fe q igi? ™ _ whom grudusted this year, the gold' medal * Ontario Govt. Grant .. Expenditures - Bank overdraft, 1916... $32.58 Meat, fowl; fish, bacon . +. 892310 Butter and, eggs... 1054.39 Flour, -bresd and meal. 598.67 Milk 521.48. Potutoes and other vegetables. 700.89 Groceries and firovitions not en- umierated S. 2. y/ ie ++ ++ 1896.95 Drugs and inedicined «388.91 Medical und surgical 'appliarices » 566.42 Surgical instruments. . 9335 - Bedding; napery snd housefurn- ishings .. 610.23, Brooms, brushes, mops, "cteaing 21828 Light--Oil and candles .. .. 225.01 Fuel--Coal, wood, gis .. 3627.52 : bo spel A 1g 'alaries. .. 4150.35 'Taxes ud snsuranc 161.90 gencies . 474 48 Repairs, dsdinary .. see 897.01 extraordinary, -- altera- Hons, additions, .. : 15.00 Power, 'for -elevator 89.06 Discharging nfortgage Bae 582.90 #1882776 is still, i force: wt the HVE. © inctenved cost of all kinds of suppli-s the ~ tovhis Ipaving the town and whose. ussist- Hospital. Board Was Re-elected WORK OF THE INSTITUTION WELL * MAINTAINED--ITS: AFFAIRS IN A © SATISFACTORY CONDITION. Aw usual, there was'a wery inal, attend ance at thé ganuut. meeting of the Royal Victoria H held in the Police Court Chambers, Tuesday afternoon: Very sat- "ialuctory reports bu the past. year's work were presented. AL-hough the . Hospital, Act was "amended some time ngo.permit- ting an increuse in public ward rates from $7.00 to $8.75 in keeping with the iner:as- ed cost of main'enance, the former rate In order to keep the institution ubreast of the pro- gress of medioal science considl:rable "new equipment will need to be purchased in the near future, Report of the Board The Board, in this, the twentieth en: nual statement, is plexed to. report that the -offairs of the Hospital are in » satis factory condition aud that in spi é of the Tronyurer's: statement shows good bal-| ance. 'The work of the Hospital ha@fbeen well maintained and 570 patients have been treated during the year, with an average number of 29 days per patient. and a to tal of 10,982 days | The 'Board must gain 1 ext ss ite great appreciation of. given by the. Wome of the Hospital and the Hospiral Sewing Club in the provision of linen und other necessar: | ies 'and in many other ways. The Superintendent, Assistant. Superin-4 tendent aiid Nursing 'Sinfl have renilered | their' customary good service to the Hox | pital in the faithful and efficient discharge of their duties 'The Board, w+ in previous years, "has to "thank the members of thé Medical Staff for: their sitendunice on indigent patients aud for ihe. valuable help givin, to the) Truininig School for: Nurses 'by the cou pf lectures given to the nury:s, five of being obtained by Miss E, C. McGregor. The graduating exercises took place on June 18th, and "were the ocedsion- of a | large gathering. 'The' Board records with great regrét the Joss sustained in. the death of the 'Rev, Dr. MeLeod, highly esteemed collesgue, one Of the original incorporators of the "Hos- piel and a member of the Board up to the time of his death. He was one of the amjost uctive und regular tembers and was interested in the welfare of the Hospital, 'and \his death was, a great, loss to' this inétitution and to the commun: ity ~at- large. "The Bourd bs also to deplore the loan Of*an 'esteemed member of the Medicil Stalin the person of Dr, J. Arthur' Ross, who for many -years had given valuable, ~awsistange to the, Hospital. 'The vacant seat on the Board was filled by the 'eléetion of 'the Rev, .W. H. Wal- Ince: Mr..A. J, Sarjeant was elected to the Board 'in place of Mr. J. R. Hambly, wifise. retirement was .necessitated owing ance-the\Board is pleased;to acknowledge. 'The building and equipment have. been hiaintained in good order, but the Board hus in contemplation the provision, of equipment: absolutely necessary to "iheet piodern requirements, and which will ne- cessitinte 'considerable expenditure, 'Treasurer's Statement ia - Receipts' County. of Simeoe +Gran Patients dy Mes Theoine, , from inveginent, \downients,,-ete, .. Subscriptions, # donations, Diessings,- operating room obstetiical fees j. 0 -. ++ Outside mursing . 'All other sources .. 6. + "cash Ourrent Assets and Lipbilitice oar, Town | F Barrie, 350.00.| " 'Amount due by Govt, Te eth Battalion . Amount -due by 'Govt, te 177th Balance surplus' . wdme a4 Inet: year, with an ance of twelve. meetings and one wperjal held. datiig the The work consisted of making 108 sheets, 88 night gowns, -46 pillow cacel,| unon thee military" Benedt to 100 tray clothe, 5 table cloths, 94. tuble wh f napkins, latge number of towels, and 12 pairs' of, slinpers, 30° counteryune:, 100 tiraw sheets, aking. total. of over .500 articles smade daring the year? ti The officers are:--Hon. (Continued on page 4) year. Women's Auxiliary The Wonien's 'Auxiliary er year's successful - Follows 'Events Here ported andth- on Canadia work, There were ten pri Act was spassed by. 'Parliament' here. the ada of the Military 'Service Act. " Exper ign of. strengtheniig Mr. noted with . ¢ Huns. 'or weakeri Pres, fg _ Ottawa, Oct. 20--A newspaper found on | German. prisoner who was. taken by the | local showdom is scheduled for. the Barrie | $2542! janadiana on' the Western front recently |Grand Opera House, Tuesday night onl [shows how close a watch the Huns keep The paper. contsined It bas twenty---a news desp: 'purporting to. come from one members at present, being- about the Ottawa, which 'told of the passing of the rage aitend- ' Military S:rvice Act just two days after the This little "discovery is regarded here ne & proof of the importance Germany places Allies which will flow from the adoption by Can- ietice has proved that Germany is «close , observer of enemy countries and that-every -trouble maker arrives at the Mutt. and the keenest interest by the attempt at 0 gateway, with Mutt and Jeff -- "The biggest. la spot of the year. in Nov. 6th, when "Mutt and Jeff's Divorce' the newest Bud' Fisher cartoon musical comedy will' let loose- its infinit® variety of ludicrous situations. " Mutt and -Jeff are the storm centre of a divoree'tangle in the new piece. A baby-faced' woman causes trouble between the long and short pair and their wives. It's all on: account of 8 lot of money the Fisher Boobs are to re. ceive for undertaking the guardianship of | the young woman, who ix an. heiress. The first act. is scarcely under way when the to-dat Broadway's. best: Mail orders now. is| Jeff camp,' After thet, it's a free-for-all headed off 'at every corner. The produt- | Why does Canada Raise _ Money: by Selling fie | Bonds? BONDS « are issued payable i "the case may. be. in five, ten or twenty. years as £ It means that repayment -of the money will be. spread over five, ten or twenty years instead of being raised by taxation to nfeet' current expe nditures. To. raise by taxation all,the money as fast as it is needed to carry on Canada's share in winning the war, would be an unbearable burden upon the people. It would mean that more than a million iieibele a day would have to be raised right But to raise money by selling Canada's Victory Bonds means that - those of the next generation who will benefit by the sacrifices this genera- tion is making, --who will share in-the freedom this. generationis fighting. for and largely paying for--will also pay their share. ; aa ee kk And when you buy Canada's Vic- tory Bonds you 'make a first-class business investment in a security that is absolutely safe, likely. to enhance in value after the war, and bearing a .good rate of interest. You help the country by keeping _. open the British market for Canadian products and this helps the general welfare in which you share.. ok * * : And again, every Canadian who ~ buysa Victory Bond becomes a finan- cial partner or backer of Canada in the war. -- When You buy a Victory Bond , Buy Canada's now. 'you give a personal pledge: that you are going Every 'man and woman in Canada can help to win the war by buy-- ing Canada's Victory' Bonds: And Canada needs the personal, individual interest 'and co-operation of every. man and woman in the country.. The buying of Victory Bonds by everybody will unite the whole people in a determination to win the war: "Every purchase of Victory. Bonds is a blow for freedom against the tyranny. of German Kultur. ' Eyéry bond sold 'is a new guaran- tee that Canada is in the. war to the finish, until victory is with the Allies and the world has been' made safe to live in. Every bond you "buy. i is a new. 'pledge that Canada will remain true: 'to herself, the Empire, the Allies. and to freedom's cause. = So it is: both aaeend and good 'business to : Victory Bonds. 'Next week this space will tell what a Canada Seas help to win the war. . tion comes here with the furore approval of Broadway, the two Fisher scamps being | voted more abeurdly grotesque than ever. A spécial feature of this year's produc-| tion is the extreme tunefulness of the new score and the-catehy character of the up- dance .and chorus ensembles. "The costuming is described as exquisite through- out and the scenic equipment equal to This is the No. 1 Big City Co., the sme cast, chorus and production seen in Tor: onto and will stop at Barrie en route to Oct. |Detroit and 'Chicago, Gus Hill's guarantee goes with every ticket. A. F, A. Maleomson's, Saturday, Nov. 3, Seats on sale st Extra copies of The Examiner on sale at all local bookstores' and at this office. x Barrie Red Cross is 8th in Ontario ONLY 14: BETTER BRANCHES'IN ALL _CANADA--VALUE. OF MATERIALS" INYEAR'S SHIPMENTS, $10,873, 'The unnual meeting of the. Barrie" Branch of 'the Canadian Red Cross 'so 'ety "wis held, on 'Thireday , "afternoon, 25, in' their rooms on Dunlop' S: and was well attended, over eighty being present: Comment -and 'discussion were very sparse, everyone feeling that the af- fairs of the Society were being run ss economically -and 'smoothly as possible, as the splendid reports of the -yeur's work amply 'showed, - This' was aléo evidenced in. the re-clection of all the old officers | unanimously, ~ : "|, Mr. Porritt, Chairman. of the Execu- tive, commented. on the loss of two very faithful friends of the Society since Inst gineeting, Rev. Dr: McLeod and Mrs. G, W.. J. Eastman, Referting 'to: the sub- scriptions to the Sdeiety he ~ ssid that some of the .monthly conttibutors had "fallen by" the wayside" and hoped others {would come forward. to take: their' places. More :people, he thought, could be indiced to take out w - Life 'Membership eannot all il aid Mr, Porritt; " me -cati surely purchase, a Red Crosa ~As far as the work is. concerned, {instead of people -being' weary of it. thers seBms to be a spirit of emulation, "He referred is" ulso did' the President, to 'the splendid 'work doni by the country -auxile iaries-both in quantity and quality. . The peopl should vslo be 'coghizunt of the." faithful work done "by the officers, "espeo- inlly: the. 'Secretary. and Book-keepers. - Mr. Porritt suid that although 'here was not a large cash balance; there wae s splendid stock "of material» on hand to prosecute 'the work throughout the. winter months. All most of us know about the war is what we read' in the newspapers, but; he thought: many of us sould: soon he made ty realize what 'it 'mean Some were doing their utmast- so that « wounded ones may not sufier urinecessaril but: he would 'like to see a "cu'ch-your- pal'? spirit ax. well as doing wir utmost ourselves, Rov." Mr. Raymond. spoke' appresiatively. of the work. 6f the Society und. how is revgrded by the townspeople, and referred to Mr. -Porritt, who, | he worked night: and say, winter ind mer, 'for the cause, The. Président's report, ax well: as tha of the Secretary and -Treusurer," we give below in full. : Thé: officers. ure --- President--atis.. 11. Ast Vice Follett M.. Shanaey lent--Mrs. iJ. FL Ji ickson, Tiss May) Livingston FO A Malconisori. Book-keepers---Mrs, F. R. "Porritt," Mes, DH. Muely Bxecutive--F, R,.Postitt, Chairman, anid two tmemibers fron eat: church 1 to b Pointed by the ifierent. pastors, : After' ihe: busines -of the meeting had been coinpleted,. the 'Soldiers' Aid soqved refreshnients said, surhe * durwedd.. bi + President's Address Riek In: looking' over, the | report," which ¢ it was my! privilege ux president of- the Barrie. Branch of the-Uanadian Red -Cross Bociety. to make to. you last year, I find this sentenes; "I féel 'sure that cin the, months that' aré to-come there will be no falling' off in the work'so that next October the Barrie Branch 'may be able--if the mec- essity' iv still as great--to repiort "still bet- ter yeur in 1916-17." I'need 'hardly tell vou that this expectation: bus been moré than realized. 'The necessity- i, unfortunately | as great if not much grenter and the people-«: Lof- Barrie. are helping nobly 'to. meet the , cull. The value of "our sbipments last yeur ihe' value "if our shipments for the year just closed, always rerarmber- ing that they ufe computed' on. the setual value of materials only} is $10/873.76.-The - value of our shipment: in- September, 1914, the.first year of war, wae $123.00; in Sep- ember, 1917, the shipment resented sini, expenditure' of 3160440; At the'same time Fwould like to draw your attention to the - fgct that many of our materials -huve al- -| host doubled' in pricé and although much care is exercised in the buying, our local * merchants doing their best to meet 'our neéds, still unless the giving of money this '| year is on a still more generouis scille, the 'women 'will be 'unable to increase or even -10 sustain the same-armount of work which * we have done in the Jsst twelve months. I know the demands at this. time 'are great and all the. piitrjotic work: that is 'being done is needed, but -after- all, whatever else. hot.-fet our wounded men 'be the ones to' fall short.: spon eentey neat whieh "nvust |"