RAIGHURST ; . Tee, 3The local, military-service triba- nal- has finished its.work here. A number have made application-to the higher tribu- nal for exemption. ' § Mr. and Mrs Roy McCracken have moved to the village ahd aré "occupying Mri. "Osler's 'house. *. Mrs. Thos Hill spent last' week in Rich- mond Hill and Toronto. r Geo: Elsmere, son of J.T. Elsmere, who has been, on the police force at Stratford, has evlisted with the 'Royal Flying Corps. 'We are-looking forward to two school en- * tertainments during holiday week. 'The Public School. pupils-have been for the pust week energetically pushing the sale 'of stamps in aid of. the Gravenhurst Sani- tarium. Mr. Cook, 'for many years a resident of this vicinity. ind an attendant at the Pres- byterian church, is dead at his home near Minesing. - The funeral' is to be held on Weduiesday to Craighurst-Presbyterian bury- ing ground. 'A quiet. wedding took place on Wednes- day afternoon, Nov. 28th, at the home of & :Mr. Henry Johnston, when his daughter, Alice May, was united in marriage to Mr, News ° from. Neighboring Townships: - As Told by 'Our Correspondents { LEFROY. Dee! 4--The the front, -are very glad to see him again. 'A Bteele was s. week-end visitor here. attended. Exctllent sermons were given by | Rev: L. McLean af Bradford and the music (oir'was appreciated and en- joyed. ; The Misses Irving have wed into the: house owned by A. 'Kirkpatrick on Grange | ve. | Mr. and Mrs. Brown and family also have come to live in this village. | Miss Mildred Todd went to Sutton to at- 'tend the wedding of her cousin, Miss- D. Horner on Saturdey. | Mrs. Wm\ Gardner of Meaford spent' a few days at Wni. Allan's home. |" The Red Cross: Society shipped to head- | quarters, Toronto, on Thursday, 22 peirs of socks and 17:suits pyjamas. This community received a greut shock |on Saturday by the sudden deuth of Henry | Grose. Mr. Grose 'and his grandson had been: cutting wood near the house in the aftertioon, He complained of not feeling 'Thos, Fleming of the same township, The: Dride entered. the room on the arm of her brother, Mr. John Johnston, and the cere- mony wax performed under an arch of ever- greens by h:r pastor, Rev. F, Herman, The » bride was assisted by her cousin, Miss Clara 'Watkins, and Mr. M. Fleming of Toronto performed the duties of best man, -- After the ceremony all repaired to the dining- well and sat,on a log to rest. In about 15 | minutes he felt better and decided to go to | \the house, but had only gone = few steps | iwhen be dropped dead. He was born 67 | years ago.on the-farm where he died und [leaves a wife'and two daughters, Mrs. I. Morton and Mrs. Will Morton, one brother, | Rev; R. Grose, a half brother, N. Grose and two sisters, Mrs, Paisley 'and Mrs. Hogg. The Noy. 28--Born--Nov. Mrs.-Jobn Robins, a daughter 'The Patriotic twenty boxes of good things for Xmas to our boys at the Front, z Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin have gone to Pen tang,' where Mr. Martin has purchased 'timber limit. Cae or! f . Last Friday evening a large crowd. gath- x many friends of Burleigh | cred in the 'basement of .the Methodist | Tuesday .sfternoon, Nox. 27th. Douse, who has been invalided home from ' church' te weleomé home our first returned | the close of the meeting the Sewing. Ci soldier, Pe, FredCole who hag been in un~| had the blosme of Hogring atmos! interet pele P ¢ iform nearly three years, Pte. ple was sev- | ing paper given by Mrs, Feilding on: "Wo-'| Mabel are visiting friends in Toronto. «~~. The Anniversary Services held in the lerely wounded in the right 4 Presbyterian Ohurehi on Sunday were well 'Tockhart made avery able Y After thanking ibe. people for, their sppre- cistion of his sé1 i | room where é sumptuous 'wedding supper funeral which was: very largely attended, 'wo served. -Ofly immediate' relatives | took place today from his Inte residence-to Your correspondent ax well |the Sixth Line Cemetery. were present, av hosts of friends join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Fleming @ long and happy wedded life. | 'Thos, Hill has shipped 27 cars.of potatoce | froni this point, 'The buggies sre running again after a brief spell of sleighing | ' ' KNOCK Nec, 4--Mrs, Pearce, Barrie, spent a few days last: week with Mrs. W. Robertson. Mina McDonald, New York, is visiting her sinter, Mrs. /F. Connell. 'our most highly esteemed young women in the person of Miss Mary Connell, who pass- 'ed sway on Saturday, Nov, 24,.after.a few wionths' ilies. 'The sympathy of the com- munity goes out to the parents, sisters. and. <fbrothere in this great bereavement. (Froin Another Correspondent Mise Muy Connell, eldest daughter of Mr. | and Mrs. Ts Connell, Kniiek, prised away Saturday morning, Nov. 24. The funeral wervige on' Monday, Nov. 26, was held at Mary's Church, Barrie, Father James | | ing, intermént in St. Mitry's Ceme- The pullbearera were 8. Moore, J..| in, R. Rogers, L. Harkin, T. Allen, A; "Brennan Lovely flowers covered ket white'| 'enrket, Mary, loved by all who: knew her, was before her illness stenographer .for. the firm of Liicas Brox, Bradford,' snd it is with greut sorrow. the 'neighborhood, feels the taking away of this young life Af 22 yenrs . thinard's Liniment: Cures Garget' in Cows. ER THE Hospital for Sick Children "\* College St, Toronto ITS CHRISTMAS MESSAGE od Dear Mr. Editor:-- 'Thanks .for your kindness {n.allowing me the privilege df appealing to your readers this' Christmas time on venalf of the Hospital for Sick Children, the "Sweetest of all Charities," which: hi ag its mission the care of the helpless the sick, the crippled and the deformed. 'There never was a-year in the his- tory of. the Hospital when funds to} carry on the work were more needed than now, | Your purse is the Hospital's Hope. Yohr money lights the candles of mercy on the Christmas 'trees .of | ealth 'that the Hospital plants. along | Re troubled roadway of many 4 little life. So I am asking you for ald, for. the) 'open ptirse of the Hospital's friend is | the hope of the Hospital at Christmas, just as the open door of the Hospltal's mercy is the hope of the little chillren.| throughout 'the y | Calis on. gene! hearts are. many in these times..Calls on the Hospital are many at all times, and especially | 'when food and fuel and-drigs and ser- Five costs are soaring high... YOU | bs 3 know the high cost of living. Do you _knéw the high cost of healing--of "helping the helpless, to- happiness? What you do to assist, is the best in- vestment you will ever. make. j 'Do you realize what this charity 1s,| doing for' sick children not only of Toronto, but for all Ontario, for out of | a total' of, 9.740 'in-patients last year ) 646 came from 254 'places outside of Toronto. The field of the Hospital's service covers thé entire Province-- 'trom the Ottawa to the far-off Kenora ~--trom the borders of the Great Lakes to the farthest northerly district. 'The Hospital is doing & marvellous.| work.@ if you could see 'the children _ with erippled' limbs, club feet, and other deformities, who have left the Hospital with straightened limbs an perfect conrection, your response to 'obr appeal) would 'be instant. In the Orthopedic' Departments last year "a. total of 830 -in-patlents: were. treated; and in 'the Out-Patient Department there were. 1,946 attendances. Let your money and the Hospital's * meroy lift the burden: of: misery that curses the lives, cfipples the limbs and saddens the mothers of the-suf- where disease pain and: death * Gesaft the lives of the little ones. | days with her daughter, Mrs. R. Luces * King's. T am vorty. to report the death of one of | daughter; Mrs, B. Richardson of Allandale. | iting with Mrs. Alice Maw, | A pleasant 'evening was'spent, at the home er. | Mrs, Wm. Ce Mrs. Latimer of Craigvale spent a few Miss FE. Ralston has taken a" position in the bank here. . Mrs. P. McLellan is visiting at Audus' : MINESING Dec. 4+-Colonel Currie gave an excellent address on Saturday night in the hall which was well: filles Mre, D, Wood spent a few days with her Pte Joseph Orchard, York and Simcoe Forenters, was-home last week on leave be- fore 'going to Englarid. S Mr, and Mra, Arthur Ross (nee Miss Ida Maw) and children of Antler, Susk., are vis- The Girls' Club are engaged in practising for'a:concert to be held at Christmas. John Cook died, on. Sunday evening at the home of his daughter, Mrs, J, D. Knapp. Deceased had been ailing for some time and the end was not unlooked for. The funeral will be held on Wednesday to the cemetery at: Craighurst. The many friends synipa- thize with the bereaved ives Elgin ®fcLean, "with two. brothers, Stanléy and John, went out for a hunt on Monday afternigon-and on the return jour. hey started on & different route and he ap: parently lost his 'way, as when the other two boys arrived at home they: were suir- prised to 'learn that Elgin had not shown up. 'There was still no word of him at time 'of writing (Tuesday morning). . Ivy Mrx W. J. McLean and Miss Elsie Speers are spending a week in Buffalo, owing to the death of the former's brother-in-law, Mr. Carrie, Miss Fleda Gardner js-spending # week in Coldwoter with her parents. 'The-Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed. ih the Presbyterian Church 'last Sabbath 1 am pleased to report that most of 'the people who have been ill with typhoid, are able to' be around again. ' 4 Mrs, Watson, who has been ill with quin- xy, is able to be.out again. Quite « number from here attended the funeral of the. late'Hy, Ball on Wednesday of lust, week. Mr, 'and Mrs. Andrew Corbett entertained is few friends on Saturday evening of last week, 'Mr. and Mri, W, J. McLean entertained some friends on Friday evening ARGYLE, ORO Dec. 3--Pte. Arcliie: McDonagh has got his-discharge and has returned bome from England, Pleased to see his face'again. Quite. number, from thik neighborhood attended the dance in. Kendall's, Hall, Hawkestonie, lust Wednesday evening. Lester Smallwood. is-on the sick list, Miss Cutherine Muhony hag gone to Oril- lia.for a few. months af Mr. and Mrs. D.-Reid last Monday even- ing The chief amusements were sooial chat and music~ 'The Girls' Knitting' Club met.last Tues- day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .R. 0 : Mr. Waters has purchased John Gil- christ's farm' and intpnds moving there soon, : ; Mrs, -MeCulmsn is recovering from her recent illness: * CLOWES Dec, 3--The: Red Cross.meeting was held at 'the honié, of Mrs, Beardsall last week. Roy Slack hax gone to Orillia for the win- t 5 Ivert and her son, of Hawke- stone, were visiting with the former's. mo- ther, Mrs, Sargent. 5 Frank Hunter of Port McNichol paid a ort visit to his parents: here last week. D Partridge was in Midland last week. Robt, Addison and -J~Bonney, who. have been out West fot the: harvest, returned homé on Friday. Z : Mra, John McEachefn of Orillia spent last week Visiting friends here. _ EDGAR John Bouiney atdRabt. Addison have re- turned: from the West. Miss Florence Kerridge is recovering from her recent, illness. = Congratulations to Mr. Maurice Shanahan 'of this place 'and: Miss Alice Doran of Mid- Church last Wednesday morning. The WI. 'will meet -st the home of Mrs. 'Win. Hayes on, Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 12.. A full attendance is-looked for. DALSTON ~ : 'The 'mecting of the Women's Institute will be held st-the home of Mrs. D. M. do! oan,- te Douglas Davidson, Secre- "Treasurer, oF cing at 2 p.m: Mrs. J, W Brown will give address "Traihing the in the Home" " Rell tt eae heabe, hhurst, who" were married in'St. Mary's |' HE BARRIE EXAMINER - " HILLSDALE : of | ANGUS -|.. Dec. 4--Henry Brows and son of Toronto are visiting at H. L. TarBush's. Mrs -Wm- Waldraff of Bradford is visit- 'ing her 'sister, Miss. Esther Groves. . Fred. Latimer is visiting friends in Cree- more. : wae jerome Duckworthof Victoria Harbor is 'visit iting his mother, Mrs. Stephen Duck- worth, = .. 46 Me, asd shipped last week | JACK'S LAKE Dec: 4--Mrs. «R. Cook and daughter Mr. and, Mrs. Rev ie Erie War" after #hich lunch was served. Geo. Schell of Collingwood t next Red 'sewing meeting will | spent a few days with friends here last week the commencement of the program Pte. |be held st the home wf Mrs. James Quinlan | " Owing. to the dry weather in the fall Cole' was called to the platform, and Miss ec. 11, aiterw mitny of the farmers are searce of: water: Marion Rumble read an sddress and Miss "Born to*Mr "and: Mrs. Fred. Weatherall, Elvira Reid presented Pte. Cole with 'a purse | pi on Dec. 3rd., a daughter,' Congratulations. fention will be given by Alice: Quinlan. 'ites, Pte, Cole took his | "--and we will put it beside the Christmas Tree" The kiddies' delight will know no bounds. -- There will be real'old fashioned Christmas _ -carols, tales and orchestra music, and the whole- household can share in this supreme gift--your Columbia Grafonola. Until vou have seen and heard the Columbia Grafonola you are not likely to have-a complete conviction thatyou are buying the right instru- ment for your home. \ From the lowest priced Grafonola at $24.00 to the handsome © cabinet instrumentat '$300.00 you will find a-model of such substaritial value that you will have to give it a place in your consideration. j Hear the 'Columbia Christmas records and enjoy a real.Christmas treat. . thousands of selection® and gives you a magnificent choice of the warld's:greatest music. COLUMBIA. GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY TORONTO, ONT. The Youth's Companion For 1918 Among néxt year's contributors to 'The H. de Vere Stacpiool, Eden Phillpotts +: | Rev. Dr. George A. Gordon of Boston--all | children of the Empire, besides others whose names are familier wherever the' English tongue is spoken.- Our .offér includes, for $2.25: 1. The Youth's Companion--52 is- mugs of 1918: .2.° All the 'remaining issues - of 1917. 3.-The Companion Home Calen- dar for:1918. THE. YOUTH'S COMPANION, Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. --Upholstering and' furniture repairing neatly. done by competent "workmen at Dougall Bros. 45h and Columbia Records - The Columbia record repertoire comprises many. eae = Columbia Grafoncla Price 3145