Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1917, p. 11

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' it- surely -Wilk he "is Something ver: _|high food value Advertisement S 'may induce you to try the first pa but we rely absolutely on the inimitable flavour and quality to make you a permanent customer. We will even offer to give this first trial free if you will drop us a postal te Toronto. Bila. "THE CHARM 'OF GOOD TASTE straight line. The materials are 18 ALWAYS SIMPLICITY j Usually velvet or duvetyn, in any ofthe soft shades of the present Simplicity Plus Charm sare. slogan of "American Fa- Teresi a k of breathless| Shions" has brought out some ieee [eo King .of breathless yonderdulip: inlersatiae thoes a battle of Ure ; jIndeed, there is no, réason. why the battle of the busile and the| [decd. there Pe perc Woo! Trimmings Make Debut ew York,.Oct. 20, 1917 straight silhouette. . Today, one e s is sure thal the long skirt and} Ot be the best judges of the tunic, in other words. the straight|St¥les most becoming and - ap- sillfouette, is | {riamphan to- | Propriate 'to. American w Iman. The slightly fitted wi morrow, there may he seen Bo nat unlike the fst form. of the many charming examples of the bustle. frock, both: on' the street and on the stage. thatione thinks ecepled. How- at the present: moments, the one-piece dress and... the frock wilh the Jong -tanic sedin to be the favorites 7 | On thé stage, to be sure, the bustle is most attractive. There i graceful alyout the fall/of soft inaterials in. pléats oy drapery, whether it he at the siie or in-dhe hack. -Sashes,-too, are used. to obtain this effect, thas, slightly = breaking .. the eve Y a 805., Semi-Fitted Dress of Velvet "[basdue, hax a when combined with the tunic {hat is longer in the front than '|the back, and -the ankle-length Kirt. I-is truly fhe costume of the lady, and the illustration here shows some of the newest featur- es of this style. The points of the waist are' weighted -with balls and. chains in the form of amber heads. "The be tised in- stead of atie coming froin 'Jellies have .. Make as 'many as you can. They. will be worth a great deal to. you! next winter. foc "Pure and-Uncolored" for those, occasions', when "OR a ' wishes. to he particularly wel Pe tee eens treading <I Avemnad, wilhoul "having: (hat ssed-up" feeling. And Now Wool Trimmings * | -From Paris,' uncensored, comes the réport of something. new in the trimming' linet! The vogue for "knitting and "crocheting has revived so much' Interest in that interesting art 'that a new fad bas, sprung up. jel granulation makes success easy. 2and5-Ib 10,20 and 100-Ib- cartons 'sacks 339 . Ask your Grocer for. Won't Shrink Woollens Because it's Different Here you have « preparation--tiny, satin-like - wafers of 'the purest essence of that actu- ally, makes woollens as fresh and light and fleecy as when new. : Socks and 'stockings--sweaters and. sweater coats--white flannel suits--underwear---blankets . - --all-come out of the ote LUX bath-absolute- + jy' unshrunken and: CLEAN. |. (Get a package, the directions, it willbe good news if you want your woollens to last. ; British made, by h Lever Brothera 'Limited - "Teronte | #0 | piquant, charm] Wool trinimings' are | extent allowed by used On eyerythin: simple serge dress the more elaborate . afterno costume. There 'are bands for hats, belts, Sailor collars and cuffs, all in shades. soft or brilliant, as' the occasion' demands. These trim- mings are even, in some cases, supplanting the use of fur on suits and coats. Shaw! collars made of angora or brushed wal, are considered very modish..Ball from the WAR MENUS "Wheat, Beef and Bacon for ront:' Issued from the : @ Food Controller Canada. FOR SUNDAY Breakfast Corn Miakes | ° Milk Toast Jam Tea or Coffee ,\Dinner Beef Loaf ed Potatoe: 'Tea Tomato Salad Brown Bread War: Cake The recipe for War Cake, mhen- tioned above is as follow War Cake-- 4 tablespoons dripping % cup sugar % cup, milk K 1-cup Hour 4 cup. graham flour 2% teaspoons baking powder {-teaspoon cinnamon 4 teaspuuntul 'cloves 1 tablespoon molasses 1 egg Mix Sugir, dripping, beaten egg and molasses. Add to the flour the baking powder and spices.Add the mulk aud tlout alternately. to the first) mixtu Bake thirty {minutes ini a shallow pa (Recipes by Domestic Science perts. of Fyod Controller's Qf- | fice). , | ee | - MENU FOR MONDAY Breakfast jCornmeal Porridge | Milk Sugar | Toast Marinalade Tea or Coffee Luncheon Baked Potatues Brown Bread trimmings, crocheted. in colors, and round bright lat flowers of | wool embroidery, ean be used |, Bake aes ts i both for hats and dresses, Just |COddled Apples Butter Tea think how smart you can be, with | Dinner if} Roast Multun Polatoes Beets n/Apple aug Bread Pudding with : Milk and Sugar The revipes for Brows Bread very little effort on 'your part you can knil or crochet and ¢ spare the tine fr the dull-irey | and olfve-dralr sweatets you are | turnings. out by the wholesale for] and Appie and -Bread Puddin the sailor and soldier hoys! The{ mentioned above, "are as fulluow: work Boos quickly and is ploas-|aeowiy Bread: ant. besides being so very effec. {°"y cup rye n [ave | 4 cup granulated' cornnieal 4 Cup. graham. flour 1% teaspoons-soda 1 teaspoun sall Ye cup mulasses 1 3-4 cups sweet milk Of What is Oleomargarine Made? Now that we are eon tu he! feasting on butterine it bee mes of Titerest to-know of what the Unitalion ,is egmposed. | Cover-elusely aud steam There' is no settled fornula| Apple and Bread Pudding fur making oleu.~Even the sanie|" Into a greased baker manufacturer may change his layer of sliced apples. formula from time 'tu and|with sugar and cinnamon. vary the 'ingredients ding |add a layer of buttered to prices and ease of obtaimng crumbs, Brown itt oven. them. . % - P) 5 i ae ' Recipes by Domestic Science Consil General Listoe of Rot-| "Ryders oF the Food Controll- | tepdam gives some. interestifg er's Office facts whieh have been published ; put ai Sprinkle hen | bread | at Washington. We quote,a few | . i IFSDA extracts. from his repor | PNG FOR TUBEDAY Practically all vegetable . oils Breakfast | and animal fats can be jused in| Creamed Toast "Friéd Cornmeal! the manufacture™ of margarine. | Mush ! long as the-legal requirémonts) Milk Sugar, Tea or Coffee are complied with, great freedom Luncheon is given to mianufacturers. Chur- ners frequently change their for. | SUced Tomatues Fried Polatues War Bread Plum Preserve |mulas according to market prices Tes | Season of 'the year, and the quan- Di lilies of raw materials available. sDeOe Deodorizing machinery has-been | Baked Heart of. Beef Potatoes Turnips Tea Biscuits Baked Apple, > The recipes for War. Bread and Baked Hear! of Bgef, mentioned above, foll:-- War Bread-- 2 cups boiling. water rine {-3. ¢ molasses from cotton! , "46 "tpaspoon salt Peanuts, © pani' kernels, | {° tablespoon. dripping grape yeed, linseed, kapox, seed.| 4_2° yeast cake dissolved in and-cogvanuts. The following! - 472 up luke-warm water are among the abimal fats gen 1 cup rolled oats or oatmeal erally used' in the iWanusactu 41-2 cups flour of margarine: Uleo vil, oleu stock |" Add boiling wate lallow, neutral' lard; imitation | ie jt -xtund one hou neutral lard, butter 'and' milk, | acces, salt. butter, di Salt water is always 'mixed with! cake and flour, 't tise, bear the 'Various ingredients. Unly oné| thoroughly, turn. into bidtered or two Dutch. factories use veg- pans, let rise again and bake. etable oils entirely, or to the full Baked Heavl of Beck law. The.inar-| Baste y Ev Fs 2 mnauG . is ;| Wash a beef heart, - reniove Barine Produced from vegetable | sins, aviertes, amd elated blood: oils is khown on the Dateh:imar- | Ceiee atrertes: apg. ket_as "plantenbote: lrowl "Eprinkle® The nuinbey. af ingr per. Put in a covered baker with {t jdeveloped in Germany. 'and "He land to an extraordinary degre {so that many ofls arfd fats which are not used elsewhere can be in- troduced without to oats and Add mol- olved yeast can be used-in the. 1 of margarine is g great that all parts ofthe world furnish. one | S10 sab product 'or-anothei, Coitunseed, fteen, minute: oil, for instance, issimiported. in-| (Recipes .by " Domestic to the. Netherlands,, principally oe ae sof the from the United States... Shortly| ler's Office). 4 before the war 'Engtish ofl from) incre asses EEG . mA Egyptian cottonseed became ~a|. MENU -FOR WEDNESDAY rather close competitor, The an- : Breakfast imal fats required by imargarine| Oatmeal Porridge Milk factories came principally from| Toast Marmalade' or La Plata Valley in South Am-|- "_ 'Tea or Coffee erica. 'The Uniled Slates' and| Liehesit Australia also send ome animal Gach Soup fats to Dutch port uring the napa j war imports from Australia have | Beet-Salad Bread and: Batten ceased, because of 'the export |Jely Oatedkes with Date Filling embargo 'which has been placéd Dinter upon such goods. Japan, China,| Beef Stew: with Dumplings India, and certain partgof Afri-|Baked Potatues Pumpkin Pie ca supply the-greater-part of the] The recipes-for Oafeakes with slowly two hours, basting every Science Sugar Jam oil-bearing seeds, with the excep-/Date- Filling ang. Pumpkin. Pie, |" tion of cottonseed and linseed metitioned above,-are as foliows: The Belleville Ontario. i Oatcakes with Date Fillinge-- , Make Oatmeal Cookies as follows, 3 cups flour 3 cups: oatmeal 3 1 cup beef dripping. --. < {-eup sugar 1-cup sweet. milk 4 teaspoon salt 4 level teaspoon soda + 2 level teaspoons cream of tar- tar. ; ' ' Red. Cross. Notes The regular meeting of Barrie Branch C,R.C.S: will be held Mon. Noy. 5, at 4 p.m, in the Red Cross. Rooms. Attendance of Executive, |' members and all interested is re- quested. ms. x Trinity Church had charge ot the shop on Sat., Oct. 27; net re- céipts,'$133.66, : 'On Sat... Nov. 3, Si Mary's Church will have charge and thé following Saturday, St. Andrew's Church. Sugary M ' Creamed Celery Squash. Pie | : Preserved. Fruit Butter Cocoa|'" th sali and pep-|4 cups boiling water and bake|4 Food Contrél= |} Roll: ihin and cook. Make the I ¥ egg (Recipes we didn't ers comes We. .have band. men. Shop Gommittee this week Mrs>}- King, Mrs:.McMartin; next week, Mrs.-Barber; Mrs. Jackson. _ Donations te skop-on Sat., Oct. 27:--5th Line Utopia, eash $3.00; |i Shanty Bay, 1% doz. bus; South | Tremain. Sup Line, Ivy, 4 doz. eggs, cash 60¢.| sale at, Wm. iN press wh ment of a men are, after all, quite as' fus: jas women about their appearance frequently over' the fact that wher a man 3 Vat-or-a suit of clothes he doesn't want his women folks around--but buys a frock er a Hat shecis al- ways giad to.have the company and criticism of-her son or hus- buys aera MEP It is hard to' beli ites by. Experts of" the. Foud ler's Offieo kne fr And. this is Bennett:say ished and kept the secret of his* inordinate vanity away » man-ha j following date filling:-- 1 Ib. da 41-2.cup sugar Juice of a deinen. Boil until thick, and-spread be- tween oatmeal cookies, Pumpkin -Pie-- y 41-2 cups steamed and strain- |r ed pumpkin 2-3 cups brown 1 teaspoon ginnamon 4 teaspoon ginger 4-2 teaspoon 'salt 4 cup milk Make a crust, put in filling: and cook in the oven until done Science Control- Domestic Masculine Vanity Are men vainer than woten? We have oflen\wonderei, aw actly: {we felt about it un- til Arnold Bennett told us in "The Meaning of Fracks" in-} Wosmiopolitan. Mr. Bennott claim haunted. lo when. a because, . The low cost ieve that a cup of good, rich tea only costs. about a fifth of a cent, but, ° you see, Red Rose consists chiefy of Assam teas--the richest, strongest teas' in the. world. Red Rose'easily yields 250 cups to the pound. And it's a tea of sugar and vember that K worn by haberdash- n the long-coneeal- terrible "sécret--that pondered woman' so Mr.' long-cher- McCormick's Jersey Cream Sodas [5 for her. table gets fall-value for her money. For, besities being a [RY yi] : - per cup' $1,500 an Acre Probably no erop grown in the garden is more profitable than onions." John..O'Brien, Beetou, had one-eighteenth under cultivation this of 900 bushels per has SBld 48 bushels ai § bag.» At this . and the obtaimed. b; . O'Brien, $1,500 would be 'realized. from an acre, --World For Women Only "Birth" '| Friday-Saturday, Nov. 9-10 the nient to SI -and Theatre district. OTT iilagreiynnnae ne ; alg) i f i) "RTT "diye light, easily-digested, s ~ The Allandale ook

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