Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Dec 1917, p. 9

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THE; BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING PAGES to 16 Ts 3500 Copies 54th Year. 1A. MetLaren; Editor ~ eal TERMS--Siogie Capioss ots. ' i S C. Walls, Business Manager es Por-aesium {in advance) $1.50 No. 49 Es |NEW B.C, LTO CosT BOYS' CONFERENCE The ing Mill C ---- =] NEW B. c.1 TO Gos : e Ball Planing Mil Co,Lid. (Pe | % ' PRE-CHRISTMAS AT LEAS¥ $94,284 ij OPENS ON FRIDAY { _(under' new ng Mill Co, Lid Hy :|_ ANNOUNCEMENT For Central Site the Figure are iS) tieut, Basil Morton, RF.C. sttached to in the casualty lst. Gunner Clayton entisted'| Brief Outline: of Programme Lambet, Flootiag, Galina eae i par $108,644--Ratepayers will ber ge croniag pe gone 'to eee with the 15th Battery and was two and a for the Meetings to be held | Boors, Frames, Blinids, Tanks, ater Troughs, Mouldings, Wood Turning, Columns; Shingles, Wall Board, Roofing, 'etc. . 'Our Manager is a registered one of the captured German guns donated in Barrie. * to Barrie, was killed in action récently. sat After 0 month of coneéntrated effort by Bose Coferenes the ine her elvel set |atchilect and-is prepared to dene from Dec. 6 to 9 will be an interesting time |P1ans and specifications. Co:sult for the older boys as:well as for adults. The }hiin on your building: problems. || food results will surely be of great value to| Phone 109." Night Phone 6420 + 5 the coming generation. as | OTive: Bayfield St, Barcie, Ont. an - The programme for- the meetings is as mz SSS eee, follows 'as far'as' meeting. places are con- : cerned :-- iy fing. for' bye 'Will be "echidna Thursday evening, Dec, 6, is the opening | Tathe Storer tee we conference. Supper for leaders held tn Cal lier St. Methodist Church ch ia halt ca trenches before his injury' jose ary. last, moni bd = Mr. and Peter McCuaig, Guthrie, Ms. and Mrs. Wm. Chappell have received:| were notified on Nov. 20th that their son' Word 'that their son, Pte. Herbert Chap- | Pte. Jghn H. MeCusig, had been shell gassed ell, had been gassed on Nov. 17,-and was |on Nov.. 2st. Pte MeCunig wore Ser admitted to' No. 11 Field Ambulance, geant's stripes while here with -the 157th Bandmaster Addison had decided honor | Bn. but went to France with the 75th asc shown him last month when his band (Can- | Privute. He Kas two brothers with » Hail adian Machine. Gun Depot) was picked to be | way Construction Battalion, the representative Canadian bund ut the | Pte. Edward Cook, youngest/son of Win, Lord Mayor's Show. Cook of Little Current, was killed in action On Saturday und Monday nights quite 'a.| abut Nov. 15. 'He was 21 years of age number of citizens were. at the station, to | Deceused was a lieutenant in ihe 227th Ba, Welcome, home-coming soldiers. Those | and reverted to the ranks to get to France, who arrived were: H. Etherington, 8. F where he ad been but six weeks when kil Martin, F."W. Lawrence, Teddy Walton |ed. -His father formerly lived at Antes |H2%S nga F und §,' Tracey. Mills. Pte, Cook was w nephew of Albert |, Ada, The eeneetines for, leaders =) To: Alex. McDonell, Jumes St., cumé .a|Cook and Mré. John Peacock, Barrie, Pte, ing. boys' meéting. will also be held "at 730 Tesvage Gp Sunday stating that his son, |C. W. Cook, who played in the 76th Ba. Be : j Fte. John McDonell was reported missing on'| hockey team' two' years ago is « brother, He Ail. Saturday' will be devoted to-brisk 'ad. Nov. 10, This was the same day on which | has been wounded twice and is again in the dresses and discussions for the boye, There his brother Pte. Alfred H. McDonell was | trenches, meetings will be in. St Andrews' Chick wounded by gunshot in the face. Fit.-Lieut. Coutts Killed On Saturday evening the boys' busquet will Trap seek the many friends of Capt. J..]' A cablegram receivéd in Toronto on Sun- | pe eeevenay Sve Porish Hall. ©. Pulling of the 177th Bn. were very sorry |day announced the an aeroplane to learn of his serious illness, he having | accident' of Flight-Lieut. Walter G- Coutts been seized with an obstruction of the blood | No 'details are given, bui relatives in Toon. circulation in.the brain. On Tuesday a rel- !to believe the accident occurred in the ative in England cabled that his condition | neighborhood of - Birmingham, - England, was still very serious, paralysis having dev- | where Lieut. Coutts was when lest he wrote eloped to his family. The victim was the. son of Lost Thursday, Mr. arid Mrs. John Clay- | Charles Couutts, of 65 Gothic Ave, Toronto. fon received word that their,son Gunner | He trained last spring, first at Long Branch Fred. J. Clayton was gassed on Nov. 19; | and then at Leaside Canip, He was only 19 The only Christmas gift. your relatives and friends cannot buy. is your photograph. At Christmas. time thoughts- turn' to. old days, old times, and old friends, and your photograph'. will be most welcome then. Mt takes but a few moments now, so plan to-call * |, The Committee-of-the-Whole beg to re- port as follows, in the*two questions con- cerned 1. The unne: of site mark.d "A by Taylor Staten, the greatest leader in; bays' f work in Canada, No boy should miss this . Opportunity | The closing meeting - of, the -conference ae > d motion on the question "'-be adopted. will be held-in Central Methodist Church at. - |8:15, y evening, It is expected that 4 = 'the building will be crowded: to the doors } |for this 'final.gathering, to hear the fare well messages. : Adults' may feel free to. take in any of the meetings on Friday'. and Saturday The delegates will attend church. and arr ries je pleat 'il at eat ee Sunday School with friends on Sunday, At | Jay. "for theca meetings' are for losdaca ic 415 pm, in. St. Andrew's. Chureh -a mans.| ,0¥t Or 4 | The prospicts' "are for spore 200 boys : i 5 iver-'|from outside points, though the num! diy of Bera er na tt the Ulver game een tune "Make the boys ther of Lieut. Coutts, has just returned | Welcome and help. them in"every way: t0 home. ont leave after, service overseas with | PTOfit by these conferences the Army Medical Corps. He was # cousin A. : | That the follov:ing questions be submitted to the electors ut the ensuing - Municipal Elections, * (1) Which site dé you-prefer for the new Collegiate Institute --(u) East end tite at . /a cost of $04,284,00, (bi Central site ata J. FRANK JACKSON _|/cost of $105,548,00, es (2) Which central site do you prefer Maker of Portraits Harvey site, Agricultural Park Site. , 2. That the annexed motion on' the ' | question of tenders be adopted marked sy -- es | Thos. Andrews, formerly bandmaster of P B. . 'The tender of the Ball Planing Mill Co. -the 177th,,.is now organizing a military | be wecepted.on the central Propositian at the sum of $91,000.00 und that the cost of the central: proppsition~be' fixed' at $108,- bund in Hamilton. Send your orders for engraved visiting cards to The Examiner. (Contitived on' page 12) making the third son of this family to 'be years of age, and when he enlisted he was of A. B. Coutts, Barrie. --Pictures framed by Dougall' Bros! y /. AGAIN THE QUESTION ARISES: WHAT AND THIS. YEAR IT TAKES ON AN EVEN GREATER PRESENT SHALL BE PRACTICAL. - WE MAKE THIS "GIFTS, THEIR USEFULNESS UNDENIABLE, BUT 'EVERYBODY BUYS .HDKFS. AND WE HAVE ENOUGH FOR ALL 'Children's, Handkerchiefs, © Charlie 'Chaplin, Santa Claus 'and fancy bordered, 5c Ml teach 25 ad roe ees "BO doz. Handkerchiefs in hemstitched, embroidered. corners, and with ..colored embroidery, allat one price. ...2 for 25¢ Fine Crepe Handkerchiefs, hemstitched with colored.borders, Special value... 25¢. Pure Linen" Handkerchiefs, hand. em- -broidered, hemstitéhed edge, two in a box, in new. colored stripes, special at French makeat . 105 03 one np Snes wane ciena mn 4-100 Hand Embroidered Handkerchiefs, col- ored embroidery, very. dainty 'at each 50c° Hand Embroidered 'Handkerchiefs, in fancy boxés, 3 in a box in Sama cee SOC Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 6 in fancy POx ats... jeu de pda = .$1,00 Irisk Hand oposite raphe rag rn z = -| GLOVES FOR ALL OCCASIONS for men, women and childrén,; 'of Suede, of -Kid, of Wool,-of Cotten, and all of them beautifully made. ; Gloves that are scarce are here and gloves that we can guarantee. satisfactory, splendid cape gloves for women. . $1.75 Handsome Grey--Suede Gloves,: fine fa Chamoisette Gloves that wash 'so well, PY. OULY:.:. cca: a nals draco ¥ LADIES' COLLARS - The new collars are here. The\latest pet of fashion is(the: "Stock and Jabot. "We show:a range of Crepe, Georgette and Lace at all prices, 50c to $2.25 A HANDBAG WAS EVER A WELCOME GIFT. See-the showing here of Novelty Bags, daintily design- ed.and easily carried at... .. % wwsieg RS 75c, $1.00, $1.50 up ---- THAT ACCEPTABLE GIFT AN UMBRELLA We are. showing a° special purchase of 'Men's Umbrellas with new handles and satisfac- tory coverings at .... $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4:00 ee BOUDOIR CAPS IN NEW DESIGNS An acceptable gift of Novel- . ty Caps, made of Nets, Crepes and Silks, 'assorted shades, at 35c, 50c, $1.00, $1.59, $2.00- BUY FANCY RIBBONS We' show a_ magnificent range and the average girl is most fastidious about her hair bows. 51-inch Taffeta Rib- bon, all shades, firm and crisp in quality. Per Yard... .25¢ Fine Moire Ribbons, 5-in. wide, in Pink, Blue, Black and White, extra value at... .40c Pretty Dresden several widths from. ..... 5. - Christms and'Fancy Baby. Ribbons at... 2. 15c per-bolt CHOOSE A REAL DAINTY CAMISOLE We have them in Pale Blue, Pink, Maize,' Mauve . and White, made of -thé'daintiest material at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 ..MAKE YOUR F! A rnin Beautiful materials are here for the purpose; American de- Signs.ab. 2 /oc0. i C GREAT VARIETY OF SWEATER COATS FOR EVERY. BODY AT REASONABLE PRICES.' THE GREAT SALE OF BEAUTIFUL FALL COATS STILL CONTINUES The very newest garments are 'now be- ing' sacrificed at clearing prices: Finé Fall Coats, made with Large Col- lars. and' 'Trench. Belts. in Brown, Green and Navy. On Salé $15.00. Fine Velour Coats in new.fancy belts and full skirts, very handsome cloths, at. LADIES' FINE SERGE DRESSES Another shipment of. these ' pretty gowns has come to-hand in pretty Navy, Burgundy and. Gréen -shades, some of them embroidered, all trimmed with fanc collars, priced to sell quickly at i ec $15.00, $16.50 and $19.00 - VISIT THE MEN'S DEPARTMENT EARLY : Wonderful Showing of- Men's Neck: wear at 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. The. very newest patterns, all nicely boxed. Popular Neck Scarfs in knitted and silk «= from 75¢. to: $3.50 each. Buy Excelda Handkerchiefs, they, are always acceptable, at 10c, 12¥ec or 15c. Initialed Handkerchiefs, all pure linen, at old price, but buy early. 2.02.5. 25c 5 doz. Black Cashmere Sox, Tegular value 50c, on sale while they last. os...

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