Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1917, p. 10

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Tree _ Ring of Door Bell | i Frightened Her |switzer, « Times Miss Belind: ident of .Ori| J thirteen ye ied on We ' AN WA ' 'day, Oct. 47,in her 72nd ys mrs. PITMAN WAS 80 NERVOUS {ia}; Oct. ill forthe basttee, SHE WALKED FLOOR AT NIGHT FOR HOURS of a tervous breakdown when started on 'Tanlac, and it has n only restored my health but h added len pounds to my weight, declared Mrs. John Pitinan, wi of un employ ofthe Hobbs Man= for® thrée years wi 1 sixteen years, Wm. Switzer. fe ufacturing Co., Ltd., and living at road; Mrs, L. Jarratt,-Barrie road 143 Bruce St., London, the other day years :ago," sie continued, "ar I sutfered. terribly from nervou - indigestion. "For over -a-year could hardly retain .anything ale and most of the dime lived-on Edward, Barrie; Joshua, i A Big owl I) Recently D. MeKinnon who tiv- near Strongville, noticed some e. I f.his fowl were dead, with heads a diet of-malted-nink and eggs; @Dd necks torn to pieces. He im- wuylhing else nausedted me so couldn't keep it sie aigasing ss to de the feet. It was killed and was} .With a knowledge of the pre- pov came ti aa eEStsie Liound talew Glee ang Na sent outbreak 'of typhoid fever in slate that whenever the duor bell a "Cat Owl" ag it is often called./the Tp. of Rasa, the B.O.H. re- s rang it frightened me so that 1 It measured 64 inches fromi tip to quest that all residents imme- had it removed, and many a night UP of wings. diately without personal 'uotice, Was So unstrung thal 1 would; SS ia . erent to int purifying of their walk the floor until iy feet ached.| How Would You Like These Prices? | Several wells, curbs, or other re- I got worse in spite of everything |, A correspondent 4a the Beeton|ceplacles 'for water for -hotise- and-became too weak to do a|Warld quotes the prices paid on. hold or other public or private (iing about the house and 1 got|Cookstown market' in 1897 'as use; by ensuring tight covering, to the point- where I didn't know | follows -- -» a@ ventilating pipe and good and which way to turn. Wheat, white 50 to, .78/ sufficient drainage from the pump "By the time] haa usea up half Wheat, red .. 78 to .80}0r top of - said well curb of ro- , 4 tb tle of Tanlac,. I felt so | Barley 20 to .30/ceptacle. Also to use an ade- my bas ot 3 H I throw' awey on | Peas . to .48/quate amount of quick lime to the other medicines {had te the Gate: . to BB i ggeanse the water and walls of Feb ? Rene Tana ye. 0 ells, ete. ' house, 1 have: stuck to 1a nlae | RickWvheal to 27], Prompt' ohservance af the a- ever. since ae ta Sen inost | Potatoes, bag 227. "38 to (42|bove sanitary requirements will ee eas Bene ae "and | Dressed 'turkey, tb ....08 to:.07|not only assist itt ont pants Soa nas Sf iat 22 BE fe AB] pene the miei fa weal toy. a Ge D> ened 0.054 ners ¢ fade shan, and fF nee 2 Dressed dehickenie, ibe C0 "ne expense, of hav' order iauek agate, 4 pire: like a babe| Clever. séed--red . 83.00 (9 84.00] of-the B. 0. H and get up in the mornings: fresh | Clover seed, alsike $3.00 to $4.50/8. West, M.D., AWM, Dinwoody, and strong enough. to do all my| Dressed hogs, ewt $5.00 to 85.50 M.0.H., Essa." Gierk,. Essa_| housework. - I. am feeling better ~ " = than I have | in yea rs and disp | 'ae ies y crateful far whal Tanlac hax done R ' /; - WwW. h d fwrie that Tierlitmy duly ot, AeLTERCHMmentE the atchwor eserybody about it." "ane" (By Berard K.° Sandel : _ * -Tanilac is sold. in- Barrie by ial : f 3 George Monkman, fn Orillia "By ° M. H, Cooke & Co., 'in Elmvale by W. 30 McGuire, in Letroy, by GR. Canads" Imports from U. 8, A. $664,219,653 Ardill, in Stayher-by N. B. West, ; : in Cookstown by W: G. Mackay, int Canade 8 Exports to U. 8. A $280,616,330 Waubaushene "by Georgian Bay i - Larinber Go. Lids it, Port MeNic~ WENY dollar conecessarily spent any aid from the United States} ane oll by P. H. Bealtie, in Alliston E by a Canadian (individual. cor-'net only in- cautinuing it, buc in in hy E. B.-Schell, in Lisle by Robert Polat tye eovernment) to-day creasing the range of the transaction Hi. Little, in GiNord by. James' A, isa dollar diverted from the. urgent upon which such credit is granted-- Blain. im Tottenham' by Chas. A. task .of maintaining the "ecouomie |for the Finance Minister recently an. Nettleton, in Hawkestone by Thos activity and pational | prosperity of |nounced that arrangements bad -been A. Stone, in Hillsdale by Richard | tbe country : made bythe Government to furnish Rumble, in. Coldwater by. C.-C. | Qwly the most rigia retrenchment |Great Britain with $40,000,000 for the Millard. in' Midland by." George |, --economy ts' too: mild a word--will |purchase of Cans tia" cheese ad $10, nie and it Bradford be WW, L.|) suffice to keep 'this country In-a sound {900,000 for bay, oats and flour. There Campbell.--aAdwertisement, 'nd safe position during the remain. |is-gied reason to expect that a simi ca tng period of the war and the open- tar secommodation must be extended | ing months of the peace readjust-/to Great 'Britain for a ee part of BELGIAN CANAL BOAT FUND |' IR, months ¢ the export af foodsturts tor the nes icra! The eed for economy nas veem|sent fiscal year: the mag Ditude of. this Eor the Relief of the Civil Popu~|° preached by opgighied eri: for| item is Snseiaded by the fact that the several yéars past, but with very leaport of w eat Mone to Great Britain ' tation in Belgium Behind Hittle ettect on the public at large. yor the fiscal -year ending. Murcu- 4) 4 the Allied Lines. Urged to practice thrift tor various) las mounted an sad eS academe reagona ahd ip preparation |wneai tour te $26,006 Gay Dear Mis.oStewart:--T am ren for-vertiin distant and vaguely-uo-| The ouly way. to which Can . Mesto "by. our -G yminitfeo to} derstood. contingencies, ° Canadians |posvess herself of the funds write and thank you very sincere. ly for: the 'splendid donation of -elothing 'and-quilts for the Bel gian refugees, sent from Bar It is very gdod"ot you all to s svch a generous contributi Clothing and quilts are: neede More than ever now, as ihe nuni ber of refugqes increase all. thi I mediately set traps"and one day down and I was @:huge owl was found caught by re curtailed -a few' specific extrava. gancés and gone cheerfully on with -mest of theif ordinary expenditures, comforting ihemselves with ° the toough!. that the country has man. aged tw do "without thrift for the last Oj | twenwy-ttve. years. and -stiould. there fore be continue. i o|., But Canada Is today tuced oy" an ©). sntireiy new situation This country: ime, so gifls\like the ones:trom |" Jor peas aatce on, 'Bon tiost -Barrie are immensely welcome, Please convey fhe thanks of th committee to all who in any was haye-helped (0 supply the heanti 'fully made garments and quilts. Again thanking you and with kind regards, Sincerely yours, . ELIZABETH CAWTHRA 7) Dike St. Gresvenor: Square; ~ London, October: 2nd The: abowe, js "an. acknowledg. ne} larg ! new cloth- t ment of a large bex of naw ct st |Amint nota dollar e0 Cecit ee ent on duly 'ing and quilts e made-on Fr The-garments di tirele Rooms ahd in Allandale during. May and, June; the quilt Were'made by the members of St Andrew's Mililary Hospital Cluh an many Slitute, the neighboring Tn, as cold wea- ther lasts, because that is when I*can be most useful. I have, helped young mothers whose clijldren (were choking with: croup, and | been the com: "fort of parents wliose 'children - tramp. im the wet : wintry wea- "Graney" Chamberlain tier, Many ta cold' and: attack' af Iwonvbitist have warded off, aud thousinds I "have 'helped in: the anxious time of whooping: cough You will see me often, for 2 have munch to tell you of what can be one in the home with. | Chamberlain's Cough Remedy afternoons at 'the Patriotic. fe 8. malignant | will growth, and she died at the home 4 of her sister, Mrs, Taughlan Jar- "I was actually on the verge ratt,.with whom she had lived for Y iss Switzer was ot born at Jarratt in Medonte Town. ship, being a daughter of the late, She is survived hy two sisters and three brothers: Mrs. Edward Morrison, Coldwater Chin- ook, Alta.,'and Andrew Switzer, y healit' began to fail seven Edmonton. be an up the voting names of fe diers entitl tinder the Act, and to An Act - Ri All. wells which- are wells are p be cleaned first day of any well sh tures uous, imports the last fisea) 'PUBLIC NOTICE the Public Sub-See 13. in. this municipality in. use, whether such ublic or private, shall out, Gn or before the July in each year' and :B.0.H. certifies that 'ould be filled 'up, such well shall be forthwith filled up by the owner of. the premises. Health--Schedule in case the lor this immense and task of financing her o (Tigidly curtailing Ts ippointed before} the next general election in Can-- 'ada. In every 'polling sub-divi_ sion throughout the country there or to check lists to add the male relatives of sol- led to the franchise War Times Elections. strike off the roll the names. of disfranchi i enume; d aliens. espectin, ary objects Par tleularly is it aecessary that ai! siper should bé stopped ip year Canada imported from the United States qo lees. than $864.219.652 worth. of commoditics ©) not merely precluded from any fur: | thereof, $10,001 Y| ther borrowing of ne < unable te 'tect A [' the Quasicial reocurces of that cous try for the service of the Allied ciuse, -| the tage avaliable" market for funds was closed te Canada. In the month municipa) €nancing was done tn the United States' The terms exacted for Ue recent', Dominio': Gevernment loam im linw York made It evident that. ao [.;ther cesistance seed' be ; | looked for trom that quarter. 'While the United States is making, ard will continue to make. large ad. Yanoss te various Allied countries, the condition ef these advances is that practically the whole sum supplied. shall be spent im the 'ending eourtry, This séndition debars' was herself borrowing trom 'her The sales of Canadian in the United s ites 1915 were $154,009.00. and in, 1918 $297.00.000, This year the Teminion Gove: totalled | cone! ita aificulty. In les which reach f finished juxu: iB undistinguishable ameuat, which must be very. large. of ous raw materials which 'are em ployed in the manufacture of duxuries, in Canada itweif: to say Rothing of the Commodities which, while not luxuties lim themsetves, wouldvde just as well. Canada. while \| are mestic products covsiderable 'proportion ef impoited goods among their raw materials, Spy such there. be, the case against ption (s equally etreng. Ther production diverts Canadian labor from the Production ef comme dities saleable creases the balance abroad, and thereby i 'ade arainst {his country; 'and'the funds employed "Under the eeded for the and "unnecessaries" rome,-at the ne to the processes. This isa thine eld plant rather than the substitution without the country, of new, however much eutworn thi 'old may ba, Tn response to thevrequest of .a number of prominént French- Canadian gentlemen of the Province Quebec, ° Lord HERE is a germ in my system. | that renders: obnoxious eyery form of legislation :2iculated to. iuvede the personal Hberty of the subject, save such as may be hetes- sary for the safety of the nation and lor the pe: ith and general wel- fare of the people. ii: Kaforced military service in time of peace us it existed in some foreign countries, would come within my CAiex vy of objectionuble. measures, deeause it" ha effect of taking 3 Man from shis ordinary. ayocation, cs, making him jasions under y officials, ,not | because of any danger "immediately | impending but because that. withiy, his Mte-timé something may occut to involve the nation in. war, making tained' military forces necessary. The encouragement of the military spirit in normal times is not best for! the people whose aim should be the| Promotion of a policy making for peace, prosperity and happiness. But | it may be sald if ome nation neglects ite military/ establishment, its aggres aud vovelous neighbor with his, truined grmy and ever-ready imple Tents of war, will one day -seek a eause of quarrel and overpower It, The gravity. of this contingency admitted, ft Becomes apparent that the effort of nations must be not only to create. and maintain military forces sufficient for defence if there be attack, but strong enough to as- Sume the offeusive {f that appear to ve the best siratery, * Should. it be concedéd' that 'the scfe\y of the nation demands an un- remitting condition of military pre Y will ensue, such ais that which the Allles are pow de termined to destroy. in. Germany. at very serious cost. ements of that~arm of \ he service, saving as they did a situ. Stion fraught with most serfous dan- ver, will always bea source of 4 heation and' pride. land forces consisted home. and it mentous im. 'oldiers should he an-avized _ 'Frown or Smile? _ re, Y of thy other peoples chance, the Central Powers succ¢sijed 1s, this hour of datger, they aresne: " in defeating Britain and her Allies," gie Ning their duty as citi fance that a large army of eltizan|@ur freedom' woald be gre. We 'selfishly evading. thelr share of tha "crip. | Would'be under the-thamb of an'srre:|boren that an country has to hear VERYONE. fesponds to face-to-face courtesy. How Cait if A | pleasant: it is to meet the cordial, 'genial man. aa Pee ' 3 2 @ And over the telephone--how one appreciates. the be reduced to a spévies-of vassalage. [All our independence,- all our hopes F/aDd -aspitations, and those of 'our children: for come are d up indissolubly in the defeat | ot our evemice * = To the accc :plishnent of this pur- €netgies. Notwithstanding the ap" 3 « {Parent march) provided by the no P| ber of niet s- =: ove! author tie. fo) ava that voreniary F ree - We must continu? to equip. a own troops wad 'io -xive ial assisiance to the Allies as is possible by most strenuous .ef- , ort. Ind: isaered duty of e 'Gani Income Tax," er bo to pay, can accept it Y, and, fer somewhat simiflar reasons the man with one or inore soms is api to have'a cenception of conscription quite diffefent' trom that of the man who bas neither son T a 100g nor geumdson to eowtribute. The Tequire rest | lsiter class' showid be moderate and : [Conaideente in their puble utterances D |om the subject. Those of us who; Hke myvelt: have sei tives of military age.6 who have exaggerate the terrors of military ser- ice, but-for'the young men them. 'selves there is. no- such feeliig. 'bs cause' if; being fit for service and 'aving tone' of the = -recogn: in any degree rrounds.on-which to-demant pee ¥. they are unitiling to take any It, .by any posts that may be 'assigned tc them courteous, pleasant, friendly voice! : 3 F -- °..@ Telephone Courtesy; the . pleasant, q Get. the smile into your voice. Practice' cordiality, 'friendliness over the wire, and insist that i all. those who use your telephone do the: same. Promptness in answering, 7 { cordial tone--these shave been the making of many a modern business and this fact is being: appreciated more and more every day. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada Good service,* * * our true intent" }

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