CIRCULATION®, - 'THIS WEEK * 54th Year. JA. MocLaren, Editor W. C. Walls, Business Manager Go-to-Church: Sunday. | The Rally 'Services 6f Sunday, the 30th ult., proved successful both in attendance end: in the. interest munifested. All) churches report an expecially good attend- | ance at the morning service. The great need is "for 'family at'endance" at the rmorning bour of worship, In_religious life the family is the unit. "Eucaurdged by the co-operation of last week there is eurnest hope for regularity. and devotion on the part of all to the requirements of God's House that it may be a spiritual -life for} all citizens.-.-Let all who were assembed in| the churches last Sabbath seek out others. Life grows 'by sharing it with and' exerris- ing it for our-fellowmen. Sonie one needs your sympathy, |All of .us need God. and « the privileges of worship in "His House. Let the present interest grow from more to more- until eacti Sabbath for each one sball be a Go-to-Church Sunday. Troops for Orillia At this week's meeting of the , Orillia Council, Ald. MeIlvenna drew attention: to the fact that soldiers would. likely be quar. tered in town this. winter and suggested thit some® «ction be fiken. The Mayor replied that action had' already been taken withthe Minister of Militia, and a promise received. from' headquarters that _ Orillia would get her quota. The. cuminunication | Hates that Orillia will probably have twiee the number of troops this winter that it hyd Inst, but. it-will be Jeter in, the season before they commence -truininig there--pro bably in December. -Dreamland "ACCORDING TO THE CODE" -A-big' feature subject by Essanay. MONDAY AND TUESDAY, OCT, 2-9 Special 'holiday Matinee. at -2 o'clock © ROBT. WARWICK & DORIS KENYON -IN- 'A Girl's Folly WED. AND THURS. Oct. 10-11 'The great' serial with Mrs. Vernon Castle PATRIA 'LONESOME LUKE Saturday, Oct. 6 - English 'Fried. Fish is FRIED FISH AND CHIPS: Eaten on premises wnd "supplied to outside 'eustomers. Moderate prices, WILLIAMS' FISH- MARKET, : Mutcaster St... Barrie. All kinds of fresh fish supplied, _ also oysters... Phone 3€7. ol A beautiful -Patridtic Song was sung by a returned-foldier, Bomber H. Rose (Gomposer of the song), at - the Barrie Fair. Hurdreds. of copies were sold for his benefit and hp has Jeft on sale with us some fifty copies of sami¢, The title of the gobg is a "HIS NAME'S ON THE ROLL OF "HONOR" (itis memory's in thy heart) "Price of this,song-25¢ (By mail) 260) ETT'S: Music Store e -- : _. The Ball Planing Mill Co., Lid. "(under "new -management) _Matiufacturers of and Dealers in. Lumber, Flooring, Ceiling, Sash, Doors, . Frames, Blinds, 'Tanks, - Water Troughs, Mouldings, Wood - Purning, Columns, Shingles, Wall : Board; Roofing, ete, ; nager is a registered || ofthe Britis Forgings; Limited, who took, | Works, will be the next*Premier of 'Alberta. 1 25¢. campaign, on Friday, October 5. Played with Theda. Ba To be the object of 'the wrath of s° wo- man scorned isan embarassment relished by few men.. But when the lady happens to 'be the. most notorious 'vampire-woman in America, who would not-pity the -unfor- tunate male, who, unwittingly, bad brought such a disaster 'on his own head? Such was the experience of Pte. Arthur Medcalfe of ""B' Company, C.O.R., and the 'woman in the-case was none other thu Theda' Bara, "'the wickedest woman in' the world." 'That it is not necessary, to record a dark tragedy as the culmination of this page from life is due,to the fact that it all hap- pened in moving pictures, Arthur Medealfe, actor, until recently a Fox Film. star, was cast to play a role in) "The Ezernal Sappho.' In this picture | Miss Bafa porttays one of her "baddest" 'types. In the part played by Pte. Med: calfe, it fell to bis unhappy lotto be the| object of her constant and cruelest dis- pleasure, manifested in, many sinister w But Medealfe has not always taken parts that-called for sueh harsh treatment on the part of the female star. For instance, when he was with. the Vitegraph Company he| played opposite such prime favorites as | Anita: Stewart, Earl Williams, \ Charles Richman, Edith Storey,Antonio Moreno, Alice Joyce, Lilliso Walker, -ete., and in almost every picture the fuir heroine' smil- ed on him. : His lust picture before joining the Ca adian Expeditionary Force -wes -Essanay's "Skinner's Babyy" in which he supported Bryant "Washburv,, Pte! Medeulfe, will take » prominent part | in thé joyful Vaudeville and Minstrel show to-be. given by the Soldiers of Camp 'Bor- den on' Friday night at the Grand Opera House, Barrie, He will be seen as an end mun-in the Minstrel Show and as the ter- rible judge in the Mirth-provoking com. edy, "Black :Justice."" . Pte,. Medcalfe hears the distinction of being one of the.oMfkinul members of the} first. '"Florodora'" company that played London, He was also with Clifton C ford in "The, Quaker Girl," with which | compeny he toured England and America for/three seasons, . It ix urged that tickets' be' secured et once at A. -F, A. Mailcomson's and #0 avoid disappoiritment. This, is. a farewell per- formuiice, und therefore it will" be impose ible for the repeat the show on any, other night, as they "leave for Tor- onto and Hamilton: on -Monday. Death of W. E, Hezzelwood - William E. Hetzelwood, aged 58, assist- ant superintendent in the shell department iM with pneumonia ten days ago, died on Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock, at his res- idénce, 718 Crawford St,, Toronto. Before taking the position at the Briish Forgings Mr, Hezzelwood was a travelling salesman for the Barrie Currimge Co, and the Me- | Laughlin Carriage Co, He had lived in Toronto for twelve years, Deceased was an Oildfellow -and a Mason, -He is suirvived | by' his second wife.and two step-daughters, | Mises" Thelma and Velma Hezzelwood, of 'Winnipeg, both now in the city." "Vespra Man May 'Be, Premier ¢ many friends hereabouts of the Hon. Chas, Stewart will be interested: ip the fol- 'Yowing despatch to the Globe:-- |. Oct, 3---Premier, Arthur 'L. Sif- nto the press of St. Jobin, that he favored 4 union Government with a conscription' plank in the platform, is thought here to assure the belief. that Premier Sifton 'will enter the Cabinet' of » union Government, Already this suecessor as the head of the Provincial Government is heing. discussed, und: it is~ understood Hon, Chas, Stewart, Minister of | Public Knitting . Factory 'Proposition President Cross, John Sificlair, Geo. Vie- kers'and J: H, Bennett, repreyenting the Board of Trade, were in Toronto' investi- gating a, knitting factory proposition. A number of citizens -aiready have agreed to take stock in the company if it moves to Barrie, but the terms offered by the com- pany 'are not. considered: very Satisfactory. A special meeting of the Board willbe held 'on Tuesday night to receive the report of, the committee. First Draft Will Be Called "Oct. 13 According to pfesent srrangemients, the proclamation. for calling out the first draft under theaters Service Act will 'be is sued' on' Get. 13. This eall includes men from.20°to 34, inclusive, unmarried or wi cwers without children, Meanwhile, the ofierationof the act 'is being considerably 'expedited. through the medical examina- tions: which have been. proceeding ~ for some time past. Get 25, Cents Ready The menibers of the Woman' ofthe R. V, Hospital will hold ¢ warm welcome and » 25-cent piece or less will be greatly apprecisted by the ladies Thanksgiving' Service ° Next Monday,. Thanksgiving Day, union service sill be held' in St. Andrew's Church at 11 a.m. Rev, Wm. Hipkin will preside and the sermon will be preached by Rev. J, R. Fallis. g Cartied the By-Law Orillin's bylaw to raise. $25,000. for the memorial hospital carried by. a vote. of 257 to: 187, 'There were adverse majorities vin Fa Se ete THE WEATHER two wards, Gonsult dis prepared to draw| | from "Englund 'on/ Friday night and was { Quinton, wis nineteen years of age and *| he. just Ieughed a1 SECTION 2 _ .PAGES 5.TO 12 Ror exnum [in advance] S150 BARRIE, CANADA. OCTOBER: 4, 1917 Laurence Barwick has enlisted' with the Royal Flying Corps. . Sheriff Harvey has received word that his eon Allan, who was wounded some months ago, is now on his way home. 'The Examiner. is- elways' pleased to get soldier news of interest for this 'column. Let us know what the boys are doing ov- ersens. , Bn, Sergt-Major Robert Smith leaves tomorrow on his, return trip to England und-the battle-front, where he has already served neirly three years. Captain Hugh Aird, son-of Sir-John and Lady Aird, is reported missing by the: Royal Naval. Air Service. Capt. Aird is nephew of Wm. Aird, Barrie. Sergt, Harry Green; who went overseas with the 157th Bn., arrived at his home in Henry St. Tuesday night. After a short, visit home he is to report for duty at the Whitby hospital. Capt. J. Stokes Stewart) Orillia, tus been awarded Cross for 'service in cond. cousin of Mr: reece. : Sissons and Mrs, 0. town, Mr. und Mrs. E, T. Tyrer received 8 cable thix week thut their son, Capt. Lorne Tyrer, "hed just. arrived 'in London from Saldnika, where he hast been serving with the RAMC, for about two years, received letters in a Birmingham hospjil. . The wound in his hund is not hepkhg ar rapitily ax he would like but he ¢xpects to be home for Christmas: | : In a letter ti his father, Rev, Edgar B. Taylor, Pte. Robt. 'Taylor, who is. in a 'Cainiers hospital) Saye that ar w result of | 'a dose of gas he/hus lost the use. of his | eyes. temporarily, but expects soon to have the bundages removed. " Capt. Rose Caineron, M.C,, arrived home | met at the station by a number of friends. He has recovered only partial use of the right stm which' was so budly wounded | at Vimy Ridge when he won his"decora- tion. * s Mrs, Lawrence, who has been staying | with Mrs, T. H Redditt, received word last week that her son, Lieut. Ernest Law- rence, -hui! been wounded oy Sépt. 26. No purtibulars were given. Lieut, Lawrence | was @ popular officer of the 76th Bn. and hus been serving in France in the 'same battalion ax Lieut, 8, K. Lount James Quinton, fireman on the G.T.R. st Allandale, hus received official notifica- | tion thut his brother, Fte. George Quintou,| was killed in action on Sept. 17. Pte.) when hé enlisted wax employed-in the G.| T.R. shops at Stratford. - overseus more than two years, "having en: | listed with the S8rd.Bn, 'at Stratford in | 1015, On different: occasions he had visit- | ed his brother in town. und so was known | to a number of citizens. | Driver Fred Morren, son of Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Morren, arrived home from England on Saturday 'might, suffering, -from shell shock, He went over with the Mechanical Traneport and bis work' in France was driving one of the big motor lorries, While thus 'engaged, he was knocked out by very jsevere shell shock in May. » Though bis | nerves 'are yet in a pretty bad state, he is} gradually recovering and in the course of tinie it is hoped he will be 'quite himself aguin. After spending ten days at home, | fe goes' to Toronto. for further hospital treatment, i E Striking out' to-muke his living as a} young lad "some sixteen years' ag, Joe! Swartz, son of a former Walkerton black: smith, was 'never heard of again by, the family, who had long presumed him deed..| Instead. of dying, however, Joe took up a farm in Saskatchewan gnd prospered: His) brother, Vietor, left a Tew years later and also took up. & western farm, locating i Alberta, Shortly sfter.the outbreak of the wear both boys enlisted in different battal- After battling', ions and went to the front. for the flug for nearly tw wounded and sent over to England, and it, was whilé in # convalescent hospital in | London. that each .recognized the other, | and after.sixteen years' separation) the two patriotic brothers' met again in happy re- | unjon.---Bruce -Times. * | Lieut. Chas: E, Otton, of the 43rd Com- eron Highlanders, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Ji A. Otton, Regina, spent part. of Mondat) and Tuesday with Barrie friends on his homeward way He 'went overseas in-Jan- uary, 1916, and spent nineteen month' in 'the trenches, where he was thrice wound- ed--a, shot in the thigh, his. left elbow splintered and shrapnel in his head and different parts of "his body. He. was: Inst wounded' in July and after a couple of months' hospitsl trestment in Rouen and London was sent home. on a hospital ship. 'He. expects to' return in January, Lieut. Otton has some very thrilling stoties. to tell of life in the trenches, When. asked what deed won for him the mi 3 id, anid, 'Ob, they 'had @ few over snd just handed' me one."' As to the duration of. the war, he doesn't ex- pect to see it' finished inside of eighteen: months. He speaks in the highest terms 'of the French-soldiers and people and their sacrificer,. Tt is about fourteen years since, Lieut. Ofton. left Barrie and: many friends were glad to: see him. 3 The Medical Board ' Up to' Tuesday night about 'one hundred men had-been examined by the Medical Board at the Armouties. Most of these came from Barrie . and_yicini those. examined 'was an Austtian employed on the Hydro. construction work. About fixty-five per cent of those looked over by: the doctors have been placed in Class "A." 'The last three days of this-week, no ex- 0.65 } [i being. in Orillia establishing. = WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI |.definitely He -had been | Among | Tost, held Won Military. Medal 2 Mr. and Mré, R. G. Richardson, Eden- vale, have received information that their on, L. M. Richardson, B.A., B.D., has been awarded the Military Medal for' nieritorious | service on the 'field. Lanci-Cpl. L. M. Richardson before en- listing was pastor of the Methodist church at Anyox, B.C, Resigning his pustorate ' he. came to Torento and enlistet March 1, 816, trained at Divisionsl. Signal" Depot, 'Will sit on the Exemption Boards under the: and Aritur al jonul Sign po', | Military Service Act in this County -- Ottawa, went to England in May, to France in September, spent the winter and spring Associ soldiers' and, are asked. to Great War Veterans « President--C, R, Kendall... * Vice-Presidént--T. J. Williams. Secretary-Treasurer--D. A, McMaster. | The" foregoing sre the officers elected at an enthusiastic meeting branch of 'the G.W.V.A, held on-Saturday |, MF. 'The members showed: their faith in .| their newly elected' president and scere- tury-treasurer in a true soldierly mannef. In accordaiice with the constitution of the jon 'the méeting opened with -all | members stdnding .with bowed heads for one minute in respect for comrades who have fallen and who are still in France, In calling the meeting to 'order, the- pres- ident explained the sims and objects and fit once brought the. mce'ing into business- like form, Membership fees. were' fixed and other matters pertsining to properly con- -ducting the Associztion were discussed and dealt with, The Executive met on Monday evening and discussed. plans for the coming winter, including the possibility of s° club' room. Tt was decided. that until the btanoh is thoroughly organized a meeting. will be All. returned J honorably discharged men 5 n-up with the Associstion. | eighteen 'years 'sat on In the president's, remarks, he stated that there are now 24,000° members of the."G. | W.V.A. and branches are being formed every part of the country, An enthusias- tic meeting was closed with the' singine of the National Anthem after letters had 'been read from Provincia and National Head- | suarterscangratclatng the Barrie branch ter of the lute J. T. Fletcher, who was for on its al te "of every Monday nicht. ion with Headquarters. County Exemption 'Tribunals Coldwater---A: W. Robinson, Coldwater; the Barrie "No. 40 - : A Vespra: Pioneer 'One of the pioneers of Vespra and 2 man' eminently. respected by all who knew. him, passed uway Inst Friday in the person of Robert Orrock, Owen St. He had been in failing health for -ten. months. . Kk was born 78 years sgo-in feshire, Scotland, the san of Robert and. 'Janet 'Orrock, In' 1837 his -parents emi- grated to Canuda, settling at Hogg's Hol- low,. just north of Torontd," After spending two -years\ there, the family started north- ward and reaching Vespra lociried on:lot 7, con, 4." Perseveritig in the face of all the difficulties "attendant upon pioneer settle- ment, igorous, industrious, and thrifty * Scotch fantily 'gradually cleared .the forest and replaced: it with smiling cultivated fields, Following his father upon this farm, Mr. Orrock continued to-reside there until' a couple of years ago and after spending- some time with relatives' in: the West he became' a resident of Barrie lust year: ; In 'po Mr, Orrdek was a statinch, Conservative. He was an Anglican, and for a long period of years was a chureh- warden st St. Panl's,-Midhurst. He took 'a keen interest -in. school affairs anc for the trustee bourd of 8. 8. No. 6, Vespra, In miunicipal matters 'and public affairs, "Mr! Orrock kept. himself well informeil as might be expected of = mian'who' was in' every way a good citizen. | Upon' the foundation . of such -lives -the strength 'of Canada' is'laid, : Tn 1867 he married Rebecca Jane, daugh: a ousrter century treasurer of Essa, Mrs. Orrock died 26 years ago and:two children 4 also predeceased their' father, J. Fletcher Following is a complete list of thése who? and Sareh M. 'Those Surviving are: Robt. of Kissa; Morgan T. of Bonnie' , Glen, Alta.; Mrs. A, 'T."Wattie (Janet) of Bracebridge; Mrs. R. W. Speers (Dora) of before Vimy Ridge and last July won the|C. J. Swartman, Waubaushene: ace Soa ence h oaee sana Militury. Medal Craighuret---R. A. Kent, Hillsdale; Geo. joie, Tecessed wor a "brothiee of (Mra, © 3 Raikes, Barrie, i Chas, Wattie. Vespra; Mrs. John Farque The B.C.1, Plans Another. committee meeting was held' on Monday night to consider plans for the collegiate, Ax far ss the committee is con- | cerned, the competition is over, one plan having -been chosen for the new site and another plan for the remodelling... Both of these provide for a building greatly sup- terior to the one-destroyed by fire. The! remodelling plan shows a building ~26 feet | wider and 16 feet deeper than the old one. Should the report of the committee' be Washago--John Henry, Carson,' Washa- 0; Henry 'Elliott, Washago Midland--His, Horior Judge Vanee,, Bar- rie; J.B. : Orillia: Cook, Orill Penetanguishene--His. Honor Judge Wis- | mer, Barrie; Lotis Gignue, Penetsingui- shene. Collingwood--John Birnie, K.C.,'Colling- Armstrong, Midland, G. H, Clark, Orillia; A. Hogg, Collingwood. Herbert e--W. F, Steele, Cashtown; Ed- | harson, Winnipeg, and Wm, Orok,, Barrie On Stinday -afternoon) # large number gathered. to, pay theirAast tribute . of re- spect to the 'memory at u godd neighbor, @ kind friend and~a-worthy citizen. With the exception of Mrs: Sneers all the family iso: were present. After a-short.. xervice at the family resideneg the: cortege pri ceeded to Christ Church, Con. -7, Vespray Uiwhere the regular service was conducted by Rev. H. D, Raymond. © Suitable hymns were sting jind-an earnest 'and comforting: adopted at the meeting next Tuesday | gar Jamieson, Singhampron. ' find 'an earnest ind ssentarting night the two 'architects selected will be,' Stayner--Jolin Hood, Stayner; John, A Te eee elec. tees ae sdioeent | SS ven i i s| Bet, New Lowell. . terment_took. plas q given instructions to prepare working plans| Bell, s terment took. place in tbe a Orc 'and specifications, 'This will require ten days and tenders will remain open' for | further ten days. As soon as the tenders fix the amount of expenditure | involved in each set of plans, the. Board | ll be in a. position to: lay the two pro- positions before the ratepayers to make a Eimvale--C, §, Burton, Elifvale; Harry Loftus, Anten. Mills. Barric--H. J. Gravett; Barrie; A. J, Sar- jeant, Barrie. Beeton--W., H. Hammell, Beeton; W- |-J. Abernethy Bradford--T.. W.. W. Beeton. . Evtns,' Bradford; Chai. Wattie. John Wattie, Arthur Flet+ cher, Jamps Coutts and Wm, Russell, © 4 Mr. Bennett in Senate "S10! W, Hy Bennet, M.-P. for East Simeoe, has béen 'appointed to the Senate, accord selection. J. F. Hambly, Bradford. ing. to: a despatch -which came throngh One of the contractors who his been Alliston--Robt. Henderson, Alliston ;| from' Ottawa_yesterday, Today's paners estimating on the job, says there should be | Geo. E. J. Brown, Alliston. " do 'not contain 'any information regarding no difficulty in having the school ready for} Cookstown--David Hopper, Cookstown ;| the matter, but'it generally assumed. to 'oceu} | Henry Couse, Cookstow: 6 Orillia News-Letter. -Conserve-the Food. Supply Ih 'ear-Ever' Kettles. amining will be done in Barrie, Capt. Jnck- there, On Monday. ¢he 'sittings will he. re-| sumed at" the Armouries in Queen's «-Wear-Ever- Week at -Otton's Hardware 3 and get one of these durable OTTON'S| Hardware ; HOME CANNING AND PRESERVING. A DUTY TO-FAMILY AND EMPIRE Aluminum utensils are NOT "all the same." That's why sQ many women prefer d see for yourself the diffe: this. date. closing ' Name .. Kettle and Cover. "WEAR-EVER" COUPON In otder that the factory: miy: t record:'of the number of. these -4 mmensitt -- "Wear-Ever"® Aluminum Kettles sold st this. «pe- cial price? we are required to return Yo. the factory 'of -purchase, which niust not be 'Inter than 'date of this) sale, plainly written thereon' Vea b : $2.20 Four-quart (wine measure). Windsor i FOR ONLY and 'Coupon if presented: October 6th to 13th, 1917 _ rence. Refuse substitutes. a) a swine mensiire