Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Dec 1917, p. 14

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~ tell them what Tanlac-has done "I have actual; of my dreadful, cunditid street, . Toronto, \ many years. a traveling-salesman, and is 'nuw émployed by the Rob: |e ert Simpson Company. He is a member of 'the Masonic lodge; also of the Conimercial Travelers' association, and is Highly gespéc- ted by all who know him, ' "If I eotfid have had Tanlac five. years ggo," continued Mr; Brown,"! 'could have saved my- self mot-vnly a world of suffer- ing, buf more than a- thousand dollars, which I paid out for oiher 'treatment and medicines that failed to do-me any good. J don't believe anyone ever had a worse cage of stumdch trouble than 1 had. In facl, | got so bad off 4 was given up Lo die by. iny- family and friends, and had 'lost about. all hope myself of ever getting well. dainty dishes failed to atouse my appetite, and the least bit of food of any kind caused me intense suffering. 1 would bloat up -ter- ribly with gas, had a mean agon- izing pain' in the pit of my-stom- ach; and' was never free from headache, No matter what-1 ate iny suffering was awful, and: for over nine inonths at one time was on a light*diet. Half the time 1 couldn't put on wy boots or dres thyself, because I didn't have the strength,-and iy desperate con- Wition can be bétter understood when: say 1 had fallen off from one ~ hundred "and. thirty. pounds to.only: ninely-six. J was dothing but a'frame.of skin and bones, was so nervous 1 could hardly sleep, aud. felt, so irritable and bad 1 did't want: anyone around me at all, . Everything was done for me, it seems, (hat «ould be---X-ray . photographs of my stomach. were «1 pumps used and every known, bul no one seem: derstand "my case, and I kept get- (ing Worse.. Afler spending eight the hospital- here lo no avail; l was advised to go to Mt, Sinai. hospital in York, and 1 speut three"monihs Yhei but still did hot improve'one bit: i felt iat life was hardly worth living, and. lost all faith in aned- ieines, «+ ; #Une day while- lalkinig to: my brother-in-law: he "asked me' why UditinttakeWPanlac, and I said:n ©] have taken.enough stuff, noth- ang will do-mé-goud. But he. in- sisted' until d bought a-bottle, and Providence me-that da that was th tor firmly belie move that ved say itis wonderful Mac has helped ime Way express it. J'mn valready feeling. a thousand limes Netter, aud am on: the road -to fwalth after five years of tortur Jehive already pickedlup from inety-six lo one hune ud thirteen pounds, and am looking ears. asand pain havi all disappeared irom my stomach, and)] can eal most anything 1 want Sueh! a change in aman - anil deserves more than will ever "he able' t efor it. "1 will be ovarnyon'é who Wish- his' statement, and 'esto veri - Tanlae is sold iti Barrie by Geo + & Ca. "Guire. ad. Me. R. Ardill, + Be West) iin town "by W. G. Mackay, in 'aukaushéne by Georgian: Bay uTAber Co.. Ltd, ay Port. MeNie- oll by PH. Beattié tle, in-Gilford by James. A. in Tottenham by.Chas. A. 'Weaver, -in- Penetanguishene by |? ; Ohas, A; Nettleton," in. - Hawke- stone by Thos. A. Stole, ip: Hills- dale by Richard Rumble, in Cold- water by ©. G. Millard, in. Mid- jand by George 'Gerrie, in Bra'd- Yord=by W. 1: Campbell and "in. ~ Btrond" py Chantler Bros... in Craighurst "hy T, Hill--Adver lisement. ly gained seven- 'teen. pounds by taking Taniac, and my recovery has been a surprise to myself as well as all who knew Bad Walter EF; Brown, 132. :Yorkville recently. Mr. Brown, who, has been a resident, * of Toronto alf -his life, was 'for us surely. guiding. Monkmdngin Orillia -by(M.H.Cooke | Even the most delicate and} ye,|motion of MeDuff and Thompson, fo ac- * |} ments. } jon to" Kingston with the other | Hix. mother. died | \the xual. pri . 18 and 14, lot 19, i it and the fact it more than half the labor on his div- ision has not been: performed, No tender having' bees ressived for the timber on road line, con. 13° and. 14, at lot 17, on motion of MeKinlay and McDufi, the offer. of $5.00 from Nosh Cotton wa ae ipted. a 'W. Martin, secy.-Treas. 8: 8 No. 16, wrote that his trustees-were willing to re. fund.P: W. McGragh's school taxes'for 1917 owing to his recent severe loss by fire: On motion of McKinlay and MeDuff Council yoted @ refund of the balance of Mr, Mc- Gragh's taxes for 1917, On motion of Thompson and McDuff, Jobin Lawlor was:granted timber to put in a culvert at the entrance to his gate, west half 1,'con. 12, Oro, in plage of the one-re- movedswhile ing road. 'Thos. Aconley made complaint that sur- face water is being dammed buck on his property and. saked the Council for a' pro- per 'outlet, On motion of McKinlay' and Thompson, the Reeve will proceed to have Mr. Aconley's request granted Coun. Thompson reported -re drain com- plained 'of by Norman Campbell opposite , lot 22'on line con,'4 and 5. The commit- tee found a small'portion of the water ta- ble'at the north end of gravel. pit needed to bevcleaned out, which they arranged to have done by Mr.' Campbell. The commit- tee would strongly recommend that the overseer for 1918 be instructed to have all stones removed out of the way of the wa- ter table and placed in a hole on the: side of the road and the water table. cleaned out through the femiinder of the gravel pit. This with the addition of a 12-inch tile culvert opposite the entrance to the late Mr. Wearing's property 'would provide an outlet for all the surface water which the committee thinks the Couneil ix required to attend to, ~ No action was taken re appeal from National Sanitarium Association for a don- ation, : The Clerk presented agreement' and 'forms of by-luw for $5,000 debentures for Solr diers' Memoriul Hospital' at Orillia, On ion was taken. The customary by-law re 'municipal el- | ections was passed, un McDuff reported that J, A, Pound wished to have scrub timber on road op- posite his lot removed so that he 'could erect d wire fence, @n montion of McKin- Iny and Scott, Coun.' McDuff will ask for tenders for this. timber. Council adjourned to meet on Dec, 15 at 10 a.m. H, J. TUDHOPF, Cierk. Death of W. D. 'Lovering Orillia Packet--On Tuesday, Noy. 27, W. D, Lovering, the oldest resident of Cold Water, and one of the best: known me of | the district, passed away. "He was' si in his house on."Monday maki 3 for a trip to"Orillia when he sudden- ly fell over in his-chuir.. After a rest on the couch he revived for a time and talked to his family, although he dic not realize thut he had a 'stroke. Inthe evening he | became unconscious" and lid not: rally ain j P Mr. Lovering was born st St, Cullums, County: of Cornwall, England, on June 5, 1825, and was therefore -in his 93rd. year. The far came to Canada in 1842 on smull brig of 250 tons, called the John-and Mary, the Voyage lasting two months. When' they landed wt Montreal his mother was too ill to go further and he was vent ildren. Montreal and was bur- ingston the family caine ignte, where they endured of pioneer 'days, In ied th ve, From to the Tp, of Me 1850 tleceased mar he was: engaged in: the milling lumbering. Later he took 'up farming. in the Tp. 'of and feeling better than I have in| ago é e My appelite-'is fine, the]where he enjoyed the evening of his' life v | teen grande! \W.'lk "and J. 4. at Goldwater, George, lieve "Panlaé has' saved: my life | Charles and David of Lawson; N. H. Matchedash, where he spent a successful ! and prosperous career. Twenty-two years retired and' moved -to Coldwater, aniongst his relatives and friends.' In re- ligion "he was: ine dichildren, and 'fif- iliren, ls sone ere Watsonville, Californis; und luth, Minnesota, Mrs.' Wisheart 'of sonville, California, is the. only survivin, daughter, Mis. Captain Templeman of Lov: ering and Mrs, G. E. "Wilson .of Toronte having predeceased 'their father. Mr. Lov- ering's eldest 'brother George - left. this wountfy about 1852; going to California nd Australia, where he mined and -after- ards died.' John snd Thomas of -Cold- water are both dead. Henry L., also -of Coldwater, survives. , Mrs,» Edward Darn- ford snd Mrs. George Durnford of Matche- dgsh and Mrs, Johanna Ripley. of Ottawa were the three sisters, EB bel -4 i if Hg is Py i ra FE A E ss . 1917 will be pi January' es-uumaal. - That man is a slanderer who says that The Farmers Of Ontario | will vote with - Bourassa Pro-Germans - Suppressors of Free Speech s and - Slackers " Workers' Will Be Exempted From Military Service 4] 2oRF 8 iy FReE & They Will Support. Union Government Citizens' Union Committee. gir tatis! PEPERE: rl if necess complet Jeaving waterbat 120 min chicken, immedia Metho whole ot with boi meat fal 'turn' the down ot hor glax vhlt toe % a Me

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