Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1917, p. 9

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- The Canadian's Favorite. Universally acknowledged the Leading Piano. 'Cost alittle more to buy, but is life-long in satisfaction. We a sole agents for Barrie and on easy terms of payment Wepalso. keep in-stock the following: Columbia Grafanolas ' Pathe Phonographs Brantolas and Mandel Electric Machines All of the above are squipped to play all kinds of records and no needles to. change. A small payment.down and the balance in monthly payments will secure one of these _ for your home. The largest stock north o! Splendid stock of COLUMBIA, PATHE AND VICTOR RECORDS, Music on both sides, 85¢ up. We invite you'to call at our new up-to-date Music Store. Make Your Money Fight~Buy Victory Bonds Garrett's Music Store Phone 259w [News from. Neighboring Townships As Told by Our Correspondents CUNDLES Nov; 7---Wesley Soules of Nor Bay is visiting his. parents 'here. 'Mrs. E, Moffatt of Toronto, who visited Cundles for hér -health this summer, died jn Toronto 'lest week, C, . Moffatt' 'and 'Mrs. Moffatt attended the -funeral. : Several Cundles members of L.0.E. No 452 'attended the funeral of their late 'bro: ther, R, Buchenan, on Tuesday. ; STROUD The remains of Mrs, Lucy M. Huggard. who .died in: Victoria) Hospital, Wwinnipts, were brought' to Stroud on Thursday and interred -in the family plot, Besides, her 6m, with whom 'she resided, she le |OPERA HOUSE 'Monday and Tuesday -November 12th and 13th Evelyn N esbit gnd her Son Rossel T Thaw Draima of - Life: Depic- "ted with Relent- less Truth 'A wonderful moral lesson fearlessly drawn fromrthe heart ofagreattragedy | ", | PRICES-Balony, all Seats 16. Ground Floer, allSeats 27c. stshow7.15 sharp 2nd show at 9.00 peaks hist eomeerinemiembieh Ars COMING Nov. 19 and 20, 'Sphe most Sensational of Photoplays - 'The Masque of Life' } H{ phoid germs. ee sooual ieting of the! recent" the vicinity. Discount for cash or f Toronto to choose.from. "P. O. Box. 178 as daughter and two. sons, one of whom, hus been in France since the beginning of the war. Deceased was the daughter 'of the late Robert Wilkinéah, one of the pioneers of Innisfil, | sy | Ivy Nov. 6---Rev, W. F, Carpenter of Horn- ing's Mills has been renewing old scquain- tance here, Hallowe'en 'pissed off 'very-quietly. A few of the: boys were out hunting up some pies. The Orangemen marched to -- Christ Church on Sunday.. morning and listened to a very\inistructive sermon by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Dew. A meeting of the: United Farmers of On- | tari was held in the hall on Monday night when a lot of business was done, A num ber from Thornton attended. Qur sick are.all on the way to "heal;h. Some of the wells in this part' have been condemned by the M.O.H. ax having ty- UTOPIA |} Nov. &:--A number from here attended the Orunge service in the Anglican Church, Ivy, on Sunday morning last, and report having heard. a very impressive sermon preached by Rey. T. J. Dew. "Cy Arnold, Mrs. J. Beckerton and Mr. and Mrs, W. MeCumr motored to Pains- wick' on Sunday last to attend the anni- versary in -St, Paul's Church and spend | part of the day with Mr McCann's sistér, | Mrs. J. Brown, who resides there. ' On Thursday' last 'a "young aviator 'was passing over here when the engine of his aeroplane gave him 'trouble!' He simed at 'latiding' in one 'of John Miller's fields, but unfortunately was not able to go s0 far ant! came down, in the lane unto 4 pile 'of rails, The machine was wrecked but the-pudet miraculously escaped with a few }| cuts and bruises wid a nervous shock: "Mr, 'and 'Mrs, "H, McCann motored to Beeton recently. | The Seventh' Line contributed for this mgath's donation, cash, W.. Dempster, Sr.; friends. Mrs, Wm, Miller; Sr., bas' returned after visiting" Orangeville, 'Alliston and Toronto ' friends, ' is visiting Barrie LEFROY Nov. '5.--The convention of the auxil: iarjex of the W.M.S. of 'Bradford district, held on Oct: 31, in the Methodist Church, was well attended. All the addresses were well worth hearing -and the music was much enjoyed. The, auxiliary of Cherry Creek, at whose invitation the convention was held, provided, refreshments after the iternoon session px Btella Ardill of Toronto spent a fw days in the village. /-Mrs, Angus King and family of Keswick were: guests at-I, Morton's of Sunday W. Wilson spent a day with his' sister, Mrs; H. Grose, Mrs, Cunningham of Minesing has: re- turned. to her home after a short visit at the home-of her father, Mr. Smith. "Mr. and Mrs. Nosh Grose are visiting relatives-in' the city, Mr, and Mrs, Corbett junday with. Mrs, Sheldon. F. Rogerson returned- to his work Cundles on Moniiy. Miss S. King is the- igeant et Miss M. Toda. James Allsn of Barrie spent Friday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. T. Batemdn 'attended the and son spent at funeral: of the late Mrs, Martin of Brad-|* ford on Saturday. The Union Sunday School held its an- nual: meeting on Thursday evenitig in the Methodist Charch. The officers are. as fol- lows: Supt., R.- Stewart; Sec.-Treas., T. Buchanan; . organist, "Mrs, Ivan Grose; Teachers, Mre. Bateman, I. Morton, Mrs. McTellan, Miss Sloan, Mrs. Tebo, Miss Reid and Miss Tomlinson, 'Mi, and Mrs. Ira Morton of 'Keswick, | brother Burrows, [every success. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Fuitborn and Mr. snd | * alii an Ser ae "fev. and Mre,,Beynon of Thoraill ae 'Mrs. Stone. favorite hymns of the child were sung: Gon forget the /Thornton Methodist ; THORNTON . yureh Anhiversary(on Nov. 18, when Rev. "Kitching, Jean Boake; Clarice McKensi "Noy. &--Miss Margaret Bice (nurse) The. flowers were here with her mother, has 'returned to re- sume her duties in Philadelphi Mrs. Benj.-Stosof Allandale is the guest of her niece, Mrs, G. B. Henry, for couple of weeks. 'Miss Flora Dutcher is visiting for a few days. with her cousin, Mrs. J. W. Merrick. Miss Gertrude Foster spent over Sunday. with friends in Toronto. Mr. and: Mrs. Lou. Stewart entertained a r of their friends to a fowl supper last Monday night. After supper games and dancing were mucn enjoyed, "from the public 'school. To' the with friends, in diffrent parts of the States. Death aghin claimed one of the sweetest | flguesiviton cur hast ate pees of| Oe Thelme Grose, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Grose, in het 10th. year, Thelme thed been ill with typhoid fever for a few weeks and\gbout Thursday. was. operated 'on for appendicitis, but all that medical | on' skill and human aid could do was: of no avail, Her Master wanted to transplant J.D. Stewart has' purchased the store |her from this world to a better one, De- and contents from 'Tomlinson Bros. und cessed"was s member of the Thorntdn will start work for himself in, the very |Methodist Sabbath School and was without near future. He will be assisted by his|a doubt one of the most perfect little girls All. wish Mr, Stewart |one could find, Her-little friend. will miss her in the Sabbath School and' also' in the His many friends are pleased to sée Alex. |day.scttool. In the home there is a vacan- Stewart able to be out for « short wall-{cy that can never be filled, The funeral after being confined to bed for. a number |was a very large one and the service held of weeks avn result of a broken collar|in the home. was conducted by Rev. Mr. bone. * ; Kitching, who spoke from the words, 'In Williard Stewart of Toronto spent s day |My Father's House" (Jobn 14:2). | The "ANGUS ov. 4--Mrs. Alfred Clarke and Vera are visiting. at Mrs, David McMa | Miss' Jean TarBush. attending. the funeral of his father. Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Plaxton .of Collis wood spent a few days. here. at his home' here. Mrs,.Blevins of Lambton Mills is visit ber' riother, Mrs, "Edger. Thos. McKinnon, who has been in Barrie hospital SE OI GREAT § 15 DAYS ONLY {This sale wili only last fifteen days. It Will begin Friday, November 9th, and will glove Saturday, November 24th, Be sure tur to get in on these bargains, as this will be th» only chance this fall. Economy Store Cudmore's Old Stand, Two. Doors East of FRIDAY, NOVE "1917, inn WILL CONTINUE FOR 15: J. Wallace 'Stewart of Weston will preach. 'Elsie Carr, Reita and Violet McDonald. The. very beautiful, among the numerous wreaths and sprays being one }from.the Thornton Sunday School and one jbroken' parents and friends the very. sin- cerest 'sympathy is extended in their great. Miss Webster of. Callander is visiting Rev. J. A.-Leece was 'at King last week | Hatvey Crippe of, Orillin spent Sunday \ Robt, Redfern is home for a few days. for some time, died on Sat: urday. The:body waa brought to his home the Flats-on Saturday and the funeral were thize, "Jesus, Lover. of "My foul" wat beld un Moudsy, frost bis reddence 'Nearer My God-to Thee,"' and "Safe In )Brentwood R. C...Cemetery. : the Arms of Jesus." 'The pallbearérs were' Mrs. Neil: ttle friends of Thelma and were Ruth Tuesday. to visit her daughier, Mrs, W went . to. Toronto - zie, Hurst. BIG BAY POINT Nov. $A very. successful Hallowe'en' Party was. held in the school house' last rednesday night. under the auspices of she GlR. Sewn, Club, A program which of 'speeches, games, 'contests and foetaoe Helliig' ya witch seas given, after which Iunch was serv Miss Marie Jobbitt is visiting friends in Thornton. Mise Edith Fennell is visting Mise Em- | ma Fennell. Mrs, Herb. Fennell of ick- is visiting: friends here. 5 Misc Sadie Smith spent the | week-end | with: Mrs. HI. B.:Armstrony Miss Leola McDonald visited friends in Allandale Inst week. : Congratulations: to Mr, and Mre. T- Mul: " |lén-on the arrival of @ cauehter. NE) Qiite a number from here attended St. Paul's Anniversary on Sunday. "Threshing is the order of 'the: day. George: Webb and E. Guest left on-a ng: | the ADVICE 'We honestly state that the goods.we 'are Offering st this Great Sserifice Sale could not be purchased today from the matiufec- rors at the prices we have them marked, and the prices! of goods are increasing daily Here. is -your golden opportunity, to econ- omize, so get inyon these marvellous: bar- ins and stock ap forthe future Market, Barrie BER 9th DAYS = 'This will be the;most tremendous sale in the history of this Great Bargain Store and no person -can afford to be deaf to the genuine bargains offered at this Great Sale. Thousands of dollars' worth of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and General Dry Goods will be put on sale away below cost,' in. many instances 'half of the actual value. ( Such values were only-made possible because this sale 'was prepared for many months ago. We can say without fear of contradiction, tha 'such another opportunity when. this sale is over. Big 'lot of Ladies! House Shoes, Boys' 'Rubbers Children's. Rubbers regular 75e and 98e Lot of Ladies' Boots, small sizes only, go ates... sey0+ 4 "150 _pairs of Ladies' High Cloth' Tops, Patent. or Gun Metal Button Boots, "Yegular $3.50 and $4.00. Extra special....<2 s-<.++ apded ate gligtaia $1.98 36 pairs Dongola Boots, regular $3.50, to go at - 50 pairs of heavy Gunmetal Boots, all solid'leather, great value st inh eee Men's Overalls, well made, with- bil Ladies' Embroidered ' Waists, 'regula Lot of Men's Heavy Boots go, at 100' pairs' Men's Black and 'Tan Working Boots, solid leuther, double soles, with toe cup, regular $4.50 and $5.00...,-. ; tyocys RM Men's' fine Kid Leather. Boots, regular $3.50 and $4.00 Another lot of high: gradé"Leather Boots, most.are leather lined Boys' Girls' Men's Rubbers go at..../. .-. Boots, regular Boots, laced and buttoned, regular $2,98, Special Bargains' in Stockings. Ladies. Rubbers .. prices, t you will never have - Heavy' Lumbermen's Rubbers "all reduced, Hegel Men's. Rubber, Collars, regular 250 each, go at 9c., - Men's Police and Duplex Suspenders, re 3 for 28¢': gular "35¢ Ige iy aes asceee CARs oe eae 98 r $1.25 and $1.50 Ladies' Heavy Black Satin Underskirts, regular $1.50 Big lot. of Sweaters for Men, Wonien snd Children, ; all prices reduced, from. : ... « Bae. to $3.98 45, Ladies' and Men's Raincoats, all reduced, from Immense quantity of pure wool Lumbermen's Sox at Jes thin, manufacturer's Store will be closed for re-marklisg the prices during Wednesday aad Thursday, the. "37th and 8th of November, and wil: re-open on Friday, November sone at 9 am. a tare ee Mr, and Mré, Nelson-Morton of Holly, N. ¥., and Mra. Wm. Hinds spent '= 'couple 'of days at the home of 1. Morton: ne DO v@pR SHOPPING OUT OF THE HIGH RENTAL DISTRICT,

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