Miss Graydon 'spent over the week-end with Mrs; Barber. > 3 : 'Mrs.' James' Case -is: visiting friends. in Orillia "for s,week. = : iMrs, Wm. Penny spent 'the week-end visiting friends in Ti ¥ Mrs, Cowie and Mrs, Gilchrist have gone to Toronto for a few'days. | Conductor W, Hunt is now running the Penetang passenger train, | Misses Agnes and Helen -Gilchrit < are spending » week in Toronto. ' Miss Ruth Bone of Brechin visited with her aunt, Mrs. Wm, Wiles, this week. "Mr. and Mri, Clifford Robinson spent the week-end with relatives in' Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McFadden are .visit- ing the lotter's parents at Hawkestone Mrs, Whittam, of Listowel, 'is the. "| of her daughter, Mrs, Wilson,..Cimberland a Bt meg Mr. und Mrs. Harry Norton were with Mrs, Norton's mother ini Meaford over Bunday, * - Isaac Gofton has moved his family to. Orillia, -baving secured a position in a mun- ition plant, Mr, 'and Mre,-Roy Leigh und Art, Leigh 'of Oro were guests at John McFadden' over Sunday. Frank Hill visited 'bis mother in Colling- wood last week, He has also secured a Job im the' Collingwood shipyards, . , TBryson's bread. will stand the test of your hunting trip. Made in a special way, sold at a special price. Phone 26, 'Recent work on Burton Ave. has made 8 big improvement'on' the street, but al- ready' ruts are wearing in the roadway, > Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ganton of Vermil- 7 lion, Alta, "haye been renewing' old ac-. quaintance. after an absence of eleven years Kindly save. Thursday, Nov. 1, for thé Old-Fashioned Parlor Sotial in the Metho- dist Parsonage. Proceeds in aid 'of build- | ing fund. Tell your friends if they wart all the local news to subscribe: for The Examiner. $150 per year. Extra copies st Stone's | Conductors A:. Riddell" ani: A: Clark 'have returned home after spending j weeks in| Montreal and Ottawa attending |the 'Trainmen's Convention: Beggsgeman W. Duncga of the Toronto run is relieving B: W. Blough jon the Hamilton and Mesford run, Mr. 'Blough is taking a month's holidsy in Texas, Rev. Dr. Waters of Indie gave. a lecture in the Presbyterian. Chureh. on Tuesday evening on: the customs of: the people of [that country, he having resided among jthem for eleven years. |_. Rev. E: H. Bowden "and his bride, "of Hamilton, were here over Sunday, and he Buest i took the Children's Day services in St. !George's Church: Rev. E. B. Taylor took his place'at the Cathedral in Hamilton and 'addressed a very large gathering of children. « 'Another large gathering. on Friday night participated in the carpet ,bowling tourns- ment in connection with the 8.0.E. In all eleven games were played, A. Derrick's {team winning 6' points and F. Whitney's 'team 5. Official standing now reads: F. Whitney, 13 points; A. Derrick, 11 points, Next Monday the GT-R. Hunt Club will bedd for Bolger Lake on their annual deer hunt. This year's party includes. W. Gilks, R. F. Garrett, A. B..Thomas, Harry |Morton, R, Pulford, W. Curtis, A. G, Meek- Ling, R. Storey, J. Goodwin (Toronto) and B. 'Quante (Painswick). Creemore 'Star--Philip McDonald, who bas been conductor on this branch 'of the GTR, for the. past five or six year was transferred to the MesfordHamilton fino on Monday. Mr. McDonéld is one of the best conductors in™the employ of. the Grand. Trunk, ands gentleman inv every particular. ' While his many friends here regret very much at. losing him, we wish him, every éuccesssin his new' field. cf Lové and a 'OPERA NOV. 2 - 2 Shows--7.| - PRICES: Gilson Witlet's Gripping Drama " The Photoplay Sensation. at La Salle Theater, Chicago An All-Star Cast Including .Thomas Santschi, 'Fritzi Brunette, Bessie Eyton, Jack Richardson, Vivian Rich, Eugenie Besserer Department of Justice LL SEATS 27 CENTS 'Al Bath No rary Ue 2 Won Sead" Vengeance and Ed. Coxen Ss. HOUS E . 1b SATURDAY AND 3 and 9.00 p.m. , | Rusk, Athol Marshall, A, Crumb, W. J. | 'An old-fashioned Camp Fite. Social Ieidlenootar tit boc : Methodist "schoolrooit. 'Phe 'room » was tastefully 'decorated and' camp firs was Jaid on the céntre -of the floor, Oxley and: Miss Jeffries are to be coi ulated on the result of 'their efforts. Pro- ceeds were. about $17, whic! goes to the building fund of the church. 'A. F. Garrett Kindly. Joaried one of his fine gramophones for the occasion. Ss i Taylor--Ormsby Hamilton Times--At 11.30 o'clock thi morning (Oct. 18) » marriage of much in terest was quietly solemnized st Chrict » Church Cathedral, when Ella Mary Ormsby, daughter of Rev. W. K. and Bre, Ormsby, of Chelmsford, England, hecame the: wife of Rev, E, H. Bowden Teylor,' assistant at the Cathedral. The officiating clergymari was Rev. E. B. Taylor, of Allandale, the groom's. father, while Very 'Rev. "Degn Owen, rector of the church, assisted: 'The ultar way tastefully decorated with flowers Miss Ambrose played. the wedding. muric, und the choir was also in attendance, The bride'was given in marriage by. Major Bur. hidge, and wore her travelling suit of dark blue broadcloth, - trimmed with grey fur, 8 hat of blue panne' yelvet with touches of cerise and carried a prayer book. She was attended by her aunt, Mrs. R.P. Ormsby, of Leeside, Ontario, and Miss Taylor, of Allandale, 'the groom's: sister, Mrs Orm- | 'shy wearing prune colored broadcloth -with | bat to match, and Mise Taylor, a gown of Brey crepe de chine, and a black velvet hat' withstouches of white. Rev. Charles Patterson-Smyth, of Toron'o, attended the groom, Immediately afterwards Rev, and Mrs: Taylor 'left on a trip They will re- side after their return at 20 Bold -Street. Deferring of G.T.R. Dividends Montreal, Oct. 18.-Annouincement of the passing of the Grand Trunk Railway's dividends hus already been mude in u Lon: don cable. "A late issue of the London | imerease in working expenses owing to con- | ditions brought 'about 'ng the war, that it, is inadvisable 'to declare any interim dividend on the four percent, guaranteed and preference stocks, "A yeur ago both the guaranteed aud tirst preference stock-| holders received full/ rates for the hulf | yebr, though in they preceding yeur only the guurantecd stockholders got a divi- dend, the amount being' one-half 'instead |, * of the usuill two per| cent eral Committees, Lust yeur' the cosipany made a sub | stantial recovery itxdurplus being increased:| by nearly £300,000, which enabled th cond preference, ax-well as the Quura and first preference stock holders) 1 ceive their full yearly rates, The we expense ratio wax lower, the proportion to tion aims, 1 re ain, "d © vantage than in part of Cus us 'Tinies as the following in this connection: || . Pictorial 2 'The. difectors of the Grand Truuk Rail Patterns and ' eo yA CTs way haye decided, in' view of the great Magazines e a to our all-import: Douglas Fairbanks, Bug-Hunter ' EXT Z Ny. Leave. Hamilton "| Douglas Fairbanks' sbreezy "and. engaging GRA TRUNK SYSTEM | ed 2 | personulity has never shown to better ad-| + the new Triangle: Sho] at Vickers aw Fi Pays < This Store Presents a Notable : Exhibit of Women's -- Waists and Coats The New. Waists -are beautiful. Made of Georgette Crepe, Silk Crepe.and Ninon, in white, black, maise,' flesh pink 'and rose, in the very newest of styles. Sa Prices range from $2.50 to $9.00 The New Winter Coats are made in Velours, . Zibelines and .Tweed effects, and come ina great variety of styles; no two of our good Coats are'alike,. and the prices based on a quick' turnover of 'stock, which means rock': bottom and a saving .to you... ~ : : $12.50 up to $37.50 TIME TABLE' ine Arts relewse, In the Taking Effect September 30, 1917. | altandale Lee, F-F.V. and amateur 7 Victor Victrolas and Records Choose from Stock, . Hamilton: train does not come to By merican Aristocracy, | Papilagers iuet take it common war and th satisfaction of his spect: Hamilton Line. 7 tors, v i Yours respectfully, j Then, too, there's a corking "Keys SOUTHBOUND | (Signet) W. J. BURKE, [comedy, at Dreamland Man. and, Tue, | eave. Barrie Arrive Hamilton sirtasn Eastern Association "at Gen: | Ott. 29-30; Prices 6. and. 11¢ 7, | 46 pan i 8 ai. 4 : T | ecizopademn a | : . ORC. and B. of RT| os NORTHBOUND Arrive Barne 8.00 Toronto_train Parlianient "of the Dominion, | benefits accruing | Soihmon purposes in the past, abd respect- .| table of your newly fornting 'abinet. receipts 'declining from.'76.05 por cent. w 71.36 per cent: But this year the great rise. in the prices of all: muserialy snd' high er wages has completely. altered the finun. cial aspect of the 'comyuny's affairs. 'The August traffic return shows that, although Brows receipts were higher on all' lines, the het receipts were 'lower: On the Trunk itself the aggregute «gross incresise | ix "£831,750, but this swallowed up by the increase in expensi for the 'et eathings show a decrease of £247,700, The gross receipts on' all lines down to the end of August were £880,000 larger, yet the net earnings show. decrease Of no less than £643,000, It is impossible ta say 'whut. thi for the year will be, for up to the the company bus been "unable to, obtain the sanction of the Railway Commission to an increase in rates, resent Railwaymen Assure Premier 'of Loyalty | Ottawa, Oct, 18.--Sir Robert Borden | aus received fromr the Eastern. General Comniitte.s of the Order of Railway Con- | ductors und. the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen a declaration of unswerving loy- alty to the war aims of 'Our Countries, One of the outstanding features .of the) document is the reference to the reported intention of the Goverimetit to give fepre sentation: in the "Win-the-War' Cabinet to-a Isbor man, As one of the officers stated: "The "new Union "Win-the-War' Governinent "in Canada hus, we find, or. gunized capital splendidly Fepresented., or- | ganized farmers represented, orgunized Conservatives represented, , and _ organized Liberals. Why not-organized 'labor, whose sons, brothers or members are fighting the battles. ofthe Empire."' The -statement"'to Sir Robert follows: | The Eastern Association 'of General | Committees -of the: Ordes of Railway Con- ductors atid the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, composed. of general chuirmen of those, organizations from more than 4if-| ty r¥ilroad systems in tte Mustern terki- | tory, ere.now in session in this city sad | holding meetings in the tempérary hall of | "This association,. composed "of "Amer! cun and Canadian 'citizens, instructs the undersigned ay chuirman to uwure you us Premier of this great .Dotninion of their cormmon, unswerving" snd continuous loy- alty. to the war aims of our countries "Will. you please be assured thut we, and those we represent ure prepared .t6, {and will join with. you, in exerting "any and every. effort consistent and. necessary, snd in making - any 'and, every sacrifice consistent and necessary to uphold your bunds sind the hunds of those in authority in our countries in our all-important, mut: ual war aims. : "This asiociation has demonstrated the from co-oper fully' beg to assure 'you of the thrill of sa isfaction that was ours when we each learned some 'few days ago of the com- tmenged formation of a Union' "Wia-the- War' Government. for the Dominjon of Canada. 5 'We 'also take pride in the generally sug: gested "intention of your Government (ac- cording to: newspaper teports) to give la- 'bor. direct' representation at. the Council Vin-the-War* et. » "The blood and the effort of. labor has been given unsparingly in this our common entomologist, who has become bored with the even, tenor of life on' the social sum _ Toronto Line mits south of Mason's and Dixon's Line, SOUTHBOUND Douglas invades Narraport, RI, bubiiut) Leave Barrie ' | Arrive Toronto | AM. He is on the of the dynasty of dollurs. Meaford, Penetang and Midland. For Meaford trains leave Barrie at i | am: and 7.30 p.m. For Penétang--10.15 a.m. and 7.30 For Midland . (short Jine)--Leaves Bar. trail of the. migratory esterpillar, but wher tFrom North Bay 7.26 | Fe 7.30 p.m. the mettlesome daughter of u wealthy hat- rom Graventiurst 10.18| > From.' Meaford pin thunufucturer kisses him on the broad PM, | resch Barrie at highway to make godd a resolution she hag! 440--* From. North Bay . 7.30 | expressed to a party of girl friend?\to, wal | NOTE and ~ Penetang um, and 4.55 p.m, drains, *=Daily exept. Sunday: t--Daily except' Monday §--Daily; except Saturday. uté the. first real min she shall meet, he NORTHBOUND 1 find? himself involved in a series of excit | Leave Toronto Artive . Barrie | ing events: { AM. . AM. | As all patrons of Fuirbunks' films know, 7.45--* For North Bay 10.50 | Douglas. never walks when he can run, PM PM.| never enters a gate when hé.cun vaili a |-'5.00--* For Gravenhurst 8.004 fence, never uses a pair of stairs when he{:11.00--§For North Bay 1.25" a.m} can scale a baleony, or ~utilizes a prosaic fire-eseape whilé there is a rope thai will take him to the top of a building, hand aver-hand All of these amusing mannerisms are al- lowed full play in 'American Aristocracy"" to'the evident delight of Doug" himself "The National" Toronto: Winnipeg | '_, Northbound--Tues,,-Thurs., Sat., leave | Toronto 9.00 p.m., arrive Berrie 1125 p.m.| Southbound--Mon., Thurs, Sat, Tawa Barrie 12.10 p.m, arrive Toronto 2.30, CASTORIA > For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the - MOTOR CAR | will bel'sold in' this 'town. by. 139 Dunlop St. JA. BRILLINGER p Phone 302 . 'DopGE BROTHERS -- ial awe