. SING! 2 Tepe! 'and Italian. Studi 7 McDonald St., Barrie, 681. For terms, ett., call at. studio on. Wednesdays. Voices tested free.-_ & is in the Bank of Toronto have been found to be a great con- venience. The accounts may be opened in the names of husband and wife, and either may deposit or withdraw mon- ey. Interest is paid on these accounts twice a year. of concentrated anger. "That he should my ». Assets. pobre THE i 'The Woman Speaks tell you of all people in the world!" He . : loo ; iy . ked at her insistently. "Are you sure : ies Monk ol fee Renna 1 Se Ola ee teratoma for telling you?" 4 f F suite that Theodord occupied." Two days! '"I can think of mons," she answered, oe passed, and Theodora, although she sew *Miling at him.. 'He must have known little of her husband, noticed a change in my interests were yours."' Branches. at Barrie and Allandale, H. A. SIMS, Manage! him. He was. réstless;. his manner bad in- He did not tell you what use T, BEECROFT & CO, creased in fussiness. But it was something. tO make of the: knovledge ? "BANKERS MISS ELSIE NELSON | |/TEACHER OF PIANO -" AND THEORY. Studio' at 133, Collier: Street. , Phone 188. BERT PETCH Elocutionist ahd Entertainer y Garden Parties and 'Church. En- bel gageménts, eft. ~Phone or write for dates and terms. 437 Quebeo Ave., Toronto. Phone Jct, 3958, CHAPTE! . next time you are in town, Sold by : ae dragedts everywtere, $4 a bottle, & for $5, also ask fora copy of our book "A Treatise on the Horse" --orwriteto MEaccbung Palla; Vermont 127 973,114,000 in s deep voice, betraying a very tempest he, was go- i : 1 jo: moe than that that. became. apparent to "He did not Birt at it?" On the third day 'after his arrival the ae Ei did -not say a word." uy weather broke up; dense sheets of tropical od knows what use he means to maké rain blotted out the-landscape. It was Of the. papers, but some use he will shake "LEGAL -ALEXANDER COWAN. ; iE Successor to ay La SATURDAY MARKET, "I madé an exception in this case be- cause the) girl is so bright |. "Sn shé Blackport girl?" she asked. FEEy Saul and snieerable, and evetybody 'of Them, That i enough. Tcanngt reet-1| incireme cave. ie taken by sniany, Bees Cowen Sean ies mm | s Kept indoors. They played auction bridge flardls éleep. "I feel all miy powers going butter makers to keep' theit but-|prohate 'of wil ardianshij im. from me. Sometimes T can't hardly think iy, Probate of wills, gu; 4 K Establtehed 1878: Seibert armens, ethane Ee Sometimes T eat banily ter in good'condition for market-|and administration; and General i 5; ' ery Tic ee te a etme, emt apes, pe in and, clean baskets being|Solicitor, Notary, ' Conveyancer, cA Transact "a General Banking Peat otedern (who seas ont very ene)" Se Eilemes hiss wih" geatne poe ore anand or good butter. <The 2 Ollices: Hinds' Blork, No. . o ene i thusiastic, went' upsthirs to her 'own rooms Se ote ot s OLS NED ORE. OF: BO ae Dunlop St : 2 usiness. i a : unlop Stree Baines cashed or-collected at th to write some ne Bly He aeele it mt belle fe cach old-fashioned wet rhubarb leaves | p Btre es : Jas moe! favorable rateg ac beet a near fe eee den Bic atl a eee OEY sus hd pho secvien PaER: Was} BOYS AND. MURCHISON ape * ye cash Cheques v1 & y in, a vi 1p nme a . sta Ha., Waits y ' é icitors, iy ss Bank in Canada or the United down the room and to make general con. |. -Didp't you say thet Lorion was going lhe price. Eggs were 34c. No Faia Hg are eel Notary : ' Bis Btates. © Yersution, and then proceeded to tell her ' mivtry the girl?" "she axked jold potatoe: reon the-market. | (hilo ce) lowest Taica cat daten all Acvounts collected. . o 3 'of the absolutely futile efforts of the detec- all hen, that' ably th h |New ones were T5e. peck or $4.25 [ect Offices: . 13 Owen St. in the Be Sterling Exchange bought" or Coralie Stanton | iva find the Tonge leters that hartbeen ing' to tpake of bib Keorelse ance hmier- bike. ize, avd quality were|premises formetly soccupied 'be ; a AO aii attention will: ine -given cand lie oo ter ti ve eee wih one Glare, He thinks he sees a shért. road to |fine. <° currants and an a oF eoronta): Bi 3 ja to the aevommodation of farmers Heath Hosken jtook-on an uncertain and hesitating tone ficcen That's perfectly aie He ae foosel in large quan- Boys, K.C. M. oyee : ae j a in this tocality. jand he came nearer td: her. Ties the girl, he knows you can't interfere. /titias: OTe): avo pera | ses OR, pe toc ay to fic ages, | ---- 's a h " -|He knows algo that you will have to look having a haw n : > : ap 8 i rare te dost on ae eae "And they are-not in the possession of | 4 1, "tY? eee Pag cc i pa a part-(having.a bag of the' latter to STEWART & STEWART -- e Company. of Canada atiy of those people," he answered. |do anything withobt® my sweetheart's con. | ership in the future. That's his game" [Dose of. Wild raspherties.. were BARRISTER ere ee Aegis a4 ak "Bours 10.t0'14 "And. you have mo idea who has got| suf. und Gf you disliked the proposal Tam! "If he would only speak," groaned Sir $1.50 per pail of 9 or 410 quarts. |Public aud Conveyancers. "Money ra qiice fe % hold of them?" [going to make, I-wouldn't, of course, dream Glare. "It's this silent blgckmail that 50 'Phere "were also sonie plump |t® loan apy, Sure lowe: : 5 the 'I. BEECROFT, Manager. "Not the slightest, It-is a mystery of (Grit for a mopient:"" Junnerves rie. He behaves just us if noth- i. rent rates. Oilic La the deepest nature. 'There are so few peo-| spor me Bree mysterious," she! ing were the matter." ; : a : '|Barrie, Ont. "D.:) vart; ; i feet ead ple in the world who would be interested exclaimed." What a each is ihe mat-| wie very fore rented Theodora age prices weré as fol- CHARLES W. PLAXTON : nev Tr : 'thém,"" ; er?" And ad mew [and "he 'probublys won't speak." That | 10% Ar 'W. PL ~ ¥ it, pee d Well the reison T wanted to see you)? et ee ee ee ee ee speak! BUUler, yee 4. 6. 4. 2. '4.350./BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, . thi our ig COGS) naricuisny, exid Lady Mons, "ve because | 7 Well denreet, Tam thinking of 294 then be silent afterwards. No, he-will| Eggs .. \ |, ke j006 Continental Life "Building, thi 3 T have had' comthunication from the per- | din, "Lorton "One in\ tases. f the ex-|Bet everything he can out of you; and he. Fy] dressed, 'Ib southeast. corner: Bay and. Rich- " you ye vho has 'them,"~ nie s cee taht koe | Wilualwaya Neve his power in reserve." | * eet mond 'Sts., Torotto...: : sa Are'Well Supplied Pee tee sorate te i ioe anise ese to the WV Constant cheb Loban. | Srese Have hls power in making the| N@W Potatoes, peck. . : see --at-- aif attitude of dramatic astonishment: " | *P..) bigs dating Loosen arid T KMOW | atoxy public: Hf he martion the gin fens | New. Batatines, bag . DONALD Ross, LL.B: wi yjMadame -dloes: riot jest?" he asked. to me, and T Ard Tos pense with _.. How: do you make that out, my dear While Currants, hox BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,' ETC, =. abe goby Goeg sat ty: fo hoax! her teichtetl to uw, Lori: hin nit engaged toa, Sit Glare?" she asked ina matter-of-fact /Red Currants, box .. 2. : _|Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie' pl : Van Ost?" F | Nery nice girl and was going to be married |tone. "He extablinher the fact thet the| tack Currants ry | Money: foploan. wil T never waste wiy time," she: answered | ora ee gana ace: (fein 0 be me be. | J your Ieeal daughter, that Peter is ; Sar Peumcivelgs tiedloe sof the-sngry gleam in asah: na jou kabel pret eel oe ine MOE JOU mon. Very wal, Whee good does| Parsnips, basket ..... .. ..25¢. eo his' oloudy eyes. "I have heard from the| a ten. Now ghis girl is all alone ¢n{that-do him? He has made' a hateful |-Onion8, basket-.. 1... Tae i = firs person who bas the papers."' 'aig | the world, and Ihave promised Lorion to|Sc@ndal, and he is the husband of your, Green onions, bunth .. + 5e. tof Judicature ~ q the "But "on. whst -possible grounds could] {/* world, and, |daughter--your son-in-law, one of the fant Rhubarb, bunch.. ... 4. ol 50. Proctors, Notaries, the thie nerson have addressed you, ma-| 7°40 what do you-want me to do?" ake cee ene Se mel Se beet Feen peas, shelled, quart: ..20c. Motes oe iat 4 barnty: fers tity 8 Gq s, i ok, . e JAMES 'PATERSON "The persin seat me 'back rome papera| pheadore, sharply, hag has she? None: | You need not do any-| sre" Beas. in pod, quart .. 100. Kc. the Licenséd Auctioneer and that T evidently took by mistake fromthe | jiving "at Dunbury while Lorion is away.) thing for het and her husbands Naturally | Butter Pans, quan, .. in oT Appraiser safe, Van Ost, and that the person took to-| 6.04 Heaven, Gus what an idea!" You wouldn't. He would have to leave the) Gooseberries, quart... MEDICAL. En i a y of Simcoe!" Prepared /#ether with thevothers from the blotter in| cried his. wife, half aneeed nt on angry. |firm. .All he really would have done would) Cherriés, basket... 7 San kill For Gounty:ol Simcoe. - Prep le] SY bendole: Je misnns Chat the person Only¥"Cstsitecing" what tle young mae he, be 48106 you of Sour peerage. And T/ Apples, basket... DR. H. T. ARNALL : OF #=s-to conduct Sales "at ranteed,. | Wanted the BLR.C, Papers and took no in-| donethat he hae abused: your' confidence | Suppose vou could live without that?* Horse, Radish, bottle. 7" '/Office and Residence :Corner* ot the Fates. Satisfaction guaranteed. | terest inthe others." and stolen from yo! 'I want it for Peter,"" said Sir Glare be- Summer Savory, bunch Toronto and Elizabeth Streets, , | Oy . 120 Bayfield St. Phone 191 || and was, there any clue "in the com-|""\1" know, eases interrupted Monk, |tween his clenched teeth... Thyme, bunch' .... 7°") ¢/Opposite Elizabeth, St. Methodist hor Orders left_at A, F: A. Malcom- muniestion!" asked Van Ost. "but the girl has done nothing. She is s (To be continued) Asparagus, bunch. hurch. Telephone 167. : ber son's Office will receive prompt| "I have brought the eave os the | very nice girl--such » charming girl." Se Radish, 'buneh..°.) 2. 4! a z : bi attention. : letter. for you to see," she said. at is) What's her name?" NEAR-BY MARKETS. Green peas, qnart .. . DR: W.-A. Ross ; but 'ca why Loaiié here. .Here they are. You'may| "smith Vanessa Smith!" Gollinewood--Whest $2002.25, sate! Pepperczrass hunch 5¢,|4:R-GS., Edinburgh, F.C.P., Lon. + é flo Rind a aloe, i tea) Vanessa Smith!" : T5-Sbc, potatoes. $8.0044.00, butter 34-85¢,| clover Honey, Lote sail". gy oes |dams Bl ysician, Surgeon, etc, Of. wor : Yan Ost took the envelope an extract "Yes, darling. Why do you, look 80 eggs 34-35c,-chicken 23-26c. Clow ey, 10-Ib, fice and Residence, Dunlop St, * the sleet of paper. He sniffed sit-it.like a! gtarejet* Hse 6 0-32e,-egen B2e, ehie-| lover Honey, 5-Ib. pail 'Barrie. - Telephone' 16% ' see ab : , oil exstmmation: Thee |" ial ean tgaDer Batter 20-820," ges 2c, chie-! Cream, aun : 2465. . f . : dog 'and: gave a startled exclamation. T it's a funny name. And who is|ken {8c 2 dnuttatct : - i o un Se te re Papeed 0 | ae ent an Bradfond--Wheat $2.40, oats 75e, butter] Pottermilk, quart, integ a e E.o: TURNBULL : \ Established 1809." f 'ee agh Fahy UWell, at present she is my: typist."* 30c, eggs 32e. 8 ee ©GILL) (Successor to Dr. R: 8 a FUNDE RT. AKERS But this ie mos sxireorsineey, pure! "Your typist, Giare? "I thought you! aiitees, 4 heat 8 oats 7c, bay|Siraw, tone. 2. 2.1) Tt Broad)," Office and Rasonio - : se pa ak ib earn Se CURE | never employed' women." $10.90-812.00, . potatoes $2.00-82.50, butter Wool, Ib., unwashed. corner. Elizabeth ré This 5 28-30c, eggs 320, chicken 20-22c. + Orillis--Wheat $2.20, oats 70c, hay $12- $15, potatoes $3.00-83.50, butter 32-33¢,"| or = eggs 33-B4c,. chicken-25-27¢: 'Has she nq people? J Elmvale--Whest $2,20-$2.25, oats 70c, "No,_her mother. and father/are both | butter 29-31¢, eggs 32-340, chicken 20c. But of a miad: interest! Chere madame, what 'mystery. lieve you given your Van Ost'to unravel? This--oh yes, there is no doubt about it, I cannot be mistaken. This is the writing of » West African nigger who has learned -to write!" am. | W084. They died long ago, T think. . She Lady Monk stared at Van' Ost, int-|was brought up by an aunt, but she is dead 'Pressed.and startled, though not quite clear too. She has only" @ . stép-brother, with' '8 to. why she should be either, 11] Whom she appears not to get on very well'?| Whe: f 'This is certainly a clue, chere madame, 'Theodora was listening intently. A smile|homest¢ad or only for a trip the Ven Ost: exclaimed; "an' extraordinary | hovered about her lipe. most nomical,method of travel clues With this in my: posession I shall | "And you really 'went this gil! to come is ké advantage of our. low not be long. in diseovering: who' has. the to live .at-Dunbury?"" - -_ Horltegtekers fares good going on ' Te you don't beck, my darling. special excursions every Monday. dT nea see on at the ofee |FOF tickets and. full pattionlars Fk would be better tor_hér to have pome:[SPPIY . to "A. F. A. Malcom, thing to do. 'Only, you see, T have promised | Barrie. Agent Canadian IGE pias Lorion to look after. het: and_she is ail a-|Railway. - in the world." wy 4 "And it is really for Lorion's énke that | ~~ "EP soso oem FOUR WEEKS and Bradfor ace 105: Open Day and it Wool, Ib., washed . . .|Sts., Barrie, Phone W. A. LEWIs,; m 3 SURGERY AND: GYNECOLOGY, especially.-"Phone 61. '56 Collier St., Barrie... ~ 5 Morgue and Chapel in connection --------_ + New Canadian Northern Rockies 'conomical Travel. aes stp por ey about the \wonderful, mountain scenery jn- er 'you are going west to eluding Jasper and Mount hobs b son Parks, traversed by.the trans-- Ni continental line of the Canadian Northern Railway. between Ed- monton and" Vancouver, get a copy of our handsome descrip- tive booklet, to be had' for the asking from A, F. A, Malcomson, Barrie Agent, 28-30 cranes NOT! IN THE ESTATE: OF Charles SARRIE, ONT, sai 4 Phone 22° EXPERT MOTOR REPAIRS pe All kinds 'of small repaining-- Prompt Sérvice.' Touring Car for hire--Motorcycle for sale. - papers. "You: said. it was-a nigger's 'hand-writ- * "TURTON'S GARAGE ing," Lady Monk 'said, with interest' and ' ( z curiosity that gave-her voice a note of un- Phone 484. 15: Clapperton st. |< ustomed civility. 'Do you. mesn, that ' . 4 nigger has the papers?" ° W..D. Minnikin "But it is impossible. "How could' a 'nig. Licensed Embalmer forth 3326, " CHIROPRACTOR DR. VYLA M. FINLAY, U. 0. G. Graduate. Office and resid-- ence, 21 McDonald St., 'Barrie, ger get into Dunbury? . And it's not likely it someone else got them ard gave them || to. 4 nigger, ix it?" ACCOUNTANTS - nt tt ture?" |: John: Forbes," late 'of the Town|7y Pape PReunempieend Proprietor Tt is 8 mystery of. the deepest nature,' carelessly. "I'm not enough at Dunbury aha ' LAWSON, WELCH & COMP: '. THE BARRIE bier [an Ost. "At present, I confess | for it to'make much difference to me You! , of Barrie, Esquire, deceased. " - mraNy it -bafiles But it will: not "be for long. her out. of tt , 1s There cantiot be many West- Africa netiv. | "mae? clings Soot Gast ote: es in England," " Xk, h "But ow do 'you know he is still here'? fae oak ie seemed very moch| UNDERTAKING | PARLORS (Successor to the Late MMeatord Webb) Fill line-of all' the 1 CHARTERED | ACCOUNTANTS, . Crown Life Building, 59 Yonge 'treet, Toronto. Telephone Main son, NOVICE 18. HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to the. Statutes in that beret | reltveed He cee pers behalf that all creditors and oth |5874--J.-F. Lawson, H. J.:Welep, _ Caskets kept in-stock, 1 received that letter © good many days | or sabiect fetes she pres hi m with' lor! No Relief--Mrs. Brown Fi er, persons having claims against|G-"H. Playle. OES reat 'Greve 'aults and i ' : ells, : rippling Isugh. ene if 7] |, .'Oh, Glare, you humbug! she, 'said. "You ridioulotis old fraud!' 'Trying to take she | mie in like that. "You know perfectly well [the estate of the above named Charles John' Forbes, 'who' died at Victori Opes Day & Night _ Phone 431 SS W.R.Nelily, Furieral Director SIMOOE MARBLE WenKs ; British Columbia,' on | Barrie 7 that it isn't 'because Lorion's engaged to pher that -you want this girl to come snd live st Dunbury, -it's beestuse she is' your "jor, deliver to the undersigned, the quired to send 'by post prepaid, Executors of the last' Will and or about May» 25ith, 1917, are re-|! lass workmen em- i Tight. 4 ite, asdeath, os bie TTT a pealed through the room. qe do' you know that?" he asked Hil Testament of- the :said deceased, on-or before the 13th day of Aug- ust, 1917, their names, address-- es and full particulars .uf their loo, : tlaims duly verified, and the: na-|j i ture of the securities, - if any, held by them; and after the said 13th day of August, 1917, ~. Jas. Arnold | Fire:& Life Insurance Agent ", Real Estat and Money to Loan. | ee fu E is . unbreakable, tustable, flexible, hygienic, sani- | tary: Fit guaranteed: Maternity, A oumber of Valuable Farms and Town < + Propertieg for Sate on the most: reasoo z i tela caarlg ere, ea "That said Executors will proceed to jetta trie SNARE a able terms, USSR Fs beni hav 'i aid [20d children's. waists. .| distribute the' assets the said casehrel! ' BANK OF TORONTO BUILDING : , t lestate amonk- the persons entit.. Saturdays, 16 Charlotte St Barrie : ae ES E : ; : ae i [id theret, havi soar anlg __------ iy . J i: : . - ' 'i to the cla: vet whic! ey shall e 3 ' f ate = Mea : oe Tre seme aml Jtnen ave tad note, ana willl Phone C, BROWN Represents Insurance Companies. feared : a prt Sa Hot be Viable for the said assets ress: : . of undoubted 'Pinanial Standing |" : gros as , . friend : ereof'to any person| , 250 'whose claims ther} POR THE BEST IN