== <= | Heintzman€Co.Pianos ia ty yen not | man who' pail & ' The' Canadian's Favorite. "Hbeety 'Steer Coats Dice ee ater M2) Universally acknowledged the Leading Piano. Cont allie lie 'quéstions, being an extensive reader! more to buy,-but is life-long in satisfacti i Goose as ae vie ee ee uy, but is life-long ih satisfaction. We are the sole agents for Barrie and vicinity. Discount for: cash | or onveasy 'terms of payment : MEN'S "AND LADIES! ALL PURE WOOL SWEATER COATS, made from a nice fine yarn but.yet heavy ini weight, with wide shaw! collar, in Alice Blue, Old Rose, Cardinal, light or dark Browns and Navy. Special ..,.... '$6.75 each BOYS' AND GIRLS' ALL WOOL RIBBED woR- STED HOSE--s .good heavy weight, Sizes 6 to. 7. Sifles"7% to 10. We also keep 'in stock the following: Columbia Grafanolas -4 Pathe Phonographs ] -Brantolas and . ' Mandel Electric Machines All of the above are eq ed to play all kinds.of records and no rhe to chtion: A small payment down and the balance in monthly payments will secure one of these for your home. BOYS' AND GIRLS' FINE WORSTED ALL WooL Sites 6, 6%, 7, 74 Sizes 8-to 10. :.. MEN'S HEAVY WOOL SWEATER COATS. in, Khaki, Slate, Maroon and Brown, sizes 38, 40 and 42, Special at (.\.......c-20+6 $3.50. each BOYS'. AND GIRLS' EXTRA HEAVY RIBBED COTTON HOSE--fleeced: theide Sizes 6 to 10 .. ' GIRLS' FINE Ix! RIBBED CASHMERE HOSE-- all. wool ++. 450. and 50c pair MEN'S PLAIN GREY HEAVY RIBBED SWEAT- ER COATS, sizes 38 and 40 only - $1.50 each BOYS': AND GIRLS' WOOL SWEATER COATS, good- heavy. weight, but fine in appearance; girls' costs have belts, boys' coats without belt; in LADIES' PLAIN BLACK COTTON HOSE with Cardinal, "Dark Greet, Browns, Hhaki.and Navy, fleece back, good heavy weight, per pair,. 25¢ ses 28 to 84°... eee eede eee ee $2.50 each LADIES' PLAIN BLACK CASHMERE HOSE-- full fashioned leg' and seamless foot, Penman's make, Special ... 00.6600 seeeeeeeee '50c pair The largest stock nérth of Toronto to choose from. Splendid stock of COLUMBIA, PATHE AND. VICTOR RECORDS, Music on both sides, 85¢ up. We inyite you to call at our new up-to-date Music Store. Garreit's Music Store. Phone 259w P. O. Box 178 BOYS' PULLOVER SWEATERS, in dark gry with red collar and cuffs, all sizes .. $1.00 each was such ws to commend itself to those about him snd so he enjoyed the great respect of his 'fellow citizens, Like his fa- ther, he was an unwavering advocate of temperance, maintaining his principles of vait. totul abstinence in those' times. when such fa course was the 'opposite of popular, It is said that bis 'log 'barn. was the first raised in that section of the éountry with- -out whiskey being provided, When the neighbors arrived at the raising -bee and learned that there would be no drinking they refused. to stay. "However, they turn- DEVLIN & MURCHISON $2.25 Oo: OCOHOSOCOOOOOS | 1 1555 be married Rebecen Dunn, To bless their union were given family. of thirteen childten, two of whom--a son MIDHURST and a daughter--predeceased him. Henry died in 1909. The children I R. C. LADIES' PLAIN BLACK ALL WOOL CASHMERE HOSE--full fashioned leg and -seamiess. foot ' Pen- man's make, sizes 8%: to 10, worth' today $1.25 Our price .. i MEN'S ALL, WOOL CASHMERE HOSE in 'Pen- man's make, or English makes, sizes 10, 10% and Li, Prices .2....0.. "ese. 3c, 50¢ and 75espair N . ss . | Wool, she a Barrie Markets |: 3°." Thursday Wholesale: Prices. . '| Sheep Skins -$2.10 =: 60-626 $1.00-3.50 $2.50-3.50. voweesccsannnnecnecgcnnnnnnenncgngsnnnensosses i DALSTON The meeting of the Women's. Institute will be' held at the home of Miss Grace Williams on 'Thursday, Nov, 8,. commen- Oct. 31:--Among the number who have left for the hunting grounds are R. Wat- ot News from the TRaitway. Ward..... Mrs. Fred taki =. W w 'Agnes are:| Mrs + Mr. sid®Mrs. Norman are taking] Mrs. Wm, Horan and Mise 'Agnes are:| Mr. Patterson ono Went. cn 8. Gal anda" : Wat: | ningbam, Mrs, Mary Dutcher, Mrs. J, Pat-|Spring Chicken |. "..".."..". ., 16-20c| cing' at 2 o'clock. » Mrs. Coulter will give have Soe ee ack pee "| terson, R. D. and Geo. By all of Thorn-| Old Fowl . + 16-18 | an address on "How to bring. city' sdvun- m ton; Dr.' T.,J. and Dr, J. H. of Detroit; ks. + 15-18¢ | tages to our rardl homes." Mrs, John J. Patterson and-W.- D. 28-30¢ | Spence will recite and-M: 45-48¢ | will give a re of Grassy J. M. Baldwin "as 'Tova apens, fa wieKiand "at bi: home here. a fortnight's holiday at the. Canadian Soo. | visiting friends at Craighurst Ks hi ing. 4 5: The funeral, held on ,Thursday after- yeepers BCS Oe . » @ to'We-, The G.T.R, Hunt 'Club left on Tuesday | Mrs, A. Morris haw returned to hyr home | funeral, held or a + d \ 'inn ae iscatee MRE NE | octagon Bitihlale, Parry Sound in Toronto after spending a week with | RO". was, attended by fhe punbee By os iid, ge Minara's Liniment for sale everywhere. John Coburn has gone 'to Hamilton to, ttiet, by way of the CPR. from Utopis friends. here the services, Rev. Geo. I: Craw of Spring- | Horse Hides... 5 raptor 1 the club are 'the following members | 'The farmers ore stil buley drawing' pot: vt cae a Ere seni with hin: brother, stg to the cum at Potters sifing for Mr| ile eivenng, th ae ae ta ko AS TOR F A ; F a wee ; : oad Ge eA a coe pine salt bie ete , W,, bes, (Collings od), George there. aad: Misi, J.T, Gasievoa 'anid ohila [tke 11, si a chet auger eat oA SEK oto Th thd vate: e = Bought : is | christéat san * " ae me Atw end wh = naire ea aides at See spent. the week-end at <A | 'ion of be 'doceuand,> Whose' weting an | Potatoes, bag 2. 5 nm 8 I y jone of *Toronto was. renewing | Wy a a " via vis | pall-bearers were: Dr. T. J. Henry,. Dr. J. eel Tides, cul . o. 21, Bears the acriusntance here this week. |.- Oet. 30:The choir of the Anglican ee Poran is visiting friends in) Ty" Henry, Dr, F. A. Henry, R. C. Cun. | Beef. Hides, green + 15+, 2031C) dtonature of Mra W. T:. Jones'spent three days with "shurch went to Cookstown on Monday ev-| Mise Lottie Wuttie of Burrie ix the guest | Dingham, J. H. Henry and G, B.-Henry-| Wool, unwashed, S ies invnds in Gravenhurst this week; - | ening to take part in the singing of the! of Mrs, R. Wattic ; Among those from a distance whe. at: tended were: Mrs. Noble, Meaford; Wal. Sample copies of The Examiner on. re- |.mased choirs, 5 Mrs. John Cameron and Miss Inez Mon- ' ate? Subscription, $1.50 per safum | Some of our sick are improving "and | toith of Orangeville are spending two weeks | te" Armstrong, Toronto; David Foster. dabers are not doing' e+ well us theit many] \i¢h their mother, Mrs. R. Moxteith, | Hmilton; Mr. and Mx. Dutcher and Mrs. Miss Pearl Holmes of Washago is, Visit \ tienda, would like. Mise Daisy M. Coutts is visiting. hereais- | Sutton, Bradford; Rey> G. 1. and: Mrs.| ine het aunt, Mrs, W, Lancaster, Charles ~ 4 number from here attended 'the funer-| ter Mrs, Tom Knupp, at Eden' | Craw, Springville; Mr. and Mrs. Charles if Bienes | al of the Inte-Thomas Henry at Thornton| The farmets nround here huve not ail | Martin, Mr. and: Mre, Fred Marr, Barrié; - Mrs. Ed, Shear and daughter have re- on Thursday afternoon. their potatoes dug: yet jand others, A N: 'D Yr af tnened after 0° two, weeks" visit with ber" Notwithstanding the number, who. are) Potuto buyers -and. sellers have had # et F é * sister in Woodstock. sick, the Presbyterian 'church wax filled|husy time during the past week handling| Invest fifteen cents in' The. Examiner Mnifcarrier 8. Gatyide is taking thrée hoth morning arid evening last Sunday. to} the beautiful tubers, Prices are good, | Adlet Column and see what good returns * cweeks' holidays,. A. 'Chown' is acting as hear the'Rev. G, I. Craw, a former pustor,| 'The nimrods have been «teudily moving] it gives. More people sre using and: read. bake : postman tiring bis absence. . - who conducted Ae seuvenee pct out to the hunting fields where they: in a| ing this department every week. oo Mrs. Hussey of Alliston Is spending a few! way expect to enjoy the_appearance of " i P. Robt, Darel how retired on a pension; oye with her daughter, Mr. Harry jeer,. besr, yoose and other animals. too slg THE WORLD FAMOUS HeBoceu "shiny Bs place" TM Bang x | merous Yo mention /{ WILL INSURE NEXT YEAR") | 'The hunters "are-making 'ready for their] Chester Lynn has returned home after | pi 9 AT. Crosbie has moved' his fam trip. north alter game. | spending the summer nionths: in the West z ue Collingwood, having secured a position! Mrs, Albert Downey of Alliston is.spend-) Who is responsible for the sbominable, In nineteen cases out of twenty, i the Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. ing a few days with. her snother, Mrs, T.| condition of the 5th. line at Hill's Swamp? | men canv. for Life Insurance 2 Sate OF Bi "riday | Carruthers. This road has been in a disgraceful come cnt of Engind moet Friday, nights at| OES Mie, S. Cochrane entertained | ition all summer." Nearly every day ane | wares that <a Y s + few friends, last Thursday evening. « | tos are stuck in the mud, Not an effort |@Nd-inten: 8 the, earpet bowling tournament will be re-| Insutaticé--but" too! many arose' sumned Mrs. :Patton of Barrie spent a few day®|has been made by"our council to improve with -Mrs, Hatton 'recently, this piece of road, and a good gravel pit | posed to procrastinate. '"I will in- { Mrs, 'S. Gagnon and her daughter, Mrs.!- W. J, MeLean of Toronto spent Sunday'| not much over hulf a mile away sure next-year," they say, forgetting S 1 Haniel, have gone to. Korth Bag (*° (with his son, Guy, who is ill. ---- that if only one could count upon | care 4 apathy her: daughter, Mrr.| -4 number: of Ivy young 'people took in THORNTON Kaxt "yeni? thee: would 'be Wo : = ainville, | the opeta'at Barrie on: Friday night F : fi : : " et, Nov. 1--John A. Thompsin of. Toronts | need of Life Insurarice. "a iadiow of Ga a penta acoA the: iigebey 'ail aidog ig iallg ee is spending & couple of days here The Great-West -Life Policies | Will. be i in the Store next Barrie Red, Cross. 2 3 . 1A, i | Mis Mamie Henry of Toronto 'spent ov- ; y z Nov. 7. Proceeds to| this winter. i. ae Bugbday with her parents, Mre-aod Mr offer the. protection. of Insurance ' ooms, (Opp. Wellington Hotel) from- and egmforts: for our} Mrs; Watson of 'Toronto it visiting Mr.|S" y/uiY 8 so ~ ee on most cael erin cea ' way boys oversess. Refresh: and Mrs. 'Wetton, of'1 ie. villige: Hallowe'en passed off very quietly here. | Same time, offer a remarkably go ' snenpa served ! = TR Next Sabbath Quarterly Sacramental | investment. The leaflet, "Deferred a "9 Ov. . 10 t urs., ' ov. ch The Young: People's Society_of the Pres-| COOKSTOWN Service will be held in the Methodist | Dividend Policies," gives convinc- a - . byteriin Church held 1 social evening: Inst| -- Samuel Ting, soi of John King end bro-| Church at 10.30 um., and service a ws /ing proof in this direction, and When a lady from tie Head Office: will give 4 practical a, Monday when » good program was given | ther of Mrs. Wm. Dinwoody, is now on his| ual at 7 p.in. 'The. pastor will preuch st | Cony will be mailed to any interest-|f§ demonstration of the many points of excellency found ; Se and different 'games were enjoyed by- the | way overseas with "B" Co., 26th Engin-| both services ooh lance nuatee ? young people 'present. 'The proceeds. went | eers; United States Army..." Lieut. Be Vabiay at, Jofoato spent ce aust 'a Sie _ . in the:White Rotary. © : towards paying the postage on the boxes -- Sundsy with' his friend, Chas. "Henry. e Great-We: ie ae Society. is sending overseas to the| 'Send your orders for engraved: visting|. Mr. W. J. McClean 'and family leave] Aggurance Company Hours: 9 to 12, 2.30 to 6,. 7.30to 9 this week for their new bom 'in Toronto, : singe Prior -to their departure, the teaehers and Head Office, - Winnipeg. officers of the Methodist Sabbath School | or see fithered at the home of Mri.' Robt, West | ' | wpect «newt tuewelleeig to | AL. HL, BROTHER) gether, Mrs. MeCleun has been s teacher |. in the School 'for a number of years and BARRIE, ONT. . always tried to play her part' nobly. Their departure is much regretted. Chas. Henry and' Misses Rose and Minnie FOR WOMEN ONLY ji.ccgeeess PROTECT soldiers, cards to The Exai LADIES, don't fail to'see this Superb Machine : VERY SPECIAL PRICES FOR THESE FIVE DAYS A FEW KEASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY THE WHITE ROTARY 1--The' thread pull-off permits strong. tensions,." and prevents skipping of ; stitches. - 2A shorter, stronger needle, less likely to 'bent of break. 3Thread will not break if.-machine is run jt. the wrong direction, 4--Extra large bobbin, holding half « spool of cotton. : _ S--Large 'double feed, which esrries goods straight without guiding." 6--Two spool pins. One- is' a rotary. pin, which prevents thread breaking: 7--Oil cup on needle bar keeps oil from soiling , 8--Automatic .pjnch tension released by raising' presser: bari adjusts itself to any size of thread without change of tension. 9--Politive feed--no springs to get out of order: " 10--The only Rotary:in which shuttle 'can be removed withaut we of screw- driver; a time saver. 11--A simply constructed Stitch, Regulator--eusily operated, . 12--A Tension Indicator, an exclusive White feature. \< + 13Adjustuble- bushings. make. it poswible' to. Femove lost" motioti "after years | LL of wear. : 14-The White Rotary'isian sutdmatie litt Raise the tid and the head comes into' sewing position, with belt in place ready for sewing. E 15--Esch White Rotary: is supplied with the latest steel attaghments, inctiad- i : as Tras Five-stiteh 'Ruff, and the 'very latest improvement--the Toronto News--Toronto doctors, who hve 'been shown the film -"'BIRTH," have ex the hope that every--wéman would see it Toronto Efening' Telegram--"BIRTH"'--one. of the meritorioii® films ever offered! to the public; the message of the film cannot be misunderstood. anniversary last Sabbat i Rev. Ro-H. Somerville "took" charge. of , 5° Rev, Mr. Craw's work at Springville last ¥ iS Sabbath while Mr. Craw conducted the an- . : | Seley evo we, Your Family - : Thornton Hunt Club, comprising G. B aes Uf} tenry, Garfield Power, Herman Thomp- | Your Business ¢ THE MOTION PICTURE TRIUMPHANT. oo femgrety 'tee ie Your F "a for a 'two weel junt inthe our Future. THE SANCTITY AND DUTIES OF MOTHERHOOD. A ge Another one of South, Simeoe's early|{ With an ae Di Showing Nov. 9. 10, Iii. Sat. SS Wee, oct es prey: _ dend Policy in the Thomas Henry, Thornton, who had been' : in failing health: f siderable time. a ee j Evening Shows 7.15, 830, 9.45 ~ = [I] Descends native of Ireland, Sun Life [IB 16a -eane over enite and preme, bors Feuer fétion and give. loner 5 Saturday Matinee, 3 o'clock ©. - Jada Seeing ok neo i : "17-The: edly "alechine with' an: anticlogging device which prevent ce not | Aing or 'tingling of thread. 1s thé Tension -and Stitch' Indicators you' ean duplicate aoe wat su non, on, ale OV Canada iil. an Bi Ten S "19a, eae sere ee Ity rf proctically all of what is now tbe 'Thora: 5 THE ALLANDALE' aoe esate See || Canada's Greatest Lite ° [fetta mo le at na ie then he moved t Th se : ¥ ~Foronto Sinr--Out of he ondniary of-flme i. "BIRTH. 3 bess hes Insurance Co. 'D. J. REBURN, | Phone 142. ALL 'SEATS. 275 * $ ints settled pn lt 2, con.-7, Innisfil, later