Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Dec 1917, p. 13

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Tuesday a Wednesday DEC. 18 AND: 19|! a Gp ce ' "estan ll re KeMnicray: Goldwyn Pretures Star. --IN-- "BABY MINE" 1001 Laughs No girl in the world hax a smile like hers, No-girl in the world has eyes like hers, This is the .seepnd' of the Goldwyn picturesy the. first being "POLLY OF THE "CIRCUS," which our patrons thoroughly enjoyed. The management guarantee this picture to be one of the funtiiest yet, Monday, Dec. ..17th, the Election Returns will be given from the Stage. Get there. early if you want a seat. FREE ! é COMING SOON Mary Pickford in * "The Little American" also the: last of the NEW Chaplin Pictures, : "The Adventurer" \ es - Auction Sale There will be sold by duction on Saturday, Dee. 15th, 'at Jos. Marrin's Yards, Barrie, near the Market, Horses, Steers, Cows and 14 Sows. . Look on page 8 'for. partic- lars, i W. A. McCONKEY, Auctioneer. Credit Sale On Wednesday, Dec. 19---Alex. McDoug- " all, on Back Street, Barrie, near Penetang Road, will'hold-sn unreserved credit sale of j > - dorm @ock and implements,' Sale at 1 * sharp. W. A McConkey, auctioneer. "THORNTON Dec. 12--John bo A. 'Thompson .of 'Toronto spent Tuesday here. Born, to. Mr, and Mrs. Wellesley Fleicher, La cn of ppc spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J, T Corbett. «Next Sabbath the pastor will preach to the young people in the morning in the Methodist Church. 'The regular monthly meeting of tha. Wo nien's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs, John Crossley on Wednesday, Dec. at 2/p.1n, All the members are urged be present and bring some Christmas gift for the Children's Shelter. Anything in the dine of clothing or food stuffs will be appre: ciated. Owing to the severe storm last Sabbath, the'services in Townline and St: Jude's were ¢ancelled and only. small congreg: gathered et the morning.and evening se vices-in the Methodist Church, Last Friday night, the Epworth: League hai! « report of the recent Women's Insti- Ute Convention held in' Toronto. This re- port was hv Mrs. Jas. A. Jamieson and was given in splendid form. The Epworth Leugue of the. Methodist | Chureh is in a very promising condition and | the new President, Chas. Henry, is to be congratilat'd on the splendid' way every- thing is running. Just a couple of weeks ago the League raised at 8 concert over $26.00. i be attracting Jot of grain to Thornton market, At the annual"meeting. of Thornton L. .L. last Friday, Bro. Fred. Tomlinson w presented with a Past Master's Jewel, Bro. J:. Ax Jamiesoh making the presentation and Bro, J. A. Corbett reading a very com- plimentary address. After the election of offidern 2 programme for 1918 are a8 follows Dir. of Cer., Bro. Alex Bro. N. G. Jamieson, Bro. Frank*Gondwin; Ist. Com., Bro. A Toney; 2nd Com., Bro. E. Wonch; 3rd Com., Bro. F, Sinclair: 4th Com. Bro. H E. Speers; 6th Com,, Bro. Roy Allen THE WEATHER Lowest Highest Snow 6 16 02 hélow zero --W. H. BUTTERY. PROPERTIES FOR SALE -IN AND ADJOINING TOWN OF BARRIE 10 Acres of Clay Loam, 6-room brick house,. barns with stable, good orchard. Can huve town water und electric light; Price $3200, $1000 cash. Acre, Wellington St. Barrie, ull in fruit, "6 roomed house, good barn, town water-| und électric light. Price $1800, $800 cash. Acres adjoining™the Town of Barrie, new house; ated stable, good water and orclard, Price $2200, one-half cash, | Acres:in Battie, new 6 roomed Bungalow, new bank" barn, 'spring water iq house and barn, some orchard. | Price. $2200 _one-half cash, 25 Acres adjoining the Town of Barrie, gar. dening land, good house and barn, lots of avater. Price $2800, one-half cash 3 Actes of Beautiful' Gardening' Land, 7- roomed brick house, town water, electric light and furnace, 3 large poultry houses, barn and garage, good orchard, Price $3600.00, $1000 cash. LI acres now Tupi as a Market Garden, good | brick house; -barn, stable, orchard" and | smallsruits: Price $8800, one half cash. = Can arrange terms on' any of the above | properties, Apply, The Farmers' Co-operative Co. seems to, f Gits in thing very Special for.. | A Useful Gift.. Talking about protiteers--who that exposed and drove out of public life the profiteers of New Brunsivick? Who was-it that made, the most vital attacks on the war profiteers in the Dominion? It was, not Sir Wilfrid Laurier. It wat honest, fighting Krank. B. Carvell (a Liberal who could not follow Laurier on' Laurier's pre sent platfofm), now the-Hon, F. B, Carvell member of the Union Government. als can' well afford to give the Hon, Carvell «chance to prove that in office he can. live. to the good work he did in oppositieth \ Deuling with Sir Wilfrid Laurier's pro- posal to submit the Military. Service Act to a referendum the Saturday Night says:-- "Sine when did the referendum method of coniltfeting public business become a recog. nized principle of Liberalism' Tt has never been dnything-else but © ruses in-thix ceun- try at ledst, whereby politicians could dodge a difficult question for an indefinite period, andveollect the emoliments'of office in the CASE CARVERS : Carles by the pr. from $1.75 to 3.50 . Canadian Beauty ae Electric Iron Guaranteed for 5 years. Canadian Beauty GRILLS. Some- |. - ss1s. 500 to. $5.00 pair COMMENT OF THE WEEK | is: tes if it ie right to submit a referen- from... 7 for' the Boys and Girls. variety from... ditm on the question of drafting troops for the country's defence? Taxes are quite ax unpopular as conseription for Union Government to impose the latter measure by direct Government, it is equally wrong to impose taxes by similar means. The referendum carried to jits logical conclu- sion meanx anarchy, and real Littraliem is the antidote of anarchy A few more days will see the close of the | most momentous many ways: the most remarkable election campaign ever waged in this-country, Canada's \part in the war is the supreme issue and 9) realization of the necessity of co-opersition in- order that this Dominion may do its full duty to itself, to the. Empire and to.the brave men representing usén the firing line, his caused a wonderful breaking down' of party lines | and gathered behind the Union movement strong men from every walk of life. Thous- ands of prominent laymen and clergymen have sunk their party preferences and are supporting the Unionist cause for the sole reason that they believe such a combination SILVERWARE 25c to 75¢ ~ Good choose from If it is wrong 'not, exist. The- Holiday Spirit Pervadés o our Store and an Endless Variety of Practical gifts that are sure to please, are now.on display. Early shopping i is to your advantage | ; Wedgewood's English p in abundant va-|such as :Cold Meat Forks, Cake' riety. Prices} Forks, Pie Knives, Fruit Spoons, 'from Cheese and Tomato Servers, and $3.75 to $9'50 inany other articles similar at prices 60c to $2.50 and $15.00 The most popular Electric Heater made SLEIGHS Large 25c:to $2.50 from. H. H. OTTON & SON FIVE POINTS HARDWARE the character' and standing of these men in both public und-private life should 'er any such imputations. On the other 1, it is equally unfair' to: brand as dis- loyal' those who 'may -be opposing Union Government. Every man is entitled to his opinion dnd shotild be given credit, for aon esty of conviction. unl ss it can be proven othenwise. The use of the ballot privilege, carryisig with it great responsibil- greater than in.the present crisis. If the voters will weigh the seriousness of the situation; and consider the questions solely from 'the viewpoint of twhat is best fer Canada, 'The Examiner believes that at the close Monday next, the Union Gov be returned by « substantial majority. A Real Union Government With remarkable perversity, -and_ wilful blindness it is contended: thut the -Govern- fnent now. administering: the affairs of Can- adn "ix the old Government, and that its Liberal elenient is being ignored as if it did Yet-nothing can be more certain that if Sir Wilfrid - Laurier' had -- himself, 5 Different styles to choose from. 97 pieces for... Also Stock:,Pattern Goods by the English Earthen T Pots Large variety. -of men. Dinner Ware $24.75 Dozen: Decorated and Plain, 35c to $1.25: each Onturic, the financial critic- representing the Oppositién ut Ottawa, snd such a kéen and vigorous, enemy of -wrong-doing. as Frank Carvell, these appointments would have heen hailed with enthusiasm as evidences of Lautier's skill 'and judgment und knowledge To describe them as meek and unthinking followers 'of thé' Conservative rection of the Ministry is surely'a mark of Hartizan blindness. and fury. Partizan blindness could "ge no farther than the sscumption that/when strong and sngacious Liberals associate. themselves in the direction: of public. affairs. with Conser xatives, they immediately part with their strength and wisdom. and become dumb and docile followers of their, -opponente. Such ap gssumption is. at variance with common sense. Suspicion and-partitsnship warp the jridg- ment. . The 'common « sensé: view is- that which regurds the Government as composed of nien who have sunk their differences for a comnion object, and who retain their self respect .and their independence. That. will he the verdict of history, and good judg ment will anticipate that verdict. The new ; ; time. A general adoption of the refer- | of forces enn best serve Canada at this ert. |formed-a Government, and had ifcluded in'| Ministers kre not vietims of deception, «nor Gant ot ars W. C. THOMPSON, endl principle: would 'mean the negation [eal ime. People thete are who attribute |it the Premier of Alberta, a leadisig mem. [will those be deceived' who. tupport. tHent Mrs. Grose. and family wish to thank all St, Barri ofall goverument, tesponsible or otherwise. | selfish motives fo thore who have left their {her of the Government of Saskatchewan, . by their. votes --Toronto Star: who so kindly sympathized and helped in |Qffice 15 Owen St., Barrie, (ii muy well be asked, should not the | old party connections and are vigarously |leader of the Grain-Growers organiza ------ Sot great tu, Oe death of 'the Tate Phone 288 | peorie be arked to decide whether they will | advocating the Union cause. But surely'|in the West, the leader of the Opposition in'| Telephone 'The Examiner: about Casualties ancy Grose, j Gre Grey 'Reindeer. . Suede. eyes $2. 00 'and $2 50 pr. y Suede, silk lined at. oer . $3.00 pr. «+ $3.50 pr. 'Washable materials $7.50 each Grey, maroon and brown. ... . ILNE'S Toggery for the Christmas Shopper GLOVES Grey BATH ROBES - HOUSE COATS - $9.00 each ° Tan Suede $1.50: to $3.00 pr. Tan Mocha, wool lined..... . $2.00 to $3.00 Pe. Jaeger "All-Wool -Coats and ~Lounging Robes, beautiful stock $13.75 to $15.25 éach : Jaeger Wool A pee Correct iitiary ant és. 7 . . $2.75 pr. $ and brown. "Underwear-- Fk FOR CHILDREN Jerseys--Red, sky, blue, white Underwear--Combinations at 1.50 and $1.75 per Suit 50c- per garment PYJAMAS" Flannel, $2.00. and $2. 50 pair scletesbccovcawes 9600900000 NIGHT, SHIRTS +. NECKWEAR . ~. From. . . :$1.00 to $2.00 each Exclusive ranges, Synaral ~ HOSIERY | F Neckwear 50c-to each | Holeproof Silk, black, white Every Tie neatly boxed. 1.25 to $2.25 ; and grey... ..¢.75e pr. : . SCARFS . : All Wool Cashmere, "black. < Wool Scarfs,- white; khaki, -+ +++, 60¢ to 75e pr. grey, plus, Lye on uel eece-lined, at Cashmere, white... .. .75¢ pr." and $2,00 each All Wool Cashmere Khaki. .. T he Poa Stripe Silk Knit- ' "SWEA y ~ Wristlets Umbrellas" sett tees 756 PR ~- ted Mufiler used by both ° : q yore EATER COATS ne ees Canes. Holeproof Silk'and wool... .... ..75e pr. fadies and men. .2. .. es: *Pooké and Arrow, Makes. .$5.50 to $8.00 each' - Collar Boxes Underwear All Wo! heavy wolsey, khaki,. ....$1.50 pr...) . $3.00'to $5.00 each ih . =: = » y Stift Cuff, $1. 00 to $2.50 each" Jaeger All Wool Vests... ..- Cuff Links a Double Soft. Cull ss i $5.50, to $7.00 each All Miltary Supplies. Phone and Mail Orders: will receive Careful Attention - i ; (Dev ve$1.25 to $2.50 each ------_-- » : Silk: Front. eee eae each z= ga Non MMOX, Ine & Son, Phone 3 en a. ae 7 | one 39 _ Khaki Shirts. . sow 850 esos ' si Ee Dunlop St.

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