11H Pnuleurn chlmbcr mul Inl look In arm blnhdy bnnquel Nnmy memhm And their um honor Mu Funk Gwen honorary nruldenl an and lurluy dlnmr mvcd lhn nllemoon brlnch lho WA luv lclrr Tun nld lrm Allu dlnnrr he pull drnl IL Burl Wlmlu Inho ducd Mn Frank umn who won an lhc prom In IAukllu Ihcu pan nlnc yurl Mn Pull and MIL an hoped lhn group would mnllnuo Io ml Ind do wrll Cunll wm mu artnmpunlrd by Mrl mkhy lhc plum MrL Elvin Ken rm Iha Scrlpluu Mu Avlhur 1mm II lm Um Mu Imam Ml nlhpr nlllcm will remain um um lur Im llunullnn III vuler to III IV en the ï¬undu uhonl lnr Chrlllmn pill Plum wm mldl In In tor vuldln Doc January roll all III In mlworrd wlm pmnml ol on or lha mlu 1m Mu ml Holdall Illum llon on hymn ward muo ie which bell mnembuod pnlllly dmmlad blrihdnyx with nlnc candle In uva by Mn 1an Warm Ind Nu Ellworn my YEAR5 om Cannralumlam lu WIillï¬lm Wnllm who won Hm vriu In lh3rlvl grrylu drlw Jlmu Mndll Plul Slunden Mr and Mn lrnu Ind Margot Vlliltd Drlnn Pull in Toronto thml Ho pllnl Brlln hu hid Ill opu Iuon And upch to be Mm 111 week WA OFFICERS St Paul Altermmn WA held their December meeting It the horns ollllrs Gordon Rlx Slroud Fifteen members and one vlsltnr wen presents The mcelinl was opened by the prep ldent Mn Drake and strips lure was read by Mrsr Fred Purvls Dorcas secretary Mn Neely read Iellcr mm the Dorm Dch In Tornnlu The roll all was answered by gill to be sent In Beverly Lodge Torontar Mrs Jlm Lem nsrd save us lnleresflnx report on Deanery ollicers meclln shs hsd sllended ln Taromo canan rchool lnr Iha spring war discussed but Isl nver un til lhe next meellngr Rev Prler Tram conducled the election 01 smears will Iollowlnl resulls president Mn John Drake vlce presldenls Mrl Gordon Rlx Mrs lnck Wchser lreasunr Hrs Leo Gibbons secretary lllrsl Crslz Hunt er ssslslsnt Mrsr Fred Pur Via DomsY Mrs Raymund Neely ulrs cenlsdsy Mrs Gordon Budd slck and flush Ins Mrs James Lcmsrd sudllnrs Mrs ll Law Ind Mrs Purvls nnm nsllnl cam Mn Lcnnnx Ind Mrs Curr Mr Trsnl led dlscusslon on church swans Mrs nlx clnxed lhs merllnx Lunch huslmss were Mrs Curr Mrs Emrlck sndd Mn Ells Msnln John Kell who rcccnlly mir ed rum lhu Dcpl Highway Afler nlevcn years of urvlu rmmd In upholllercd any chllr The In wn prmnlcd Ihe men wllh whom Len Cummin was chairman Ind Howard Campbcfl presided the piano The and pupils at Guthrie School held Christ mas party at the Community Hall Pupils planned thelr pro gram The audlence enjoyed tha program and the collectlan mounted to $3110 ozgumm mm Mn Harald Husband has rs turned from two week visit with her son in law and duuzhlar Mn and Mrs Harold Holder AG Grimhnw Albergn Mrs James Mason hath mm the Royal Vidalin Hoa piIl Barrio Mlsl lsnhll Hendemn Ev erett Mr and Mrs Harold Hen dmon and mill Mr Ind Mn Junk Henderson Mr IndMn Hendennn Indï¬unnla mm Saturday with Mr Ind Mn Bill szler Lakevlew mu 3n tin lpmd their Mn and and lamily Mrs Edna El amnion thzlr 111211 was nine tables inplly lhe Orangcmenx euchre Saturday night Winneer were ladies high Baflmlyne low MilSoda Creme Meng hxgh Omr Untonz law Bass Pat ton Inne hands Budd Babes lucky tickets Bernice quy Danny Edgar Moon MRS CAMPBELL Mr Ind Mrs Marsha Ind llmfly visited friends In 10 onto an Sundgy Mn 15 Royl ViewII Hospim when gleam been NHBBJIMI Children All looklnz chard to hblldlyl and Sank school dot kl Dec mum9 15mm BARBIE EXAMINERll JATIJRDAY DEC II III ms MAY pm By MRS PRATT ST PAULS and Mn GUTHBIE md Mn Edlu nily Sudhury called on in Edgar Sunday evo thzlr way to Florida to hair Chrlslnns halldayl lsnhll Hendemn Ev and Mrs Harold Hen Ind mill Mr Ind Mr BAXTEB In mmuu mag no 3ng kuuwmuwmwwm mum and kuflunnflulma mannaHamuaaamémmammmuuuuanmmuumkik Will BARRIE MILK DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION mamaawww Kflflflflflflflflfl WM WILLIE IINZIE 10 um lAKEVlEW $5 DAIRY 185 DUNLOP EAST WM WILLARD IINZIE ll 1le I0 116650 And Suggests You Order Plenty Of FOR THE HOLIDAYS DAIRY FOODS HAVE PLENTY ON HAND FOR THE HOLIDAVS CHIPDIP COTTAGE CHEESE WHIPPING CREAM SALAD Sour CREAM COFFEE CREAM CHOCOLATE MILK NON FAT Sldm MILK BUTTERMILK CREAM TOP MILK HOMO MILK ORANGE JUICE CHIPDIP EGGNOG BUTIER HOLIDAY CHECK LIST voun runxsv nasssmo was LOT OF MILK onnan PLENTY NO MILK DELIVERY NO MILK DELIVERY HOLIDAY DELIVERY SCHEDULE REMEMBER PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY wwwwwuwflm SUFFICIENT DAIRY PRODUCTS T0 LAST FROM TUESDAY TO FRIDAY ICE CREAM AVAILABLE AT ALL THE DAIRIES REMEMBER TO ORDER CHRISTMAS DINNER l3 NUI COMPLETE WHIIOUT WfllPllD CREAM Mldl Navy If llolidu WEE DEC 23 THURS DEC swam Belan