is blended from selected hill-grown teas, famed for their fine flavoury qualities, Imitated yet never equalled. AUTUMN'S OFFERING $ OF COATS AND SUITS Points About Skirts--The Vogue of Tucks New. York, Oct, 20,1917, 'Thik is the harvest season; the wat ful waiting and the Bard labor of the sum: mier months are being rewarded, Despite the preictions. of the' pessimists, the un- |- usnal Condition of the weather, and the shortage of-iabor, there has- never been -s0 wonderful a crop of wheat, of corn, or of fashions. fully systemutized that the. grade of effic- jency reached in these patriotic endeavors is almost unbelievable, Speaking from the fashion standpoint, one can safely. say that there never 'has been a time when the styles were" so universally 'becoming and > sutiefectory. The Paris openings hav» brought -out charming things, One 'hears of the marvellous materials, und one' sees the models brought over by the intrepid buyers, and they ate so' interesting and wonderful' that they seem too: good to be trut--almost on The: Narrow-'Way of the, Skirt "Yes, indeed, skirtsare narrow, and there iv s very good reason for their being. so. 'The Government has asked that wool be sonserved, and the patriotic "designer and the feshionahle woman alike ery, "Well, we .can'-help by 'wearing skirts .that -are green or ripe, in jelly, FINE Graaclat Spiced conserves, or simply preserved in light syrup, make and inex to your winter supplies. With time. for 15c Wait No. 1085 Bkirt No, 7968 IN WOMAN'S REALM The matter has been so care-, | cotifidence. & delicions Tizee new Cook Books age fee iveaddition | etBal Trion The Select Family Hotel Centrally locate Just off Yonge Street Writs for deseriptive beokist. "a 71 Grenville Street, Toronto, Ontarie : HE McCall BookofFashic your 'guide, your ward- robe can be styl- ish and. in perfect taste: for theybare cost . of 'material, plus a little of your Buy your copy to- day--25c; in Can- ada 30c--including afreecoupongood purchase of. any McCall Pattern. CALL PATTERNS. For October NOW ON SALE 3 "not: too wide; let them be narrow." And narrow It is not. comfortable' to walk in a tight 'skirt thet is tong, and so once more: we find cémmon: sense~niding fashions. One must,: however, not go to the other ex- beauty. A; The Fall Cost i One of the big Paris "houses hax decirled, | that the, fall would not be fall without the coat suit, and so they 'are declaring with all their: might and main that the smart thing is the suit,' wrist-length coat, and short tight akiri. Another equally famous house forewears all allegiance. to this old standby, 'and designs jing but costs and dresses for 'st So, 'there in e-mutshell, you have it, and the advantage lis with: you, for you are.American and can decids for yourself 'thir all-important ques- tion. 'Thefe,cah be no doubt thst the 'top: cont- hist 4 place of its own in the ward. robe: of the Smart woman. If the cost be stylish and becoming of litte and éolor, the 'dress of last yedr can be worn with perfect \That is, if you don't take off Fd your coat!) <A' splendid example of an all-embracing, alkeovering cont is illustrated here. It is made of fur cloth, with the square collar tha' is considered 'so unusually 'sinart. The povket: sections, which: give the wide -hi 16, 20 and 100-pound Sacks Band 5-pouad Cartons for ATLANTICSUGAR REFINERIES © United, Montreal a McCall / toward the Waist No: 19 Bkirt No 7959 they sre, 400, and short,' though, not quite so short 'as last year.) treme and have the skirt too marrow for | { i J fi 7994. She 'A Warm Coat for Cool Days | The Coming-Out of Tucks * There .is nothing more attractive than the tiny tucks you find on everything. They are taking the plice to a great ex. tent.of the hemstitching so much used for the past three or 'four seasons, 'Georgette crepe dresses have clusters of these tiny hung-run tucks, in the -waists, sleeves and skirts. They group' themselves on satin collars, near the slger, on erepe de Chine j and' satin frock', 'ometimes. completely | routing all othey trimming... They must be hand-run, and they' must be very tiny; |otherwise th y may be used at discretion, whenever und' wherever. you please, and the | more 'the. merrier, Wider tucks can be P | fotind' on dresses of serge and satin, run. ning,pround the skirts, one, two, three.and even four and five of them, placed several inches apart, /They are usually from one to four inches wide. Braid is a close second this year, and it is used in all widths Black is) preferred, or the color of the suit. Oriedoes not of- ten seé braid of a contrasting shade on the really. distinctive costume. You -see, ev. erything is so simple-this year, and. all the more attractive on account of this simplic- ity . Modish, Coat Suit on Simple Lines Dated: Autumn, 1917 News from the suit front declares that couts vary in: length from the very short Eton jacket té the long three-quarter length cost. This -cost suit has all the earmarks of the-lest word in-\imartnes. The long cost, thiriy-nine inches 'length, hes a straight front in' one with the shoul- der 'yoke and deep hip pockets, The skirt is two-piece, comparatively narrow (mode suring only two yards at' the lower edge), and it as a-high waist:line, Warm in col: or, it is, real joy, and will appeal to wo- men of taste" all over the country. WAR MENUS ' How to Save Wheat, Beef. andBacon for the men at the front. issued from the Office. of the Food Controller for Canada. MENU FOR WEDNESDAY Breakfast Ostmeal Porridge Milk Sugar Gresham Gems Jam Tea or Coffee Luncheon Scalloped Potatoes Cheese Straws Gingerbs Honey Tes Dinner Broiled Finnan Heddie Scillloped 'Potatoes--* Butter a' baking dish well. potatoes, sliced thinly: aft Ee Bi f :| fresh boiling water and: a few small bite Boiled Wheat tender. Drain off the water. Add well '| seasoned white sauce and reheat. (Wheat and meat' saving refipes by Doni i it sks HE al nie Eae 'and ment saving recipes. by Don}- estic Ronde pert of the . Canadian Food Controller ice.) * WAR MENUS r How to Save Wheat, Beef and Bacon for the men at thé front. Issued from. - ~ the Office of the. Food Controlt- er for' Cal MENU FOR THURSDAY Breakfast Buckwheat Pancakes Baked .Apples Corn\ Syrup Milk ~~ Sugar Tes Luncheon Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce Buking Powder Biscuits Butter Apple Sauce Tes Dinner Mutton Stew - Mashed Potatoes Vegetable Marrow Bread Pudding with Raisins . The recipes for Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce und Bread Pudding .with Raisins, mentibiied ubove, are as follows Buked Beans in Tomato Sauce-- Put the beans to soak over night in cold water. In the morning pour off this wa- ter and wih fresh water and one-half tea; spoon soda bring to a boil slowly. Then drain off the water that has the soda, Add of fat pork. Season with a little salt and some black -pepper. Cook' slowly, keeping on enough water to prevent burning, When nearly done, put into, bean "crock with two cups of tomute sauce. Cover closely and.bake until done. Bread Pudding with Raisins-- 2 cups stale bread crumbs 1 qt. scalded milly, 1-3 cup sugar 2 1 tablespoon melted butter 12 cup raisins : 1 ey = 1 2 eigen salt 1 teaspoon vanilla or 1-4 teaspoon spice. Soak bread crumbs in niilk, set aside until cool; add sugar, butter, egg slightly beaten, salt, raisins and flavoring; bake | one hour in' buttered pudding dish in slow joven; serve with milk and sugar. | (Wheat and meat: saving recipes by Dom- |. estic Science Experts of Canadian' Food Controller's. Office.) -WAR MENUS How to Save Wheat, Beef and "Bacon for the men at,the front. Issued from the Office of the Food Controller for Canada, MENU FOR FRIDAY Breakfast Milk Sugar Plain Muffins Marmalade Tea or Coffee Luncheon. Corn Fritters with Syrup Sliced Pears * Bread and Butter Tea . Dinner Baked Haddock Mashed ' Potatoes + Creamed Cabbage Hermits Apple Sauce, The recipes for Corn Fritters and Cream- ed Cabbage, mnentiéned sbove, are. as fol- low :-- Corn Fritters with Syrup-- To one cup canned corn, add one beaten. egg, pepper und salt to season, and enough flour to make a thick Batter," with 2 level teaspoons baking powder to 1. cup of flour: Drop onto greased griddle and fry to a light brown on both sides, Creamed 'Cabbage-- : Cook cabbage in- the ordinary way usitil estic Science "Experts of the Canadian Food Controller's Office.) WAR MENUS How to Save Wheat, Beef and Bacon for the men at the front.. Issued: from the Office of thé-Food Con- troller for Canada, MENU 'FOR SATURDAY ~ * Breakfast Buckwheat Pancakes Graham Bread Tea or Cocoa ., Lunehéon Macaroni in 'Tomato Sauce ' Baked Potatoes Baking Powder Biscuit' Butter Dinner \ Syrup Baked Apples Tea Meat. Pie Mashed Potatoes Baked . Apples Cookies The recipe for. Macaroni in. Tomato Sauce, -mientioned -above, "is as follows:-- Break macaroni and drop. into boiling salted. water. Boil until tender. -Prepare the tomato sauce, iising one cup tomato juice, two tablespoons four; two. table- 'spoons butter, pepper and salt to taste, 'rid 8 little grated onion, Put. the mac- aroni into « well greased baker, pouring over the tomato sailce, Sprinkle with buttered crumbs, Put into-the oven until the cruinbs brown. Sears (Wheat and, ment saving recipes by Domi- estic Science Experts of the Canadian Food Controller's Office.) * Parsnips Potatoes J. F. Nelles of Doe Lake, Ryerson Tp.,. brought 'a -basket 'of potatoes to 'The 'Arrow "Yo5. --They're Cleaner, F: resher "when washed with Sunlight. Soap.: I find it cleans the clothes more thoroughly and with less clothes and I must say worse for it either. work than ordinary soaps. \It doesn't hurt the my hands never feel the T really do: not find it hard to look after the wash myself,' because Sunlight' Soap does so much of the work for:me."" call Sunlight Soap Madam--there's nothing 'but.truth in this lady's remarks. Sunlight Soap is made so.well and so honestly that our guarentee of $5,000 <that it contains no never been challenged. bE ae All grocers sell Sunlight Soap. re LEVER - BROTHERS impurity: has a LIMITED, TORONTO. $ A Child' Lost Parry:Sound Star--The heart of' the whole town bas been stirred this week and the truth ofthe adage "one touch of na- ture makes the whole world akin" has been again demonstrated, Saturday. morn- ing. some. children were playing' together on Waubeek Street, when 'oné little' tot, Iris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Jon' e#, aged twenty-seven months, todilled off With @ teddy besr in one hand anda doll, in the other, and from. that. time vall trace of her has been lost as if the earth had opened and 'swallowed her. The child! was missed shortly after and. as there vare five fe ies related. to each other living *in that neighborhood it was thought Iris had gone with some of her 'cousins with whom she had been playing and search was male in thesé houses first, but no one had seen the child. -All that sfternoon neighbors seoured the. woods in that \vi , but without success, and in the evening' the fire bell was rung and searching partie: organized. The. night was' wet. and coli but the searchers: kept at their task Early Sunday morning the: fire bell wa: again rung 'and at 2 o'clock in the 'after- Sold' Everywhere in Different Sized nodn, when. probably three hundred men and boys went out and searched the -cous- try for three 'miles, "Sunday afternoon and nught fell, but still the search went on and. friends sent out to Guelph to'Mr. Pearson, the celebrated breeder of blood. hound dogs, and "at 3 o'clock Monday miorning Mr. Pearson arrived with his best' dog aid search' was resumed, The dog caughr' the scent and followed it along th: road lead- ing to the' crossing of the C.P.R. at. Isa- bells "Street, but it suddenly ceased and the dog was not 'able té pick. it up again. The heavy rainfall' followed by warm sun had apparently removed all -traves of the scent and, although Mr. Péarsofi with the dog end a number of workers continued the search' all day, no trace of 'the child has been found. The thought 'that. the ebild. might have gone to the water and fallen 'in is not believed, as she bad a. dread of water' and, had she fallen in- the doll or teddy bear might 'have been found op the shore, as th wind has-been. blow- ing inshore since she disappeared." The heart 'of the entire community: goes out in sympathy to Mr. and Mrs, Jones. -Un- less she has been kidnapped, there is now Mother . . JERSEY CREAM oda: no hope of her being. ali may! have gome-more Jersey Cream Sodas? They're - awfully good." NLL