"Page Eight 7 i THE ADLET: COLUMN 'The cost of advertising in 'this colu of 1c. will be made. sare for CASH: tional cha foregoing adlets less than one: dollars i MEN WANTED io cut wood. Apply-to'the 47-4; Surjearit Co. CUTTER FOR SALE--Price $15.00.._W. 47-47. D, Minnikin, Barrie CUTTER FOR SALE, good cheap. Apply Dougall. Bros. GIRL WA! : "Good wages. Apply 44 High St, 47; FOWL FOR SALE--Seventeen birds, good 119 Bradford 47-47 BARRED ROCK:COCKERELS for sale, Apply 8. J. Fisher strain of Barred Rocks. Street fine laying strain. Barrie MEN WANTED--To cut cordwood. About 200 cords. Apply R. A. Carr, 148 To- ronto St FOR SALE exchange for a farm Cookstown an is ONE CENT PER WORD EACH: INSER- 'TION, with a minimum charge-of 15 cents) per issue. Terms cash. Six-insertions will' be given for the price of four. Where re- 'plies afe directed to this Office an~addi- The 'When fit | aid for before. the paper is issued, an ad- 'ditional charge of 10c, will be made on all condition, 47-48 jTED--For general housework. Brick house in Barrie., Would Apply -W. Booth, 47-487 -County Council convenes for it? ovember session' next Monday. _A practice run was given the firemen on Monday and when out they tested several hydrants. Outside buyers 'shipped a dozen cars-of potatoes -at Barrie 'last week. Prices were - $1.65 'to $1.75. : Owing to-the anniversary at Lefroy there will be no service in Stroud Methodist church next Sunday. Anniversary services will be held in - the -Central,\Methodist Church on Sunday, Nov. 25, at P|}41 a.m.and 7p.m, The sermons will be preached by Rev. J. B. Lamb. The Barrie Agricultural Soc- iety has sustained the appeal of R. D. Coutts against the awarding of the silver-medal to H. Black- stock for best hackney' mare at the 1917 show. On Mond Noy. 26, a "Rail- waymen's Night" willbe held in [Kerr Lodge, A.F. & A.M., when the work will be.done by railway 7 44-47 WANTED -- Two horses, weight about | i 1100 tbs, for delivery purposes. Ap- | !ish Columbia. 7 ply Bryson Bros, 47-48 Last week: Misses Jennie and "LAMBS FOR SALE, Jones, lot 7, con, 8, Vespra. MAN WANTED. or single; middle-aged Sey' uxouvale. Phone-199r2. WANTED-Building suitable to be remoy- ed dnd conver'ed inte an implement shed Reply to. this offices, stating size. FOR SALE --1 registered Shropshire shear ling 'ram; from imported stock. Bell Six extra good grade Shropshire ewe lambs, at $16 each. Wm. 47-48 For Farm work; married Apply |W. D. 43 | 47-50 Clara King recei lof the death of their'sister, Mrs. Turton, notice of whose sudden j taking off they had received by a cable on "Oct. 44. Mrs. Turton {was hurrying to catch a_ tram; when a friend saw her-put up her jhend to her heart Before a doctor ton was killed-by an cutomobil> -}twooand a half Bros, KR. 8, Barrie? Phone'629. , 48p A Clrcus-Ooming Good-girl, 'one who under} Barrie did not have a circus stunde the gru business, good wages. | this surum¢r, but kere comps one Apply Box "C" Examiner' Ofice...46-47 | in motion. pictures. his pice - jture shows every kind of cireus sie or eld life. 'The amluading' of the: cir- Siirae et US. oar x are hae k = - ww -by Harry Twiss, Owen St. 8.6) CUS+ the . loading, bareback-rid WANTED --All, kinds of auto tires to re pair, All work gu tend Vuleanizing Plan FOR SALE--Combjnation' safe, parlor coal | carpet, 'all "nearly heater, paflor: enbinet as good' as new, §, 8, Turner, 70 To- ronto St. fe a ae A TOST---On Saturday "hight, on" Dunlop' St., a lange. white cat Any: -person returning to 55 Worsley' St will\receive reward, or | 7 phane 540 47-47 HOUSE TO LET---Brick. house' with 'horse stuble. hen house' and' large' garden, on Apply to Frank Rowoliffe, Essa : 44-47p SS APPLICATIONS reepived -by undegsigned "up to Nov. 28, 191%, 'for janitor for Bui- ton 'Avenue Methoilist Church. --W..D. Little, Allandale 46-47 BROOCH 1 one p Nov Two hiewrts," set with ng,7in Allandale or ler please lei FOR SALE Two choice young bulls, one Hereford> and ane thorn, weigh» # batt 1O00-Ibs, each,» Fred M, Wairniea, RALD,. Atlandute,. | 46-48 anold Percheron aind anc Also new buggy: » OR . Gil Children's. "Shelter, an | on 'or a.good "geheral Miss McCracken at the | fabeth St 7-8 | | CARETAKER WANTED for Central Meth 4° odie Chur to commence 'Dec. | 1, Applic to Nov, 24 by. Janes Corbett,:.164 Ehzabeth St. 47 - FOR. SALE Good" Wood Stoves cheap, | faney Parlor 'Cook, fireplace large, . Big | wood or knits' tused to 'advanzagé. Good | * condition, Apply Examin'r Office, 43-48 roomed brick house; with acres good Jand, suitable | "for market' garden. ' Apply: to Mrs, M. J.-Byrne, RMCD., Barrie, or .-phone | 493; 44-49 | ath nd SEE eo a LOST "Sabi: Fur-$tole, dropped from mo. 'The Barrie 37 Elizabeth St. 44-3m | 44-49 | 47-47 | ing, daring stunts in the ring, a -| hig fire scene: -the big circus race, and.dozens of obger thrills, Out-of-town - patrons kindly pe- member that if they are coming FOR SALECoal, 'heater, "Art Garland,".| into the circus' that the. first Very chen. Adply "Di-Lipon's (Gut Few viacty sharp At 7.15. seccid * more's old stand, 2 doors' east of Mar: | a 5 ket). 47-47, Show 9 pawn. j Nov. 30 and: Dec, t Death of Mrs. Bolster One of the oldest residents of the county, passed. away. last"F day evéning, when, Mrs. Mary An- | Jura. Bolster, widow -ef 'Geo. lev- rs Bolster, breathed her last al! the home of her sonzin-law. F.| R. Porritt, She"had been in failing health for several years. Mrs. Bolster Was a daughter of, Capt. B, 6. O'Brien" the founder of the settlement of Shanty Bay and was born there in 1834. Her husband was 'born in' ~E gland | and Camé early in life to: Canada with his parents, settling. near | [Creemore.: When, there he mapr- datd shortly afterwards mover to Orillia where he lived for 40} [xears. Fot-a number of years [Aveights and' measures M Slor died about )Surviving members of the famnyyé are: Mrs. Fo R..Porritt, Bartie: Capt. Lancelot Bolster, the R -France:\ Senet R. Bolster, with. the Canadian Artillery: in F gnes Rolster, Barrie: ter Frances I Bolst ee, (th Deceased was' a sister: of O'Beien, K.C, Molerley, © Collingwood: Miss Luey. O'Brien of Orillia.: The late Ol, W. E, O'Brien of Shanty. was a brother, Interthent fodk place in Orillia on Monday. e a bi 0 You will find a full liné of the. new |"! Methodist Hymn Book. and: a splendid as- sortment of Bibles, suitable for Xmas, sifts at GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE. P.O! Box 178, Phone 259a, ° Clerk's Advertisement of Court in Newspaper NOTICE IS'HEREBY GIVEN. that a Gi for on Stinday evening between Stroud | Court will be held, p it to the Ontario | x) and Toronto, | Reward. Leave with G.| Voters' Lists Act, by lonor the Judge-|~ W. Raymes, Eliziabeth St. Barrie, Phone | of the County Court of the County of Sim-. 286 * Z 7-47 | coe, ut Barrie, on the 3rd day of December, : | 1917, ut 9 o'clock in the forenoon, to hear fi FOR SALE Standing fimber, -- ingstly | end' determine, complaints. f,errors "and til hardwood, some suitable for square tim. ber'or lumber, Any quantity to sait parehaser. Lot. 12, Eleventh Line, In nisfil, BYE. Quanta, "Barrie, 43-48 ------ ---- $1) or $2 daily at home, knitting war sox on Auto Knitters?' Experience unnécsi- adty.." Send 3¢ stamp. Dept. 4060} Auto Knitter Compa Si, Toronta = 43-50 = ROR SALB--On Mary: Street six-rooméd _ brick eottage, ll conveniences ; half-sore garien, clay loam; all- kinds of fruit-- = 'of * WORK--Would you like to make | >A 50 ACRE FARM FOR SALE--Level, soil-/ missions in the Voters' List pf the Mun- cipalily of the Town 'of Barrie for 1917. Dated fhe 20th day of November, 191 2 W. SMITH. Clerk ofthe Municipality of the 'Town- artie : 4747 DOGS FOR: SALE--Red Cocker Spaniels, one year' dnd one seven weeks old. 5 Muleaster St 47-47 good loam, watered by two wells and spring ereck, "seven room. frame house, "small barn, drive shed and hog pen, 6% miles' from Barrie. Terms reasonable. cherries, Possession on short notice. | Apply st rawberties, raspberries, currants; -to| "Examiner Offic: 45-tf | m p : A. EL Lennox, | ---- $$$ | in net : f}FARM FOR SALE-95 acres,. west half. lot 9, con. 4, Vespra; 35 som hah + WILL WILLIAM OONNELL, formerly of | hardwood and pine;. 10 acres: rye, Lif Lake Simone district, or ,the. fri + ploughing done. Convenient to * of the Iste Frank Connell of Alberta,| school and station, . Implements with who: died. in Calgary, July' 27, 1917,| farm: Good house and bank barn, plen- : ith "Mrs, fonscott,| ty Of water. Price $3300. Terms, small "P.0., Alberta, and they may| payment, balance 5 per cent. denen, of something to. their- advantage. id. particulars | -|with a handsome camee ring as| nd Opera-House, | the lute Gideoi O. Dolnage, passed away puse, |§ Nes a jtivity seen. As superintendent of the Cradle Nir 1 he 'chell Mathers, Wilson Black nnd Robert jhelt the position of. inspector: of Black .. Baie 'ceinerery, the Rev, JB 5 grare cago: Bien the body wak being lowered into With ered an impressive discourse, basing his G. "marks upon words in the eleventh chup: of Hebrews, circumstance' they reud, "She being dead, | vet. speak:th." suid "A good naine 'is rather to be chosen | h Hy, |silver and gold." Today we are one in our | Toronté; Mys, Geo, /aprreciation of her who has fallen asleep. | a living monument, not only in the berea ybor-and zeal with which she guarded' the Interests of the church of which she was 9 | jof the spirit 'of: God." speaks the assurance of immortality, 'and [such is the consolation of. those, whi 'mourn, | Mattresses, ------------------ A SNAP FOR SMOKERS | priges, for the benefit trade. aphone Records just in thit week; 6 selec- | on 'all 'our CIGAR STORE. | Don't forget the dates. nd bee Coping cortege Saturday, Nov. 1 EWING--On Saturday, Nov | PERSONAL MENTION j Miss Elsie Rayner is visiting in Toronto. = 4 ' Miss Martha Hunter is»home from. New York. 5 Jack Armstrong. of Guelph? was n town this week. : Mrs. J. B. Edwards left on Fri- day to visit her daughters in To- ronto and Hamilton... " J.J. Keaney of Ottawa. is in ia er owing 'to the seriousness oK his aunt, Miss M. Dillon. T.-T. Young is in Toronto at- lending~the meeting of the Ont- ario Horticultural Association. Miss Edith Wood. and Miss Hazel Tomlinson' of Lefroy' were week-end visitors with Mrs.. H. M. Stewart. : Mr. and Mrs, H: Hamilton were in Toronto last week . attending the funeral of their uncle,: the late George Watson Hunter. , Mrs. T.-H. Redditt has closed her house in Blake St. and is spending a couple of weeks in Aurora and Toronto before go- ing to California for the winter. Word shas. been 'received by friends that Miss Norine King i leaving 'this week to take a pos lition in the American Red.Cross 'Hospital at St. Katharines Lodge, |Regent Park, London. "| Robt. Maleomson, who recently returned ,from Edmonton where he was employed 'by the Carey Co. 'has . taken a position with |Geo. Vickers, and is in charge of | |the men's department. | | A short 'time ago the teachers jof the Central and West Ward Schools spent a very pleasant 'ev- ening at the ing, Poyntz St. ening Miss King D ing the ev- presented Ja sligtit token of the hisgh-e&teem | he is held hy her fel-| | jin which low teachers, |. The R. W. Marks Dramatic Co, 'Opens a'three nights' en: agement | al the Grand this eveying with the play, Was. She fo Blanie,".; |followed Friday night |with "Lena: |Rivers." Saturday matinee, "A | Fatmer's Daughter and Satur- | day nieht, 'In the Rishoy var. | jriage" Prices 100, 20¢, and 30, | {Matinee 10¢ and 206; | | CRAIGVALE' | Death of Mrs. ANW Green Mrs. A. W Green, the voungest daughter. | She:won the stem of all her associates and. the neme.| Erma" is to ,them beloved. She wax @ | member of the Women's Instituie, deeply interested in Red Cross work 'und 'mem. | home of Miss F. |} ber of the Methodist church. 'The Ladies' | Aid Society of the church found in. her an effective' und sincere seerétary, which office she held afniost, until: the time of, depart also-in the Sunday School was her ac- | Roll she performed her duties religiously and all the bebies were her especial care. Erma Bolmage wae married about twelvé years ago to A. W Green, who with her mother, two sisters and four brothers re- main to-mourn her loss. ,, The funeral: was held at Craigvale on Monday, Nov. 19, at 2. o'clock. . A large concourse of people assembled' at the house. Rev. William Clements had charge of the exrice- and the pallbearers wen, Austs and Gideon Dolmage, Ambrose Green, Interment took place at Lamb assisting. the a favorite hymn of the deceased bide With Me,"" wax sung" At the home, Rey. Wm. Clements deliv Adapting then: to the present | The sacred page has well n" great riches and 'loving favor than | ie name af Mrs. A: W. Green will remain <1 homes, but 'also in our church.. She -has icquired this place because of the love, la | iember,.. Her standard-in both the home nd. the church: is: th tof "the fruit | Such & pérsonalty | I For #olid comfort sleep on our Kapok | Sold by Dougall Bros. 45-tf | j We have nineteen different lines of | gars which we are putting on sale till', 'ov. 26 and Dec. Lit. at greatly reduced | of our Christmas We also-have a new 'order of (Gram. ions for $1.00 And don't forget that up il 'Dec. 8th we'are giving « 30% discount | pipes, pouches, ete:---UNITED MARRIED at Central..Methodist Parsonage, by H. Moore, Lucy B. Burley, of For- onto, to Clayton P, Chureh of Midland. DIED 17, 1917, at Alliston, Ont., Samuel Ewing, in his 78th year, se Card of Thanks : ; Mr. and Mrs. 8. Sutton wish to thank the any friends for the kindness shown thew their sad bereayement. : 'A good handy outfit. Reg. "7Bc. Saturday 6Dc You: Should See Our Men's and Ladies' Plaid Sweater Coats--they are extra fine quality, sizes 36 to 42; they are big value . :.. $7.50 We have other lines 6.50, 6.00 5.00, 4.50, 3.50, 1.90, $1.50 With every dollar purchase we give you.a 5c Coupon, redeemable at our Premium Counter. See "LINDSAY ~ WATCH OUR WINDOW. Weare going to-give you a number of Pails.at Very Low Prices. but we have some lines at prices which ought to interest you. " 14-qt. Strainer Pails, regu: ter $1.15.. Saturday 90c._ 10-gt. Tin Pails, regular 35c. Saturday 25c. Cobblers Outfit Now is the'time to feed Stock Food. We: have the Celebrated: Dr. Hess and Every package guaranteed or money refunded' 'Take w sekentes, auhiron aa ee Nigalee have a good stock of Horse Salts and 'Sulphur.:. This i "going: higher in price. SATURDAY SAVINGS READ OUR' ADVT.. i Whatabout your Overcoat? That's a question every man will have -to. answer before many days ; 'it's a-question we can help: you with. We're 'prepared with Over- coats that give you the best _Styles of the season, that are made from high quality, long- wearing, all-wool - fabrics-- Overcoat values that can't be 'surpassed 'anywhere:; make them belted. styles, .Chester- fields," loosé-draped models, Great Coat, Ulsters, Trench Coat or-any style -you want, and fit for every man. Spéc- ial values,. . $20.00, $19.00, $18.00, $15.50, $14.50, 12.50 LITTLE BOYS' OVERCOATS. . Tweeds, good wearing and good' styles, easy priced fit ages 4 to 8 yrs. Prices: 5.00, 5.50," $7.00. You should ' Men's, Boys', Ladies', Misses' and' Children's Fine Rubbers, all sizes, at right prices. see. His line. - Men's Heavy' Lumberman's Sox, Black 'or Dark Grey; MEN's HEAVY special ,......... $1.00 pr. LLUMBERMEN'S RUBBERS - First quality; they aré advancing all the time. Buy them now and Save«money. .. 90c. and 75c. Men's Penman's. Heavy Grey Sox, blue heels and toes, big value 75c. Special price 50c. Men's Khaki Wool Sox, spec- ial value ..:... 60c..and 65. MEN'S FELT SOX oy + $1.50 Pr. Buy Sutcliffe's Special Laun- dry Soap ...... 5 bars 25c. MEN'S LEATHER. Taylor's Borax Soap...'..'.. iS Bree me: +++en 4 bars 25c. EARRIGAN : rome as i ls Made by the RM... wee | Ladies' Fine Black Boot Laces Beal Leather Co. of 60 inches long, 'Spécial 10c pr. Price C $3.00 No 5 Boys 4 to. 5 $2.25 For' WE SELL FOR CASH. Youths 11 to 13... ~ sagen WE SELL FOR LESS. © :.... ...: teal hist wee the nice goods at small prices _empt to Rex f -- BARRIE iS Tinware is.hi 7-inch Flat Files, just the thing for Cross Cut Saws, regular 18c. Saturday 13c, or '2 for 25¢, * Save BUY VICTORY A aumber of 2nd growth Hickory Axe Handles, our best quality, regular 40c..- Saturday 30c. . 2:75 each '