Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1917, p. 8

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"cipal sale cia doas h oeee fea ae meal tax rate this year. Barrie ratepayers have 'been selling in England at jess than it can be bought for in the On-| good cstse to congratulate themselves getting off with twenty-eight mills. Orillia! with a rate of thirty-five mills will pot i | itario city where it is manufactured. These are but two examples of how the Canadian: have 'enough to make any material redue- | {consumer .is made to pay exorbitant prices-| tion' in its overdraft', of $15,000 carried 'inorder that someone may draw enormous over from 1916. 'If the Chairman of the Board of Works carnot be in town himself he should leave gomeoné in charge capable of preventing 'the etteets Being put in such.« mess as the + eiling"of:last Thursday left them in. On the block between Owen St. and Mulcaster St. the oil was spread in-such quantities-as to' make jt quite dangerous for motor traffic, in addition to the damage done to the tires by the superabundance of oil. Past ex- perience-and- the exercise of ordinary judg- ment should prevent such. a nuisance as the overdose of oil proved to be. 'The Food Controller seéms to be giving 'Toronto a monopoly of the cheap fish. "Tis id. fish is x particularly good brain food. Doubtless Mr. Hanna knows Toronto well "and realizes its need in this respect. A citizen of Collingwood writing to the Bulletin asks the very pertinent question, '"How is it that fresh fish can be brought from the Atlantic seaboard to Torontp-- 2 distance of about 1000 miles--in refrig- erstor cars and retailéd at ten'cents. a -pound, while here ih Collingwood, . where fish are taken out of the water, the price is 16¢. to 17¢.?"" This is ever worse than the consumer. suffers at the hands of the fork packers, which ii 'surely' bad' enough. Canadian bacon, in spite of very high oc- PROTECT BUMPER. CROP AGAINST | Fire or Lightning | profits. Last week the Orillia Packet expressed its sympathy with Sheriff Harvey in his preparation row" of the copy for this gies county tax 'sale advertisement. Packet is J tty years dut in its ideas ee tile manage- ment of the county tax sale. When the present' Deputy-Sheriff's' futher was in of- fice he' handled this anyiual event, but in 1867 it was transferred to the county treasurer's office. It is suggested 'by the Oshawa' Reformer that towns in which Children's Aid Shelters are located should take united sion to secure '& change in the present law -which makes the town liable for hospital charges of Shelter inmates." Barrie canbe depend- 'ed upon to give every assistance to such a movement. The injustice of the existing legislation in this respect, has already been Vandly realized by this town. Resding the report of the Win-the-War meeting held in Colli d last week, one. gets the. igprisiow Et st of 'those preaént were in favor of nominating # un- jon 'candidate to support.a national gov- ernment--provided that it was not to be at the 'expense of 'the party to which the particular speaker belonged. Canadiens are s0 wedded 'to party polities that itishgrd to get tnen to break' away, but when the time 'comes that the people are put right up against the great issue of war winning vs. party, many 'thousands. of Canadians will prove themselves. big enough to forget petty partisanship and vote with an eye | single to their duty as Canadians and Bri: tishers -_-- _ In its issue of last.week, Toronto Satur- "AL 'with' much . labor . and ~-sor- |# re ¥ of Bay St. Shanty Bay. The Reeve' re- ported-that' $5.00 had already been expend- ed there and that something further would be required to complete a. wagon. road. McKinlay--MeDuif : $10.00 more be granted to complete wagon road. G.T.R. Claims Investigator re acceptance for damage Sept. last, line Con. 8 and 9, south of ridge, $52.00. Treasurer reported having received same. P. J. 'Lynch acknowledging receipt of. tee Oro's share of expenditure at Watt's rossing. R. J. Fletcher, County. Clerk, that the following amounts are levied against our 'Township by the County for 1917: County General '$6,902.34, County Patriotic Grants $6,902.34, "Provincial War Tax $2,465.12, County Special School $124.05--total $16,393.85. 7 F. A. Wiggins, asking for donation to} Children's Fair. N6 action. . 'Trustee requisitions for school money :-- No. 1, $800; 2, $700; 4, $1000; 5, $900; 6, $000; 7, $750; $650; 11, $700; 13, $1050; 14, $900; 15, $900; 16, $600; My $770; 18, $700; 19, $700. 'President A: McArthur and Ist. Vice J.. Wiggins of Oro Agricultural Society waited on the Council and.asked that the main en- 'trance to Town Hall be repaired before Fair Day, 'as it was in a yery unsafe 'condition. They also asked fore money grant tothe Society. Council/agreed to have rephirs made, Coun. McDutf. to have supervision |of-same, 'and on motion of Thompson and| McDuff $50.00 was granted to the. Society | Bylaw 441 wag'then pyssed to raise levy | and collect the taxes for Oo for 1917. The rates are-as follows:, For County, 10 4-10 jmills on the dollar; | local township rate, | 2°6-10; tewnship) genePl school 3 mills; be- | -H. O'Brien for small. grant on extension | } 8, $800; 9, $800; 10, (4 Bargain Prices} Several of the cars advertised two weeks ago have been sold, but we have still afew special bargains. and 'in good running order. cars that were taken in ex- Come and see thesé-;- change from purchasers of DODGE CARS. They tg all overhauled' 1 Ford Roadster +] Chalmers Touring 1 Maxwell Touring 1 Fisher Truck 1} tons. These are serviceable cars and big value at the prices we're asking | Come quick ; 'FORD TIRES at Redaced Prices. s Dodge Motor Car Warerooms. - Dunlop Street, Barrie News from the TRailway War. d The Michigans Special Convenient. night. train for De- troit and Chicago Particular attention" is~ called to the convenient night-train'op- sides the special/school rate in évery sehool'| Miss' Sarah Draper of Cookstown is theyerated via the Canadian -Pacific-- Mrs. F. Sanders is visiting for a month bya Short Date Policy jaay Night continued its attack on Sir Jos- 1 For particulars Write or Phone Flavelle:and advised him to resign bis also "dog tax and. statute labot/ ut Big Bay Point. guest of Mrs. J. S. Campbell, John St. Michigan' '.Central Route to D | tion as Chairman of the Imperial Mun- t performed. ( |" Miss Reta Neill of London is visiting her| . Mrs» W. H. Lancaster Vash-} {roi Servs Pan | A. F. A. MALCOMSON, ng Board, at least during.the investiga-|. Thompson--McDaff: Coynelloe Scott | aunt, Mrs. J. C. Miles. ago to spend peskgecet Snort sei til te eae Bree Leave oro | ', eThe Insuraiice Man, |. vi sone |to see to. placing of culvert On-ridge road| Mr. and Mrs. J. Beleski visiting Te-| 'Sor an y; arrive De- b ide into the operations placing jeskie are visiting fe ns .of England will meét Friday "night Htiogh aire atid b a beaatecinttoas ae Dsnipany, ot whjel line, Con. ¥ and 10. Iistives-in Lindsay: for. a week. in: the "Orange. Hall, Burton Ave, yi troit'7.50 a.m. and Chicago 3.00 2 ie ie We write the Polity, while you wait Me ae bead eee onc been |, Scot--MeKinlay.: Several accounts be-| Miss Irene Lyons of, Toronto is visiting 'Air Mechanic B. Godden spent the -week.|P-™- Electric " lighted' Standard j Nee ae nee ee intorbering |S, tee, Comnell ware' ordered. paid. with Mrs. Lyons; Burton "Ave. end. with, his family on Cumberland St. |Sleeper is operated to Detroit. ' giving its readers some rather interesting | The Council agreed to meet. as a body) Mr. and Mra. J. T, Clark, Bradford St} Mrs. Mo Rosel-of .Toronto is. visiting her} Urther particulars' from ahy and enlightehing 'information concerning. on'line: between Con. 2 end 'Range 2 on spent the week-end in Toronto daughter, Mrs. 'Chas, MéNiven, William St.|Canadian Pacific Ti Sir Joseph -and. his big pork, packing con-| Saturday the 25th inst., when owing to! Conductor J. P. McMillan is now running)", Mist E, Simpson of Elnivale is visiting|W. B. Howard, Distsiet besten cern. For instance; it recalls the litigation | rain, etc., they had not met, today as agreed | on the Toronto passenger service. her friend,, Miss Gladys 'Wiles, for-a week.}ger Agent, Toronto, Ont. 28-33 among some shareholders 'of thé William |upon at last meeting. Adjourned to meet at| yy. aitame of Caroline St,, visited with} Mm M. Griffin of Severn Bridge is vis- Pee : 33 Davies, Company' a few years ago in which | e Bt, iting her raother, Mrs, H.-Robinson;'Brad- friends in Collingwood this week. Your Family _ Your Business 'Your Future " With an Austad Divi- dend :Policy in. the |to be: it' was 'shown that the company, was then valued .at from to. four hundred dollars per share (par va- je $100) and that the dividends 'over a period of fourteen years, 1893 to 1906 if- clusive, ranged from 15 to 120 per-cent., the average over the entire period being a little over 50 per cent. . A table was placed in evidence showing the. dividends which the stock -paid: during these fourteen years "For the year ending March 31, 1899; 82 per cénti; 1900, 60 per cent.; the call of the Reeve. H. J. TUDHOPE, Clerk. ESSA COUNCIL ' a Council met in Thornton on Mon:, All- members present : aph--That the following ac counts be paid ng 20th sideroad, $125.90; , material for culvert, $26.3; D. Wilson, repairing 10th | siderosd, "$16;' J. "Ruthven, grading 2nd |line, $37.60; W: Hussey, grading 7th line, | $24.00; D. Corbett, gravelling, $45.10; J. H. Thompson, grading and gravel, $33.25 ; | Dreamland Friday and Saturday August 17. and 18 ROBERT WARWICK ford' Street. Mrs. W. D. Riach of Ednionton, Altay; i iting Mr. and Mrs: J. Coulter," Cumber- land Street. Misses. Minnie and Beatrice Lowe of To- ronto are Visiting their parents, Mr. and Mis, Chas. Lowe, Wood *St. Mrs. A. L, King' and her daughter Mar: jorie, who have been. visiting Mrs. Charles Johnson for two months, "have » returned homie to, Peterboro. A. E. Stone," tately Canadian Express | GOOD MEN 'WANTED in thik County to ren exclusively --S.00 leigh products nth te beta | ' H 2 | 18 . : "| McDonald, gravelling, $07; 'S. Halbert, | : § : 1893; 65 per cent.; 1894, 34 per cent.; i | --IN-- Agent at -Allundale, passed through -here : 'Ss ; : Lif 1805, 40 per cent.; 1896, 45 per cent.; eavehine' tbs We Preeti shin be | nN Buesey seat oft stags Way | hnie: alte | { 1 a 4 3897, 100 per cent.; 1898, 120° per cent.; | S50; W. Adi srk, $227.60; short "holiday .in Muskoka. L un wakaks e jcourit, $5. lams, wor! Dr. and Mrs. F. Maxwell, haye returned 4 of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. 'D. J. REBURN, - Phone 142. Dis. Mar. ' The Barrie Planing Mill Corner Sophia and Mary Streets Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Mould ings, Water Troughs, Tanks, etc. We carry in stock a large assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles: and -Pre- R ared Roofing. Wood Turning and iin Drying-a Specialty. Dressing done' promptly. + Consult us Tyith your building. , | THOS. ROGERS, Phone; Office 163, Residence 359. sentence, i how be considered an. open town as far Ladies' and Men's Tailoring | = FALL AND WINTER 1917-18. 1901, 27%4 per cenit.; 1902, 2744 per ceat ; 1908, 1904, -30- per cen 1905, 1908, 25 per cenit." Tn view of a record such' as this it is small wonder that the protestations. of Sir Joseph against the profit-taking charges' of the O'Connor report should be regarded rather dubiously. by the general public. In another column will be found « letter from Inspector Hagart which appeared in last Monday's Toronto Star. That this of- ficial should send such a communication is no surprise for-on more than one oc: casion he has been heard to malign the' : he failed to secure. a cori under the impréssign that when. he lays an information the - magist is bound a is feature of: the letter largely a: matter between the magistrate and the constable, but there is one .por- tion in which the Town Council -and the townspeople who pay the ingpector' Wages: are directly interested. is the last which he says, 'Barrie can 'auto speedin is. concerned." Ts the Town terial NOW obtainable. 'If you are wanting a Suit ot Overcoat, in and INSPECT our Goods and let ue have your order' Ww. 'Our PATTERNS are the'! LATEST, oe eke ISFACTFION. ~ LADIES desing the BEST in TAILORED-TO.ORDER Suita or Coats, should look overs our stock BEFORE buying We Hi: - have THE Goods; and you can make no mistake in giving us a a - TRIAL ORDER. : 'Our prices are as LOW as can be figured, .f]| © Cae ere Oi © SN Seeees "| practice had tq E: Speers; re-| ©: MeQuay, evading, $45.7 { piiring culvert, $5; Wm. Elliott, removing | gradet and grading, $14; A Morris, 55 rod | wire, $8. | 'An enabling bylaw for the purpose of | deciding on » supply of electric power from Village of Cookstown was p: necessary "amount required by- the trustees of the Police Village of Cookstown for the purchase vf electric power supplied 'by the Hydro Commission' was -given the neces- sary readings and ordered to be posted tip. Council adjourned to meet in Thofnton on August 6 -at 6 pai. Sanitary 'Inspector Writes The following letter appeared in the To: ronto Star on Monday No More Prosecutions Editor of The Star; For some 'weeks past 'speed. fiends' have been esusing consider- able anxiety, if not danger, on ,the streets of Barrie, and the, council . decided that the oped. Inspector Hag= art.was therefore instructed to prosecute' all and sundry who exceeded the. limit of 15 miles an hour, snd ae consequence se eral fines of very minor amounts-were im- he was making -be-, hour, but when the' Hydro Power Company for the Police |} sized. A bylaw for the: purpose of raising. the | ! The Masked Rider" A picture of love = _and intrigue | ty Mand His. Sydney Drew Comedy The ManWho Forgot. From the popular novel. "MUTT.AND TEFF Comedy Monday and Tuesday. 2 August 20 and 21 'BRYANT WASHBURN cand NELL CRAIG =IN-- "The Breakers" A sensational screen,» drama of " 7. \ Service wi appear- ed in the Saturday Evening: Post recently home from theit honeymoon to Toronto and Owen Sound. They will take.up resi: sane on Bloor St., Toronto, accompanied by "Mrs. Maxwell's mother,, Mrs. E. Kearns. Two trains are to be cut'off after Satur: | day next, No. 43 leaving Toronto 1.30 P| m, and arriving in Barrie 345 p:m. will! No. 53 now running to North Bay will ran to Scatia : for Toronto, Barrie Markets Thursday Wholesale Prices, Must Suffer ComedyNo? | Wednesday and Thursday August 22 and 23 ~ HAROLD LOCKWOOD and MAY ALLISON --IN-- a Flour (Ontario) oe bert ' Flour(Manitoba)" . make-her last trip or Saturday and N6, 40! leaving North Bay it 5.30' a.m. and Barrie! at 12.05 p.m. will finish on' Saturday. also. | nétion: only, and No. 48. will sotia Junction passing Barrie "SOLID AS 'THE CONTINENT" 'The stability and unexcetied i strength of the North. AnueticaD tife yer ance coe has mac known every; where ar the: Company "Waid aa the Gow Tnent, Insurance in forte os Hf "Diatiet Manager | hati American Life Assurance Co. " the Continent." BARRIE, - ONTARIO.

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