Se, Meee ae: ee. aad bardine and, wool jemey; 'ns well ax :the/ PRIZE-WINNERS AT. COOKSTOWN FAIR: 'reshA afi Refres : ' heavier woolen: materials in vafious colors) °° = | : ses sf peusrpare mr chatty im _ + ]and combinations of colors, are equally] (Continued fram, page seven) ° it é -- oN) i FINE SRTS 5 peti Oo Ware aod tena Skirt | * psinting on ceatte Butchg 1 and | |. 'The illustration! shows on€ of the many| 9 *"Cancsiion' shoteds Mise Forts, Mrs. clever designs for the tie-on blouse. The] Lowe, Crayon bree Forties; Jan, sinti} surplice line is sc generally becoming thet | -Tyvior -Landse stice Forbes, ; I, for one, am glad to see that it con- ee Feabpect Mike JERSEY CREAM atercolor painting, . Bi + 9 fGoubs to bes teabioa favorite. 'The panel | Mi Phares yuu / effect in the front, éith its' bRkiding de-| Wise Forbes, Mrs Pen and ink. 3 ; . -- _--_ > Fe a 8 76 sig, is another feature This: dress' was! setch, Miss Porbes, Jas. 'Taylor. Pencil oO 'as be fs composed of clean, whole young: (17) % [MOF NE doing a ee ree 2a ap: reg ae : : inted. panel, Miss Forbes, Miss Fisher. ; leaves. Picked right, blended right and [Painting on si or sai: in oil, Miss Forb- >, « c _ . packed right. It brings the fragrance Slash ite Belcher Me Fisher. Pietore , of an Eastern ard exhibit, Mrs fes, Miss Forbes, Map q ur ie ; , : ; drawing, Jas. Taylor, 'Mies Forbes. Burnt | 3 : BLACE, MI=ZBD OF GREBAN wood, work, Miss Foreman, Mrs. Lowe. | 'i : : Burnt leather work, Mrs. Kersey. Hand- § -- is writing, gents, W: J, Finlay; ladies, Mrs. |~ 2 T Lowe, Miss Forbes; bo Jas. Taylor. & & 9 LADIES" WORK IN WOM ANS REALM Slippers, knitted, Mise L. M. Foreman, J i Fisher; ercchet, Miss Fisher, Mrs. Ker- | ¢ | Buttonhol-s, Mrs. Jas, Lenhox, Mixs | - - é Fislier. Darnime-m silk-or-shtin, Miss Fish : THE TIE-ON BLOUSE | streets und set us oiit etcurts to pluces off cre Migs Kerbs: Sadien, andres, ee * | eat 'oremun, Mrs. Buteher. cotton | shirt, § : CONTINUES IN FAVOR | snusen atts. soni rile aot ; 3 gent's. Mrs, Lowe, Mrs. Kersey. Rag mat, - Modern % | a 0 ° Bustle . Mrs. Kersey, Mr. J. Kidd: . Wool 3. 3 , Fashion Accepts the' Button, Fringe and! There. is a restraint about. everything, | Mim A. Matchett, eneipain Late: Factory: of Its = Tassel | from the sle-ves, which are ling und tight) Mrs: Kersey, Mrs. G.« Harvey; rochet, '! 7 Pe oe in street covtuines; to the wkirts, which are Mis. Kenes, Mrs, 'lowe. Quilt, a Cleanliness is the watchword at MeCormick's-- New: York, October 4, 1917... | narrower thun-lust yeus, and which promise Mrs. Lowe, Mrs, Butcher. Pair bed blan- the building is pure white, both inside and out, New York, Fifth Avertue--and & to be longer, There is one important ques: | kets, H.-B. Barnes, Jas. MeFudden. Col- and is kept immaculately clean, thoroughly sani- tion which has not, ns yet 'been settled. 44 lection of quilts, Mrs, Geo.' Davis, "Mrs. tary and perfectly ventilated throughout. And all cal per! Could there The Kersey. Sofa afghan, Miss Forbes. Wool. Sor C, knitted, Mrs. Kidd, Mrs. Kersey; crochet, Miss Fishr, Mrs, Kersey.» Ladies' wool cloves, Mrs, Kersey, Mrs, Lowe. Gents' wool gloves, Miss Fisher, Mra. Lowe. Mittens, wool, Mrs. "Fisher, Mrs Kersey; Silk. Miss Fisher, Mrs. Kersey. Collection of embroidery, Miss Foreman, Mrs. Kersey. Coronation braid work, Miss Foreman, Mra. Lowe, French embroidery or Roman employees--both meh and women--are dressed in spotless white uniforms. : Fe McCormick's Jersey Cream Sodas packed in air-tight waxed-paper lined boxes, 'and will reach your table in 'a sede original purity and crispness. "Order a package to-day, Sold Fresh Everywhere in Different Sized Pockagis: 0 -;fierce battle -is waging betwen two fae- "i\tions, for the bustle end ogoinst it., After all, it is up to the women themselves, in eve: the passing throng, seeing ull the at-| the end, ond only- they con decide whether "to be or-not to be" Fashion aunch » mode, but if the! it--it dies, and some. y takes its place. ct gndthe Suit + bination? tractions an.thé human failings 'that sre of -this kaleidoscopic scene, hoppy happiness and glad that they, too, are ed crowd iv sways a study in psychotogy. Here we cun trace eA welldre the influence of passing events in"the na-| At present, indiexfions are that the slress : ' ; : tion's-affairs} forsthe times, and the spirit jad cout witkbe more populur for street cut ye MR. Remy, Mint Fore | i ; of the times, are clearly geflected in the| weur than the ooat suit, This is awn Swork, Mrs. Kersey, Miss Foreman. | °°" aj y hE us af Hie eaieh, Sol bcs set nate cid ese wal be Battenburg lace, Mrs. Kersey, Mrs. But-| Miss Fisher, Mrs: Lowe. . "Whisk holder, FLOWERS. s. There are' creations, marvelous gowns,| many suits worn this year, Indeed, it is] 7993 cher, Point lace, Miss Fisher, Mrx, But-[Miss Foreman, Mrs, Lowe, Fancy pin-| Ferns, Mrs, Geo. Davis. Collection' of ¢ furs: and coats, to-be teen, but ubout each| an Amerieyn costume, and' the American The New Tunic Dress cher, Centre piece, embroidery, Miss Fieh-| cusbion, Mrs.. Dunning, Mrs. Lowe. | Net-| house, plants, J' McFadden. . Begonias, J. : cr \tien Forenvan, Five o'élock. ten cloth, | ting, 'Miss Fishet, Miss Forbes. .Toilet| McFadden. Coleus, J. McFadden, Cut there ig a subdued elegance of good taste. woman always feels that there. are occa- Unive the glemour of these: «nappy days,| wont when only a coat tuit should be worn,| 294 braiding in beige color. At tint glanee | sny kind, Mrs, Lowe, Mra. Kerey Tray | mats, Mrs, Kersey, Miss Fisher. . Tatting, | flowers: in moss, Rev. Creswick, Mrs. Kidd. Tate n wee the ver-present feeling of the| However, dresses to he wen on the street| one sees the simplicity: of the costae, am|-cloth, Mim Fisher, Mrs. Lowe, Soft cush- | Miss Fisher, Mrs. "Kersey. Punch work, | Annuals in bloom, Mrs., Kidd: . Table bo a cae toe Pie pve erent Seeing. of ee re etaer t Stet ore caioed bythe abrenee of tringning-| ton top, embroidered on s., Mr. Kersey, Miss Fisher, Mr. Lowe. Pillow case, emb..| quet, Jas. Taylor, Mrs, 'Lowe. ' Hanging , vent. We ximply can not without a eogt, these first cool days, are] QTE EMO OF ON Aectsiiy suitable for| Mrs, Butcher. 'Tea covey, Miss Fither, |Mrs. Lowe, Mra. J. Lennox. Deilies, sinb»| basket, flowers, Jus. MeFadden;" fol, é dress inappropriately when. these" happy-go: | hdlding the centre o the stage. Bl | ins Fi i eee entre ii khaki throng. our| Tends, ue it always does, but iricotine, ga-| Oring or aftefngon, - Mr. Lowe. Pitlow, . sham,| Miss Fisher, Mrs. Butcher ok, Mrs.| Jay. McFadden. Floral design, H., "B. : d + Bukors sad Tones Mrs, Butcher, It, Mrs." Lowe, 2nd.| Lowe; Miss Fisher. " Huekaback datning;| Barnes, Rev. Creswick, : 'the dijo /ehvebutk to have] Collection of crochet' fark, "Mist Fisher, | Mis: Fisher, Mrs. Lowe. Sideboard scarf, : 7.77 asad 40s MThee eee'of avery. ota | Miss Foreman. 'Table mats, crochet, Mrr | any kind, Mrs. 'Kersey, Miss Foreman.) Ifyou li 'ner, recommend it « nn a Any Yy Ly ipo L ts. oe ihe | Kersey, Mies Forbes, Hemstitehing, Mrs. Eyelet embroidery, Mrs, Butcher, Mrs. Ker-|to any friends who are not already sub- j srcalke ony triat Aettored. pc, They | Lowe: Mim Faker. Hagdkerehiet gape, |v. F seribers. $1.50 per : ulso crap out jin: unexpected places," -We naturally look for them on the fronts of couts, dresses und waists; sleeves, too, arid even collars have been devotees of the but- ton for some sensons, Now, though, they: have taken new strongholds, Up and down the back they travel, around the hems of inconspicuous skirts, 'and across the shoul- der and down the sleeve. When thy match the color of the eos: tume, they are smart; when they are of a contrasting shade they sre smart; when they are round, square or oblong, they are SS NON Ym NN G iA cam - . oa SX e 5 ' e \ : Z AB 'Which Heating System ¥ ~ Will You Prefer? : : : HE: health of your family, just as much 'as the comfort' of your B 3 Economical ; home depends on' the heating system You 'install. \: =I 9 7 pent ears =| i : i Fi. You have realized' this important fact of course. You. are fully °1& @ Everybody: likes preserved Pears aware of the need for a furnace that gives not only ample warmth, but . ; : ig i y sh of th also adequate ventilation. . a =)h f because they retain so much © He. To the:man who has studied-heating systems. from' this two-fold refreshing quality of the raw fruit, - angle the "Hecla" warm-air furnace has a strong appeal : pile? : Owing to, the absence of sharp acid, To-day when thrift is'a national. duty its appeal 1s stronger than ever. they. can be preserved in light syrup 796 The "'Hecla" Circulates Pure Moist "Hecla" Warm Air _Is Clean 8 yo P oat Biue Serge Walking Costume ir Th hout Y H =F F G S ith excellent results : Air Throughout Your. Home ree From Gas ' : lemme eae sly emt eh Ye shoe Think of the health-giving advantages - "It is true that from time fo' time '@Pears are good and may be abundant ignin of Dame Fashion a "Hecla" brings! Hy alee tase of you will bear of furnaces that have. | : Tesacts, too, und fringe. one in for thei .pure air is constantly drawn to the furnace, - giy F 1 * , = this year, and the ten-pound sack of | | at's ssn. in Sect ite td Sry armed and slid with moire given treble by slovuae El & / ne a shades, they accentuate the flying: drapery hi re t ires. It is ° t ea) j= : Lantic Sugarwill preserve a fine supply. SP arate slguetie. = a thes spi er snes humid. fresh vinbo instance has this been Said of a pa: : 2 Ie The New Tunic Dress | every roqm inthe house. . "Hecla."" Such @ nuisance we be- we r ust . ee tateeat aera as csi ' Mie owners fier are in haunts lieve: rete Bele cere a : aes Fe Mey os vomuler. . Poa, AG, who will-tell you how pleasant this health- patented fused joints of the "Hecla" z % s é perl pede peng site ene a ful ventilation is in,winter. smoke-chamiber cannot spread, no matter : aM 1c " two miaterias ond. contrasting' colors, and This moisture-miellowed ventilation of how long. they, are exposed, to heat, "We a 'so presents many pense | for Laisa? the "Hela" is be preferred to an. guarantee them tobe leakproof. They- a for the pofescional. ae The shaped "panic is-very new; the 'one il are-sealed tight for the life of the furnace. @ shape: ik-very new} - ustrated here 'shows how graceful is the effect obtsingd when it is longer on one opptessive dry atmosphere.' * iil %. for all Preserving rie ' side than -the -ohtre. Hic) ag or ont % x . * ' Co " la- haired, is uxed » great deal on.these dress- 5 an 1 : i 3 : Get the bépefit of its purity, "FINE" granular) |" theres something, fciating svt The "Hecla" Will Save You Money ---~ Read : material. 'The wide: crush belt, the surplicey : collar, und the tight sleeves are all features well worth studying. . pe hs ion and high sweetening power. ac 2 and 5-pound cartons 10, 20:and 100-Ib. sacks 'Thanks from Hospital Ladies 'The members of the-W. A. of R. V. H. aregdesirous of expressing their most sin- .| cere 'thanks to the following: To all dadies who kindly assisted us in our canvas campaign. To everyone who 'gontributed to. the fund; despite the say apt calls at the present time, and. for the kindness- and courtesy shown to our collectors. es Be 'To the éditers who, so kindly ustisted in : : : 'the, acivertising of our plans. 'The amount reslized. by the canvas is -| $194.00 'which sum is sufficient to provide the- hiospitel- with necessary: linen for the "Have you seen the "Lantic Library"? 'Three new Cook Books oti Preserving, Cakes 1 apie Sars a