Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Dec 1917, p. 3

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To Back up the Boys-- 917. gone about raising reinforcements in the only prac- tical way; under-the Military Service Act, 1917. SLaurier, Bourassa and their adherents admit their intention of holding up reinforcements so urgently needed in the trenches. Where do YOU stand ? To Hasten Victory-- - To Win the War-- SUPPORT UNION " ene : Sxse -- seta is concentrating its efforts to win the War. It has "4 "THE BARRIE EXAMINER utes, and, as lines of words +6 Tam all right: 1 League so am wrighg to thank you very much for rgmembéring me by sending a parcel, -It-is so long since I wrote to any of the "Allandale people I didn't expect I would ever get so much as a leiter. Did you | know Capt, Anderson, the chaplain of the 157th Bn?" Well he had supper with our officers thisevening, I have risen to the bigh rank of Datinan, Thistwas my day to he waiting on' tables, so 'had the, honor of serving supper to the chaplain. He. was well liked in our~ battalion, so all our boys here were very) pleased to meet'the Captain again. Capt. Jas. Clarke of the Y.M.C.A. | is over close to ys. <I would like very much | to meet him and I may some day, ~ Well T. suppose things. will be-at # standstill around town, summer sports over and/th¢ winter' sports not started, I met~Palmer Ward [inun, Chas. Thorington,. Harry Gartner and |. Henson the other-day, They are all ooking will. I understand that we are ge'ting a draft from the 177th Bn. Wonder if there will be any boys that I know.Every- | body else is in bed so guess I had better roll | in also, Thanking. you again for your kind- in your work. From Pte. R. J. Dunnett -- I now take') the pleasure of writing to convey to the league my kindest thanks for them.sending me y and wishing you all the best of success | " $25.00 Cash for Boy ~. or Girl sending Best Reply Rirls thi ef Our Club's Big Xmas Tree WHAT PRESENTS ARE ON. IT FOR BOYS, GIRLS ? Set JRempay become better acquainted with my ry a1, 1018, Uncle Peter, who edits our page, $15 Cash for 2nd Prize $10 Cash for ard Prize And 50 Cash Prizes of $1.00 Each ¢ of our; boys und iristmas Tree load 'ourself your ai thanks to them all. is none too good. »arcel which I received all right. Many The weather out here It rains nearly: all the res._On Jam fers, will adge the anhwers and award the big cash priars 28 above 10 the v8 and girls complying with the conditions of the contest whose answers are all correct, neatest and best written. Sogct busy and send in an anewer to-day, and this Christmas may be tht-happiest you have ever had. 'Our "Success Club" for 'Boys and Girls 'has ae Women resident in Canada _ Voter: is the mother, si lead | person: male or female living or 20th, 1917. , CHEVROLET PROGRESS.. - Chevrolet Motor Co. of Flint wie * "Chevrole Mbtor Co. of 'Texas ....138,120 JUSTIFIES PRIDE © Ciovroier' Motor 0. of California, .133,072 ee "=. Ch vtulet Chevrolet Motor Co, (By 'W.-C. Sills, General Sales Manager). |. Bay City : We have 'a justifiable the:groyktr |Taledo Cheviolet Motor Co: of 'the Chevrolet Motor Company, and shure |* thet pride with the Chevrolet deuler: and | 'owner, The credit belongs to all. We helped by manufacturihg "honest ind trustworthy automobiles; the dealer hélped. in the sell- ing; and the owner, by word .of mouth, 5,634. . Those figures mean in increase of helped, inv a great nieasure, to spread the | neurly a hundred per cent. good news that the 'Chevrolet is a depend- | The pride of ownership plays an impor- able 'and. safe car to. buy. tant part'in everything for which we-go to Daring the first half of this year we gold | iiny expense. You are judged by your néh- 65,235 cars, valued at $20,704,708) - For | tor car just as by the style of your dress the same period of 1916, 'there: were sold |and the condition of your home. 32,514. cars, valued at $16,338,585. + -It,|~ The general visible impression you get of, "will bé seen' that' the' increase in business |x cur depends on its form and: proportion. 'over the same period lust year amounts to j If the lines of the automobile body are flow. over one-hundred. per cent. |3ng cunves, they are more apt to attract A.growth like this does not come." by | favorable attention than if they wege sharp bance. It isn't duck. It is the result of a ungles and breaks, For this resson you will sound thanufacturing foundation, and sell- | notice the:unbroken . streamlines of the ing: foundation, and selling and service me-.| Chevrolet body Not an angle anywhere thods that meet with the approval of the | 'The length and lowness of the car sug. anomobile purchaser. And, if we may say | gest fleetness und stability, The shape of 'isS the Chevrolet growth is logical and earn! the radiator and the hood are also impor- ed oe 'tant. . The symmetrical radiator sloping to 'The production capacities of the Chevro- | u broad base, is not' only nétractive, but Jet plants cover | one of. the largest, floor'! efficient, because it exposes large radiating areas in. the statistics of American industry | surface. And the streamline form of the ths total being 2,474,007 square feet divid- | hood is just. és useful, due to the scientific ed as follows: " {fat that this flowing edntour decreases, sir (= (Area of Chevrolet Plants, . |. | resistance, Bau Square Prat chev' fotor Co. 'of Michigan. . 637, Chevrolet hater Go ofinew York, 444/861: |consequerices 'of a declaration -of war on Chevrolet Motor Co, of Cai "481,605 | Austria,. ax' nationals of this country con Chevrolet Motor Co of St 39,526 | stitute the bulk of their Isbor Seance seen Ean 'To Conserve-Canada's Food Total... be ale On July fifteenth nloyes on the Chevrolet payroll. - For the corresponding period lust yeur there were 'American' brickmakers tre fearing the mett of Mr W. A. Cooper, one of its*/ _ prominent off t, elute, to thé Food Conserve tion 'Committee. Mr. perience in deal ing «with s, paving beep' con- nected with' the "dining cars of the Canadian Pacific for twenty years, and his wide Knowledge | will be of much "value: Pr. a sociated with ; and College. After leaving schoo! + Beorétary: +4891 he joimed the Canadian Pacific a Chief. to the néfal 'Superivtendent of the East: * subsequent GOVERNMENT Every woman may vote who is a British subject 21 years of age, ar, and in the constituency 30. days, who. , widow, daughter, sister or half-sister of any who is serving or has served without Canada in any of the Military forces, or within or without Canada in any of the Naval forces of Canada'or of Great Britain in the present war,.or who has been honorably dis- charged from such services and the date of whose enlistment was prior to September 2 . Unionist Party Publicity Committee. Simcoe: South Simcoe. a Conservative convention. take such uetion as,it may ect to a Union Convention. Convention. selves them. ern, be carried out and. at -an in this election ing. community and th 'against autocracy and the -of our loyal women to vot home latter are all slackers case must be jadged on its looked. sincerity. 4 J. H. DOMINION ELECTIONS Alliston, November 24h, 1917. Ladies and Gentlemen --At a. convention held in Alliston on November 17th I was chosen as a candidate for the riding of 'My opponent is Mr. Boys, the nominee sf [regret that the present: Memiber; who was nominated before the adyent of Union Government, did not resign, us many cun- | didates in a similur position have done, and. leave it op:n for a Union Conyentibn. to see fit., As he did not take any move. in that dir- n, a tleputation was appointed by the Liberal Executive on, November 7th7to as: certain from hit what-his views were as i A leiter received by me from him' afterwards held out 'no hope of his resignation torpermit a Union Following this the Alliston Convention above mentioned wus called. It appears to me that the electors should have an opportunity to 'pronounce them- on the important questions "before The will of the people. should gov- T have been und always will be in favor | ot every effort being made to. suppart our soldiers at the front and to win the war. Ido not approve of many of the means | adopted in framing and passing' the present Conseription Act, but it is now law and be- fore any new parliament can' meet it will I do not, therefore, consider the present Act: ab, issue end. T stand as-p 'representative of the farm- masses I op- pose the new Franchise Act, especially tat part of it thut allows only . «mall portion labor -interests. te. T defend the rights and loyalty of our Canadiani boys, whether in France or at "'T resent the imputation that the d_ cowards, .. Every My motto is to-give every man & fait' show 'The needs of the farmer must not be over: - own merits, If those who "are urgitig conscription of | men so energetically would consent to. tl conscription, of .wealth 'x well ws'men wnd would submit the whole question to thes clectors,-I-would have tuore-faith. in their | Why is it that the Toronto press have ceased to urge. the conscription of wealth! fhink the past administratine -of the || Militia Department sind the Railway Légis- MITCHELL. ; time and the. mud-is knee-deep and it is | none too healthy a place, for old Fritz is pretty sore at losing so many valuable trong points and sends us over all kinds of iron rations. As the country is so wet we must live and sleep, above ground which is not at all pleasant, | For. the last few nights it has been quite moonlight and Fritz comes over with his bombing planes and one sees nothing but pieces going up in the-air. All through I have. been very lucky and hope to continue to be. I am at present in the best of health. It seems the more mud and wet that we Canadians get 'into the health- ier we are. I met Palmer Wardman yes. | terday und he looks fine, Well I must:close: | iny note for this time, with my best wishes to one and all and hoping this war may oon end. WOMAN'S. NEGLECT KILLED G."MOYSEY Said the Coroner's Jury which Investigated the Motor Ac- cident. "We find that Gordon Moysey came 'to | his death on November 26 from injuries re | ceived at the corner of Wells Hill avenue and Nina avenue from the criminal négli- gence of Mrs, Anny Wood." 'uch was the verdict retuned by Coroner thorough investigation. into the double -ac- | cident (referred to in last week's Examiner) that cost the life of Gordon Moysey, xged*| 14; «on of. Alfred B. Moysey, 90 Lyndhurst avenue, and injured Mrs, Sarah Gallagher, 135 Lappin avenue, 'maid: at. the Moysey ome, The'boy and the woman were walk- ing at the corner of Wells Hill and Nina wvenues' when they were hurled from the sidewalk by an_gutomobile driven' by Alex- ander Brown, 113 Helena avenue, following a previous accident, in 'which Brown's car | was struck by another automobile driven by Mrs. Anna Woods, 72 Wells Hill avenue. Mr Brown stated' that. he was driving at ubout-twelve miles an hour east- wird slong Nina. avenue when he saw Mrs. Wood running southward on Wells Hill avenue. He estimated her speed at 25 hour, As Brown had the right of way he thought he had plenty of time to \ pass the crossing before' the other ear ar- Tived. He gave no signal of -his approach and did not his cur. When just be- yond the centre of the car Mrs. Wood's car struck the centre of his machine. Both wheels were broken"and his car skidded in- to a post and was. thrown on the sidewalk, striking both the boy andthe woman. The, | car then skidded. back on the road. Mrs. Woods, in her story, stated that she did not see Brown's car at. all, and she thought she had a clear crossing. She de- ctared that her machine, could not have been more than. 12 or 15. miles an hour, as she had only driven her car 300 yards from her home, and prior to that the car had been 'standing for two hours in the cold. The disagreement 'between two, motor ex- perts featured the investigation. A 'Visick declared that the damage and course taken by Brown's car indicated that he had been travelling "about -twice the sped of Mrs, Wood's machine, while Con- stable Greenway, an expert for the police, denied Visick's theory, and. believed that } Mrs, Woods was travelling ata higher sp than that of Brown: a Graham--Bell A very pretty wedding was solemnized at he home of and Mrs. Arthur' Bell, Lakeview Farm," Oro Station, on Saturday December 1, when' their eldest daughter, Laura Louisa, was united 'in marrisge to Mr. Albert Neil Graham of the same place. bride-looked charming in a-maize drese ressaline silk trimmed with pearls and situation on its merits. I invite your in~ fluence and support on December 17th. ieee, Bell; .ncted as. flower. Faithfully yours, girl, pray After the cere- Hf ns' jury in Toronto on Tuesday after a |- Club" when you | answers, you can join the * a dandy Ont: ach ditional valuable rewa: THE "SUCCESS CLUB. G.W.VA. Endorses Mr. Boys At a recent meeting of Barrie Branch of the Great War Veteran's Association of Can- ada, the following resolution was passed un animously :-- WHEREAS, one 'of the sims of - this Association is to constantly inculeate loyalty to Canada and the and unstinted veryice in their intes and WHEREAS Mr. Boys, K.C., is the Union Government candidate in | South Simcoe and his policy inteludes' the 'Military Service Act and.more yigorous war-winning measures, THEREFORE, this Branch. of the Asso- ciation representing the men -who have fought' and suffered from this vicinity, does most heartily eridorse the candidature of W. A. Boys, and will do all. in, their pow- er to seoure his election at 'the forthcoming Domtinion contest, because we know that this is the most expedient way: to 'back' our comrades at the front and 'to serve the Em: pire and' Our 'Country D, A. McMASTER, Secrétary. i B A. x dome -- <a i f 1 apd. hundreds of Christmas presents as well "Success hristmus present aswell, boys and. uirls under fifteen y arid girl desiring his compete for one of the frie: prizes will be required to perform a smill service for the Club. for which an ad- will be given. "An Openin { Provided these fine prizes 'ou'll hear all about 'the send your answers, and if you wish you can be- come'a member free and receive the lovely Club Emblem Pin. 'Thousands of boys and girfs in Canada are alteady in thi and proudly wear the Club Pin., If © alten cs sa Gab ma are bright in the "Success Cyub™ too and win 9 ick 'big cash prize and, jears.of age may wend answers, and 'Address your answers to '</6 Rural Candda, Dept. go Toronto, Ont. RAND TRUN i THE | 3 : DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE BETWEEN MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT AND : CHICAGO . UNEXCELLED- DINING CAR SERVICE Sleeping Cars on. night trains, and Parlor Cars on principal day. trains Full particulars from any. Grand Trunle Ticket Agent, or C.'E. Horning," Distries Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. J. E. BILLINGSLEY Depot Agent y RAILWAY SYSTEM Phone 6b ted Qpen the sealed' end - with your finger nail SSSI Uf men Lea LATO Push of the other end to make sticks project i) 'th iF Vidic so. RE HEWING GUM Unwrap the double cover -and 'see how surpassingly delicious. and full-flavoured it is. °

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