Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1917, p. 4

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Fagen ls Rata verre "Ww é | = MEN WANTED--For shipyard} all clases -Robertaon, Rec. Sec. LO.0F,,- Barrie. THE-ADLET COLUMN = The cost: of advertising in this column is ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- TION, with # minimum charge of 15 cents issue. Terms cash. for the price of four: Where' re- plies 'are' directed to this Office an addi: tional charge' of. 10c. will be made. ee MOTOR CAR FOR HiRE--Apply R. Urry, Boyfield St, Phone 453. 63-tf. PARLOR SUITE FOR SALE--In good con- dition. Apply at, Examiner Office. 33p "TO RENT--200 acres in' Innisfi 'and buildings. Apply 'Box iner Office WANTED--Young. man about 18 years of age 'to learn the shoe, business. . Apply to Moore's Shoe Store. 33-33 LOST-- Gentleman's bloodsten¢ ring. ini- tisked inside "LRD." Reward if re- turned to Examiner Office 33:33 MARE FOR SALE OR: EXCHANGE Suitable for light general work, thor- oughly broken. Ball Planing Mill Co, 33, HOUSE TO RENT--On' McDonald Street, 7: rooms, all conveniences. Apply to Thomas Sewrey, 37 McDonald St. 33-38 FOR SALE--Up-to-date Happy | Thought Range. Only been "used a short time. Apply to' Mrs. Caldwell, 186 Dunilop St. YORKSHIRE BOAR (Registered) For * Sale; also ~ Brood Sow with litter one | / week old. Apply S}-V. Jones, Oro Sta- tion, bi 33-33 WANTEN---A good wrong honest boy to drive grocery wagon in town. Steady .job 'and good pay. Apply to .Box. 59] Butrie, 32.33 --First-cluss. condi- | TUG BOAT FOR. SALE u Six insertions will, :| wick , and Stroud. Geo: Cameron shipped a car of 'hogs and cattle on Tuesday, $16.00 per cwt. was paid for hogs. ~ and unusually large quantities are being canned or preserved. * Lewis & Co. coal and wood dealers have been fortunate in securing twenty-five car- Joads of coal:in one month. There was 'a gasoliné famine in town this morning, all the dealers, as well as the Tocal depot of the Imperial Oil Co. being sold out. Charlie Chew & Co. of the City Cafe have purchased the Allies Cafe from Fink Mark and Wong Fook and will carry on the two restaurants. = | Rev. Dr. Coady preachéd to » large con- gregation in Trinity Church Inst Sunday evening. His text.was, 'There are but twelve hours in the day."' length this-year. John Shepard pulled one the other day that' measured five feet, eight inches, while Wm. Marshall hid one an even: five feet. Last Thursday about - 200 men from Camp Hoare, cadets and mechanics, came |to town by train and paraded to St. Vin- cent's Park for a' swim, undressing in 'tents provided for 'that purpose. Three similar [swimming parades "have been held "this | week. : Collingwood Bulletin--The._minutes' of \'the June session .of the: County Council have been-issued snd"distributed to the members. * This -issye is printed. on ordini- 'ity news paper, yet the printers, The aminer, of Barrie, have. produced & very pgesentable report. Two carlouds of poles for the Hydro line to Cookstown and Alliston have arrived in Barrie. The tine will run through 'Pains- Mr. Escrig, who - was. 83-34p | For 2-99 Bayfield St. | local fagent, D.C, "Howard, or owner, "C, W. Plaxton, 28° Howard St; Toronto. 32-3 pe lp nite LOST diy's long blacks ctoth | On J , between Cesighurst ; Finder 'please' leave at Bx 33.33p and aminer Office, arr CHICKEN WIRE six feét high, good as new. itery chicken drinking fountains. ply at this office BOR SALE--90 fect, Also "san: | Ap: 38-tf LOST--Silver pesh puirse engraved with} full name, be:ween Allandsle, Barrie and Camp Borden, Eiberal reward if returned to Simcoe Hull AMandale 33-33p | Ypyng 'lady' for. bookkeeper " tind' silary. References | Apply to Box 128, Barrie' Fx- 33.38 esjuired. i aminer 'wnd/Suturday Morning. FOR-.SALE--A bargain for $100, square | piano, --miskers; Harbour "&. Cos" New York tine, in good order, be se." Apply. 100 Owen Si. Barrie. | LOST:-on Sunday, Aug. 5, at: Camp Bor: \ den, "a little brown «dog, answering to nite of Buster, Reward. Finder kindly with Box | communicate , Elmvale. 32:33p- [-- E'4 lot 17,: con. 9,/ ning 100 acre', good build-) ings. -AN Lond \yider cultivation. - Apply to-Mrs, Hugh McBride or W. A. J. Bell, Barrie ' 38-3: FE. PRINCE --Mainuficturer of: high grade Willow Furnjfure 'and "baskets" of all kinds. Prices moderate. Repairing neatly done ~-42 Blake St, or Box 95, | Barrie 33 Hd | TED---A reliable man as cdvetakera) One who understands attending to a' steam furnace. .One who can Kye in building "or 'gt, far from it preferred, Apply at, This Offige: 81. LOST--Fronr automobile, in the neighbor: hood of Little's Hill, wicker suitease, and "a patasoh $5.00 reward give for: their return or information leading to recov- ery. Enquirs Examiner" Office. $2.33 nhc nee STANDING TIMBER. FOR SALE--Suii- able, 'for burn 'timber, ;lumber, 'shingle bolts, ferice posts 'and pail timber. Large. "or small quantities to suit. purchaser. | Also hardwood by the acre, Apply. to| D. J. Barelay, Stroud 6-tf FARM FOR SALE OR RENT--Lot 6, con. 7, asa, 100 acrés, clay arti'clay loam, all 'cleared. -.Good brick house, large} "barn, stone stabling, implement house. Within four miles of, Cookstown, mile to church and school. "A, R. Braden, Bar- rie. ou-37p FARM FOR SALE--150 acreg on con. 10, Innisfil. Good clay, 40 sores cultivated, in pastire and bush. Good or- Good, brick house, good "barn. outbuildings. Within two miles.of Craig- vale Stn. Apply Albert "Purvis, Craig- vale, * 29. of -skilled' help also. common labour, Good wages paid .and excellent prospects: for advancement. LOST--Union Jack 'flag, @x12 ft, with ad- dreis of" "H. B. Myers, . a favor by communicsting -with H. G. | importsnce: | ts ' = : | Help - Wanted--Male ,| WANTED----Reliable safesmai in-| negotiating "with the Barrie Commission! for u line "to, his grist' mill at' Painswick; will thus be furnished. with: power at a much better rate than would have been possible under the first arrangement. he Raspberries are a great crop. this year| Potato stalks are breaking the record for! ; ann. ' Mrs. F. W. Fite Violet Ming is visiting her sister iss Viol jay' is visiting in. Lindsay. : reside in Torpnto..° Mrs. W. M. ' Miss Dora 'Babcock of Toronto is visit- ing. Miss Winnifred Highland. it with friends in Toronto. ion Stevenson. is spending a couple of weeks at: the Canadian Soo. Mite Guida Burton returned on Monday from a week's visit in "Aurora. Mr,, and Mrs, G. W. Raymes motored to Port Perry for over Givie Holiday. Mrs. John Schafer of Bracebridge 'was a week's, visitor' with Mrs. A. 8. Burton. lyn Shaughnessy' of Toronto are visiting with Mrs. M.A. Brennan, Bradford St." Miss Kathleen Powel after spending her vacation in Muskoka. Mrs. H. Norton and Maudie Penny have returned from a visit with Meaford friends. Mrs. 8. Sutton' has returned to Toronto, after visiting friends 'in Berrie and Crown Hill. B, W. Rhinehart has been spending a few duys with friends in Creemore and New Lowe attending .the convention of Ontario mar- | ble, dealers. ; Mrs. Roy Lewis and her sons Ernest and Herbert of Calgary, Alta., are visiting their uncle, 'D. «Lewis, 1, ter spending a fortnight with her father, D. Lewis, High St. : Mrs. W: |to after visiting her sister, Mrs, J. Davis and other friends. the Hamjlton City Hogpital, is holidaying was considering. | Autoniobiles were cutting 'the figure eight" and Various, other. stunts on Dunlop St. last. Thursday as the result. of the greasy surface made by. a. very heavy cont- ing of oily One motor' skidded into » pole | aud smpshed a fender while. another slid up aginst a 'buggy owned: by Jax. Byrnes of Vespa dishing a 'wheel and otherwise damaging 'the: latter. It is ja wonder there wete nbt more accidents, Help For Farmers Any nian who is willing to go out and help on the farth for « day or two-or long. er periods is requested to leave his'name at olice or with D.' Quinlan, County Preasurer. The Board of Trade's Commit- tee has sent' out a number of men to the farms but the: applications far exceed. the | supply of-help. that has offered. There is a-decided shortage of farm, Isbor and any | nian who helps harvest the crops is doing! 4 patriotic service that is of the greatest CLEANING AND PRESSING. ~ Your old suit ind overcoat can be made to: look! like new by Hurry Twiss, Owen &t." 8-tf | BUILDING LOTS.FOR SALE -- 66 feet choiccst frontage on William, St dale, "Box M.- Examiner: and Morning| | Pesce ES Aon eee FURNISHED HOUSE TO: LET-On Brad? ford St,,, every convenience. Possession at once. -Apply to 'D. C.:Howard, 14 Mul 'caster St. "Phone. 653....- 22-4 LOST--Will tNe - party who found the suitcase on. the afternoon of Tuesday, | 7, on.Penetang road between Painswick | Mill 'and con,'14, kindly communicate | with Examiner Office, 33. 33 | THE ALLIES CAFE - The, undersigned having purchased: the restaurant business known as the Allies Cafe rom Fink'Mark and Wong Fook, any. per-| son having accounts against these two must | present same before Saturday, Aug. 18, No Such claims against these; parties: will be paid by'the Allies Cafe after that date. 3 : [ARLIE CHEW, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all persons having clnims against the Estate of James: Arthur' Ross, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simeoe, Physician, deceased, who -diet on'or about the first day of May, 1917, are, requested to rticulars of their claims to the undérsigned.on or before the first da of September, 1917, after which date the executors -will .distribute the assets of the estate utnong those entitled 'thereto, having. regard only to the clajms of which they shall then have notice,' and thet they will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claims' shall not then have been received. - DONALD ROSS, Solicitor for Executors, - Barrie, Ontario. ed, Std. August, ' TENDERS FOR CEMENT. WORK . Tenders will be 'received up to Saturd Aug. 18,1917, for cemiént workin Queen' Park, being a continuation of present ment work 'through the ravine, -Specifica- tions may, be had on application to A, H. FELT, Secy.. Barrié Parks Comn./ 32.33 Old False Teeth Boight: in any condition: $1.00 per set mad" R A" Copeniiny 25708, Eilenade pala Montieal, P. Q. 33-8 mos. in every. unrepresented | district to. sell Pelham's Peerless Fruit| > and Ornamenta! pay exclit at her hme here Mr. and Mrs. Alling and children of Buf- | falo are hi ut Peter Gleunie's weré spending a few days with Mrs. Jani Anderton, Victoria St. \ * Mrs. Cleary: and ber two granddaughters, Amy and Kajhléen Moore, are going to St Catharines for a month, Mrs. Downs and sons -have returned to! their home in' Calgary atter a visit with her mother, Mrs. Alex. Scott. Major Joseph Rogers, .uccompanied by | two grundions, is enjoying bis unnual fish ing trip on the French River. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred 8. Jamieson of Tor- onto have been spending their honeymoon. with relatives in Barme and Kdgur. 18} Mrs. Fred Stevens and son -Dotiglas have: @ been spending a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and'Mrs. H. H. Otton, at Big Bay qhoint. > i Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McFuyden | aad children motored from Hamilton and were the. guests of Mrs. James Anderton: for a few days: last week. Mrs. George Brown and Master Harry, | vho have been visitingwith Mr. and Mrs, T. Sewrey, leave for their home in Sault! Ste Marie on Friday. { Misses Goldie Grey and. Melrose, Craw- | -| ford have returned after. spending "a very pleusant Vacation at Beaumaris' and other points on the Muskoka Lukes. | Mr. and Miss Frisby of Victoria Square | and, Mr. Cooper of Concord motored to! Barrie on Suuday and spent the day at the home of 'J. W. Culdwell, Napier St. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Osbortie, Midhurst, tiinounce 'the. engagement of their'duughter May (Daisy) to Mr. Maxwell C. Coutts of | Latin, Midhurst. The marriage will take place the, end of this monih Dr. Watson .of Toronto, siccompanied. by his. son, Dr. Clarence Wutson 'of Detroit, Visited Barrie this week. . The former practiced in Burrie about thirty years ago and was cordially greeved by. number of old friends. : Mr.-and Mrs. 8. A' Sutton, John Street, 'Toronto, formerly of Crows Hill, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Aniie Alma; to Mr, Benjamin. Rylands o} Liverpool, England. 'The, marriage will take place ently in September. . Dr. and Mrs. Vaughan from Gordon, Alabama, with sBuprie: relutives, left -yesterday 'on the féturn trip, Mrs. _ MacLaren, Miss | Maconehy and Miss Mary' Laidlaw sccom-| panying them as far as "New York 'City, sister, | Mrs, Thomas Smith, leaves this evening for his home. Archdescon' also 'paid "a visit to his sbn} Lieut,. Warren Hoestings of "Ottawa, who leaves. shortly for overseas duty. - He has 8 son inthe 58th United States Infantry, now in training at Gettysburg Natidnal 'ark, und a daughter, «° nurse, nected with the Red, Cross work in Chicago: Honer Matriculation Results In 'the Honor Matriculation results, three B.C. students were successful. -The num- ber after "a subject denotes the grade of honors awarded: "R. 8. Cameron, English Il, French Il, Latin U1, Math.IIl.; D..F. MacLaren, English "I; German. Itl.; R. Parkhouse, English I1., French U1, Latin M1. In the Junior Matriculation results twelve papers' sre required for. this stand- papers must be passed in order that any standing may be given. From BCI. el- event candidates wrote, six of whom were Anderson is the guest of Mrs. Chas, Coliton and family have gone to Mise Grant, formerly of Orillia, is visiting | Miss Zita Brennan has returned from al| ell. R. Wolfenden was. in Hamilton last week | Mrs. Cofield has returned to Buffalo. af- ; i t Iter has feturned to Toron- Misc Sara Caldwell, graduate nurse of! oliduying in town and are staying | 1 Mrs. Clayton Steele/and son vf Toronto 'Sixth Line -Presbyteri: {| mission, so large was the" attendance. Men's Grain Blutcher. Cut Working Boots; just theboot for the harvest field, sizes 6 to 10, special price-$3.50 Boys' Khaki Overalls, with bib, sizes 24 to 30, regular 75c; cléaring price....50c Men's Patent Colt Leather, Blucher Cut, Gpodyear Welt, these are worth today .00, special price. . $5.50 Men's Blue and White Cotton Soxi special. 15¢, 2 for 25¢ * Penman's Cashmere Sox, sizes 9% to 11, extra value 50c, special price 40c Taylor's Borax Soap, 4 bars. . yams omnce - 5c With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon, redeemable at our Premium Counter. . See the nice goods at small prices Bay Prints Now For Next Year - and Save Money Crums' Best Pririts Light Colors, good Canadian Prints, fast colors, special Pile? ici. UK sales oe be | Children's White Canvas Baby Pumps, with ankle' strap. and, ribbon bow, sizes.5 to 10, extra value $1.25, Clear - 'ing price 99¢ Children's White Canvas But- . "ton Boots, sizes 5, 54, 6, 6+ 7, 8, 8} and 10; these. are Grocers' Cooks' and Butchers' White Aprons, with -and without bib, good value ¥ desis cache 35¢ big value at $1.35, clearing _ ' price .. senses De Men's Cottonade Pant Over- ij alls, special: ....-+-. $1.50. | Household Finest Crepe-Toil-: : " -et paper, extra value - " Talcum Powder, IIb. tiney Violet 'and : Lily-of-the-Val- ley. Se, 2 for-25e 10c, 3 for 25¢ Boys Khaki, Bloomer ,Pants, with belt 'loops, 25 to 32, Taylor's Talcum Powder, 8 i .o $1.00 oziglaanjare Blucbicd Pane fo Pet sae : dora, Infants Delight, worth | Sutcliffe's Special Laundsy- today 35c, 'spedial..-s25¢ ra 5 Wars 25¢ S LINDSAY French 'ahd German. What is us- ually two years' work, Was taken by her in one 'year. She also wrote for the Me tric, Scholarship and was well up: in the list ft Memorial Seh ice Quite a number of those who went to the thurch, Innisfil, last Sunday afternoon to attend the speci memorial service were unable to. gain 'ai- In addition to people from all pattd of 'the township, about one hundred' from Barrie were present. A-union choir of forty voices under the able direction of Walter Reive led the praise service and sang an excellent -anthenr, Exceptionally . hearty 'congregational singing- was a featureof the service, such fine, old tunes. as '*One Hun- dred,' "'By CoofSiloain's Shady Rill," "'O God of Bethel" being sung with fervor. je sermon was preached by Rey. Geo. Hardwood Edgings Factory Cuttings . No. 1 Dry Hardwood WHERE MDST 'in this churchyard of 'Innisfil how will they Cat and Split to Order | PEOPLE TRADE _ | eee t brave pioneérs who. served their own gen: 4 eration, fell on sleép: and rest benieath the ; sod. We' should bow. iri humility snd re- * verence today as we recall. the heroism, courage and noble religious faith of the. 4 forefathers of this and' all communities 's s throughout' this. province and 'Dominion Continuing, the preacher reminded. hi bearers hat teu sentiment dees not evap- orate in pious phrases and ation, A. Brown, of St, Andrew's Church, who is following' up his' energetic work in the greater production propaganda of 'a few. months 'ago, by helping 'sn Innisfil farmer to, harvest his crops, this -beitig the method in which his holidays are speht this year, Mr. Brown spoke 'upon '*The Opportun- ies of Life,"' taking as his text Acts 13:36, David, after he had_served his' own' gen- eration, by the will of God fell asleep and 'was gathered unto. his fathers."' He. pointed out that the will of God is uot an abstract thing having no relationship to man's bear- ips towards his fellows. The man whol. irves the will of God serves his own gen- eration, The individual consciousness of. responsibility to: God expresses. 'itself in service to brother men. Obedietice to God und service to our, own -generstion is the secret of-true greatness. Such. a life has fulfilled its purpose.. Well is it for the life : forefathers and: so; lose all - that makes life fioble and pure and exalts the tone of community life, 'The. exaiple : x . : of which it' can be stid "After he hed| a. grest imernene es tere aad the hich served 'his owa generation by the will of| ideal of service but it is not sufficient: The God he fell sleep and was Inid' unto his ze impilse and power comes-at the Div- { fathers.' Applying this measure of life to| ine touch. Wi is 5 the fathers" and mothers who lie sleepidg| will of God "it ca ; ' meastire up to its. requirements? iw 'were, God-fearing men and women. : in M ro M ing us in, was a wholesome fricnilliness and hospital- Ti i left nothing' to be desired, a sim-| living that' adorned humble sur- he su roundings and ennobled life. 'The church | in. those 'days was not'neglected: ° In all served their own generation. service they 'rendered 'undef limited ead : ns!. They 'cae from the}: 2nd "Mrs, heather. hille and the| . daughter.

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