, Price $4.75 each to 40 only... 0... 0.2.02. 22, Special Value $3.50 SILK BLOUSES, buttoned. with «' one. large pearl button, new collar, . eae Silas ley mew. styles, Kemstitched, Serr: ++ ess ++$2,00 and: $2.50 _ MEN'S FOUR-IN-H SILK TIES, . positively: the largest, the most. beauti. ful'and best stock of holiday: neckwear we have ever shown. . Many of. these ties are of the. richest silk weaves that we-will not be able to get again at any Price. Put up in separate boxes if you ee nie aga '50c, '75c and $1.00 MEN': MBINATION 'BRACES AND - Mio SETS, in Blue, Helio and TOWN, ate wie. -75c and '$1. MEN'S SILK MUFFLERS at" a "tree dee ss. 75e'$1.00 and $1.50 each --------S ' CHILDREN'S BRUSHED WOOL SETS, in 'Cardinal and Rose, consisting: of . large Tam and full-sized Scarf $2.95 set LADIES' FANCY STRIPED SILK HOSE in Grey with Black Stripe and Whit with Black stripe, special at-...90c pair DARK "BROWN AND NAVY SILK \ HOSE with White stripe. "Extra value Ate lees $1.50 pair RUSSIAN GREEN OR BLACK SILK HOSE in the very best qualities of - -$1.50 silk at... Resear e -00 pair . PLAIN BLACK OR WHITE SILK HOSE Special vaules at... .50¢ and 75c pair Ss HANDKERCHIEFS : A large variety and a wide range of pricés. They-are always a.popular gift owing to the fact that no one ever has too many. Ladies' Fancy Lawn Handkerchiefs and. Fancy Linen Handkerchiefs in a, lot of, different designs. Prices 10¢to 75¢c ea.' Men's Fine Lawn Hdkfs. at... -3 for 23c. '\' |-Men's Fine Linen Hdkfs. at . .6 for $1.00 Prethier, W. M, Martin of Sas- in the: recent fighting |katebewan, in urging Support of ated thal |the Union Government, deprevat~ already blind--|es stirring up of race and creed jfe in Canada. ; ' Read the Adiet Colum Christmas ' VARIED, PRACTICAL, PLEASING -- We have niade.careful preparations for the Chirist:* Splendid assort- einen ete Se - -$1.25 to $3.50 unlined. ee) : from reliable makers. - 'Come here for. your Men's Xmas. Gifts. Our prices, Cr