_ kainent, be believes CIRCUL ATION . THIS WEEK '* ORNING * ©. SECTION J 3. -PAGES 1 TO_4 12 Pages < 54th Year. BARRIE, CANADA, OCTOBER 18, 1917 TERMS--Single Copiess cts. Per annus [in edvance) 1.50 A Grant of '$5,000 5 to British Red Cross, UNCIL UNANIMOUSLY TAKES THIS! ACTION---MR: BOYS SAYS GOV. WILL PROVIDE FOR PATRIOTIC FUND. the meeting Sot thy Lowe (lupe on miay mht, & barge deputa: | tow wut uk sti "tiv t Snub i Mier u Among those Spruut, B. hang station were Dr own, Bo Beslan: WoL tery Hl nen, 1 Rirss, HL KO Myers, 1B. Cine, T, Beeerot, Ag tt Goodall A Says; Go) Hanmer, 1D J sett, 8 Moure, GoD, Hal Wre ite Mile, 8 "Med Inu A iinet Dougall | ' int, the bast speaker, referred} te the strong feckine in town that a sub) stantial muyieipsl grunt cul te made tor | tiv Biytish Red ¢ them able meth i SOON as aw thitiney fun to be given ah his way,' dle painted) at how the British, Red Cross auinsters ted ull soldiers ao inate whenee they' come 1, do Béowa reeled ten oyelurs be spon «coupe board, when deputations of Lawere gladly recevied ~"Hortungtely i = there w need f Red | ey Comparing. the two inethods 'of raising Yhe money, he said that vorun ti apoinis Tall apo b certain, signe Y Taxwhien would re all the, $3 'ard swith "the -acrifice alf'we can do is wins an tT t 1 Ni uiive "deportation , tl egeg wanted Counedl, sal, Fhe Veoerplt, sane fone rnin ediiqemyn bee the prapriety af grat aah os fur, Vast penn, mart WON. Boys KAD, we aiter@dd the Brvtish Ried Creme. yet, andl today the need is eved greater enor ut Litres sani at was. phaunte iE suldiers baye, nothing but thé waernne Turning tote uechods of ysing funds, Mr. Boys sail, "While T king 'tiivially, Cth\ak. cai Camila Patriotic Tund im concerned, next year ir will be taken. boll! of diy the Govt, which will provade the funds thstend "of raising thin Ly 'voluntary " tua whieh was brough 1 1 { prawe forthe work Of the Ryd Criss in all i 1 1 sy wy thut as fa incre tie next aeision for Owo-reusins: Firat. | cause thee Will be greater teed, "and cud, becuase the' Government, will have te nue Fund nines by! tigation [1 is possible thit t Of providing dunds for, Red Cros: work also! tiay: be adopted, though: velit tary eiviigs for Rex Cross may ha ck as the iiedme tax tay' not: be sttfieient ts provide, for all the Red Cross nbeds also. 4 taxjiayer, Mr 'Boys favoréd the grant ani False' the for, But he everyene Howsanit ¢ Bhyt Should "he ealled uy ation to ent the $5000 Wistuer dwelt briefly upmn inagnificert work beg done by th Crose and eniphasized the duty of 'all. to kos necessary to the suc cof the. All carne After the deputanyn had heen: hen there was ea short filscussion in Coundyl Alderrien Lang, Tyetr, Wisdom, Clark aml Moin '6 Bennet', Deputits Lowe athe Ma a as heartily in sympathy with or all expr the, request for $5000 severak of these vaiced the. opi jon that all who do fot pay txts should be 'canviissed | cen behatt of this Very worthy cause Reeve Bennett thought that the Ont Govt. which collects ome, null from all the municipalities shonkd Sntribute oa Tatge «portion. of the mondy thus raised to, the various patriotic finds Comnram Phe Tofonto General Hospital' sent: a, bill, of $260 for the keép of Myrtle Irwin from dun, 23 to Oct 10. This war refer: A. Boys, KiC, isr at apinion as that -culvert and be repaired. Fo R.-Goaney_aske roadway on Baldwin § 'A recjuest fas msde'by the Barrie Ag-| by rieultursl Society for the customary grant of 8150 Ges. W, Hagart: asked the Colmneil- to fipply Ah with, a uniform overcast W. 0. Partridge and sixteen others pet-|- tioned fora hight on Grove St. st the east ride. of: McCarthy's grove and also that the light. at the corner of Grove and Owen Sts, be tioved one foot. north in ae 16 Bet equitably equ [dhe finst draft under. the Milinay Servier] iMCOIE At the same' time, dition of the Town in British Red Cross | On Monilay "evening whey an ayphes tien was mide to the Couneil by x representative deputation for s of $5,000 tis the British Red Cr in order te avoid house to tou vss and als to dispetaTsshi ts pusilG it was pointed out Chay large iktfiber of yiureons would not he called upon to jeontabate, though niany of iliem would be desirous to, do, their share in aivling the tid work of > the BR. Spine This doubtless 1s tris, aud There are also many who. in the | See Ingt tw Hy to. up ne see again yrars have given very ibe tsar would? hate" a haw die but whner est trifian hy taxation will be relatively trial) Gn who woulil lke to supplement it by a volunta « cunviise heen eruption "Po meet this sittation, Mr, Cross hae? i be apen a subsenption hist at fhe Canadian Bank of Cominerce, where cou tributions will, kg gladly received and, duly forwarded te thy central funtl, Liable to Five Yéars It ems titat memny Of those catled in Act 1 tunvlersfand 'thar they niust re port for This they ace ecmpelted | to dy and failure, 'tos comply makes ther | liable tu imprisonment for five yeats. Re | ecured ut the fier Here are thee subsections of My dealing with, this riatier of rey Mon éalled ait shall "report, and shall be plated Ton' active -ervier in the Canad port fortes ram. he ant at | inn Expeditionary For may be in sueh prochufiation or in regubstiens. lug |) @ tivil'sse pled on, active service shall Wey derined ti fe on leave af absence ywition pay tiany by or it arespeet of y fares ena r wsiviea! still long with is nl during thy ai ony sion raated line, be oat tate om lowe je without pow Any tnsin, who? is called ont nd wh Ahibs Segnise ails tae reper . he eal of aaped shal ye tisble tocimprisinnent "fot without my teran not ¢ sing five, yetirs, seithy Tied Iybying ter light that cornir WW. Popes Seay: of tht Oitfario Het Gomn.," pres a plan of the power line | : no themgh |Burrie " and» explsined that the -failute "tq notify Barrie Council |' before the Wark was, commences wis due | to Mr. Pope, being, absent from his offic for G8 weeks + Minor Work on" Stre 'The 'following «fecomibendations of the | Board of Works were approved 1 i) That rejiaits Tae made to 5 culvert opposite <4 . Kenityenfelt St, be! he of gravel | red. fhe put on parh on, Be ove W J Fowler's "Mp he | 'given Teave to re frees on Berczy St, That Pi Lihrari | Board he giveh kaye "te res filling earth' from 1 Bt. as requested i} Will Defend Appe: 'Upon the recommenitation the, Fin ance Congnittee the following renort yas | passed That, a deed be property occupied by) Cnilerhills, Lum ato them in cc tion of their jfayit the balance of the purchuse price At 'its red to tratisfir th preseny € values i s Tite Town Snliciturs, Messrs, Boys| etement under the Premiership of Sir Ro & Murchison, by ed ty defend the ap | to-right ate-Sir George Foster. Hon. C. J. peal of Dr. Wallen from the convietion| Guthrie, Premier Murray of Nova Scotia impoxeil by "the police Thomas White. That the Mayor at Town Solicitgrs with re nee: t-the pos! Maj.-Gen. Mewburn. on Dunlop St. x offered. by Mrs. Hinds | Albert Sevigny and Hon. J. A.. Calder. Wants Chickens Necipitated : . | -Reeyé Bennett enquired by auth: | ority 'The Beard & Health mau i coan-{ National Interest Ruling Factor pulaory' ta have 'the heads and feet on) Oétawa, Get. 13 - The situuticn, regartng poultry. sold at the. Barrie market, He) exemptions to be granted. under the Mil pad steps sbould-be taken to, fave this re-| tary Service Act hus been greatly ebynified gulation' repealed, . With 'the high price of | by: -the Announcement that the decisions of fowl the people should not be, conjpelled | Exemption Boards will be governed by 'the to pay fancy. prices for, the head and feet. | national interest This suggests ini brvatt 'The -Mayor--I'm 'told- thé regulation is! outline the policy that will be followed an to assist in the detection of disease. | dealing with those who are selected for er Weight of Bags § vier. and desire to remain in the country, |S) Ald. Horstield enquired if there Is any| It is plainly in the natignal"interest that \ market regulating fixing the weight cf- a] certain industries, such 'as. agriculture, | bay of potatoes or vegetables sold in this|-mining, fishing, transportatiy munition | way: on the market bor other wait material niduufacturig, etc., nu, In | 'The Clerk replied' 'in' the' negutive> A] should be 'kept ima healthy condit bag 6f potstoes is stpyioxrd to Wetgh 90) stead of being a menace to the stability of Vhs, but vendor frequently refuixe to <elll these industries, the Military Service Act will help to maintain' them. in a thriving condition by conserving 'the' Isbar supply they require. Indirectly, therefore, the Act is expected to .prove 'x most benelicial "in: 'strument making for-the prosperity of the the committee 4 i uting the weight of piitatoss, ete., soll on| dividuals engaged in each one must, submit the Barrie murket, i to thé provision' of the Act, the sume ss Members of the New Union Cabinet it tl Pe SP EY NI "THE MEMBERS OF-THE. GANADIAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT Above are the pictures of the men who are to compose the new National Gov- In the upper row from left, | bert Borden. Doherty, Hon. Martin, Burrell, Hon. Hugh Hon. T. A. Crerar, Sir Edward Kemp. Sir In the: second row are Sir Robert Borden and Hon. N. W. Rowell. | ansult the; fa the third row are Hon. A..L. Sifton, Sir James-Lougheed. Hon.-J. D.. Reid and In the fourth row are Hon. Arthur Meighen, Hon. F. B. Car- | '2 over the Iane| yell and Hon. C. C. Ballantyne, and in,the- bottom. row, Han. P» E. Blondin, Hon: 1 pe otbers. But, if x mai is engaged in work Jof national myortance which cannot be as well-done by another the faet wil ulivay Exerup This is the Curling, The first draft geoiping for the Ontario Tankard primaries places Orillia, Orillia HF M., Parry Sound, Gravenhumt, Barrie, Bala and Bracebridge in Group 7. Play fat Orillia with Frank Toogood -- umpire Barrie Thistle, * Collingwood, . Bradford, Clarksburg, "Penétang 'and Stroud are in Group 6, to play at Barrie.' The District with the two Barrie clubs, Orillia, Colling 'wood, Bala, Bradford, Churchill," Clarks- burg, Parry Sound, Penetang, Stroudl-and Thornbury making up the group, . The anriual' meeting af Ontario Curling Axso- ciation wak held in "Toronto on Tuesday. --Try « pair of 'Horlburt's- Cusbioa Sole Shoes for' tired snd wesry feet: Quality: the best, prices «little lower than the rest { well. satisfied ta. fair | 1 have vothing bint confempt Cup primary is again slated for Barrie,| . "No. 42 E. C. Drury. Replies to Unfair: Attacks | Following is a copy. of "a & 5 Advance this week by" E. C In your issue of. Oct. 11th si | hi Where does E. C. Drury xt there are some misstatements atid incorrect | which 1 think at i my duty to set nigh . In the first plice, gs tg my. attitude to: > want Unidn Government, 1 am now, and have bein all sloug,-in favor-of a Union Governunent for the period of the war at, Teast. In such Government which woth! ie free from the "necéssity uf consider ty wivuntage and from the evils-of 'pat ge (the twin évils whieh have given us the corruption which has distigyred Canadian publig lifer we would beve the best hope for an honest, etheient, eafying on of the war, 'That 1 whit now, © We ean safely leave que whey 'for th pstrnetin 1 ain Wot OW ron period af rec al never hi toun T have never sougl 1 pitty fevers, have claimed aaitl exercised independence Gf ad werton "and int aeepting the nainina eth Simcoe Last fall lid soon the express canitition that wif miley: en ould still, be nianitanied suid thee 1 sheild be ried sill stund4in the though Qu! for ty machine 7 tio. Laan tyiely he position & wernment, thaugh think height Have been impraved by the slditien prenniged Ighor * 1 new Union ef a repre all support 4 ves honey a z un of the to your quotations frou ry foe meeting held ut Juli, at many he well te know that titer this meeting a report of S eretary "to euch person published first, Tet mite Telyjgisin amd te hay onsah, tate meeting "Phe, however! At present will with the ket sentence, whiel we uo Your Ho Oe 1 Lianreer tiptoe seal Uyusetiption int Qe " ein t's ¥ Th Ateneo never uttered ay Meteoters it rt not contain d anothe copy -of, The, minite the-aaeetinge as L received them. «It is Lirely "inconsistent with the previons "tart say' phar, while referendum the effec wf uy statement, im whieh niciple of 1 pyernment and, also that [belies nid dentiocratie me: "to be drawn: from, the has been purpe my) statement, the with th in eNCe inte shat-the senten to the re in wrong inely tors of Sange that' wile rhe rest of the' report a» published -by the: T i, should tally word. for word with: that «of. the i sof the meeting, to the: remarks made by mer shoultl be added: thi Inte whose hands did this 7 at Ont | wa, and .who added th before passing it on to:the Te public may draw-its own conclusion. For stich | Prussian disregard for truth , sil -fairnes 1 7 am: not opposed f the élective cor seription of me When the nanon is af war thig is thesonly fair and democrat way of raising an army "It is-alse. the only way im whieh, ign army: cwn be. raised with wav it ty mini m disturbance Iustries Tt should" b applied at the 'beginning af the war. With, non | scription of men, hower tld go effee: tive. conscription' cf. wealth This, the ste Government made no attemmt te_de, R ther it allowed. the -host of profiteers' to conscript the nation's wealth "to, fill their own pockets, Tf. elected T-s1 downy best to have this-condition righte! snd to have the ill-gotten: gains of 'the phofiteyr taxed into the "Nevionhl Treqsury = F.¢. DRURY, Crown Hill, Oct 15 . No Soldiers for Collingwood Collingwahd News -Mayor - Patton has receive nesesige from the: Minister of Militia, which: reads 'our wire of 'the 4th, unless' there is a. development' to, nee pscitate any change of "phone no" intent of, quartering troops' in Collinewood this 'This ie self.expilanatory.- Tt means that Collingwood: will not be the. headquarters of any troops' during the ensuing. six months Guthrie Church Annigersary The anniversary services, will be held in Guthrie church 'on Sunday, Oct:°21.' Rev Mr. Smith of "Gravenhurst. will morping and eyening. nee fonday evening Dr, Waters of India s lecture. Mr. and Mrs.' Revell and. others wil] furnish music 'snd. supper will be served. from 6 Yo 8. Admission 25 cents including supper. > been a pars d i eatrength: . "Mr, Convention Was STITUTE--MISS 'FIRST LADY PRESIDENT. + Phe 'thirty. munth North Stmcue: Teachers cuavenert in the "Public 1s juny last sttnte, "Ln the inspeetorute teachers nid ther «nee: ~All Were exeveslimdly jira tation, advut's Be al ret hear style and Inspeeniw Gat Ws Nw aie r cipal, of the Cpllingivenn chief twem) Pru deyoted He "startei) ont, wit Germany whe it ax ets, produciné the Marg! litersture, inl pbile Ne " This was, "pir and "russ gonaition. eiyntymtie Trussiimes i gun fst States inthis ation > Then (heb, "tit nsespbet une fro|nitark iawn gaei Hiilitory. spit whichagréw. the ilésine Ast sexpanat ite yf goserntuent thie" jee itiar the people's thew: by' a a went somewhat it «Th Lys ante tho. forts of. governnint where the will of the ¢ erof the Ei nation: to sh the ennquest the tiation that to feel her Wallin referred y Ber eld cap! as the satist strange doctrines, pyt" forward hued and "others, where war a thing desirable on ttself tion of & human"instinet, JAs n corollsry ta. this, y uither: considers rmist yield: to eof being 'shle to ean- quer honor, trestws, private contracts * and. agreements, all meust give way. if ther [stand inthe road, of oy: successful. prosecu- tion 'of r : - Offiwers Elected Officers' for zh is: follows Pes, Miss Booth, Burne 1 Wi PL McLean, Collingwoos E. Shear, Allandale. Committee --D. A. Nor Blake Fry, _, Collingwoot and Miss Morrisoxt, Barri 'Miss Prentice, Nottawé: 'Auditors--J.-B Morrivon and M. Mat! son, Barrie. pS 5 Reps, to OE.AJ. E Morrison and D. A. Norris. ° : - Stratheons' Trust-J, Ly Garvin, Sheer,... Mise Waillell. tPenetang?, "JE Morrison, D. -R. | Campbell (Elovale), 'Miss Donnelly, (Penetang) Pra Bredieiearen ane ~ Have you sent' in your renewal for the Horticultural Society. yet? Se = fmeniing year were chien