Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Oct 1917, p. 8

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THE ADLET COLOMN The cost of, advertising in this column is ONE CENT PER WORD-EACH INSER- TION, with 'a minimuin charge. of 15 cents 'Terms cash. Six insertions will |' be given for the price of four.. Where re- plies are directed to this Office: an addi- tional 'charge -of 10c. will be made. FOR SALE--Smell Coal Heater. Apply 16 Worley 8:. or Phone 456. Mt. Leese . 41. FURS--remodelled and 'repaired. 'Miss Minnie MeArthur, King. Block; upetime. | * (WANTED--Auto truck, 50 'hot bed 'sash, . good work horse. L, Howe, bar B 4p 2 % 8 HOUSE "TG RENT--Six-roomed cottage, central," all conveniences. Apply at' this Office, 41tt ptt ace A NUMBER OF GOOD WORK HORSES FOR SALE. Apply to Wm. Freek, Barrie 39-42 FURNISHED ROOMS .TO RENT=Suit: 'able for light, housekeeping Street, Barrie: . 4L44 TED -Young girl for light housework, one ty sleep at home, Apply Mrs. Hay, 21 Chorlotte St. 41-41 ee WANTED--Generil Maid, two in' family, references required, Apply to Mra, Laid- law, 126 Bluke St 39-41p FOR. SALA:--Forty White Rock Pullets, hred from guoil winter Tayers, Mrs, Brown, phone 3r4l 39-41 FURNISHED .HOUSE TO RENT with. all conveniences, piano, ete. Apply Mrs. C,H. Porter, 58 Maple Ave. 41-44p" ami ccc iv, scenic en ne MAID) WANTED--For general housework, + hme not too young, preferred. ' Apply to Mrs L. Merrill, 118 Collier St, $1-41 HORSE FOR SALE--Good driver, weighs sodut 1100. Also cutter, harness" afd saudie, . Cheap, 159 Collier St, 40-40 CLE sifit and overcoat canbe miade to look | like new: by 'Harry Twiss, 'Owen St. 8-tf) TWD YOUNG LADIES--wish employment | week that Capt. Ernést Lawrence's (for- | Owen Street. r at house or shop-work, Apply to. Mrs.| merly of the 76th Ba.) injuries consist of] also spent' the week-end with them. Jno. LiHuye, RR. No, 2, Allandale. 41} LOST. Between Stroud." and Oct. 7, kit of motorcycle tools, Reward. J, F. McKeown; 145 Bradford St}, Bur- | rie. 4141 | FOR SALES rooied brick house, with aerex of good land, suitable t garden. Apply at» this 'of- 38-43, FOR SALE--2-seated Surrey, rubber tire with' adjusteble top: | Excellent . family sig at bargain "price. Palace. Livery Stubler 7, aD 4L-tf SALE -- 66. feet on Williom St, Allan-| "dole. Bix M Examiner and Saturday Morning." : ~10-tf, FOR- BALE "Brick residence on Worsley | Steet, seven rooms, ric light, gas vad Water, buen anil good gatden, Apply eat 'this? Offic ' 36-41 A'LADY."WITH. A VERY COMFORT. ABLE HOME would take one or two for the winter. Apply' at "40-41 PURSE LOST --In wr near Bingham's but- * sliet shop, on Saturday afternoon, con- tained about Finder pleuse. leave wt Binghan 41-41 FARM FOR' SALE-- 100 acres, con. 10, Vespra,, chiiy. loans, 'first-class. buildings. iculare apply to Chas. jarre RL RL No. 2 + 87-42 aml good periuanent ime letter to Mrs, H, Bree: ter, lor 8, con. 10, Intiistil, oneroun calf Owner car have same PY proving property. and, paying expen: 54, pee 40-42 © TOOACKE FARM POR SALE--In Oro Tp, newr Dalston ¥ buildings, 3. acres fruit corchardt amply to Feank "Turk, Shanty Bay R..R N 2 40-46 East hulf lot 17, con. 9, 100 aftes, good build- under cultivation. Anply Hugh McBride, or W. oJ. Bell, 4 Pegs E 87-42, "For Sat SMALL PARW FOR SALE--15 actes, with or wittiont buildings; suitable for' vege- ble growing or, poultry; clay loam, | sin road; "just outside Barrie limits. | Chas. Kelly, Athandite . 41-41 eee eee - . Es : \STRAYED:-Frim fot: 26, con.:10, Innisfil,| FOR SALE--On Mary Street" six-roomed ) shows Sept.°10, one 'light grey heifer, 2-} ear-old, dehorned, tag with namé on it n right ear. Finder please communicate le, Craigvale. 40-43 STANDING 'FIMBER FOR SALE Suit. ble 'for barn timbet,. limber, shingle| FARM E bolts, fence posts and pail timber, Large er -sniall: quantities to suit- purchaser. Also hardwood by: the acre.' Apply to D. J. Barclay, Stroud. -- STRAYED --Frem lot: 11, con, 7, Innisfil, about, June 15,'six head year-old cattle with. split in 23 Theresa | | ANING AND PRESSING, -- Your old | as secretary jseral Hospjtal, 1 for: family sof, three -ut Sueaks of given to the men by gramophones in 'cer: 41 sbeing taken -to. secure such uninstrument for Miss Minguy's hut. Any.who wish to STRAVED.On.the prémises of Win, Hun-| contribute-may leave the money at The out June | Examiner offic '| LINIM For further particulars" WANTED--Experjenced man for , fall FOR SALE--Choice lot of 8.0, W. Horticultural Society .yet? 'The abusidance of beech nuts is said to indicate 'a severe winter coming. . A year ago next Saturday, Oct. 13, the 157th left Camp Borden. for overseas. Now that Thanksgiving Day is over, there 'are no more public holidays: until Christmas. --Ladies, get a pair of those Coilene corsets from stock at reduced price. Mrs Heard, 15 Ross St. Fall plowing has been greatly facilitated | by the 'rains, but various kinds of fall work |on the farm have 'been retarded. | A_small hailstorm on Friday and snow on Monduy night are advance notices of | wintet. Indian summer, however, is yet to come, ' For the three months ending Sept. 30, the vital statistics registered with the ; Town Clerk were: Birthé, 36; deaths, 24, marriages, 15. ~~ --Mrs, Heard will be at home every |evening; also all day on Tuesdays, | und Saturdays to meet her corset -u-tom- ers, 15 Ross St. Phone 572. Sample copies of The. Examiner will be sent free on request to any address 'in Bar- rie, or the surrounding country, The sub- scription price is $1.50. per annum. this week sre: .- John Castle and T. J. | Gillen, Barrie; A.. Jay, Allandale; Harold Geo, | Knowles, Painswick; D. Dingwall, Elmvale. Customs duties collected in Barrie for the 'hré: months ending Sept,/30 amounted to $10,802.95. Dutiabte~goods were val: | ved' at $53,593, while those thut entered | duty frée totaled $49,848," Public school pupils are having u holi- day today "and tomorrow owing to the 'weachers being ji attendance upon 'the North Siméoe Tenchers Institute, which is meeting ia the public library auditorium, On 'Tuesday morning the local commuittve of the Aero Club of Cunada which works in conjunction with the R.F.C,,- appointed Judge Vanve as chairman and H. B, Myers Young mien seeking in'crm- ation as to enlisting in the R.F.C.. should apply to the secretary of the local club Word' was. received: his mother. this gunshot wound in right arm, rupture of | the ear.dgum and a wound in the skull, At! with Mr. and Mrs. 8, W. Moore>~Bayfield Allandale, | the timo"the report was sent he was still in | St., left for Collingwood this week to enter the No. 10 Field Ambulance Station in France: Sonie men were discussing- the lumber situation on Tuesday, One. man said he anticipated a drop before the end of the! their daughter, Flora A., to Mr. William(| yeut, while another-predicted an advance of | Herrick Sloune of Bradford, Ont.; the mar-|| $2.00 to. $5.00 per thousand before Jan- suary. The lajger opinion was based on the small 'cut beitig made this year and on.the active demand for lumber in the cities. The following is a partial list-of contents of the Vetober issue of Rod and Gun in! Canada, the sportsman's magazine, pub- lished 'by. W..J. Tuylpr, Limited, Wood- stock:--Introducing Mr. Moose, the New Moose Country in Northern Quebeo, the Air Pirates, Small Gume Hunting in Southern Alberta, His. First Deer, AMoose Hunt at Pocologan, The Woodcock ,gte., ete. A funny: thing happened on: the Mulcas: fet St. wharf, one.afternoon last.week. At the.end of the wharf, a lad stood holding his bicycle and wetohing # fisherman's luck, Seldenly someéthing 'hit him like a yelone pregipitating. lud and..wheel into the deep water. 'Fortuinutely'the boy co swim und he 'wus soon on terra, firma grappling Kook recovered the wheel. The accident was caused by a. boy. riding "down lulcaster St. -losing-eontrol vf his wheel so that it raced down the hill, along the wharf and' into the. other- cyclist with -the dire results above: described. A Gramophone Needed. Miss Minnie Mingay, -who: is in- charge of one of the buts in No. 3 Canadian Gen. France, in a-Jetter hom the great enjoyment und-comfort tain of the huts. Subjcriptions 'are now -_------ | 'd's Liniment Co., "Limited, it Sirs---I can tecommend MINARD'S | INT for Rheumatism and 'Sprains; I have used it for both with excellent Lis, Yours truly, T. B.' LAVERS, St. John. ploughing » und "winter chores. Feilding, Penetung Road. ~8 beiirooni silites, 1 Walnut | sideboard, 1 large Brustels rug, 38 yards} Brussels carpet, 1 walniit parlor suite, 1 Radiant Hotne heater, and other artic- les. Sale from' 2°to 5'pam. James Huy. ward, 36 Bradford St. ala brick. cot all conveniences; half-acre Have you sent. in your renewal for the friends in Toronto. Among the soldiers returning to Canada | "| brooch and 'to: the gtoomsman a' pair of Mrs. John Wilson, October 11, 1906 _ PERSONAL MENTION Miss Gamble spent Thenkagiving at her home in Thornton. Miss Evelyn West spent the holiday with <4 -Miss Ella Mahoney' of Toronto: is visiting with Mrs: Patrick Kearns: || Mrs, Wass of Ottawa is visiting her sis- '|ter, Mrs. J. MeL. Stevenson, , 'Miss "Winnifred Marr came home from North Bay for Thanksgiving: " Mr. and' Mrs, Charles and little 'daughter Vera spent the holiday at Elmvale. Mrs, Aldous. has returned' to Chicago after visiting with Mrs. -A. H. Goodall, Miss Annie Sinclair of Hamilton spent! the holiday at her home in Clapperton St. Mrs, John Forsyth left yesterday to visit her daughters in Alton; Ill, and St. Louis, '| Mo. The Misies Goldie "and 'Ethel Graham spent the holiday with their parents on Peel Street. \ Mrs. Miles, Grove St,, has returned after: spending a week with her daughter at Craighurst. i & i Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Catcher and daughter of Lindsay were with the Misses: Mingay. for Thanksgiving. i Prof. and Mrs. Robinson and daughter of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. atid Mrs. A. H. Goodall. | Mrs, Henry and children and Mr, Cole: |man of Toronto spent the holiday with | Mrs. C. Coleman, Mary St 'Mr. and Mrs. Claud Faux and children | 'of Lindsay -were Holiday visitors at the home of Rev, Wm. Hipkin. 'i Mr. and Mrs. E. Currie, Bayfield St.,! | went to Toronto on Monday 'and. will pro "ceed to: California for the' winter. Mr. and Mrs, A.M. Eastman and son of | Hamilton: spent Thanksgiving with the former'é;parents, 100 Pel Street. Stewart Douglas, who is a shell inspector at Pembroke for the Imperial Munitions,/| Board, was home for Thanksgiving Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Shayshan, of Peterbor- ough' have 'been spendifg « few "holidays | with relatives in Barri¢ and Elmyale. Miss Nathalie B. Smith 6f Toronto and Mrs. J. A. Richardson: of, Chicago have been visiting the Misses J, 'snd C, King this week. | j | Mrs, Towers of Sarnia visited with her sisters, Mrs., Moodie and Mrs. Howland, Mrs, Warner of Brentwood. 66 collar, special BOYS'. AND GIRLS' SWEATER 19: gereen weewancn eet Miss Jessie Robb, "who has been. living the training school for nurses in the Grn |eral & Matine Hospital Mr. and' Mrs. Godfrey. MypAllister, Col- lingwood, announce the engagenient of riage to take place Octobrr 24, 1917. Mr. and.Mrs, Kerr of Owen Sound mot- ofed. to Barrie on Tuesday to visit their | daughter, Miss Kerr of the R.V.H. nursing staff, They were accompanied by Mrs. Shurpe and when in town stayed' with the latter's sister, Mrs,.N. J. Gove. * Paterson--McLean The marriage of Miss Florence, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McLean, Toronto, formerly. of Thornton, to David Rae Paterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Paterson, Victoria Gardens, Grennoek, | Scotland, took place at Perth' Ave, Metho- dist Parsonage at 5.30 pm. Oct. 4. | The bride wors tailored suit of | navy blue gabardine, with beetroot picture | hat and mruriboo stole and « corsage bou-| quet of bridal ,rosés, . She was attended' by her sister, Miss Annis, who tore a'becoin- ing costume' of grey with large purple pic- ture hat and corsage houquet-of pink roses The groom was supported by Mr. Howard MeLean, 'The groom's gift to the bridé was '4 yiearl sunburst; to the bridesmaid; appear! LINDSAY - mi brushes, After the ceremony the happy coupte. drove to the home of the bridé's parents, 144 Edwin. Ave., where 9 dainty luncheon was served. The bride and grooin left for a stort honevmoon trip. On their return they will reside in an apart- ment at 261 Perth. Ave., Toronto. BORN REED--In 'Allundale, on Friday, Oct. 5; 1917, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Reed, (Sadie. Margaret) . McLEAN-In Barrie, Oct. 5,' son to Mr, and: Mrs. Geo. B, McLean PARTRINGE--In Barrie, Oct, 8, Mr, and Mrs, Maitland' Partridge. In Memoriam " ; Sone In loving' memory of Mr. Hafry Riddell, Sault'Ste. Marie. Allandale, who -died on October 12, '1916.4 J * an author'can be said to, be the ' wrductof any particular district Das itete at bowie --and. why not, just as much-as a One dear face/missed from its accustomed | yuriety of flower, or fruit, or graln place, Alan Sullivan, the distinguished MEN'S GREY COTTON SWEATER COATS, extra heavy with, good WHERE MO A Icomerand a ' Your desire * 'savings and our popular policy We Save You Money" -- Form this season-more than .ever before the -best combination: for close relationship. Our Men's and Boys' Section is a Complete Men's_ and Boys' *-. Store sees $1.90 and $1.50 GOATS, good colorings, prices... $3.25, $2.25, $2.00, $1.50, $1.35 f at CK) aa en ST P But cleansed and savéd 'and perfected by} Canadian: poet and. novelist, should be 4 grace, | most properly identified with Alzoma + One more in heaven. |, that curiously shgped county of On --WIFE AND DREN. | tario, which stretches from the c:tiee np a and settlements of.the shores of Lake 7 .Huron and. Lake Superior, ip throngty In Memoriam : the 2,900 square miles -of the Mi In loving memory of my dear mother,| 8@4ga Forest the ¢ who died in Stroud*}.furtrading territories three hundred 'and: sixty 'miles north, where it is bounded by the Albany Riv: garden, clay loam; all kinds of fruit--| Bleven years havegone and still we miseher| chief tributary of apples," pears, plums, - cherries, grapes, | strawberries, raspberries, currants;" also | L°Ving thoughts will always linger, stable, "A snap... Apply A: E, Lennox, Barrie, 40. FOR SALE--150 acres' in Tp. of Essa; one mile west of Thornton, Good clay loam. Good grain and stock" farm. + telephéne and rural mail. Good build- ings. "Easy terms. Apply to owner, | In glory thou has passed, my nobl: brother, 'Corbett, Thornton. tt D. #. Guild's tansous "Silver Quill" bred-to-lay 'strain, May hatched, from | Lads Begseses! and true as thou, the valleys bead 'your, bieedig . ae flock. ° Special for October, $9.00 exch | N°. more welll, hear thy Jaughing lips { a One ch | delive cee Thy. voice is silent ns the silent. river Never .will her memory fade, sourhern shores of: this coun colonized some thirty year® ago at the Instance of C. P..R "agents: 'hy. hardy.-pioneers from the older coun' ties of Kintardine and Bruce. but th: elty of Sault. Ste. Marie has its root: in the remoter past, as It was a trad: ing post for'the voyageurs, who. tra Around the place where mother is laid. INSERTED BY WILL. : In. Memoriam In Ipving 'memory 'of Sergeant J. F. illed i i - for tHe 'f ih if M. 1 Onkend ey tall nial Gee Seer vio se Sed action at Cour- | velled for tHe turtraders of Montrea into-the tar West: whose father was Bishop of the Al- 3 i goma Diocese, was at one time engi On foreign soil thy form lies cold and| neer of the work of construction and -ballasting te Algoma branch of the. till, : Where, thick as leaves, amid' the stench| C. P R. between Sudbury and. the snd smother, Sault Ste. Marie, and us color in several of his "Tt was fascinating, those daxs to 'effect of the ; even of the stirvey party..on 'the set- tiers. They brichtened up, and look } ed at their farms with new eyes. n 'They were in touch with the world That bore'thy spirit to the: tideless sea.| 'that heretofore bad seemed so' .dis- 4 'al bysb fires, the miners: , 'The boyish jest, the sally fraught: with: Alan Sullivan. Alan Sulliven,/the hunters, the mail. carriets, [Indian agents..and the trappers have provided rich material for Alan Sulli- van's stories, some of-the best. < vol: is stil [it-all. the. more. |Canadian' reader, 'terest In the now rapid: growth jie iw Canadian literature, LADIES', MISSES' AND' BOYS' BLACK WOOL HOSE, Ribbed, sizé_8%4 to 10.. » ABe 7% and 8 -40¢ 7 for 35 You ¢hould "not miss . this lin are big value. LADIES' .FINE CASHMERE HOSE, Pen- "man's, special prices ....5...0:. 005+. +y+-+$100, 90¢, 75c, 60c'and 50c WOMEN'S CASHMERINO HOSE, plain, sizes 814 to 10, special value, -35¢ 3 pairs .... + $1.00 See Our Values in' Children's Black, Tan, Cream, Sky, Cardinal Hose. ~ ee BOYS! GREY COTTON PULL OVER SWEATERS, sizes 26 to 32, price'. .50c BOYS' FINE PULL OVER AND BUT- TON: AT SHOULDER SWEATERS; . these' are extra value ....... a $1.75, $1.50, $125, $1.00 We advise early .sélec- tion, as mdny lines are very scarce. With every dollar purchase we give you~a 5c Coupon, redeemable at our Premium Counter. See the nice goods at small prices . WE SELL FOR CASH wees _, WE. SAVE YOU MONEY EOPLE TRADE TRENTON _ Trinity Church 19th Stinday "after 'Trinity' 8:30--Holy communion. 11.00--Morning prayer Subject, 3 pm. Evening' prayer and' jermion. vest music, Everyone welcome. ' _-. REV. HD, RAYMOND, Yiear: Collier St. Methodist Church Sunday, October 14, 1917. Rev. J. J. Whestley will preach morning and evening, 11 &.m, and.7 p.m,' Barrie Baptist Church Sunday, October 14, 1917 Rev. Robt. Carr will préach. in thé Bap= tist Church this coming S and Mr. Wallace will preach. anniversary: germions 'at Dalston. ° . How be: made to 'look like, new again--made to my oy place 'of 8 new suit, you will; have |) 7 pam. Subject. "An, Incident of the Sea.' Har- uy many old suits-you have that'could pine eee Sire 8

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