Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1917, p. 6

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'capital by harder wot and: greater. try. waste. It is easier to Taake money than Bank of Toronto will help save what your increased effort provides. 11 Branches Assets. Branches at Barrie' and All: BANKERS . Established 1879. Transact a General Busines: Notes cashed or collected at the wost favorable rates. Btates. Accounts collected. pe the accommodation of farmer: in jthis locality. oney to Loan pn ~ wgency Sun' Life foripany of Canada. Office Hours' 10 to T. BEECROFT, Assurance: A. Manager. Your Reading Needs * Are Well Supplied Jas. Arnold Fire & Life Insurance Agent Real Estate and Moneyto Loan S"pbie terms. . BANK OF TORONTO BUILDING BARRIE UNDER? SKERS 'Open Day and Night Morgue and Chapel | in connection EXRERT MOTOR REPAIRS Allskinds of small repairing--| Tor Prompt Seryice. Touring Ci ire--Motoreycle' tor sale, TURTON'S GARAGE Phone 484. W. D. Minnikin _- Licensed Embalmer i '=| Proprietor THE BARRIE UNDERTAKING PARLORS. (Successor 10 Une Late Meaford:Webb) * Full line of all' the latest Caskets -kept if stock, in- eluding Grave~. Vaults - and 'Oak Shells. 'Open Day & Night hone 431 W.R.Neilly, Funeral Director. THE BANK or TORONTO Ty, BEECROFT & (0. Banking We cash Cheques drawn on any @ank in Canada or the United saeriing Exchange bought or al attention) will be given Mortgages. A dumber of Valuable Farms and Tows Properties for Sale oq the most reason PRODUCTION cy in labor, more economy and to save it, A Savings Account at the in'Toronto 119 Branches inCa . $73,114,000 SIMS,' Manager. « indale, H. CoratieStanton ~ and 8 Heath Hosken | When hée-Was drewed he met Boone on the Veranda steps, just as he was about half way down, went down in'front of im, "I say, I'm sorry there is bad news," "ie | "Bad nia!" exclaimed Lorion sharply, thinking of his vision of the night. "Yes, Maddison's down with fever." "Good Lord, I was just 'going . to This room," "Moriarty: hie'bad him moved to an- 'other. part. It's 'cooler--or, at least, be thinks it is, Don't you worry about im! Hy'll be all: right! . Four or five day's will him on his legs again, It's a most or- inary touch. He knows the piuce; you es, he said he felt-queer and wouldn't be right until he'd Beeri,down with his first touch," said Lorién,-with -a little sigh of relief at the memory' of the fatalistic words "Has a doctor seen him?" Boone laughed lightly "and 'shook his 'a touch of fever. ed. thst, Lorion, Moriarty's boy. : as good as'any medico. He is looking. . ter him. T say, have you had breakfast?" » "No, not yet." 'ou'll find Moriarty eating his." g "Tsay, this ix rough luck about poor Maddison," -he said, after he had greeted) 'Moriarty. "You needn't worry: about him in the replied the latter. "He'll -be quite It's, pretty: well inevitable. 1! dare say you'll be down with it yourself be- fore long. After that you 'won't think 'any thing of it .at all." "But we were to have started tonight stid Loripn, "This will, delay us for sev Increased effort and efficien- | ¢ : less waste in living, building up} savings, will enrich you and.your coun- | ; The men and| women at: home must produce more to cover war's Boone turned iminediately, and fe thet .any more," "There's no need for 'As the' days passed a stop to the sense of began to realize what - thing it was that Sir Glare had done. was overwhelmed with gratitude he said. you to be here before Sela gou. wary neh," obs saamesed | timidly. came: habit, putting strangeness ; and she an 'extraordinary | * She he could oaly look upon his behavior towards ber as most generous she hed ever| He had taken her poverty and installed, comfort and plent; her. and two days after Vi her res telegram One' morning, about noon, just a week at the office, from loneliness ant? her in the midst of 'He -had. deliberately elcomed a'stranger"into his-home' because he had. sent away the man she was going | to marry, 'and had promised to look after unessa had taken' up and immediately called. the girl into his office. "Latly Monk is arri he said: to do here, Miss Smit go back and see that ving this afternoon," MI really have very' little for you h. Perhaps you will verything is all right The servants know ill that is wanted, but you might put on 'tl he finishing touches. 'There will be the flowers. Lady Monk likes thagses, of them." iid Vanessa, ny. more tod: was and. difficult. Monk's arrival' 4pprow before: . She fle inained there, to he y still 'more She was first in the small drawing room where she always met "h) [should love to arrange shee "Well, go; and you eedn't come back T shall Be there my- n time to welcome Lady' Monk." Vaneaen was dflighted with her tasks. s- bout the house. (They were so much more congenisl than the office work, which' she bound: to admit often proved: irksome \ grew nervous as the "hour for Lady whed.. She heard Sir Glare: drive up in the car fully half an hour her room, and re- heard the motor car, and'a bustle ih the house told her that its mistress had arrived and had been welcom- anxious as the dinner Sir Glare before din- ner. utés later He came in,next, and about ten min. sweeping rustté and a breath of subtle perfiime announced his wife. lora took Var "I'm so glad you 'There, Miss Smith," patronage. you did the flowers i thank you. 'They are are quite # genius. Vanessa found that eral days at least. Moriarty raised his head, Hit eyes were puckered just as if-he were looking' at Lo: ion. in some anxiety, "There is no réason why' you shouldn't: | start, Lorion,"*'he ssid. "In fact, I think it will, be better, "You éan't do anything | for Maddison. I assure' you that he will: be quite all righ | ut, I say, we couldn't leave him 'exclaimed. Lorion: ."Not without, ly to look' after him!" all the on in the world. There's really | with'. and} you; It is perfectly ~ plain Boonie. ix as good a cicerone ss want." , "It is most awfully good of you," &ai Lorivn, "If you-are sure it will be:just as| convenient for you, perhaps I'd better take you at your word, because it "seems to me | Lve 'got quite as much to do as Ttan eet through, anyhow." Tt was arranged, therefore, that Lariof| and Boone should leave that, night, and a/ | ineeting-place was settled upon: which would | not take the travellers more than%s, day or | two's march out of their way, and yet would engbie Maddison and Moriarty: to joi them. A. little while later Moriarty and Boone were alone in the yard, examining some newly arrived loads of arborine. "This is a bit, of luck it seems to me," Said Boone, with a "queer, side-long -amile on kis crumpled mouth, 'You know, that Who was going: to foresee 'the almighty Sir Glare would dream of ® companion with a man "You're bound to berth A day with your eternal jabber' 'What matter would: go down with fever? "And who but |, a different function. unexpected: qualities. Vanessa followed her then made ax if to Theodora laid her han it do 's arm "Come -and taking. the' git 1 haven't much tim quaintance, 'smile. ever 'Vanessa answ ered. in Blagkport all amy. dor: go to Ve you are going to: nai him. ion, you know." "t tell you he Sir Glpre's kindness 1 "Ok, I 'expect he's t60,". put in Theodora care! you've nothing 'to fea patronage one an | Voice' of an Empress oi assured a slave had fallen' upon him. "Theodora said, with careless good: nature that 'had just a hint of "It will cheer Glate up. [ have} to be away so much. And I'am told that li ent of the BILR. Ah,. thefe's dinner." "Conte into' my boudoir and talk to me, yy iiito her room, | aid "Pteodoss, | deep chair near the small bright @bod fire you -knew,"" "Ob, how dreadful!" a, with a shudder, e on' your honeymoon. Vanesga, with a little shake in her, voice. nessa' Perhaps she did' have come to live T must You in my rooms. simply perfect. the dinne? was quite Lady Monk was evi- [dently an epicure, snd the cook betrayed | When. Theodor rose, out of the rooni. On: the first landing -the girl hesitated, go up to her room. id on-her 'arm. "We must get to wri," and leading her to a ne to make your "T've lived life." exzluimied . Theo- | Well, you must I hear! ry John Lorion, -- I must pable my congratulatioig) to. him | He's a great dear, and I 'Glare thinks everything' of Mr. Lor- "and when he does that it means Jot, | n very fond of ow wandertot T think | ome has been," taken a fancy to you, "IE 50, ir; T ean-assire you." She sthiled, but she spoke with the kind of 'Tight have heard in the i old Rome, when she the favor of his sal y.| ing and all new 'be_you. breath away. \She had never seen anything so beautiful | | ae the tall, Iisom: woman, never anythin, to important 'and commanding. She smiled dazalingly on Vanéssa, who felt at an algr- ming disadvantage, and yet was bound to admit that ber employer's beautiful wile was exceedingly gracious not understand the sharp but smiling seru- | tiny of the strange rush-colored eyes. she added witha} "nr only passing through Black- eould Port on my. way to London .and Venice. | én to Venice?" Act teint. said | bie - é ai back from Italy, "and she went on, "you must cbme up to town and stay with me.--It will be amus- Will 'you like that?" Vanessa was red, and could hardly find her - voice. _ he) how good you are,"' she murmured. an't think why people 'are so good: to me. "Beoaube 'you <-dbi's ok _shiaih-at he world, I expect, my dear," said Theodora, with a sudden touch of worldly wisdot 'When is Mr. Lorion coming back'? "'Oh, I don't-quite know,""she answered. "Sir Glare could not say for certain." "Ab, well, it will probably be in the early spring. That will be « good time for Lon- don, just before he arrives.' 'Vanessa murmured more inarticulate 'thanks, and soon afterwartls Theodora dix thiseed her smilingly, but with unmistak: uble intention. y|No, you m | abou everythi ma. Butter moved out quickly, on account 'of dear Gl way a ied little while." © Theodora took. her 'departure the day, with her maid and a mountain of luggage. ° & S ~ (To be continued) SATURDAY . MARKET. - Potatoes are * gradually coming back: to "'eating" prices, $1.00 & bag being the price on Saturday. At 25c. per peck, quantites sed of. Eggs. and butter once. ied' at 45c. a dozen and pound. more the' approaching Fair presumably. There do not seem to be a great niany cauliflower) cultivators hereabouts. One. or two grow- ers have the market. - Apples were the only fruit offered, sd they claimed much atten- tion. 'Average prices were as follower Butter, Ib; .. Riggs, dozen... .. Fowl, Ib., dressed. . 5¢ | Barristers, Solicitots, Notary. Public, Con- oa | vevancers, at Seat at Se ancoy's '67 McDonald: St., Barrie, Phone 681. For terms, etc., call at studio on Wednesdays.: Voices tested: free. MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS. In -vocal work Special attention is given. to Voice Production, Puy ils .prepared for, A.T.CM. degree in both piano and vocal; also ele 'mentary exa of Toronto "Conserva ry cof Music. or University exams. Studio: King Block. Phone 424. . MISS ELSIE NELSON . TEACHER: OF PIANO AND THEORY. Studio at, 133 Collier Street. - Phone 186. LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN Successor to. Lennox, Cowan' & Brown Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining protiate of wills, guardianship and administration, and Gerieral Solicitor; Notary, Conveyancer, ete, Offices :..Hinds' Block, No. § Dunlop St. Monty to loan. ' BOYS _& MURCHISON. Etc. .Money to. loan at lowest Theodora went down to her husband's work room. "The girl is quite-inice, look- ing,".she said abruptly. "With a very lit- tle varrangement she would -be .extremely pretty; with: a' very little knowledge of the' world she would be fascinating." He frowned, and then smiled. After all, it was: his own daughtér whom his, wife was prising. "You have: nat been upsetting her, dar- Thhope?" he said anxiously 'Oh, no, Only I was thinking--why let her marry. Lorion How can I help it?"" he asked. Well, Lorion is away," said Theodora y. "And, I suppose, likely to be away for some months, Why not find her an- "Well, why not dazzle her with a good match--a really good, one? You could ar- range it. What do you think of the idea?" "T.wish it could be carried out." He spoke without enthusiasm... That very morning he had received « cable from Mor- iarty from Lagos, which ran as follows:-- "Man left, Lagos with Boone. Maddison down' with' fever. -Keeping him with me. Booné best of companions, All arrange: ments made for easy voy' "Well, leave it tome," said Theodora. let _her come to Hamilton Place, and-I will show her abput, and, she will soon for- get all about Lorion in Africs. "We will see, darling," he replied. "We will see.' . And he clesed bis lips, and even she could not persuade him to say any more on the subject. 'Therefore she opened -- up ansther one, which she felt sure would be obnoxious to him, but Glare, I've heard nothing. more sbout the: campuign--Drake's, mean, Has it fizzled out? I've seen nothing in the pap- ers about the B.LR.C. for days and days." No, it hasn't fizeled out," Monk -re- plied, "becuse we are pinning-bim to his words, We are demanding his proofs. Now he says.that one of his employees' has sold the'letters that hé had in his possession to somebody. The rest, és you know, ha been stolen from me. We are -going to have un unconditional apology. There are | questions 'being. asked in the House. -- We demand an investigation as to the manage- We will have & com- plete list 'of the shareholders published' and the amount of their holdings. 'Then these will;have'to"come out and show their piti- ful 'faces." ; "Oh, yes, that's splendid," ssid Theo- She smiled, but_thore wae a strained look in her ey YOr counes" the went on, with x frown on, his fuce, "we are quit» convincell that some. juggling -going on with the res; That. fellow Van Ost. ix clever enough for anything." Theodora hoped from the bottom: of her heart that Van Opt was clever enough for anything. Tie is ridicylonn to sippose,"" Monk went on, "that the shareholders are all the harm- ess und respectable people they appear to be. There are a'grest many shares in that jeompany--I should'..say the bulk of the |shares--that are held' by a thorough-paced *| scounsirel who is directing the Amanagement in a shameful, unscrupulgus way. I shall | have ho merey om him--none at all." \ |. "You te right," said his wife in |a low voice. .*What do you think about Van Ost? 1 think Van Ost . ia "a very - brilliant man," replied Monk. "Quite # genitis, in fact. But, Van 'Ost is only the manager of the comping. "There must be somebody who: controls bis actions to a certain ex- 'And that person is' the arch-crimjnal. That person, my dear Theodora, can be no- | or conscience, a s | pire, who puts the. greed'of gol everything, before even the lives of 'men." Tt is awful,"' Theodora-'put in; with a shudder. "You sre right, jit is indeed awful, "The! only other thing to do is to discover where lied the real power of the B.LR.C.; no mst- ter under siames. or titles this person ssheltering himself, he must be brought out and. put face to' face with his own re- sponsibilities: "These hideous stories are ulless, - mercenary" Vam- the Administration. . And. nsible for it~ must be we said Raters, a little un, Dereon. re- dat' you," he ht prove of interest to: her. *|@ | thing but: fiend, a creature. without. heart |. before still coming 'in; there is evidently no change} Chicken, Ib. .. New Potatoes, peck.. New Potatoes, bag Cucumbers, basket Tomatoes, ripe, Ib 'Tomatoes, ripe, basket. Tomatoes, green, basket Tomatoes, ripe, 2 boxes Parsnips,' basket, old . Onions, dried, basket .. Onions, green, bunch of dozen Cabbage, head .. Cor, Golden Bantam, dozen: Aint basket Crab Apples, basket bt Vegetable Marrow, each Summer Savory, small bunch' Thyme, bunch ie Asparagus, bunch . Radish, btinch.. .. Peppergrass, bunch .. i Turnips, White, bunch of three .. Cream, quart... . Buttermilk, quart. Hay, 'new,.. ton... Straw, ton .. Pigs, 'Taniworth, young, pair NEAR-BY MARKETS, ~ Orillisa--Wheat $2.15," barley outs 59-60c;. rye $1.65-1.80,° buckwheat $1:25; peas $1.50-3.50, dressed: pork $22- $23, fowl 15-16c, butter 37-39c, eggs 40- 42¢, potstoes' $1.00-1.25. ' Collingwood--Butter- 40-42c, 'eggs' . 40- , potatoes $1.00-1.25, wheat $2.00-2.15, aE, ™ Found New t HEALTH > i OSE eee et fo tie mining dintriet of Larder Lake, Ont... Mr $i 'dis- covered something --that the e high words of praise given to Gin Pillware drue, Here is-bis story, in part, ~"T had heard of your re me altogeiner. 3 Today 8 well as ever T did and m: cys are acting gui ite naturally: (Ptestimonia on request SAMPLE of "Alt dealers el x Gin Pills on -& Guaxantee, foe hes ubsector a, Toronto Building, Barri © rates of interest. Offices::13 Owen St. (in the prémises foriierly occupied by the Beak of Toronto). Branch office, Elmvale; Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C, MP. D. C. Murchison STEWART & STEWART BARRISTERS, 'Solicitors, Notaries Publio and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at lowest current rates: , Office: 13 Owen St, Burrie, Ont. D.'M. Stewart. CHARLES W. PLAXTON BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, 606 Coutinental Life. Building, southeast corner Bay and -Richmond Sts, Toronto. DONALD ROSS, LL.B. * . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Bank of Money. to' loan. CRESWICKE & BELL { BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS "FOR THE [Supreme Court of Jtidicature of - Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers,' ete. Money to. loan. Offices: in' Rosi Block, Barrie. W..A. J. Bell, KC a | MEDICAL DR. H. T. ARNALL Office and Residence Corner of Toronto and Elizabeth 'Streets, opposite Elizabeth 5,|St. Methodist Church. | Telephone 167. | DR. W. A. ROSS LRCS., Edinburgh, F.C.P,, London, Phy- sician, Surgeon, ete. Office and Residence, Dunlop St, Barrie. "Telephone 1 | DR. E. G. TURNBULL | (McGill) (Succéssor-to Dr. R. §. Broad). Office and Residence, "corner Elizabeth 'and Bradford Sts., Barrie, Phone 105. "W. A. LEWIS, M.D., CM. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY, espécial- ly. Phone.61:.. 56 Collier 'St, Barrie. , "DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 "Bloor St, W Toronto, will be at 91 | Owen: St., ie, every Saturday. --Dis- enses of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throst. Con- sultation hours H a.m. to 5 p.m. sud by appointment... Toronto Phone North 3326. Barrie Phone No. 2 ----S ' |. CHIROPRACTOR DR. VYLAIM. FI U, CC. Gradiiate. McDonald 8t., 'Barr ACCOUNTANTS LAWSON; WELCH & COMPANY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, Crown Life Building, 69 Yonge: Street, Toronto. Telephone Main 5874. J. F, Laweon, 1. J" Welch, GH. Playle: S JAMES PATERSON - Licensed: Auctioneer and Appraiser For County of Simgéoe. Prepared .to diet Sales at reusonable rates. Satisfaction: guaranteed. 120, Bayfield "St., Phone 19 will receive prompt attention. i SIMCOE MARBLE WORKS 'Barrie. G.'W. J. Eastman,-Prop. R..G. Manuel, Mgr. Dealers in-Granite and Marble Moniments id Tablets. Only 'best mater- Prices' slways right. Miss Doane is th ly one in Barrie and 'Allandale who handles corsets 'filled with Spirella boning. It is 'unbreakble, non- rustable,. flexible, . hygienic, sanitary. Fit guaranteed, Maternity 'and nursing feature , 'specials. Brassieres, blouse, forms, misses 'and children's waists. At home 'Setaetn, 16. Charlotte St:, Barrie, The Barrie Planing Mill Corner Sophia 'and Mary Streets Manufaeturers of Sash,-Doors, Frames, Flooring, | Ceiling, Mould- ings, Water. hess Tanks, ete. ss 'We carry" in "stock. assortment.of Rough and Dre: ast, B.C. Shingles dnd Pre- Rint Roofing: 'Turning and iin Davie ae meets: Dressing "Goal us Tit: your building. 'THOS, Office snd residence, 21 * 4 Orders A. F.A. Mslcomson's office. - y ial used" and Arse clea workmen areca >

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