1' --ant month's holiday "in 'North{ Mrs. DeRiyers' has ' returned Toron| Page Twelve' hursdav, Nov. 22, 1947. If you live out\of town or cannot - come to this'store conveniently, order . by mail. Send full amount of pur- chase money, as'-we do not keep . books for this Department. If stock- ings are not satisfactory, return' at our expense: 'and money will be re- funded. We pay postage on All stock- ing orders, No order acknowlédeged - unless, accompanied. with 'purchase money. A Trial is solicited. Qualityand the lowest price con- sistent keep 'harmonious company, and this Store is ready for the sale of all your Hosiéry needs with' the larg- est and 'best selected stock in its his- : tory. If thereis.an item here that in- } a " terests you, mark it. : VIGKERS' for STOCKINGS Fora number of years "Vickers for Stockings" has been a household word in many homes in Barrie and surrounding 'country. Women have found that Stockings bor t at this Store are satisfactory; many men have bought their supplies.in Hosiery at this Store, and childrer know thi: their favorite Stocking Si which giver SERVICE i atteodinn to oak ak pst "a0 : ae San ert ns iit This organization has a thorough knowledge of Hosiery Values and the best markets in which to buy, and with the power to buy and a ful'study of the require- ments of our patrons this Store has become known as: the "Specialty Stocking Store." We make a specialty. of providing stockings for the many pi 'by: rane of a policy of close buying' and close selling are enabled 'to offer you Values SECOND TO NONE... Try 'this Store for your next 'Stocking need and you get a larger \ choice and better return for your money. It isthe one Best Store for Stockings--absolutely. 4 - SOME WELL-KNOWN LINES FOR IMMEDIATE SELLING W. 106. This is-a White Wool. Stocking' for. children's stockings. Heavy Rib.» good wearing, ye Ge! 1% Prices 659c° 63c 57c Fleece . No. 104 : Crown This stocking is a fine This stocking is knit 1x1 Rib, cotton fleece of a pure wool. Finger- 4 ing Yarn, heavy 2x1. Rib, lined, elastic, good wesr-_ soft, warm and good fit- ing. Sizes 8%, 9, 9% ting, now off the market, and 10. supply is-limiited. Sizes 8%, 9. 9% and 10. Pair .......... 450. Pair .. 75e. ETERNAL VIGILANCE-THE PRICE OF VICKERS' VALUES. BUY No. 11708 : A. very fine . gauge Cashinere Hose, -- with seamless - foot, spliced heels and toes, Tight weight. Sizes & 9% and 10, Pair .. K. 18 A fine txt Ribbed Un- ion Cashmere Hose, 'el= astic, good fitting and good wearing. Sizes- 8% "Leader", Plain 25c. This is a plain. Union Cashmere Hose, war- ; ranted fast black,. full- ' fashioned legs, seam- less foot. Sizes 8% to 10. Pair .......... 25e This isa plain Cash- mere: plated Hose, ° 'with seamless foot, warm and "good wearing. Sizes 8%, 9 and 9%, * PAI a co njesa0 2 BOR 9, 9% and 40, Crown X: | 'Nos 252° | Ciama" 29 Penman's Purity - This is Penman's best grade Pure Woo] Cash- mere. Hose, It is.a fine i 1x1 Rib, 8-fold* knee, | spliced heels, soles and toes, the best Rib Stock- ing we know of. Sizes _ 8%, 9 and 9%, ) Pair........:.°$1:00 This' is. the ; sdme stocking. as W106 only in. Red... Both lines are: very scarce "and cannot he repeated. If you an- se ticipate a need. for these ' come ot mail your. or- der early. Same sizes and. prices as W106. This is a heavy wool stocking, knit of pure wool. fingering yarn, El= astie 2x1 Rib, warm and Rood 'wearing. Sizes 9 and 9%. Pair. wie. $4.00 'This is a fine Cash- This is' our heaviest _ Méve Hose in plain, and best Brade. plain spliced toes and heels. Cashmere. Hose, pure "very -popular. line, - good wool, seamless foot. <A fitting, Sizes 8%, 9, grand stocking. Sizes 9% and 10. | 8%, 9.9% and 10. P Palt isa big oo FBes - «. $1.25 | No. 257F '| |: "Leader," Rib 25c. No. 251 Special A This. is a very fine A very fine plain A good stocking, giv- . This is an all wool A Union Cottom and iniidle weight plain s Cashmere, ribbed elastic ing splendid wear; fine Cashmere Hose of fine Cashmere Rib, good i reareliee fone Gira mere, good' fitting and top; a good filting hose. Cashmere, plain, -- soft upllced heels cand "hee weighl, spliced heels and at. 1915. price." Sizes 9, good wearing. Sizes 9, Comnes in ines. 9, 8% ~and warm. 'Sizes 9, 0% weight. -- Sizes foes, real good wearing, 9% -and 10, 9% and 10, and. 10. and 10. . 9%-and 10. ' Sizes 814 fo 10. * Pair Pair cececs « 90e Pair .......... 9Be. Pair ......... $1.00 Pairs i. ...... $1.10.; C. with her daughter in: Colling-| , i weary, . ~'|This appeal was heartily-respon- Raikes, $10.00; Rev. G. Brown; wood: i ; 'The Aniiiversary Services held/déd to.and the sunr of $625 was 85.00: H. A. Sims; $5.00._-'Torei Sergeant J. Calvert of 'Toronto iy the Burton Avenue Methodist i i realized. The congregation is to} $211.82. 5 spent. the week-ond at his home] church last Sunday were attend-|be congratulated for its 'generos- --__--_--_ : - oo eee : " ed by large congregations. Rev,| ity: when. so many of: the -homes Adjourned Tax Sale *. Mr. rs. W.-R. Stoneliam;- in the 8.0.E. Carpet Bail Tour- @ Misses Catcher are in To-/p A. Malott, B:A..B.D., pastor of/are also .responding. lo. various! "Phe: big fist of properties. of. ec ey trip to Sramtton nament five gunner' were 'played ponte ee ws, my ae Oritlia Methodist Chureh, | Patrivkic. obligations, fered for sale by the county trea I aid Lennon: ' last Friday night and resulted as "yan to who ane Fes Pei preachéd two eloquent sermons. on eee: - |Surer was-cleaned up at,fhe ad=\ | The Lady Grey. FoRasters wil| follows: Me: Whitney's tearm, 3 With oon Hie. Galiferni, | the thorning service he 'spoke| | __'Britis! Red Crose journed tax sale last Friday and" ~ meet.in the 'Trainmen's Hail,|points, Mr. Derrick's teats, 2, sper shag oof the terre jon the "Chureh 'and Its'Bencflts| "Sinee the' last lst-was pubs {the county, will probably' see "no, Monday evening; 26th inst. at 8/points. The scores to date are: hes ith eneft of the latter's |to the Community." His evening lished on: October 25, the fol-|more such huge tax sales. * 5, p.m. A g0od attendance is re-|F. Whitney 22, A- Derrick 18. 4 Bd ¥. Walter. Moffat Mii jsubject was. "The Temptations of owing contributions' to the Bri-|. Of the 3500 parcels; 850° were" ES) quested. te ; Mrs. 'T. Wilson "has. gone to aor will conduct unto s tiesus." As Mr. Malott 'has tray- lish Red Cross Fund have 'been bought by private-parties. "Bort" .~ Mrs. W. T. Jones has returned spénd two weeks with her daugh- ree 3 ee aa Prrtense! celled: through variqus parts | f|received hy the Canadian Bank |MeNichol bought 55- lots -in.-that home after spending two weeks/er, Mrs. Jebb, in Galt. lerian CURtOn eit eee ney | BUrOpe, is Teminiseenoes 'of his| & j Vilage and Tay. Tp paid for.2654 } " 5 A "terian ehurch next, Sunday. . On}, ie 5 rs Ay '. 85.00: Under] 1 " Gravenhurst and Toronto. Mrs. E, Lewthwaite is speni- | Peiteeca te +, | experiences. add considerable in- "4 > $5.00: \Under-| unclaimed lots: within its bounds, . Mrs W Tayler has returned |ing two. weeks with. friends in Borer rent be Mill aive an il- terest to his' discourses. hills "Ltd., 825,00; 'Miss "Grace|In_ the latler were included tw, 'to. HamiMon, after spending two| Brentwood. 4 ong tes ree ... |choir: under the direction 'of F.|M. Young. ete pee bat veagoned lans. of 441090 and Abe ' von ii »H, White, Brad-} © Mrs. Ruth Morgan has return. _ Miss. Barbour of Lucknow vis- Norman, rendered excellent music| %5.00; Miss Gladys 'dagh, $5.00 lots Tespectively on; which es pt Pall ee 8 RUNG rat ed to Toronto sot being with ited her' sistér, Mrs. W. J..AVatt, |at. both services. -. : .. | Mrs.. Count, 845.0% 'township " will re Baker,, Vic- duving the past week. The Finance Committee re-|Lount, $5.00; S.. . 2 " | Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Palling' of quested, the congregation to con-| (school), $28.82 Mrs: ito are spending some hol-/ tribute :Thank-offering. of 8600|50c.;..-F. RR with Miss L. Palling. , the current. account. Mrs. He Mrs. 8. Gagnon, and Mrs. Hamel] her- mother, Mrs have returned heme after'a pleas-| toria St., for '« mon Bay. .- home after Spending two. weeks eve ELP OUR COUNTRY. HELP OUR BOYS "OVER THERE." HELP YOURSELF. a HELP O } RE. a purl | fF ? Ty ny ee 7 ; sasha fs, II" c | R. 8X. Special R. R..10X. OSB. , h eae 5 a ixt Rib U A Pure Woo! -Cash- This ig a ixt Rib Un- A> Pure) Wool *'Gash_ This is abvery fie txt} 2 5 i ill | double knee, spliced toes mere Huse, 1x1 Rib, with ion 'Cashmere Hose, with tere, 1x4 Rib. Hose, 'full Rih Wool Cashinere Hose F : and heels. | Gives good | four fdld 'knee, , spliced double knee and plain fashioned, double. knee, with a plain foot, Made o wear. The 'best low- soles, heels and heels' and' toes, Good Spliced soles, toes arid. in England, Elastic. top, Biter | priced stocking - obtain- elastic and good wearing. for children.' A grand Stocking spléydid | Wearing. "The ee able. ing. e =a - ildren's.. wear, tines!> procurak ' 2 4° Size 5% Sizes 5 3% 6 . . Lt 0 ny { JPrices) 50c 50c 550 . 'Th 8 Bw. 8% 7: 13g 8 { T5c 600 6Bc ..68c 70c ca: : ri : 4 x L) (u R. 8 Nigger Brown Cashmere and This is-the same qual- | |. same stocking as RBX Nigger Brown Cotton. Hose ; 3 ily. stocking . as,. R.6X,; only.» Rib a » lines are very scarce, We have a Hm- z ly) 2 . > Prices 1 quantity coming 'ina 'few days. . Sizes 9, but in'w 2xi Rib. At the aes : ' And 40. Pure 'Wool Cachmese pre same priges. 5 | same as R8X, Heavy Plain Cotton, Pair In addition to the above lines we have a grand stotk-of Women's, Lisle and Silk x = = * 2 Stockings. Also Women's Plain and Ribbed White Cashmére Hose and Children's ee Cashmere Rib Hose in Whité, Cardinal,: Tan and Sky Blue. .. bee ae . ' " Why not buy the:best? Get VICKERS' VALUES. = - MAXIMUM QUALITY Be sure that if you dé not buy your Stogk- JP an MINIMUM PRICE ae ee . : ; = ' VICKERS' VALUES a . ings at Vickers', you pay more-than ¢ou Here for Children's Stockings. i should or get less than:you' could.