c aeniny Every pare Farmers, NEWS OF COOKSTOWN The suprssontative of The Barrie Examiner and Saturday Morning in Cookstown Thompson. News items for Cookstown and adjacent country may be handed or phoned to Mr. Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No. 30 nds him. "Suberiptions, either new of renewals may' be: forwarded: through him, is George F. 45 'Wednesday, October 10. The funeral of the Ite John Kell on 'Thursday of last week was' Inrgely attend- ed. Mr. Kell was a man very. highly re- apected and will be sadly missed by his many friends. The sermon was preached in the Methodist Church of which he was an tive member, being always to the fore preached for : any church work. He was a compara. tively young min, being only 60 years of age and was always of a healthy condition, and no doubt would have lived many more years had he not' had the misfortune to ¢ fallen from an apple tree causing fatal injuries, He is survived by "his wife,, two + daughters, Mabel at bome and Clara who ie teaching' at Egbert, and three boys, Wilson on the homestead, Pte. Clifton, 'who ix overseas as Midshipman, and John of the Royal Navy, The draw for the quilt which was given hy Mise-Ethel Sutherland to the Women's Institute for Red Cross purposes) took place at the Fair concert. © Mrs. Lipsett, who keeiss house for her brother. Jas... Kidd, "war the 'holder of, the lucky number. The. sale of tickets for the quilt amounted to $139.00 ii. in need' of a suit: don't henitate to leave your order at Fisher's, 'Warren McKinstry 'of Bradford mn st Harry Rankin's last week. Ernest Banting of Toronto had-a display 'of electrical- supplies at, the Fair last week. Word was received from Pte. Frank Agnew: saying that-he and a number, of his "comrades hed a taste of gas," Frank says 'he would not eat anything. Mr. 'and Mrs. Ewsgg Arnold of Penetang attended the Fair list' week. John Hill passed: away at his home here 'on Wednesday evening, Mr. Hill had been, Cookstown' Flour 'Mills Bring yout Wheat and Exchange for Flour, Bran and Shorts. WE GUARANTEE OUR FLOUR WATER LILY makes the nice' Sweet Moist Loaf. MOSS ROSE makes the Beautiful White Crisp Pastry.we all like: We manufacture Gratiam Flour, Whole Wheat Flour for Dark Bread. |} Wheatlets and Germ Meal for Porridge. : CHOPPING:- Tuesdays, Chursdays and Saturdays: oH ROBINSON 'BROS. rotten 'stuff.and for-r couple of days, in noor.health for the past year and of late ¥ had heen éonfined to his bed. He was years of 'age andwas aman of genial dis-| mark of the esteem in which Povition andduring his citizenship in tows His remaine were buried on Tuesday after-| ai about eight of nine years had won maiiy {noon st St. John's Cemetery, Rev wreaianes gives us a wholesome, -anti-- septic, refreshing confection lace of the cave to take the man's pebble. digestion and d mouth and throat with this wel-. come sweetmeat. Put WRIGLEY'S in' Your Fighter's » Chrictaas Box: = It! costa little but | gives a lot of a and long-lasting < jon but a ne He used .a pebble to ~ keep his .mouth mnetet-- .We. help teeth, breath, appetite, ich The ba | Chew it after every meat | | -part. He was 56 years of age. Proprietors. friends. Yn' religiom 'he 'was Anglican and | in fraternal 'societies was' member of the Orange and- of the Black. Mr. Hill was | predeceased by-his wife 'about a year' | Miss Edna Lewis left on Tuesday for Buf- falo. where she will train for # nurse Rev. 'Mr. Goodridge of Severn Bridge! i in the Presbyterian Church on Soriday Tat. Re Brown and B, A. MaeDer mld ob the Lord's Day Allianee will con- | duct, sgrvice at" the, Methodist Church 'on! Sunday' next Miss "Sylvia Coleman. of Foronto spent 'Thanksgiving at her hore. The remains ofthe late Robt. McKinley of Winnipeg were buried at Alliston on Mofday. Mr. McKinley, formerly lived in | Essa. jand' was well 'known ardund this! Chas. Robinson wired J. H. Readman's | new house this week. No doubt Mr. Rob- | inson. is well up.in the'work and will be | well patronized. . ° Dr. Shuttleworth of, Toronto. was in| town.-off Saturday: to see R. J, Coleman, ill Hilton Leeson has been appointed' lib- rarian, 6f the Public Library. A memorisl service for the three bays 'who fell on Oct. 8 last,'was held'in the Methodist Church on Sunday: evenimg. Officiel word was received on Thursday of last week that Corporsl Harold Bassing- thwaite had died of wounds on Sept. 28. In the death of John William Perks, Covkstown has lost an old and 'much esteemed resident; Mr. Parks passed away |. at'his home here on Friday morning last. He was 77 years; of age and-was born and lived on the farm where 'he died. He was 8 very quiet, unassuming man "and. was possessed of many sterling qualities. In religion he was Anglican and was a member of the Orange Lodge. The large number of people present at the funeral. wis a was held W, A. V part and is thoroughly enjoyed. | other permanent material | while in Haldimand it hue bean as high 'as eo i ee sermon, The pall-bearers were John Kidd, Jobn Robinson, T, H. Arnold, Wm. Meher, John Sutherland ind Dr. Banting. . He' is tended. the funera} from a distance were Humphrey' Jones of Duluth, Jas. Goodwiti of Torontb, Mrs-Kidd of Stayner and Mrs: Moran of Barrie: The Military Camp which is being held in town is something new to people of this . The concert which was given in the town hall on Tuesday night by the Highlanders was largely attended and everyone was yell. satisfield- with the programme, weather seriously interfered with the success of the Cookstown Fair last week verse conditions.. A yery heavy entry list had been. entered with the 'popular ang efficient seeretary, Mr. Mackay but the Kept many from showing. Owing to the mud,' thé races could not be held. The names of. the prize-winners will be found on Millions Spent on Roads Thirty-three Counties in Good Roads Sys- tem--Cost per Mile Differs Consid- erably. in Dierett Parts. According to th= - Department™of High- ways in the past ten years about $28,000,-/ 00 has been spent it' Old Ontario on rural | Yoads, and less than oné quarter of this remains ax borided debt. Southern Ontario | has 55,000 'miles of roads in the . open country, of which 40 per cent. hjs been surfaced with gravel, broken stone or some Thirty-three of the counties have joined the county system of good roads, and only | six remain, wichout the system. . Owing to war conditipns road construction has been retarded, 4nd while there: would have been more god roads built this last year the work hes*been postponed till after the war, one of the roads being the Provincial high- wey. The ¢ost of. road building in different countigs varies. In Hnstings County the average cost. per mile hus been $798.67, 5,865.86! In explaining the difference in the cost the department claims that the cost' varies with local conditions." Some counties have -an abundance of broken stone, while in others it has to be imported by' rail, which adds-to' the cost. Some Counties have large deposits of gravel and build gravel roads, while: still other roads have i coating of. stone, which serves as 8 good foundation and 'requires only' re- surfacing. . 'The average cost per mile in the different counties with gogd road systems in: Av cost per mile Total iously soothe ment. Not only a ier, a thir quencher, a pick- ntain WRIGLEY'S GUM | »| the intending visitor. County completed,- exclusive of, Expen. bridges on bridges Wentworth... 5 ($ 19,917.09 'Lanark. . 33,120.82 Simeoe .. 127,573.86 Wellington. . 106,514.83 Lincoln .. 12,027.52 Oxford 78,668.84 | Hastings 232,201.78 | Peel... 48,917.36. Middlesex 175,986.54 Lennox und Addington 22,806.91 Prince Edward. 10,780.04 | Halton... .. Perth Frontenac Waterloo Carleton Leeds and Grenville. . «+ 1,998.82. York... » 7,245.38 Haldimand . + 5,865.86 Welland 4,890.82 OPENING HUNTING: SEASON _ " NEAR AND PROSPECTS GOOD | Forty Mouse Seen in Four Days in/the Abitibi' District of Quebec. The crack of the hunter's fifle will soon be 'heard ohce more. The bunting season fot deer,~moose and caribou: opens in the | Province of Quebec on: September. Ist., ex- cept in the' counties of Ottawa, Pontiac, Labelle gnd° Temiskaming, where the gpén season' begins, October Ist. Sport will be excelent this' year according to reports received st Grand Trunk headquarters, | Montreal Many sportsmen srg plunning trips to the' new: moose. country ip» the Abitibi District of Northern Quebec, reached through, © Cochrane, the junction of, the Temiskam- ing & Northern 'Ontario Railway and the 'Franscontinental Line. In the hunting re- serves there known as Canuck's. Camps, moose ate more prevalent thit year than ever before. This, it.is believed, ie due to the natural: increase and to the fect that}: the moose are steadily moving into this], new region from the niore southerly areas. | One party just retzirned from this region sighted in four days, more than -- forty inoose.. Some wonderful moving pictures of moose have just been taken there. In this Abitibi District there is. lso consider- able bear and some deer-and a few cari- bou In Ontario the hunting season opens on November Ist,"but -att ordef in council has just been "promulgsted- slowing' moose hunting 'in that portion of Ontario lying north of the Transcontinental' Line to be- gin October 10th,.and extend to Novem- ber 30th; making the season' considerably longer than. in former. years. 'Lhe transpo: vn authorities are . c0- operating in every way in the work of at- tracting sportsmen: to" Canada, and' stand ready to give all available information to CLOWES "Oct. $--The farmers are busily 'engaged filling their silos." \ Inspector Day of Orillia paid an official visit to No. .15 School last week. 'The Red Cross meeting was held at Mrs. Turk's last Thursday. Aubrey Bertram enlisted Inst week 'and is now: wesring the King's mniform. 'Mrs.' John 'Gearns is visiting in Sosa! with her daugifter, Mrs: Pegg. 'Arthur Currie of the Newsnet Cote, Toronto, is home.on fi Bi -| Peter's | Mrs. Foster of Toronto were the guests of) Mi Necessary Farm - Equipment ORE and more the Ford car is looked // upon by progressive farmers a neces- ' sary.farm equipment, the same as the low, the hay-rake, the drill, the mower, the pert and other labor and time-saving machinery, A farmer with a Ford. car 'can dispense with one or-two of his horses and.make the trips to * town, railway station, creamery, or to the-neigh- bours in one-third the time. In fact there is no farm. machine made: that will save the busy farmer and his busy wife so much valuable time asa Ford. And it's so easy to take care of--far easier thanahorse. No bed to make, or hay and . oats to get, no harnessing and unhagnessing; and no stables to clean. The Ford pravticaliy' takes - care of itself. Ask_any farmer who owns a Ford if he weal ever again try to.get' along without it. His answer will hasten your decision 'to own one, ' % oe aD ININ: DS ' ° {HE UNIVERSAL CAR Touring - $495 Coupelet - - $695 Runabout.- -.$475. Sedan. -.- -.$890 =e F.0.'B. FORD; ONT. Barrie ~ CROWN -HILL * Oct..@--The :recenit frosts are beginning CHURCHILL Thanksgiving Services were held in St. (Anglican) - and to'tint the leaves of autumn: Churches last Sunday. Rev. Mé. Alay of| 'Mrs, and Miss McKinnon of Toronto| Mr. and Mrs: Dempster of Toronto mot- Toronto, was the special preacher in St. | spent Thanksgiving 'at the homie of 8, Todd. ored' to J.Chappell's on Sunday to. spend Peter's." fe choir of St. Paul's Chureb| Mr. and Mre. Hughes of Newsharket| the holitay. rendered special music. spent Sunday at the home of Mrs, Jobt| . The 'Anniversary Services in: the Metho- Mr. and Mrs, 3-Tate have returned after | Todd. : dist Church on Sunday: last -were a success, Spending two weeks. among friends near) | The Misses Tate -and Miss Anderson of Dalston choir rendered good music. * 'The Shelburne. Torontp spent a few days at the home' of| Rev. H. Moore of Burrie had charge of the 'The: Auxiliary' of the WMS. of Presby:|J. Tate tina week. | services und wais thought. "an excellent terian Church met last week at home of| \ Mrs, Reynolds<of Stroud is visiting. het cer' by all 'who! heard him. Mrs. (Dr.) Pickard. Afi . Pratt. Mise N. Arms of Toronto is the-guest of Gunner Harvey Reive has' accepted @| "Miss Cora Canning of Barrie is visiting! Mrs. Fred" Caldwell. Miss Wallace - of "Grand - 'Valley spent} Presbyterian | Thanksgiving st the home of her father. position as mail clerk on the G.T.R: her father.~ 4 Mrs, and Mrs, Will Dunn and _ their Mrs. John Boyes Sr. is visiting friends in} " Rev. D. A. MeKetisie i attending -a/ children, Miss Clara, aid dohn; also: David Toronto. meéting of Synod in Toronto this week. | Cowan, spent " the, Thanksgiving holiday Mire Evans: of "Barrie 'spent, Sunday" at} the home, of R, Reiye. Dr. andi Mri. Hermiston. and Mr. and Norman, Marshall spent Thanksgiving at with Mr'and Mrs. Jobn- 'Dunn here. the home of his father. 'Sammple copies' of The Exsiminer "sept om request, "$1.50 per year. vee g ASTINCOMPARABLY NNETTE "Some" ADAUGHTER Pe OF THE. GOD 5 "MOST PERFECT = PRESENTED . AN rd? Liniment. "Cures Burns, Etc. 20.2 dnches. 896 Inches Shontders 40 inebes 'Upper .arm s+ ¢ 120} fiches 9.5 inches Wa inches. BB inches