"Never Diseppeints You You'll "never "be disappointéd or have, A to worry about your cooking or baking . if you use a "Pandora." Im this ~ . range nothing has been omitted could make it efficient, economic- ' "al or durable. - Write for free bobliet PANDORA RANGE yO TST ee JORMSEATOON 'EDMO! a * Sersey--Cow, Henry Reid. 2 Beat herd, any breed, J: Patton & Son. SHEEP + Cotswold--J. F. Sanderson} Ist for aged for aged ewe, shear we, shearling ram, ewe Iamb, ram mh rand Ist 'for pen. m Leicester Lincolas--Ram lamb, E. L, en Shropebire--G,- Crawford, Ist snd 2nd] for aged ram, shearling ram and ram lamb, and Ist for aged ewe, shesrling ram and | ewe Iamb, SWINE Improved: Large Yotkshir--Aged boa] PC R. H. Leadlay. "Aged sow, R. H, Leadlay. Tamiworth--W. D; Hawkins, Ist for ag- ed bossy boar 1917, aged sow and row of 1917. erkshire-Aged sow, W. D: Hawkins. POULTRY Plymouth Rock, Barred--Cock, Charles Lawton, N. Chantler.- Hen, F. Robinson; Chas, Lawton. . Cockerél, F. Robinson, illigan. Pullet, H. Kitley, N. Chan- Plymouth Rock, White--Cock, hen, PRIZE WINN ERS AT GOOKSTOWN. FAIR! HORSES Draft--Yearling, J, Henry & Son Two- year-old, Frank, Wilcox 1 and 2. Pearl Finder colt, Chas: Hounsome, Agricultural--Brood Mare, Wm. |Cooper. Spring colt, Wm, Cooper, Chas, Hounsome. 'Two-year-old, Chis. -Hounsome, Dalton Banting, W. Hughes. Span, Robt. Ram- sey, Joe Bowthan. General Purpose--Spring colt, D.Bant- ing, Geo. Davis & Sons, . Yeatling, Geo. Davir & Sons, "Cotamercial horse, Wm.! 2. Heifer-sear old, J. Henry & Son, Tas. Cooper. - + | Lennox, Two-yenr-cld, J." Lennox. Bull Carriage--Brood mare, calf 12° months. "and under J. Henry & Spring colt, Wm; Goodwin, Yearling, W.) Son 1 and 2. Heifer months nd D. Hawkins, Two-yeor-old, H. Blackstock.) under, J. Henry & Span, T. A. "Single carriage liorse, J. Herfty& Son 'i Thos. Cook, E, Speers, J. Stev Herefords J. A. Patton & Son; 18 and RoacdtercsBrood'-inste; y fyr cow, bull ealf-12 months and un: "FL Blackstock. der and: heifer calf 12. month and unde stock. Yeusline, Ja Jet for heifer two years old and bull over dart. Gente' Turnout--R,, Allen, Alf. Dovis,| W. Husey Stoddart, W.' Hus-| sey, J. Eldridge. Ledy Driver--Mra. B. W. McCaw, Miss. Stevenson, Hitghing and Harnessing--Mise Steven- son; Mrs.'Smith, Miss McCaw. CATTLE Sherthorn--06w, J. Henry & Son,1 and Smith, Miss T. Sherp Lennox, | 'we one year, & Sons, TV rit ins J, Hill, Ist. and 2nd for éow 'harness 'onder Hs ana atid, heifer: two 'yeurs old. | Fiissey. hore in harness Grutee-Cow, J. "Hill. and 2° One hands and over, Ro Ailén,*E. Bruce, W. °yearold heifer,,Gordon Henry. Two-year- "T should 'be the pleasantest time of 'life. and if coupled with good 'health it is. . Many of our.most:remarkable men and 'women have won fame and prom- 'inence atterireaching the sixties, and in Jots.of cases they have hot a 'been robust in youth. 'The secret,of health in old age _is the prevention of bowel: dis-. © order. Constipation is the foe to be dreaded. Care in diet is necessary, also 'the avoidance of harsh cethartics, which only aggravate the trouble. The ideal laxative for aged people is ' Chamberlain's Tablets On account of their mild. and gentle action, you hardly reali ze that a medicine has'been taken. Yet the effect is none the 'less 'certain, and the tonic properties of these Tablets so build up and strengthen the digestive systern that the health is greatly benefitted.' Try a bottle today.' 25c,-all dealers, or by mail from 'CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO CHAMBERL TABLET Expert. Testimony. To speak distinctly, and directly into the mo piece -- N eminient telephone man of 30 years' Ce - Jf 'Périence says that this is the great teed intelephoning. Over half the service difficulties _ "would dippear if distinct anf direct speal- "Geed service * ® * cur true intent." The Bell Telephone Co. | pullet, Lawton, Hen, Chas. .Law- ton, Brol Webb. ~ Andelusian\-Cock, cocker:] and pullet,'/ SRAM olet-ons yrs 3 Hey & Webb, Heny-B. F. Jamieson, Fred Nixon, Cockerel, N. Chantler, T. W.| Sharpe. Pullet;, N. Chawfler. Leghorn, Brown--Hen, R. J. McAfee. } Pullet, F,' Robinson 1 and |-cockerel" and pullet; Fred Nixon, H. Kit- Wyandotte;-' White--Cock, hen andy cockerel, Chas, Lawion, N.' Chantler. Pul- | let, N. Chantler, Chas. Lawtgn. Wyandotte, Lace¢ or G--Hen, L LBroléy & Webb,' Fred Nixon. Wyandotte, Bufi--Cock, Broley & Webb. Hen, cockerel and pullet, Broley & Webb } 1 and 2, Langsban--Cock, Broley- & Webb. Hen. cockere! and pullet, Broley and Webb 1 and 2. 'Minorca, Black S.C--Cock, Aen cockerel, Fred Nixon 1 and Minorca, Black R.C.--Cock, 'cockerel and and Brokey & Webb. Hen, Broley & Webb 1 Hen, R. J McAfee. --*| 'ock, Broley & Webb. Hen, Cockers, Nob Hondan- Broley & Webb 1 and 2. Chantler,. Broley & Webb. Dorkings---Cock, hen, 'cockerel and pul let, H. Kifley (1 and-2 Rhode Island Red, a.v.--Cock, Geo. Duff. | Hen, Geo. Duff 1 and 2. Cockerel, Broley & Webb Y.und 2: Pullet, Geo. Duff, Bro- iy & Webb Ducks, \ Pekin--Male and femele, N. Childs, * 4 e--Male and female, Chas. | Hounsame, . Chantler, j Bantiim, nv--Coek, Fred Nixon, Bro- | Leghsrn, White--Cock, B. F. Milligen. Hen, B. F. Ju Cockerel, 'BoP. Jui Pullet, Thos Milli and 2. Milligan Jamieson Game, Black Red--Hen, B. F. Jamieson, SEEDS . Fall Wheat, D.G.C:,, Thos, -Milli- gun, A, Matchett. Six Rowed Barley, av, Thos, Milligan. White Oats, 'av, Thos Milligan; A, Matchett, ~ Field Beans, Chas. 'Lawton, Jas. MeFadden. Flint "Corn, Chas. Lawton : ROOTS easly, -C.N, N . Matchett ; White Chantler, K. Potatoes, late, C Kidd; early, a.0.v, N., 'Thos. Milligan, J. McFadden; late, ov., Av Matchett, N..Chantler, Swede tur .v., A. Matchert, Chas, Lawton. Ps, Soft or white fleshed turnips, W. J. Houn- some, Long red mangels, J.-Heaslip, T. Milligan. Intenaediate Mangels, Milligan, N. Chantler, Globe mangels,\ay., R. J. McAfee, A. Matchett, Stock feetiing beets, Chas. Lawton; J. Heaslip, Short white carrots, H. B. Barnes, T. Milligan. _ Pars nips, J. McFadden, H. B Barnes. Hubbard squash, H, B, Barnes, R. J. McAfee: A: o.v. squash, R. J. McAfee, H. B. Barnes, Pumpkin, Geo. Duff, N. Chantler. ..Cab- bage, T?Milligan, J.MeFadden. Cabbage, red, Geo. Duff, H. B, Barnes, Cauliflow- ér, A. Matchett, H. B, Barnes. Totnatoes, R, J. McAfee, Geo. Duiff. . Watermelons, Chas. Hounsome, 'R, J. McAfee. Cigons,} H. B. Barnes, Chas. Hounsome. Celery, J. Heaslip, N Chantler. Red onions, R. J. McAfee, J. V. Childs, White onions, Rev. rong "Jno; Kidd. . Potato onions, Jas McFadden, Chas, Hounsome. Top onions, A. Matchett, "Table beets, H, B: Barnes, K. Kidd. Long 'table beets, H. B. Barnes, R. J. McAfee. Short table egrrots, H. B. Barnes, T.-Milligan, "Long table carrots, J. McFadden, H. B. Barnes. - Sweet corn, R. J, McAfee, A. Matchett: - Collection of vegetables, Rev. Creswick, H. B. Barnes Mammoth éucumber, R..J, Medfee, J. V. Childs FRUIT © Fall Apples--Wealthies, N Chiantler? A, Matchett: Snows, J. H. Dinwoody, W. J. Hounsome, St. Lawrence, W. J/Houn- some, N. Chantler. Any other kind, J. H. Binwoody. Cooking apples, A. Matchett, N. Chantler. Crab apples, Chas. Houn rome, W. J. Hounsome. Winter Apple---Northern Spies, Iu Dinwoody, W. J. Hounsome./ Greenings, W. J. Hounsome, J. H. Binwoody, Rus- sets, J. H. Dinwopdy, Ben Davis, ---- Qnd- Mann, -- J. = Pawo, 'Sweets, Aok., Peare--Bartlett, J."V. Childs, N., J. McFadden, J, H. V. Childs. Winter, Miss E. Forbes, «A Matohett. y folored grapes, Geo. Duff. i H. L.-Dunning. Cateup, Mrs. Duning, Chas, Hounsome. Canned fruit, Mrs. Geo. | FOX's) MILLION DOLLAR. Ff THE Gops" % Wit i Chelsea Pensioners Reading News of Wellington's Victory at Waterloo When Wellington Met Napoleon at Waterloo. the.wews did not reach London until a week later, and it was four months before it was known in, New York. But when Queen Victoria died, the news was known in Toronto and New York several minutes betore it was known in London. 'This was due to the enterprise (although a slight breach of etiquette) -of one' of the correspondents whose press ser? vice we enjoy. @ When'.the owners of The Empress of Itcland sued the she nc heStorstad for the ramming of their vessel, the oronto the finest handling of a Big Trial Story that-ever was known, When, recently, the Pope pecpeeed peace, the text of his message was more'fully presented on-the day of its issue by The Toronto Daily Star than by any other: paper in, Ontario. 'This'enterprise.in handling Big New Events has caused The Star to be recognized as one of the great newspapers of the World; ; Fanking with such papers as the 'New York Times," " " "Chicago Tribune," "London Times," Ee "Lon- don Daily Telegraph." Daily Star's" covering of the trial was comment-_' ed upon in one of the big Liverpool Daily newspapers as " Minard's Liniment Cures: Dandruff. A Few of the News.and Special Features Exclus- ive to . The Toronto Daily Star vin The bate quer: pote McKenzie, oar ident correspon: Ment. u veteran war writer If you sa read The Toronto Daily Star, will thoro ORDER TO-DAY. - ee 2a The price from your - local: slow ile 2 pal gg x We month--delivered on the day. of issue; or -you 'may s: from | aMURERE RS eee alc oe. $4.00 per year. PIN YOUR MONEY scree ety bert epee al If cama register the letter. . ' +4 TO THIS COUPON A ag enjoy it. ° t WA Tw. | : Publishers Torento Daily D 'Star, Forento. -- 'Enclosed' is. subsciiptiog, commencing. ...------ | ee ." Address copies 2PB--At you: warit' the, paper delivered south our agent in eae aS words to me." oes a ee