James Black Sr. of Stroud dies on Tuesday, Sept. 26, after an illness of two weeks from pneumonia. Mr. Black was one of the pioneers of Innisfil Tp., having resided there nearly seventy years. When he was eight years of age his parents emigrated from Co. Tyrone, Ireland, and settled on the 9th line of Innisfil. There the subject of this sketch lived until after his marriage to Miss Ann Osier of the same township. Forty-teo years ago they moved to the 10th line and continued to reside on the same farm until he retired. For the last five years he had lived in Stroud. Though a strong Conservative, he was never active in politics, nor did he participate in municipal matters beyond discharging the duties of school trustee. Of the Stroud Methodist Church he was an active member and was class leader for fully forty years. Mr. Black was a man of fine christian character and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens to a high degree. He was one of the oldest members of L.O.L No. 605 and Stroud Lodge A.O.U.W.; also a charter member of Minerva Lodge, A.F. & A.M, which made him an honorary member some years ago. Mrs. Black died in 1906. Three sons survive, viz., Wm. J. of Totonto, Anson of Winnipeg, and Dr. HOward, Asst. Supt. of Toronto General Hospital. Interment took place at Stroud thhis afternoon, under Masonic auspices, and with Rev. W. Clement as officialting clergyman. The pall-bearers were six nephews: James, Robert, Wilson and Oswald Black, Wm. J and John Leonard.