Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Nov 1917, p. 12

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BEF | LIGHT SESSION OF éd from page 6.) ~ ~. (Continu Powell, Ino. O'Neill, imefebhs, Barrie. Exempted till June Ist. * Exemptions Refused, Horan, James: Erman, locomotive fire- .|man, Allandale. Rawn, Leonard, brakeman, Allandale. Bell, George, locomotive fireman, 41 Brock St., Batrie.' 'McDonell, Chas, G.T-R: machinist, 130 James St., Barrie. 'Warsnop, Eli, farmér, Colwell. Wortley, Chas. Irving, gardener, Shanty Bay. . Davidson, Wm. Leishman, contractor, . * Angus. -makes a big difference in the appearance ' : of uny garment entfusted to us to be ao 'Albert 'Thomas, farmer, Barrie cleaned, presed orwdyed. From shabbinesi |Site edgerton* Wilfred, cle, Bar: it-is changed to n'wness--in fact it looks | i." like a new piece of goods. Do not be!" Duckworth, Archie W., farmer, Angus. ORE AND "AFTER EDUCATION HOARD. 5.) (Continued from page B. . I. Report Total .. .... 110 124 "2211 It will be seen from: the column of daily averages that the attendance of the pupils has, in general, been very 'regular. This is, of course, of great. importance and is the first essential for the eatisfactory pro- gress of the classes. . The excellent spirit shown by the pupils as a whole (which was mentioned in my _ legPays to Shop at VICKERS Barrie" s Representative Store ~ A Collection of Beautiful Coats characterizes our display of Ready-to-put-on- and-wear-Garments for Women as the best in this section. These Coats areail individual styles, the very acme of perfection in work- manship and cut, and are priced with the ut- hasty, therefore, in disearding gowns, | Fleethum, 'Jno. Edward, conductor, Al- | it FeP0?t) continues to no less degree than most consideration: for economy. . : dresses, coats, laces, feathers, or other | fandale, . A few days ago a circular letter was re- The cloths: are Zibelines, Plush and Fine' « Velours, and the prices- range from 'articles of -uttire on the ground that they look too old or too,shabby. After we get: in our fine work your best friends would not know that the garments were the same. Switzer, James Edward; farmer, Vespra. Bryson, Henry Stewart, baker, Barrie, Balmer, Rows A, teller Bank 'of Nova Scotia. ceived frojn Premier Hearst, referring to the critical .times in which we live, and calling on each young man and'each young woman at school to use' ull: diligence in : - Rose, James, brakeman, Allandale. muking' the tine there count for as much . \ a ; cobalt BH GTR. operator as HE pone. Iti pleasing to note thatthe $ | 7 50 up to $57 00 mp Borden, . ; {large majority of our pupils have ulread; = 'c Canada Needs YOUR Money : Hatehinton, Albert Roy,, brakeman, Al-| realized. the: gravity of the situation, and ~ rn | baredade '5 while enjoying their school days are never- theless putting forth their best efforts, i During the last month our rugby teams 7 layed "home and home" games with Col- Sim, Robt. J., teller, Bank of Toronto. lingwood, and, while they finished with the 'Fischer, Edgar John, fireman, Allandale. | snjall end of the score, yet they, as well ~ Bay Victory Bonds | M I & C ,qBanting, J. Maitland, theatre mgr, Bar- | ae" the Collingwood " begs, "clay "il rie, ; he , F axwe | 0. Green, Clarence Wilkes, farmer, Allan | £8", Only three or four of Tae. yeurs ihe | dale Ne 1 team 'remained to form a nucleus for this |. tH, did y vi Opp. Barrie Hotel. Phone 229 Spentin, Ges _Princis, chief clerk, Barrie | Zuch 'got ters ait ee? ell to develon ichand- J6s. Eugene' engineer, Allandale 'i ale | The mingling of the pupils from the two Cruickshank: Geo..C., brakeman, Barrie. schools on the fbld: und at the refreshments Weaymouth, Ralph, cathier, Barrie, \{which were served' by the' B.C1. girls can. rote tocen, as: Ivan, teller Bank of To-! not help having an educutional Salue for nto, pice . all concerned. Harris %, John, fireman, Allandale, |" Under Mr. Heath's instruction ¢ nuniber Harris, George, farmer, Colwell. of the boys are pow practising rifle -huot- Longhyrst, Harvey, clerk, Barrie. ing, and hope te"increase considerubly their Shelswell, 'Albert Henry, farmer, Shanty proficiency in/the use of that lo | ay. e Laws, Ralph Albert, fireman, Sanford 1 eae Green, Franklin, farmer, No. 1, Allandale. Fg a If you want a Coat of the Better 'Kind come to This Store Buy a Victory Bond and Save | Barrie Markets Thursday Wholesale, Prices. Fall Wheat. soe Je $2.07-$2.10 Bi } ®t, Be McAdam--Byrne--That the Chairman | jeonnécted with the'G.T.R. subscribe to the | ae McBride, Michael Jos., farmer, Angus, . | be authorized) to apply for the exemption full extent of his ability, and says: | il \ Evetnptione iaeastan ~ |of HL J. Heath, science master and military "In order to -acgommodate the. officer | - Taikay . Ps instructor at/the B.C. 1, from -being-called and employees -of the company, and to a '. Swingle, Walter' W., "Mgr. Woolworth| for service under the MS. A. }j make the terms of payment offered by the ogee oo. Bare, No setion, not « British sub- _eAdam---Chasinen---That ihe Seton of Government easier, it has been decked to, ' a oo z é the Chairman in granting u holiday to the rata We i ip offer ¢ officers and employées the on Bay... es retical te reetbert farmer, Allandale: fohidren in gonneetion with the opening of | y,Wat*0» Walton tas moved his fomily to )aucther of 250 tbe, and four others over | portunity of spreading their payments over "Tallow, rendered, Ib... Permitted to farm. the Victory' Loan campaign be approved. | Vite, 200 Ibe. 'a-period of ten: months, in equal payments | Horse Hides... Sanders, John, Danie, painter, Allandale. |" "McAdam---Byrne 'That the: queen la se actnide hax esturnsd home tier' boli .., Burton. Ave. Methodist of 10 per cént: per month of the smoune | Horse Hair, Ib |. Exempt till Class 2 is called. | gobverting $40,000 of resent war 'bonds | 149 8 Tofonto, Queen City fora | g O° Suaday, Nov. 18, Rev. F..E. Malti, | subscribed, or for example," $5 ner outs | Calf 'Skins, green... .. ;Pavis, Esten Vietor,, farmer, Utopia, Per-| into the same amount of the new loos te lige: daga test arcels i B.A, B.D, of Orillia will conduct anniver: |on a $50 bond: 'The Grand Trank Ratecc Bi Hose phic per bbl. .. mitted EIN Wood, farmer, Am discussed at the next meeting. " ay gpm a tis 'chiral red wal ate Company. will sndestaee: fo a that the uur (Manitoba) ' Turnbu! a T, Angus. -- --------- ri idress the 8. 8. at.3 p.m. ere wil instalments, as required by the Govern. | Bran, ton .. . -_'.. $40.00 | Permitted to fain. Of teac special music by the Choir. ment, "are paid, and will arrange to carry | . a Giioed, Lewis Hail, Scrhied BigHa, Tin 0 a Good Start ; ee ' 4 pg typ ae wee (aes a Claes Barrie, Tis los campaign for Canada's Vietory G.T.R.- and Victory Loan ee Diane de Sy Adee ror om an inter * g sy -21¢|. Sutton, John Rex, farmer, Shanty Bay. Loan was given un enthusiustic send-off on Montreal, Noy. 12--Howard G, Presi Ki : | alleen ib *|Permitted to firm. BAY Monday 'morning, under ths dineetion of President. of the-Grand Trunk Ralway Co Or orn, pied: ute 5 i y Robertson,. Bertred Garfield, farmer, of | very ehergetic 'committee composed of J. | ¢ "| has issued an appeal to all the officers and f colleétion: with tion. Tab Be jBrom, dnmer wi fame, Dilton, {Stam Ath crus wis "i heeds Sete |empoyen fhe E, nec | em felon wat uns. | own, James Ewart, , Adam. lth i : vis . ' : ea i Allowed totic, ee ao aetoettie ee organts: her sister, Mr. Jas. Hedge, Caroline St. | \ perigee an ms . Tt pe le Crile Fexessines Feosend st Thompeon, 'Fredwin, farmer, Stroud, Al-.| ed and was carried out in u very successful | After visiting friends in Virginia and | victory' Bonde' Sd cuigie' Ghar stages to any friends who'are not 4 fi : : , minner, ( At nine o'clock the clamor of thé church belle and the fuctory whistles announced | that the great campaign - was under Half an hour later « parade of the B.C.L Central, East Word and St: Mary's pupils | » Mr. und Mrs, Chus Cockburn went to the was formed 'at the Post Office and marched | Severn 'ast week to visit the former's fath- to the West Ward School: where they were | er, who. is quite ill. joined "by the pupils of the other two | William Taylor hus moved his fainily to Schools. As the children marched ulong the |Humilton. Fle "is now brakeman' on the sidewalk, the roadway was strung with » long procession of gaily decoruied motor cars, most of them filled to overflowing with huppy bunches of boys-and girls. The cars went as far. as the Burton Ave. Meth. odist Church. Op the return of the procession to the post-office, W. A. Boys, K.C., addressed, the children, who afterwards sung the National Anthem and gave hearty cheers for the: Vic- tory Loan before being dismissed for the day. Very satisfactory reports are made by the four canvassers who are working in. town, the Loan appéaling to investors both large and small. ; ; lowed 'to: farm, seribérs, $1.50 per year, Strachan, Wm. Geo., farmer, Oro Station | Allowed to farm, ji Effiott, Robt. Edwin, farmer, Allandale Allowed to. farm. Blackmore, Minor Dixon, Station. Allowed to farm, 'Strachan, Geo. Edward, farmer, Oro 'Sta: tion. Allowed to farm. 'Malcolm, Howard 'Henry, farnier, Bay. Allowed to farm. Packard; Wm. Jno., farmer, Shanty Buy. Allowed to farm, farmer, Holly. Al- Dyer, Geo. M. E., lowed to farm. |}. Campbell, Chas. Talmage, farmer, Holly, Allowed to farni. ~ MacLachlan, Samuel Irving; farmer, Al- Jandale. Allowed for domestic réssons, . Villiers, Thos, mason, Barrie. Till Class Discalled "Pemberton, Wri. E., farmer} Buy, till Clans 2°is"called Bishop, David Walter, mail carrier, Bat- rie, Till class 2 is called. Cox, Sidney John, farmer, Midhurst. Al- Hummilton, Miss Mary Culross has. returned home. : Miss E. E. Frulick of Minesing is visiting with her, sister, Mrs. E.'F. Wood, Cumber- land Street. # --_--_--_----_--_-------- . oie On Saturday, Nov..17th, we are startiig a series of Saving Sales and are going to put on sale every Saturday' a number of seasonable and useful..articleS. at special ' prices. ¥ : Read our advts. and Watch'eur windows. 'MEN'S LINED MITTS: ~ Horsehide' faced mitts, best quality stock, good. valve at' $1.50 farmer, Oro Opera House BARRIE Shanty important business, «Alonzo Haines, who has been in Mel | ville, Sask., for some time, has been trins- 'ferred to the office of the General Supt., G.TP., Prince Rupert;'B.C: . Lust week it was erroneously stated 'in this columi that Miss Gladys Firman was | | im the hospital with typhoid fever. Miss Nora Firman is the young lady in the hospital. P be : 'Why pay rent when W. C. Thompson -- 3 DAYS -- Beginning Thur., Nov. 22 | Matinee, Sat. 2.30 R.W. MARKS Shanty Cheesman, James~W. down, balance Cinss 2 is called. Gillen, Wm. Putrick, brakesman, Allan- landale. Exempt for domestic reasons. Watt, Allan Sinclair, farmer, Allandale No, 2, Allowed to,.farm. - Pringle, Hy. R., gardener, Allandile. 'ix. empt .fdr domes reasons. i Walkinshaw, W. Leslie, farmer, Angus. j Allowed to farm. all ent pounce to our putrons the latest Triangle | PAYNE ® small paym be: to le" yearly. Play. in. which Norma Talmudge appears. So 7 sa been reeeivel about |, One side of the pretty. beech avenue on | the Exsa Road just south of Allandale has 'heen removed to ihake way for the Hydro line, A number of other fine 'trees' that beautified the roads Have: been destroyed along. the route of the power line, The Kimicong Hint Club returned on flowed "to. farm, Speier |p you new brick hove with all the : Saturday only: $1.00 ; ' ; a ae . lye 8 Dyer, Arthur Edgar, farmer, Holly, Al Norma Talmadge latest convenienees,, centrally located: in ¢ 4 . -- arm: | Trunk Ry. by ! : y. lowed to farm, Ii is with great plemmare" that. we an /euling district of the-Grand Trunk Ry.-b COLD BLAST LANTERNS » clerk, Barrie, 'Till ' Presents May Bell Evéry one worth #1 Saturday: 90c. _ "LANTERN GLOBES Kither long or short, worth regular 43e. cae many inquiries he the appearance of this popular star that we feel assured 'that the announcement of her picture will be gladly teccived by many. "Fifty-Fifty" is the title of thix Triangle Play which critics have deolared to be the best in which Miss "Talmadge hus appeared. --Dreaml ind, Mon, and' Tues, Nov. 19-20 18 ~ Turnb: b - jaturday from Barnesdale where they had ; Al towed te teen On farmer, Angur. Al] Tcal Prices |i plendid outing and secured. thels. fall : Saturday: 9¢., or 3 for 26o. Eliott, 'Wim. John, furmer, Angus, . Al- oie Won SaEn. complement of deer which are very plenti- - - v 4 lowed to. farm. ful this season. They werit into their camp . * ry : eee bd ar GABE trek wmtele Angee, Rin as near eaeneecet? HH GY% IN. BLADE ENGLISH BUTCHER KN: ; ; : Lempt for domestic reusons. - Nov.-8 25 $9 their "'bag" wax 'one buck over 300 Iba, : Gabd tale tat Behe: : ) Hughes, John Francis, carman, Allandale: ry 33 9 Ce bea 'Saturday: 260. each < ee et pence t 5 + and the Exempt for domestic reasons, 10.. 37. a 2 . seh at ameckling, Ralph Herbert, farmer, Guihsie | 11 30 i? 09°") CHURCH ANNIVERSARY. |} ------------ ; ' | Allowed farm. 12 32. 45 . 4 . 5 4 } : . ales (Andrew, Shanty. Bay, fariner, rr) 26 8 SERVICES ' : HANDLED AXES : : Ne 'empt to farm. . 14 26 5 : " i ae % | Marks Br 0S Huret Wi. Orchard Wallace, farmer, --W. H. BUTTERY | In Burton Ave. Methodist Which we conidn't replace 'at near! the price : e Craigvale, Exempt to farm. Allandale : : ---- we are offering them 'at. Al -with Hickory. Martin, Jno. James, farmer; Midhurst, | Read The Examiner Adlet Column. ane bs : with Hickory ay % Regular $1.50." Selling iebede TL soi, terme; Angus, Ex. | eae | SUNDAY, NOY. 18, 1917. ! Saturday: $140" empt to farm, 'Ross, Jobn Alex, farmet, Oro Station ugmien, James, farmer, Barrie RMD. | , | Bell, Geo. Nicol, farmer, Barrie R.MD Lennox, James 'Darcy, farmer, Painswick. Exemptions Class E Those Exempted until Class E is Called Canieron, John Judge, 'farmer, Oro Sas Stevenson, 'Gordon Mcl.., bank clerk, Barrie. 5g le Dawe, Edward R, male niirse, Allandale. Pew, Melville, farmer, Angus. Sutton, Robt. Joba, farm laborer, Mid- Froser, Jos. Lister, Allandale, Exempt to remain at present émployment. Christoukos, Peter, cork, Barrie. Not a British subject. Z Wice, Earl Eldred Clarence, farmer, Bar- rie, R.M.D. Exempt to farm. : Exemptions Category B Thoge Exempted unti] Class B is-Called Gosney, 'Clayton, clerk, Allandale. 4 Wright, Fred.-Ralph, farmer, Stroud. MoCullough, James Roy, farmer, Lefroy. Williaznson, N--S., CPR. operator, Caiap Borden. Dramatic Co. ina Repertoire of Selected Plays... | Yanderil Between Acts Hammers: have: inereased- 100% in price in the last year,-yet we are going to offer a good hammer on Saturday at 40c. each . jurst. Love, Fred. Jamés,. farmer, Shanty Ray. Fe 8, Beats, Rugman, Geo, farmer, Barrie 'RMD. 'Night Prices: an Wel RS tote Ge ba eqfttberand, 3. "Wil, booker, ae : : Shove a aia at Sciam' ato Sa EO ie ty Walker, M..Emerson, bank clerk, Barrie, Caldwell, Fred. Albert, farmer, Shanty aldwell, Herbert Drury, farmer, Shanty anon, James Alvin, silesinan, Wor- Arnie. "Awrey, Elmer LeRoy; - CPR, - agent, | Fraser, Gordon, farmer, Guthrie... g Exemptions Class C is Those Exempted until Cliss'C is Called Z é Caldwell Norval G., farmer, Shanty Bay Hiley,: Frederick, G.T.R. malian, Al Gallery, 1l-cts,; Balcony, ; | 22° ets.; .Ground Fioor, 32 cts., afty seat. ae Colwell.» Bonney, Geo. Herbert, fariner,. Crown 4H Tacks Saaer Water : Rave shanty | Hil, E a 'i i | ' PRICES: 1é and 2% : Geo. 8, iniurance agent, Bar So Sent pees ok Bar| ae ea | ICES : i Geo. 8., J |. BURWELL Li : i, _PRICES ean 2 aepincerty srg aay ree A, saben clef, Barrie. | Barrie.

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