"powder, tooth paste, pin cushion. Red: Cross Notes p 'The Canadian Hed: Crom Society has re- ceived a request-from England:'to be: 36,000 Christmas Stockings for our en in| Gli iy hospitals overseas. Barrie Branch is asked - to contribute 150 of these stockings. Stocking ? : : It is highly désitable that the stockings abould be as uniform ss- possible in order that the men may receive gifts of approx- jmately the same "value but im order to make each stocking the gift of an individ. 'ual, each person filling a:stocking is ssked 16 write a personal Christmas letter und enclose it in the stocking 4 °° - "Tt is:muggested thet each stocking might contain one gift out of each of the follow- ing classes: " . Pocket mirror, cheap stylo, pocket knife, pipe or match box. g pad and envelopes, fancy post cards. 8. 'Cigarettes, tobacco. ; 4, Cundies, chewing gum, maple sugar. 5.° Handkerchiefs, necktie, socks. "6. Game, book, puzzle, mduth organ. 7. Toilet. requisites such as soap, toilet: 8,. Packets of 'raisins, dates or figs, nuts. The total cost of éach stocking should not on any account exeeed $2.00. ft Do not put in sticky eandy'or flimay pse- kets of insect .powder or matches. Socks ready to be filled may be obtained At the Red Cross Rooms. Jt is hoped that 'the fruits for the Red Cross\ Booth at Barrie Fair will be a large one? The fruit is to go to the men in our Canadian hospitals. Contributions may be left at the booth on fept. 18, All contributions must bear don- or's name. 2 : E 3 The regular meeting of Barrie Branch will be held "Monday, Sept. 24, and the monthly packing Thureday, Sept. 27. 'St. Majy's Church hid 'charge of the Shop on, Sut, Sept. 8. Net récéipts $72.11 St... Andrew's Church. will have "charge on Sat, Sept. 15, and the following Satur- day, Collier St. Methodist Church. Shop Committee, this week: Mri. Payne, Mrs, Garvin." Next week: Mrs, King, Mrs. McMartin. i} Donations, Sept." 3---Utopia, 7th -Line, hibit of canned "Acdox. eggs, $3.00; Methodist' Chisreh, Uto- request, $4.50 pia, one. Sundi collection, $2.76. Septs 8--St. Paul's, to- Innisfil, 2 doz. eger, 50c.; lowers; Ivy, 2 logyes bread, 31% doz. eggs, 1 Ib. bytier, cashs75e On Tues; Sept. 18, the Red:,Crons will jrerve a hot dinner from 11 a. to 2 p.m, atthe' Red Cross Rooms. At the Fait Grounds there will be sérved coffee, sand- wiches, pie, wieners,' ice cream. 2 : Barrie Brunch will be. grateful for dona- 'tions of pies, butter of\eream for Tuesday, Bept. 18. : 1 "Shanty Bi "Sample copies of The. Examiner sent ov Will you fill or help fill one Christmas| P :| ham with an a¢ ments ore always on hand ready to give out to those who are unable to give the after- fioon or evening. "Anyone wishing to help may phone Mrs: Stewart or call at the Circle Rooms on Mondays or Tuesdays. Towniine Presbyterian W. M. S. 29, the WAS. of "Townline , Presbyterian Church, , Thornton, 'held » very: plessant church. All the women of the congregation were invited and asked to bring Ania little auek 'a. contribution oi ing with the number of 'their years which was given as & gift to the work of the W.M. Rev. R. H. Somerville, pastor of. the church, Was asked to take-the chair, The devotional' exercises were followed 'by an address from Mrs. Abernethy of Bond Head, one of the Vice-Presidents of the. Presby- teriel:, Mrs, Abernethy* gave a very' inte esting and. helpful address. She dwelt ps ticularly upon 'the. necessity of intimately knowing the great source and foundation of all missionary work--the person and work of the 'Master. _ Mrs.S. Carr and. Mrs. J. Cunningham then sang as duet. in their usual efficient manner, after which Miss Soules of 'Béé- ton, formerly Mission Band Secy, for the Presbyterial, gave.a very helpful address on | the work of the Mission Band and strongly, congregution. 'A short sketeh' of the work done by the 'Auxiliary: during the past. year was then read by Mrs. McKnight. , At this 'point the pastor drew attention to the fact that the meeting was. for a double 'purpgee, not only as a birthday purty for the W.M.S,, but also to celebrate the. birthday of the.Hon.-President, Mrs. C. Cunningham. , On behalf of 'the members and Home Helpers of the WMS., Mrs. 8. Carr and Mrs. J. McDonald presented Mrs. Cunning- and a beautiful wicker CAG? i SAPP INAS On. the afternoon of Wednesday, August| - and successful birthday: party at the |. advised the prganizing of a Band in the .| Indies most cordially Mrs. Cunningham for their kind words of appreciation. : After the meeting was closed with sing- rocker. éWhic ? Portfolio for this season. Suits and Overcoats 'at $18 and up to $45 and $50-- the value "price in the pocket" of every. genuine Semi- ready garment. Suits to special order cost $28 and up--made 'to your exact measure in four days at the shops. . Batk to the Land, the Need To the Editor of The Examiner:-- Dear. Sir:--We read with much. interest the article in last week's issue by Mrs. May h Style Do You Like Best? "Of these 10 Semi-ready Suit "Models and 7 Overcoat Styles which do you prefer? i There are fifteen. others in the 'Semi-ready Fashion with her Rev, a Visited th 'Chas. in Toron * Mr, jan visited th Robert € Pte: Jo renorted* SI ing and prayer all partook of the 'supper | Greswicke, andr while endonin e i " : , und, ng, generally ASTER Voices so kindly provided by the ladies of the $0" she ays, would fast tke to iy in par g b YUIC y. ri ticular, if you will kindly. allow the pace, her «Among, those' present were friends from! thit st all' th 1g eo { Thornton, Braden's and Bethesda. The oe aii' anit Gooey ! os . The| read since the Production and! Conserv : WMS. desires to'thank all who in any way | fo. Campaign began early last spring, con- 1 5 aided jn making the meeting a success: | deming, advising or 'patronizing the fur- it : " : ayer mers, this' is the absolutely first line we MT : | Mrs. (Rey.) Jos. H. Locke have seen from a non-farmer stindpoint Hate ' AG . Lindsay: Post--In the death of Mrs. Eli-| that shows: keen appr aa if 'i < aabeth Mackay Locke, -at her- home in! knowledge, of what' the. farmer is to the bord ne i Shige : i Moore Park, Torontv, on' Sunday, Sept. 2, country, "the foundation and. backbone of |. aod Me ] Brittyou th the whole scheme o! ization, on whose | 1 Reo the leer abit comedy worth. jsbor and watehfilness: and brains depeos | carat Me Che bouhauentorpwhche, As-a genuine helpmate of her husband, | ultimately every other branch. of industry i 4 3 vho has spent forty Mires igo ibs se as well 'as his own." This is indisputable The a ORR ve ministry of the Methodist Church and' truth, though so few know er admit it, "coe Uni | "His Master's Voice" Records fight yeare in the associate pastorate of and it geems unaoeountable thatthe Go + ke: held i 3 ntral.Chureh; Toronto, Mrs. Locke made |ernment. of a country would . allow 'laws |: + Sept. aaeaeers 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sided *: large contribution' to 'the parsonage life| and conditions to exist that: are slow * preache: ChuiGhin-Chow *.- 'Gieen:Orph of 'this' province. * surely exterminating the i and the oT Bete Ny Dente: CRIES rece RSD izon | 18836 Many a Methodist preschet and a. host eae S ~ "WHI |" Hitchy Kioo--Medley One-Step i oveurred anyway in 'the " eereed} eee | eae Joeeph C. Smith's Orehestn| 19554 though there bad been 'no- the. tow i Ziegfeld Felliee--Medley One Step secret thit the rural population 'of Ontaric ge ; Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra r has decreased by thousands in the last: ten 'Extre [Maybe Gane fora Lang; Lag Tide i always 'retained # warm affec- | years, and that there are thousands of nb- i : froni bi : ; Soins Four 19333 tion for the Lower Provinces: Mrs. Locke| res of. farm land: lying idle that wa eul- : 4 receivec Over There American Quartet io ws quesaly Siyscre possessed of remark-| tivated and' supporting large families ten |. RS z Pd Monkm le intellectual gifts, : \ | years' ago. When eénditions are such that | * ( * "- Des _ «| $1,80 for 12nch, double-sided Her unig gifts of tumor. and pathos The peonligo back tosthe land by choice, This aioe chewing : ee | Midnight Frolie--! Fox Trot. - arid her fine mental qualities made her | then there will be fullness and plenty for gum ippe' and di- ~ ples totes Eeolies Madles, Few Trot ica) sade leader among wow'en, and such organit|all but at the present moment, while the 1m aids appetite a d di Geokste Indiana--Medley One-Step . Conway's Baad tions as the W.MLS. and W.C,T.U. will miss | war is on, and there are not enough' people gestion, quenches thirst, 'from be ie a very. prominent: tuential: worker. |eft in the farming *business to produce z ee a 'expect y Two Rinilsite: Red'sent Her executive and administrative ability| sufticient food for all, it will be well for -Keeps the teeth clean: ef spiri ee we 4 and- genial sind' ready humor -have many non-producere to conserve -what | surplus d br h sw Sai Z Dear Dinorah--Ombra'leggiera AmelitaGalli-Curei 74532) ) times. made the "question drawer" st the there is and moske it spin out as far on and breath sweet. : mreny ¢ Fifth Nocturne (Violin) Maud Powell' 74531 'Branch" an hour of miost instructive en-| possible. 1 -hiive iiss on & fe : cal S See ete eee eed this mo among farm women for the past eleyen Fresh, cle Zi i General ' Ff years, after being raed in\ town andicity, h, clean, wholesome lett : Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" Déalers' 'and 'it is fact that they have always ious co ied ' a busine, t- pearly Write for free copy of $50-page at eee Sopedia batg eves 000 Vide Reseed mi Broome eee 2 this year | ~ Wore -erlin dy Ber! ier Gram-o-phoneCo. poet | Mlle oust tas ee = : spring, | : of Thi ; 28 179 Lenoir Street _ i -nator. ss E 3 + Eee rece | 32. aoe eel : "His Master's Voice" Barrie Dealer ele | ae Oe Gimcenene sc if Don't Forget. ~ You' cagnet_ purchase genuine, Vigvolas, Vidtor a ane ee if at vr