Wants To Live So Wont Talk Recommends Canada Get Rid Honest John 11w mmmlllu dIrIn III we rlllcnlly why II In amed In lm lhmm Iolm WIN lqu ln Ilrllw Inang In nnllwr lullnil rpnm 1h Ihk mun ml by Inhl The 11 mcmlm wrly ummlllrc lmnml ullh mu dlumllnn unrlrur mud or Donmrc nnIIA Alma mlullo dem Jot In lumvlw and cmou lnw lvvrl kl lmlnbrr In Bump mmo Mlnlllrr Nellyrr Imll rnlrvl In an Inlnrvlrw ha cnulnlut may he rrcnmmm IIIlIlIn Thr urnym NINL hr lam OTTAWA lll The fam mum drlrncn mmmllleo mom monded Frldny lhal Cnnmlu ad III 01 1mm lnhn mllllrry nurlur rnrlrl ml 11 llm Mulvmrul nl Ilw mmmuu hrl Idu In Europe Oiivumlnu Friday news In Vnncouvrr nhe mld Im very lldflpy ï¬nicch upch In con llnuo lamMun nuulnn at UHCI In yupmlmml Inrhcrr ism nznlnsl lhr led EH qrpgnqllnn nrdcr Min mu tr cnso unmcuu Mlss llcbrlu dnuzhler while flusslnn parrnls arrived In 1050 rum Brazil on vim nru norm and was ordcrcd do mind In Jnn mu Immlgmllun Minlslcr Fav rum nnnounctd In lhc Cum mons Irldly he has decldtd lo allow hr Mrycnmld blondc nnro described by former Cnn urvnllve prlmo mlnlslcr Dlnl onbnkcr murlly rlxk lo remnln hm Inndul lmml lrnnl hrm Ptklngrborh Umvnr Drills Cnlumblu lvxlurrr Ila won her Hveycnr ï¬ght to my In Canada Bagcr was among 20 farmer 5549 uard1olccrs and men who need court on chants hey had part In the glsslnas Ihoollnzs hangings or fatal lur Iurcs n1 million of prsoncrs at Auschwitz one of Adult Hillcrl Ilillcr mosl clIicicnl dcalh Inc kulcs Boxer old lhc courl wlll be silent because wanl In sur vive his um did nol dccldn on lhls because of lack know The slalemcnl came from Wilhelm Boxer Iormer chic of he camps Intelligence system alleged by the prosecution la have been one oi the most hm Ial Nexis In lhe Auschwitz ad mlnlslrallon FRANKFURT AHOne de cndanl in West Germanys largest war crimu trill an nounced Friday he will refuse to lcslfly about Auschwllz con centralinn camp atrocitiesho caurn he wants survive Wins Her Fight Stays In Canada 9mm pm Irene no AN EAST BERLIN mokhm km and her West Berlin daughter arer tearful an they 991k Yur No 198 For Enmluel Wa M9 phana PA 5241131111 Icephonn number to call for the Business or Editorial Pew 56537 F5 3T91ephoi$5 nir Imlwm mmnlllrc wmfl nnnndn nll In In In The prlvllv mmllhcl rec mnmmdwl juvlclnl Inquiry InIn allclul In gnlnrlllu In nywnln mud ul ol lulu bl In llglrlg Fv mA Anmnnta liufhmuml nl rm mm Six ullwr wmmlllrn ulna uh mnnl In Mr ommmu FIMny Ilm pnlllamrulnry mnhm numl rlam wym gugvmv TM édnumurr Appnlnlfly wnn MIMI with plan llnnu lllls pnlnl Klvru Iuy lulu IL Hm lvrlnndr mmmnw Irr ml 11 major llullrnr unillcl wnuld he Hutul by Hm unc nulhmlxcd nu nullcnl un clcnr Wrnponl Ivy nulmnllnnlo mmmuml when lhrmlcnrd hy nnnlllmnllnn mm hand Im ynur mm In all my nlhrr Job when any Ihlnu wcnl wrong van nlwnyl ruponxlhlo Mr Fuvrcnu unnouncrd lhc rcsull now mvlzw MIA flcbrlnl clue duran Commnns uludy his dcpnrlmmll 1063 64 upendan pmgmm Inmwr Vcll or thin jab nccd Immutable man However she was permlllcd to stay In Canada because she was Involvnd In nlhcr legal nc Inn and also htcuusc lllrro wna nowhere Io send her Cnnndl does not normally MW par wn In country belllnd he lrnn Curtain fully all lhn way In lhn supremo Conn 01 Canndn The lrinls ncxl snssinn wus set or Dec 30 aunt who had pollcu guard hair side sign they are In custody Thlrlem olhcrs In eluding the laprnnklng defend ant SS Capl Robert Mulku ara free because had health or on hail of up to 150000 marks 1mm The lriaL expected to run nnxt Ill apnncd In the hall Frgpyurts clly pgrllp The prusccu 11 charges Hm Ker Invented what prisoner called Ihe Bngcr swing method lotlure During Inter mgaflans Auschwitz prisoners were lied by lheir feel and hands lo beam and Ith whipped Ollen this Ended in deulh Iedgo but in vicw my slate of health INXENTED fonmw embrace in ms Berlin aner separation ol 28 mnnlhs Thu cunlnn took place he HERES ONE The mlcullurr and mlnu rummlllm mmly all re mmr Aillhm ul lhe nu II lulllmml 11n mmlnfllw on TrnnncnnA mln All Hm nml Can1mm Na llonnl llnflnnyn muovn lhI lnldurl nl lllo lwu vulrlkly mm cavponllon wlhou any enrm TCAI rhnlcu of lhc Armnun DC In Ill new mod lumunl Jet um vhkdlom mm Quebec overnmml whith lnvurrd In with Hello way Art In Imllrl lhu Innr In rallwny wmkrrx nlmwl hy lurnnrh Ilnu almndnn mm and mum ml rum Mnlu 11w rummluw mill pnrllnmrnlnry Ichnln um gnlul Indnllnllnn rrLquInI ammrnluu in mm mmmlllw mum an ml umrlmrnl Stale Sccrclnry Dm Husk laid pm cmlcrtncn Irldly Hml dupllu serious dmlculllu In wny auvtcmcnl wllh fluuln lbw may be mm In lcrul an Hm nhnr this In hm nhmvallnn pnm Ind we lhlnk It would he uuylhwhilr In work on mm mm wlml ll look like Mlcr consullnllnn with Ihu Norm Allnntlc Tnnl Orgnnlz nllon nllics nu dolnlln lhc pm pom ayxlcm lhc plan pcclcd lo be proscnltd III the 17nnllnn dlmrmnmcnl unm rnco due In motl nl Geneva Jnn Johnsnn ad nsrnion intends In work out plan nr lam nl International observa llon pasts lhnl would be net up In Communlsl nnd Wtslcrn counlrlu to guard ngnlnsl damnr surprise nllnck Even with the Cnmmunis propaganda clIan West Berlin ers welcomed the chance In see their relatives for he Kim llmo In more Khan lwo yuan Tm made no mcnlian DI the wall built by lhu Communist In August ISGL Dear citizen WeslBcrlln we welcomu flu in the capital the German Degngcgallgfle public In Moscow lhn oIIicinl Soviet news agency Tess acclaimed lho pcaccnll lnillallvc Ihe fled German government or allow ing 95 Darllncr to celebrate Christmas and New Years with their relatives In East Berlin To Devise Plan To Observe Reds the Ffledrlchslrassc sla llon visllors arriving by clt valed trains Wm met by aiml Iar gmlings bland mm loud speakers BERLIN APlThe flow West Berliners through the Ber lin Wall rose lodayn Sn did lhe Cnmmunist cflon lo km the whim relaxation an harder crossings in political advantage Welcome to democratic Beb Hn said East German border guard as West Berliners held nut their oneday passes West Berliners Flow Into East msnlngmy my The Obcrbnumhruccko WEI Whpphoin via cab ie ImmVBcrllnbi The wnrnlnu mm In an Im nmlllcemtnl Friday mm lho ol llclnl Invrmmml new agency Tau II lhrro um wan him In nnl Ilka flu ï¬nvlnl lawn um do MOSCOW Mli The Sovld Unlon Inn wnrmd Mllan Ilud lnll wM Jnlnrd In Mn wrrlll angry march on NI Squaw In mprcl ll lnwn or on lhucvunm Al prmnl Hparnll sduwl dlslrlcla ml only opcrnlo schools up lo Grade uccpl in areas um served by public Mid ucllool hlxh lChOol now apqm prlvnle Beds Warn African Students Respect Laws Get Out Educullnn Mlnlllcr Tumhull mid lculslulinn Incor pornllnn lho changes wnuld ho prcxnnltd In the spran session at lhu legixlnlum mtepnym muld under lhu new Cllslnllam vole In dlrcd lhul thelr cdutm flan lam be paid la cpnrnle schools REGINA CWThu Saskalch cwnn lovcrnmcnl loduy an nuanced II prcpamd In Mr Inlt normrnlu hlzh schools la be supported by public funds The newspaper my it learned this Friday Imm nsourco clam In the ntlorncyw gencrnla de parlmcn The source also In xald la have disclnscd he mig nalion from he cammisflan MalGen Spanling TORONTO CF Thu Globe and Mail says lbs pmvlndal govemmcnl plans In replace lhn Ontarln Pnllcc Conunlsaiun with group laymen possusinz only taken pawns Ready To Let Public Funds Support Separate High Schools said hoped would be 124 son In governmean not to sub mil rl to legislation Ha doubled there would be na tlanal gallery MP had to de cide on its contents combination of tractor whcel and bunch power poles said Ben Lebne SC Cariboo beatnik vae symbol Fald GeraldlL Regan IIHali axu OTTAWA GP The Cam mons turned glassywed sure Friday on the symbol devised forlthe I967 mrld air in Mont rea It rcaclcd with words such as monstrosity weird and sickening belore tossing the symbol out and ordering new designed beiore Ihe end SPABLING THROUGH Shopping Dnyn fll Chvlumn ï¬emsymbol Iullcruj de GIQSSyEyed Stare NotFar Wérlds Fair Slate Se clary fickcrsgill Police Commission Said Way put wrlc On uhrdly Dmmbor 1963 TOIChdnge Shae Canadian Ridings Freighter Sinks 0H Newfoundland HALIFAX CF 1130 on man rd ll Dmln unkind Ibvut mllu out Hum NM Illu Mr numb Iqu Imo II 111ch In new mull eye at lluulnn onlnnIurn nu Alllunl mmlml up be main nln ul lhe Kremlin yolxlnn Ianlul IIMI Iullfl Ind complnlnl ml run In nullwhen mm um nupwml la be equal My um um mjuditm udmll 1mm many rum lecu nloymrd lnlo rd Square Wed nmlny In angry oulcry nl Wm 60th Edmund Alnfhflddfl thnnlnn my claim hurl hem lmllrd by nuulnn Tho lluulan venlnn In In ho hm MAIIHUI leo drunk no wan In My hrml mun purple can Icnvn nur counlry ll nu moxprpl Tnu nurtured Icpnrnlu school luppanm agree In lnrm lhoIr own mand school dlxlrlcu hey can ml lhclr own dcbenlum hulld lhnlr awn hook and rtcclvu unvunmnnt luppon lhlwlh Krnnls regressive Cnnscrvnllvn punks huvo Inld Hwy ndvoculc puhllc wpparl fur munnu high school and have cmme the Man In plaunnn for lhc next pmylndfll clccllan Cn separate school any mummam um nu Protestant legalale school In tho pmvlncu two ropealcdly requested the dimng kglslnuan Insluuuuns where my compcln wilh pmde suppollcd second nr schoull Olhcr lulormanls said Judge Macdonald had strong diner The Globes source said Judgo Macdonalds decision was dun In part In his disilluslonmnm wuh the loss of Ihc commis slonn nulommy in he Onlnriu govcmmcnl Judge MlcdonId halrman ol the cammlxshm had Indlualed earlier his Inlan llon Io rnslgli by the and the year 1i coleXmd nothing Chanac rislic Canada He suggested Mr Dlelcnbakcr with straight ace assured the House um Im not just being Jocular would rinx ridicule on Can Eda Opposil on chfen baker was the first to take alm at lhe symbol during debate on blll which among other things declares la copyright on me symbol ll eventually moved an amending molion lo wipe out He called amonslmslly an is mummy Its ddhcull lo understand series at angles chasing one another in rcgular array ground the misn in festive Chrlsimas splril oné slagc MP hmka out into hrief chorus singing cam mar TAKES AIM mm mm um Inlou am Vapr my ol NorthDItm um uwlquphmm An nmcndmtnl to he Pollco Ml was passed ulvlnn lho mm mlulnn control over lhu pmvin tlnl wllce hlll cxlnbllnhlnz the com mlsslon wns zlvcn llrsl rcndlnl In lhu Dnurln lcglnlnlure In No vembcr MI AI lhnl mu Pre mlcr flnburu mid II he lnlcnllon make this commu xlon 1mm Ind us Impur llnl and quumlrd or flu work as mulblc Anhaugh lhe commission had been urnnled powers of Invcsll gullunundcr lhu Publlc Inqulr cs Acl Ila plan In qucfllon person suspected belonglnu to crlmo syndicnlo were hull ed by the nunmoumrnll de The newspaper mys It learned that most ol Hm recommenda tions made In the nllarncygcn cm by Hie polled cammiulon wen cllhcr shelved or Ignored Mr Cas blamed Judge Mn darynldx mlmnllon an pmssuru ram tho ledcrnl Justice depart mcnl to have him return In his post as munly court judge llnweycr he Globe and Mail says Jusllce Mlnlslcr Chcvfler denlcdlhls Pridly In 0mm uncu of opnlun wilh Mtorncy General Frederick Cass after flu provincial government look control Ike Ontario Provin clal Police mm lhe police cum misslonu hands the um um He admnncdl he ï¬rst limo saw it he had the name reac tion as Mr Diclenbaker ll salt It based on the otd est primitive symbol or man vertical ltne with twoï¬iag anal lines stretchtng upwards to represent arms The nrttsr had linked patrs at these symbols ta denote rlendshtp and broth crhoodand arranged them In eight pairs in circle to Indi cate the shape at the earth Mr Desctmtrlets termed It well imagined and well mum ll ell to Works Minister Des chalelels lo delend he symbol devised by artist Jullen Hebert and already appmvad by the warld lnir board 01 dlrmm Maren 0N SYMBOL lnscrllan maplcleaf the middlea pmposal supported by ygral Vglhgr Embers But one gets used to 1L WK unï¬twk unium wit it mm mm Ev £er Mth MM Thu wtckcnd was ml ln eluded In My New thrl holl day last year run lhe cuuncll nllrlbulul 21 lrnlllc lalalillu to flu halidny 11 year In pro dldion II or 20 This year llxc councll will tin In den munl pm nzcsdny and Al mldnlghl Walncsdny Ln year rslmal all on hlcsday making ll lamday hullday or most persons 11m safely muncll countcd as ral llcmdculh dunan Um qur day By THE CANADIAN PILLS Wedncldny Cllrklmu means llml fewer ralllc lmll llc will likely be attributed to the holiday mason In Canadl lhls year 11m Canadian lllghway Snlcly CouncilBJwredlcls pcmns will be kill an lllc hlghwnyl dur lnu Ihn Chrlslmn celebrnllan lrasllc rcglcllan lrom 1W Each parly leader wnll name om member The pmvlnclnl clucl lnsllca wlll name chufrv man at each mmmlsslnn mm among lln fellow judges I1 luch Isnt nvallable lur Illa sk the chic jusllce of he The new bill called Illa Elee oral Baundarles Roadkillnan Act provide ï¬rst or ulcellun ul commlaxlon mcmbm from nomlnces of the governing party and the chic will PM In the Commons haul and Progressiv Conservatives re spectivclyl 0n the basis of current con stilulianal requirements the Commons will have 254 seals down one mm be present 265 But the total seals are almost certain to be increased to at least 286 because prospective seat losses In Nova Scolia Que Manimha and Saskatche ngvmzsgpn umazns Wednesday Christmas Means Fewer Holiday Traffic Deaths The bill introduced Frldayv In the Commons by Slate Secre ary Pickersng spells out the rules whinh me lo mmndssianl must allow In drawing consu tuency maps to acmunl lar pop ulation Changes since thelnsl redistribution seats in 1952 As provided or In In earlier blll he Job will he done by 10 commission one for each pmvlnchunder Um general rndian of hmncw representa Ilon mmimssloner Nelson Ca tonguny lhe present chm elw larnl officer mull unveiled Friday the see and stage legislation which will result in new shaving of virtually every parliamentary conslilucncy in Canada ï¬ncgovem Redistribution Necessary Through Population Changes NolMon Fur CopVyIl Finis Muder on weekend oéculonal smwflurfles Low onlzhl 11 High Sunday 25 me full lum mnry please turn to pan two tooling In umnx mm police ddnchmcnu through Canndl pnrflculnrly in Ottawa when Dcpuly Pallet Chic Jordon Stewart uh lrmkly Drinking driver will be Jailed Lowl Weather There will be no laknllon drlnkinz ar drunk driven and pmplo who drink uhwld leave their cm ll borne JeanPaul Aubalm Quebecl pmvlnclll pollcc allch Id Canadian Prul lumy show that police force ICNII Caulda will be full menu lhmuzhaut tho holldm Flvo day More tho lim hol ldny mmlve Ipol check ware being carried out in mry province Many My omen will for za Christmas In the Imp curbing Ihe highway flnughler mugs van 51m 513 or um I117 ape The second umllon permlu variation to aka account clnl mnununjly or diverslly interest he Inhabitam The commission yvill bu qulred In follow this ruh micfly wlth two exception And wen when them In oepumu the resulting enume uency at my not no man than 20 per cent above or Do low the claim quot lor um pmvinoe commlulon IMP ludlo vary he in on con nltnancy when they wander necessary or dealnble bmuu of Ell 9ch guide Incl man at °wu 3mm 42 This bask ï¬gure known an elcuoral quota will be worked an In the mag way for each province The 3031 number of MP for each pmvlnce willbe dlvlded lntn the Iota population 01 lhll pmvlnce to arrive at basic all constituency Im lhal pmvlnce Each the 10 com mlnlans must keep closely to that basic llzure possible For example Onlarlon mn lntion ln the 1961 census wnl 5mm Present cansmullonll nules call or Omanla to luv 88 parliamenury lam up mm the preggnl BSIt Llu nut redlsuihnllon Onllrln con sliluencle wllI have to ha close puslble to npapull Tin mum nIcmher on and commission will be Mr Castan gyay as representation comm mnnct Supreme Court Canada will pig chalgman