Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1917, p. 4

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| | | fF | e ' mpumber 99 Bayfield St. (corner Worsley HET . THE ADLET COLUMN The cost of adv ONE CENT PER TION, with a mi ied issu RD EA plies are ional charg of 0c. will 'WATER METRES cleaned and repaired. B4-tf-eow P.-J. Moran, '58 Bayfield St. MOTOR CAR FOR HIRE--Apply R. Ure Bayfield St, Phone 453. YOUR FURNACE-Get 'it cleaned, Examine smoke pipe. Moran. i "WANTED--Cook, General. Highest wages. Apply by letter Mrs. pbc $ Warren 34,35p Road; Toronto. WANTED---Young man about 18 years o ge to learn the shoe businem. Apply to Moore's Shoe Store. EAVETROUGHING arid conductor pipes should be repaired before rainy season. Moran.can do it right. HOUSE TO' RENT--On'MeDonald Street, 7 rooms, all conveniences." Apply Thomas Sewrey, 37 McDonald CLEANING AND PRESSING -- Your old suit and, ovércogt can be made to look like new by Harry Twiss, Owen St D-- Young-tuidy for bookkeeper. required aminer' and § LOST---In St 8th inst., -hoy Jeave st this) Office. Hobley rey cont, Reward, BUILDING LOTS FOR 3: 2 choicest frontage on William dale Morning. . St, Allan- und stove smoke pipe now Moran, tinsmith., and 44-tf-eow| § FOr: vy, dra {using at this office. SALE--Yioung horse, rjsimig five, héa- gasoliné engine. ' Enquire FURNISIFED, HOUSE TO- LET--On Brad. ford St., every' convenience. Possession" at onee. Apply to D. C. Howard, 14 Mul- easter St. Phone 653. NTED-- furnished' or -unfurnished,":work in ex- chunge for bourd, Protestant or Gath. Apply Barrie Bus. College. SALE--Mitchell six-cylinder touring car, 5-pustenger\in good. running condi | tion, good thrds. ) Complete outfit,- price | $500.00. Box 496, Barrie. 34-349 | 5 Sup jay, Aug. 19; between Wal. " Richardsoud snd "Barrie, bunch of séven or eight-keys, Finder please leave: at the Examiner 'Office or notify Wal: Righard- F80n:, ; ES [i a a a is da FARM 'TQ RENT-- 3% Jot'17," eon.' 9, Vespra, tof'aining 100 acres, good build- ings.- All Iatid under cultivation. Apply to Mrs. Hugh MeBride or W. A. J. Bell, _. Bartiv.. 33-35, = FE. PRINCE--Minufacturer sof high grade Willow Furniture". and 'baskets of all kinds." Prices mioderate, Repairing | neatly done. 42 Blake St, or, Box 95, 7 Barrie : 32-37p LOST--Neat St,' Vincent's' Park, on Sun- 'diy evening lust, "small pocket book, containing $43 und cheque for $19.50. Reward of $5.00 on leaving at' Welling, tin Hotel: 34.3. WATER" AND -WASTE: PIPES: should be Jooked: after before' frost. Conisalt: Mor- an,, Bayfield St pore a hd SR salt STANDING TIMBER - FOR SALE--Suit- "able for -baen Atimber, lumber, khingle | bolts; once posts uid pail timber, Large for sinall' quantities ,to.suit _ purchaser. 'Also hardwood by the uere D.-J. Barclay, Stroud ' Apply. to FOR _SALE--Moderti ~9-roostied house, south-east corner Bayfield and 'Welling: vton' Sts, All conveniences, hardwood finish, hot water heating, 4 fire places, Jorge: verandah, spacious grounds. Apply 8: McAdam, 4} Dunlop St." Barrie. 82-e,0-w-tt FARM FOR SALE OR 7, Esta, 100 .icres, cl all cleared: Good brick house, large barn, stone stabling, implement house. Within' four 'miles of Cookstown, mile to shure and sehool. A. R. Bfaden, Bar- rie, 2 8237p ge Th a ae FARM FOR SALE--150 acres on con: 10, Innisfil; Good clay. 40. acres cultivated, balance in pasture and bush.' Good or. chard. "Godd brick house, good barn. outbuildings. Within -two miles-of Craigs ™ bad Apply- Albert Purvis, Pee. vale PA ina OMT os OS [MEN WANTED--For shipyaid ; allolasses «Of skilled help alto commen' labour. Good wages paid and excellent prospects for », advancement," Agfply by -letter, stating nate sel particulars to "The 'Col- Tngwood Stipbaading Company, Maite Collingwo BRICK RESIDENCE FOR SALE--Ten- ders will be 'received by the undersigned 'until 15th. September; 1917, for: the 'pur- |" chase: of the premises Known: as street St), Barrie. Terms and full particulars, on application to °C. W. in' this column is! . ANSER- charge Terms cash. Six insertions 'will given for the price of four. - Where re-|- irected to. this vale', 'an addi- repaired - and + Ie 34-tf-eow 34-tf-eow. to St. 33-38 8-t{| inspector for Welland county. and salary, References ent's Park, Wednesday, Finder. please 66. feet Box M Examiner "and Saturday | 10-tf ; also cutting box, suitablé for 34-34p 34:tf-eow | 6-4 '|Men's Heavy' Tan Working Boots with Keep Monday night for the Food, Cot 'servation meeting. E There wal a very fine display of north. ern lights on Tuesday night dig ened wee a 4 and 5, for $1.98 at the Hurlburt Shoe. Co, If you have visitors or\any other items of news tell The Examiner. Phoné 194. If 'you' like The Examiner' tell your friends 'about it.. Sample copies on. request. Wai. Mullen found potato vine in his garden Inst week that was six feet in length. Examiner Job. Dept. for tasty printing. and: prompt serviee. Upto date in every respect. Patriotic 'women and 'men' should attend the Food Conservation meeting next Mon- day night. --+Farmers--Red Jacket Lump Coal, best for thresHinig, good stock, reduced prices, at SARJEANT'S. 34-35 Much needed repairs 'have been made to the culvert on Park St. between High St. und Toronto 8t. The best food conservation slogan to date is, "Don't stuff your husband, but hus- band, your stuff." G.-A, Carefoot, formerly of Bradford High School, has been appointed public' school at of --Women's India Kid Buttoned or L: ed Boots with patent tip, ali sizes, at the Hurlburt Shoe' Co. this week for $1.99 pr. |, Babies' clothing is gtegtly needed at the | Children's Shelter. Donations of such will be thankfully received" by/the Mranage- nient, ey, Save faga and help win the war, Hear} his discussed, Library Hall, next Monday | /nighit. Extra' seating accommodation pro vided. Robert. Orok' has purchased 'the hoiise and two lots at/the corner of Owen and Sophia Sts,, belonging to the estate of the} W. late Rev. Dr. McLedd. It avas announced in 'the Collingwood En: | terprise last. week that a Conservative con- | vention for North Sinicoe will be held at ayner on Saturday, Aug. 25. Are you getting ready for Barrie's Big Agricultural. exhibits should beat all records for, as a Minesing farmer remarked | to the: reporter, "Every@bing's fine:"* Next Wernesday, Aug. will be the | st of. the summer half holidays for this' in of hor | Shoe Co' this week for 98c.. a pair. Misses' ones jn pair. strap Dongola Slippers ut 98c this week, the opera house films were late | jn arriving. on: Monday, j train service. i eraged 964.57 yards per minute. 400 young | birds competed, | and | --W..€. Thompson & Son,: real estate| |ugents, have .a large list; of farm lands and town properties for sale. Also, money to |loan. "Office ,15° Owen. St', phone .288.--| | Established 12' years, The September meeting of the W. C. T. | U. will be Meld atthe home: of Mrs. N.B. Johnston Elizabeth St. on Friday, August | 24th. Mrs. (Col.) W. R. Lang of Toronto P| will give ah address Last June Barrie Bus, College placed two lof pher, $18 per .week to'-start. - At eight o'clock: last Sunday evening two planes 'passed over town. Darkness was rap- | idly. closing down and many people won dered how the aviators would succeed "in reaching the aviation grounds, 5 Chief. delivering (the tax bills [Tthese- days." Fistead 'of having all a tax? payer's property on one bill, in-cases where there are several lots, each parcel is put on separate Jill to avoid confusion in py-| ing at the bank. A young lady motorist was seen: driving on Dunlop street last week.. She took both hands off the wheel to arrange her hair and hat, It was a fine stunt, but the place for such stuff is in"a ten acre field with the spectators on the 6ther side. of: the. rail . ton he son, ¢ Huflburt Shoe Co. 'are offering Son special yalues this week in Men's Working Boots at $1.99' and $2.59 2 tiair. - Also son plain toe at $2. Heayy Ten Worl at $3.59.9 M Alex. PR ets president, and Johny Wiggins, dircetor, took time from the busy harvest last wesk to devote a couple of days to promoting the interests of the |- great World's Fair, to be) held: at the Town Hall, Oro, Sept. 14. A 'goodly rtumber of subscriptions 'were received from the rie business men. air, and Men's Extra Boots with toe enp the YORKSHIRE BOAR (Registered) for sale. S. V. Jones, Oro Station. 34-34 YORKSHIRE BROOD SOW, 'with two weeks old litter, for 'sale, 8 Vv. rrr Oro Station. . 34.34: tie ver ij 7 in ly Najuable A Lot No.'8 'Sout the 7 with the dwelling addi Lot. are two solid ing cg Houses, with soli ition, | naces, town In a most in Millbrook and Prescott. Brentwood for a few.days. Rosseau, for Mr, Saguenay: for A holiday trij ing Mrs. D. Cairns, Mill Road, vi her father, J. R. Cotter. Boys are holidaying in Atlantic City, leave today to visit friends in Minden. after visiting with Mr_and Mrs, James. }rett have been -holi ing his parests, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Hill, | spending her vacation at Chatauqua, N.Y. Hamiltom are guests of Mrs, T. H. Redditt | Mra. W. ronto ure' visiting with Mrs. Thos. Henson |. Mr. abd: Mrs. L. her: holidays at home, has. returned to the | est. Mr. and Mrs. D, W. Caripbell and family bell', Mrs, Wm, Siveent(, who 'has been pay- ling a visit to Toronto friends, has returned land, Ohio, are visiting with Mrs. Andrew Also | Thornton. Mrs. Coughey of Utterson has been vis |iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hill, | Owing to the 3.49 train being cut off Sophia St. Mrs. the filin company 'iting Mr. and Mrs. Paul Arlitt, having failed to notice the change. in the| Falls, Ont. Miss. Mae "Morrison, Collingwood, has re- The, report wf the homing pigeon 'race 'turned home after visiting with Dr. and |held recently from Barrié to Toronto shows | Mrs. 'Sprott 4-| the speed of the winning bird to have av-| Mra have returned from holidaying in Sarnia Mr. and:Mrs, Hirold Hart 6f Toronto are visiting with the latter's parents, Mr: and Mrs. Sweeney. Mr. and Mrs, Alex. MacDonald of Orillia 34-34) visited with the latter's sister, Mrs. W, Jones, last werk. Mr. and. Mrs. Jack McCube and e! Mrs. A. D., Simon. Miss Flora McMurchie fortnight at the home of her uncle, Sheriff ladies with,one firm at-$75- and $80 to| Middleton, Hamilton. start per-month. «Just #ectived' 'nother.| Miss: Fossie of Brentwood. waa the guest |call from same firm for another: stenogra-}of -her sister, Mrs. Harry Desjardine, San- ford St., Mrs. A. S. Burton and Miss Guida Bur- koka Lakes. Di Porritt, left this week for Kingston where Mrs: Wills Hour and brother-in-law mot- ored from Toronto and spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. MBride at_92 Worsley St Mr. "and Mrs. A: MacDonald and baby Harold of Toronto: are the guests: of Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Simon-for a couple of weeks. Mrs, B, W. Rhinehart and Miss B. Rhine- hart 'have: retired after spending ». week with friends in Creemore and New Lowell, Mrs. L. Hathway of Plaster, N.B., visited with her brother, Harry: Coughey, Utter Mrs, Mulholland Sampedn of Chicago and Miss Irene Samp- Sprott, Mary St. Mrs. T. Jessop of. Flint, Mich:, 'probation. term Hospital, spent' over. Sunday. with her mio- ther, Mrs. Chas. Drui ea regimental funds, was'in town, Friday, 'a meeting of the trustees. Geo.-A. H. Fraser, barrister, an-old Bar. some Barrie friends lgst Mrc and Mrs. Robt. Miller, ;. | announce 'the engagement of their daughter Mabel, to Mr. Laurance Jennets of Toronto, of Toronto is is holidaying in of Buffalo, ie visiting with hae s. Charles. and Mrs, R. hou Mottley of Toronto visiting in Mins Libbie Lenie'of Georgetown is vis, Miss Clara Andrew.: fe 'Miss Margaret. Sinclair is spending a week Windermere, Muskoks. -. Mr, and Mrs. H. A. Sims 'are holidaying Mrs, Moodie and Mrs. Howland are in Mr. and Mrs. D.'R. Murchison. are at p- Miss Jean Wilson of Logan Lee is visit- Stewart Macdonald of Hamilton' is Mrs. W. A. Boys, Miss Joyce and Jack Mr. snd Mrs. Chas. Lewis and family Bay Overalls Now Ming Huggard has. returned to Toronto Mr, and Mre. A. F, Garreté and Miss ying in Muskok Albert Hill of Cranbrook, 'B.C,, is vi Miss McLennan of the R. V. Hospital is' Mrs. Ketchen and Miss Turnbull of Albon and two 'children of To- | F. Cross are holidaying + Peterboro and. on the Kawartha Lakes. Miss Ida Lewis, who has been spending | Save Money BUY HEADLIGHT OVERALLS, with bib, Bluck, Plain "Blue, and Winnipeg are' visiting et D. C. Camp: me. Mrs. Gumimerson of Bond Head is vi tf Blue and: White Stripes; these {fue her sister, Mrs. S.\B. Turner, Toronto are' big, jalos .." --$2.00 | Street. og a Mrs..J. A. Cross and) daughter of Cleve- Smocks to match .. .... .. $2.00 yeur.- With the 'coming of September ev- | Carson 2 <a saa eryone will be getting down to work again.) Miss G. I Campbell of Wilkes-Barge, . u A couple of men were placed on farms |Pa., is epending a few weeks at her, home BUY -- SUTCLIFFE'S SPECIAL BA by the Board of Trade comniittee last |in town: LAUNDRY SOAP, 5 Bars 25¢. eek. 'Theré are several applications yet| Miss Hazel Card has returned homie after * Boarding places for 'students, unfilled and 'any who can go" are urged to spending her vacation at Isle of View, Lake Sa o° #0. [ Nipissing. , i | Women's Leather Buskins, & house| Mrs. P. Jones spent a few: days Last week} TAYLOR'S BORAX SOAP, :apecial 34 slipper with elastic front,. at the Hurlburt| with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ailingham, . 4 Bars 25¢. iv. B. Simmons and son are vis: Niagara at our Premium Co S.C. Sproule and Mike Sproul=| d- London. kiren Glen's Ferry, Idaho, are visiting Mr. and it spending a over Sunday, left on Monday for a trip up the Mui-| LINDSAY | k. Porritt, "son of Mr. and Mrs, F. R. will attend the Military College. Cook--Burton At, St. James' Cathedral, Toronto, by Rey, Mr. Childs, on Thursday, Aug. 2nd., the wedding was solemnized' between Dr. William Yates Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos: Cook, Painswick, -and Lillign Violet Burton of Teronto. - After' the ceremony Dr. and Mrs. Cook left by boat through the Thousand fslands and New England States. On their return they will reside in Young, Sask? : atid also with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. hia St. of Chicago, Miss Tis of Toronto' are guests of Dr: ani Mrs: fe and "Miss 1 Bassett of Port Huron, Mich. are mother, Mrs. Wm. iss Irene Drury having compleied: her in-the' Toronto General ing 8 {Fw weeks in Toronto. ja Packet, one of trustees appointed for the 177th Bn. 'Nat Stove Tes . For Immediate nip for a number of years, - called upon week. Mary St, Hardwood E Edgings No. | Dry Hardwood Cot and Split to Order With every dollar purchase we WESELLFORCASH .. ~~ {Ne Diploma from the Cincianstti College of Embalming,' which was held in-' special session by their Professor Chas. 0, Dhonsu, September, 1916. Mrs. B.'Lount and Mis Lount are spend-| shows very little under 90 -per cent, which is 'considered very high and Dhonsu, for the earnestness with which he took up the new anatomical work. In Noveniber.last Mr. Minpikin secured his diploma from: the' 'Ontario'. School of Embalining. KELLEY--At, Tolletidal on Sunday, Aug. |! WALKER--On Tuesday, Aug. 21, to Mr. | GRAHAM---In. the Winnipeg General' Hos-' _ mierly of Oro, in shis 93rd., year. It 'will give 'Ai an 'eloganne' ny his appearance and bearing' that will surely work: for good inhim.. They will outwear any other suit for the money. Our Hard-Weer Suits 'are $5.00 to $9.50. They 'are new Fall goods, just in. Hadn't you: better Conia and see them? School . Day: Will Soon Be Here. ane eee a Sizes 25 to 34: BOYS'-BLUE AND GREY OVER. ALLS, with bib, plain Blue, fit ages 4 to 9; they trimmed. with are big value $1.00. Special price' aoe od bes fulidegar ibe This is the second lot of this line and they will not last long at this price. Fer Se lr SE BOYS' BLUE 'AND WHITE STRIPE SMOCKS, fit ages 12 to 15, extra value... 2. $1.15 se BOYS' BLUE. AND WHITE STRIPE. OVERALLS, sizes 26.'to 32, special'. . $1.00 LITTLE BOYS' " KHAKI OVER, ALLS, trimined with Red, fit ages 3 to 5; they are big value at 50¢. ---_ CHILDREN'S BLUE CHAMBRAY: ROMPERS, trimmed with -Red, one pocket and belt.. Price 50c.° Do .not miss this line give you a' 5c unter. . MINNIKIN TOOK. -A HIGH, PERCENTAGE Ninety Per. Cent. on His Examin- ation in Connection with the Cincinatti College of Embalming, W.-D: Miinnikin, has just received - hig the second week of Mr. Minnikin's 'grade Toronto during he is' lauded fervently by the College. President, Dr. 19, to' Mr. and' Mrs. Chis: Kelley, a son.. and Mrs..Archie Walker, |Esea Road, daughter. des See the nice goods at small prices WE SELL FOR LESS' "deceased, up to the 1/1917, for the purchase S These New Sport Shirts 'made by: the Arrow Shirt Com- pany, are certainly winners. You should see them no matter wheth- er you want to buy a Shirt now. - or not. 'They sre White, Mauve and White, Grey and White, and Blue and White, with long sleeves and convertible collar, sizes 14 to 17, they, are big value $1.50 .. "Friday and Saturday only, $1.09 Do. not miss this line, 'as they are extra value $1.50. 4 -Here® is a Clearing 'Line That.will not last Jong at thie price.. They' are White, w few. Stripes,; also Linen shade; sizes 14;. 1424, 15, 16, 16%. ; pockets and. others one : pocket ; Some have' two reversible collar; these are big' va- lue $1.25. "Clearing "Price Friday and Saturday only . . 79. Household Finest Crepe Toilet Pap- er, large rolls .. 10c., 3 for 5c. Coupon, redeemable | NOTICE To CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby against the Estate of James pete Ross, late of the. Town of Bi of Simcoe, 'their. claims 'on or before the first day 7, -after which dite the executors' will distribute the assets of ne estate among those entitled thereto, Having regard only 'to. the claims of which' shall then have notice, not be responsible to DONALD RO&S, * Solicitor for Executors, Barrie, Ontario. Dated, Sid Auguit, 1917. Executrix' Sale of Valuable Town Property - SEALED TENDERS wil be tebeived by the undersigned, Solicitors for: the Execu- tix of the Batata of the ase Be M, Ness, first. day of October, of the. following DIED "pital, on' Aug. 16, Joseph Graham, for: faneral 'took place on'Aug. 21 'from 'he home of F. R..Day, Shanty Bay. GREENWOOD--In 'Barrie, Aug. 17, ag a Greenwood, in his 74th year. Eglingtor: TANNER--In'Allandale, on Aug. 19, beth Tanner) wife of Walter 'Tanner, 'Tiffin St, aged 71 yei -| properties : PARCEL 1=Parts of Lots 12 'and 13 South Charlotte Barrie, onwhich is with all, modera 'conveniences, over- Kempeofeldt Bay, bot oceupied by repair, Jooking erected 2 good brick double house in good ~ . Aad at seas

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