VI VII lnunnu uzcwusl mm um mm noun xuu Amuu rum 1m Himmum mu Wllh You Wm In 100 Twln mu new monme can To Town Alr HIM Wmhm Vrulllnl lll Tun wuan Tnln nummoh mummy Nllhl Muvll 1m VHnen mun DECEMBER ll LW Illd II nunTin UH Mk Wu Cub 500 nano nn llunl 100 Punch Ind Johnny no Nun Wu Sven 700 llmll McPhulln I00 Thlnl I1 Ward HDD op Show Ill Llll Slnl Oul 709 The Bum lfllnl Nlllanll NIH 15 Mum Hm ll Evan BM Ind Inu1 guy guymy HTML Hgnry Harper had pleasaqumrlu recently while In Tqrmtn Member of mm glmenl présmled him with mum Sorry lto Jewrl Arthur 96x4 morth huzrelurnei to Prince Mnrggm Hosyital Tom nun DECEMBEI 400 muck um uccnw Pnpzyul PM Illqu Dluh Hutkllhm Hound Topper Nzwl Wham Spurn wuon Colin lloednwn Tho narendm Taleuop Th Untunmlhlu cnc rv Nun Wnlhu Spam NII Movle mmm Elwood Jennell Is all 11 cm at Royal Viclaria HOSP mule Fuplluf lvySchooland hair anthem M15 Dunnlll and Mrs McQuay are lo mngratulalud Jar Ihe entertain in Christmiu canted present Id In the Orange Hall Wednes day Dec 13 The Chrlslmas meeting ollyy Womenrlmtitut was held momma at Ma Gordon Coch ran with ll members and two Mrslv mmnlnghamhTmd onln calledtrnn her dauzhler enqm Omninzhnm wdnu qvenlw ll mv cum in um pl All Can mu lo Dqlhml In Hum THIRI IS NO CHAROI FOR THIS SIRVICI WWIYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCKS TELEVISION PROGRAMS CFTO CHANNEL ma HINT wmm 17 lam mm CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI KVR CHANNEL3 BARRIE PA 82433 Tunluv nlrmnll Imunu Uncll Hm my In nu ma um 11 IUD MoNnAY chmun um qu um um IUNDAY human as mm 11 ll 524 luv IUIInAY chlluan MONDAY nnmun 1000 an 106 00 1200 11 to 12 Tl Palurn Count at noun cum Chu llllln Numn Schnol omPu nuum Popenl rm Nuonau men mm Stun Advtnlun PIIIWUN Sllllll Hill 1le MENU Gill Mblzroun uvln World ram1 Pm mule mm cmznna Nun wmau Spam 5mm humn QIIAWAJCP Myles Quinn has beenfappolnled mmzer of theVCNRHowned Chuteau Laurier Hotel aflecglvn Jan It was announced Thurs day Mr grumn ha beennct mg managero the hotel for the last two months He suc Arthur Minn WMW vhllors munlJPresldml Mn Henry Davis upmed menial lngGHu to mental mem were alven 1mm memhenu Roll call was Your Favorite Chrlnlé mps recipe Christmas cheer boxeswm be dlauibuled to the analIns agdneedy Equ Cunninghamwlfhornlon demqm eluted manna candlag Mn Jamel Mewman nve an temflnzlmdlnl Thaï¬lfl menu1 Miss Dmmfll md InaldeChrhtmnMn Hairy Davis kid qull un rhtmu Asalsllng the hostess wluj lunch uerganRw Chlpdlase Mrs Jnmas McDumnï¬t IndMn Lorne Cirruthen hulMlM lllldt our Ilauu law may nu mmonun Imlln AI You nu Ilunl In Lu amp I7 All Mn 11 In III NI lhll Invm nu 1n cum Dr KIM CIV Nlllnnll Null limo nnl 51m um um mum Ilm Illlcn del Klofl you mgm IM INWIII II III llaul rouu Ind In In or 1mm Euh tn nnylima wllh UncXI Bobbi lltluu inl Mbrn Mumu Kmdo mum In our How Mu Lucy 11 Mllllonfln ru Inollnl You cmnm raovl manwa mamm mm lam cluh an llun mm Wonk GDMI punty 11 IIuu ulm mu hlunu Sveclmm mun Jnum Dnullu 1le Pnunu Ml Eur nmm Plulnm Jr Mle nu ma uneu Tu Donna Ind wu niney Pnnnu bunny now Mr Nnul Amfl In TIMI Thu Hour at CW New Mom Iml Him fllrlan hrr Lelhr CKV Nle Main null Anweflnl 5mm Tm Imm Conn Mann Erma Chu Helen anl school Runny luau anelll ml Nonndy Bryon Mom Never Pulva semen mu rm Mmennn Ptlflcan Junzllnn Pill Duh non cam MM Flu Chllluln lelmllulm Que CDC Nu waner Spurn Nun church 5mm TORONTO nBu Menu Gm Mom Plydm than cllon coimth Juncll 9ng wmnu sum Nun Eula HIM Hahn For cxnm In deal where South II In Icvcn no rump and Wfll land In Ipndc DeclIrcr wllh 11 Info lrlch Ind II Ilronn lnvurlle to mix the 13 The only real danger he law In uninvap Ibln dlImand break and de clnrcrI chld comm hue an In to ram lo lhn poaaihlb fly or diImond dlvhlan wzsr EAST nu U03 noun 93 mow 501ml um pun ox 41m ineninz leadelm or spades any player Ind II difllcull to count out hand hm Any one wllIlnz to apply hlmwll to he lnsk will discover Ihal Ihe diflicully more imnglnnry lhln real About the only Itch nlcnl 1le rlqulred abllity to count lo and llnco all on life upnblc lhnl then In nolhlnz mm lo bu done Ihan noply limplz arithmetic lo lhm Mng lhul moulmAll DAILY CROSSWORJ In nlhcr words If we dont smoke ounelves dont mink we need worry about being gamed by somebndy else who oes Your mention cdcma nr something hit cryplic It In true that patient with em id havelo agree that smok lng add something in the gen eral pollution of the air we live in these days but question whether it is of my articular significance compare to olher oims af pnliutian except or he pmon who does he mick ing As to bean harmed by assa clutlnn with clgaret smokerl would say there lsnt much chance ol that Smoke drawn into the lung mm cigaret lr perhaps thousand or more tlrnes the denslty at whatever cancentrallon may he breathed by someone else In the room The nme and throat surlaces wlll trap many 01 the lnvlslble partlcles They cant trap much of the smoke when lt Inhean Inhaled directly from the Cl Abor mouï¬r ID Wlnm am Imamn mu Mlflly door 181 an mm Mamk yau know Ind Ihe plmllc In generaus beginnlng in real in emphysema can b6 deadly In fact coming lo be one themalnr causes or death from lung dlseaxe Im not one In try to scare people but do think everybody should have Mr warning Emphyiema can occurln peo pIewho havenever amoked bu It dangaronaly unrivaled by smoking gndlhere is llltIerlI any quesuon but that smoking can be one at thecnuses Joseph woman MD DeuLDr Molnar Your col umn swayed oneguestinn 01 mt Wlllsmnklng cans emphyy tumT snug 1unenl many caupelh However could jwlic or nthur emu Vhlvaem hyleml or em or somelh that soundg like that In the bronchil Inbu from beingrin mun association with ï¬gure gmok qn Irlendn husband recnnlly afenjp sgmn East dnnlcr Neither nlde vulnerable WEST nu noun on NI CONTRACT BRIDGE 010154 KQA $35 NORTH ileum bounqu Mum nldn By JAY BECKER 1m queen dlamondl and discardlnz club Soth lead club awards MI KJ and cunndmtlf play ll km known Iul well lhlt lho klnl wlll cnlch Ihequccn HAL Julrow Jim mm go onu 111 rmnllnn Import nnl because Sath ht other wise he lampth In in club Hum In try lo overcome the bud dlamund break Such move would ho 11ml nnd cnllrcly canlynry la lhe Indiuled mu 0n handlyx AnoihtFFlmnul llgnd He cashu our spades and three hearts discovering in the process that East started with doubicton In each of those units nnd aimullaneoualy lumA ing ihat West started with lwa five cnrd snim Aiter cashimz he ace oi clubs he then pin ihe kind and ace oi diamonds West showing out an the ace Ind roving that East Iinricd with our diamonds The muni oi the hand in nnw complete Bust started with prc ciscly two spades two hurts our diamonds and hence live clubs lhree or which he has ni rendy discarded Doubiccheck Ing this West Iinrlnd wilh llvu spades ilve henril one dinmond nnd hence two ciubl In line with this he does not lack the diamonds Immediate ly but postpant playing them unlll he ï¬rst learns what he can about the makeup th ad verse handy Den Dr Molnar Do Ihrold tumors of the ulem become cancemus and should they be rcmoved1Mns have known lo happen but is rare The advisability ol removal depepd on whelher Ihey produce symplums Many such tumors are let alone but watchch or years In some case lhey subside many pfluse Nose drops may shrlnk the membranes but eventually the polny mus he removed ll ls la rly almple procedure and suggest hnvlng it done sooner rather Ihan men Remember however that polyps can ropur The result nxrthe pnlyps de velop can be olyslructlonol the airways causing dlsnharle In the hack the throat nasal twang to the voice pauibly nosebleeda These polyp which an inme which emerge from mucous membrane are found more ollcn In people with name sort allergic problembuy fever asthma aileralc rhi mgy 12 wllihnénlalï¬cmse the buxl ucepl nnxom ex am weight In 3mm In any event wauld not at In Mammalmo doubt you an get away with 31¢ unharmed musllimel but raw beef can harbornpewarm 3st Cooking deslmyathem Dw Dr Molnerx Whit med ication but or null polyp phyxemacmeani that the tlny mmellme nlmollvlmlcmmpc 511an the luau whetEgan transfer nxygenjo lhgzhlood lakesmlnqa haya broken nyvn leavan less hréllhlng ace Ind alto llmltlng nnaa ghfllly breathe In sum it ullrvol ume neirn Molner Ia din zcrnux yaw hamburger the but IEdemnhdn Ihc bum hand mean 11 abnormal cumulus Ion 01 fluid In nun gElther Harmful the arg tolally dlfgegenl wammwmnmmmmm nous Minimum 54 mm LESAMLAK mum cs 1mcmlmoécwe tumuu mumumwvwmmmn mm mm uflwmnouual an mmmnmumtwmwn uwnu immxmmmm pmmnxumn mm nzmmm mum YOUVE GOT WALXNG WOUND Hl mm MV HEAD NOT wm nouns mama 606M NEVER WIII nmsu me am ITSTNE on rMEv wE zooms LL ouror Touvz GOT WALKNG WOUND mm MV HEAD wm nouns Mslrviez mungvvamm museum5 ETM lEJOuR moéL comam HAVE TWENTY$in nouuï¬wmm or CODFLSH BALL ran 50sz