Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Dec 1963, p. 6

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Yulmhy excelltnt mm mm when permnul relatlan lhlp Ire concerned conllnue wllll on excepllan Whlle ml vmu Ind plmum llllltd wlth loved one should rrm lugth enkyuble there wll be tome nmldlanl lo mm In deullnzl wlm sirnun You wuld run up nulnu lame unmupuloul permL ll Inmarmw ll our binhdly your barompe mlcnlu HIM while he period bclwun now Ind Febnnry Ilwuld be Hm one for you Jobwlle Ind Imm cIlly you muld luller Ion In Aprll II on luddtnly decldo lo Mum extravagant whlml or go beyond ynur mean in ltntmlly 0mm TORONTO CWAn you the Ian at wamnn who walk boldly Into the mldu warty crowd Or do you creey Mmldly mund the periphery you belanx to he om ca gory you can comfortably Wm anhlono 1mm lad the plunxlnz neckline lay an my Rodolpho Only the moot flamboyam eourueom uflInured womnn can Iucuulully carry all lo dayl during decollelazu mm which plummet right to flu malnllne lays lha Toronto cou turler In common with mmy dulln and mamflncturen Ro dlphe predlctl um man Can women will be mlflled mm MlIDdflllnfl but um lalrly lull bummed look mgdlngd luwcut nylu TOMORROW 1qu nm mnan Genuollly II on Snub um oulllnndln lrnlu and II no one mum but nu mutt ulo Kood Judgment ooInd you have plmly Jul In ch hm we chm lerlulc oflen um mum In Canadian Fashion Designs Reveal FullBosomed Look WoMEN LOOK BEST In not504m but ullhalnmcd look ln neckllnu lay Canadian luhlon dulznm Thane blou mined luwcut In Pmimnce le idea that llawevcr llkllll II or ranltd Collllr Smol M07 W0 Sung SKIRT LENGTHS WHAT THE STARS SAY DRESS LENGTHS SEWING BASKETS GIFT CERTIFICATE ZHTRELLITA FINDS THEM VULGAR Mr Irwin nyl he lhlnkl lawn with bodice mm In the min are vulnr Annlher Tor onln couturler Tiber de Nun um and canvInced the vep elagang wont wear lhem Sum ShunMn dun manu facturer who ll mm mm drum that upon moderate Amount bosom any hut blndl und boy Irlend the urcatcst perpetuate or the mo deg rtue idea Tho Melina mmcd la be that decallslue wax feminine and that you do handle mancy mm lm realllllcllly gain accrued wllhln the nexl cw me should Ipark further boom In May Inga Qctolmj And Novembep Domclllc social Ind mmnnllc lnlmm would pmtper durlnl mm of the next 11 rmnlhlv wllh cmphmll an mmnnce In February April June Ind An ml on mini liIu Ind travel bdween new and mid Janunry April July Ind Sm lcmbcr lelvu warkm wlll prom durlnl the um le month ha now year my Ichllva umuunl recolnmon 1n Mly Ind or Scplomber Women Ihould be ladyllks Ind lam Iomethln In the im agination my calmer not but Irwin PROVIDING JOB LAYDONONTYNE En hnd cmA £1000000 Jove men heme II 10 he hunched hm by nlrmlnxnum mnthlna tool mun When In lull produc llon nu new work will provide emnlnymenl or 500 Iklllnd moduly pnfllculafly cm lnlne vinne mm to ha ha mnln rnlon why Cnnndlan wlomen helllnle to lake the or Iomben lld bum on mildly will be ldenllulc Inlultlvn and hm mmka lcanlnl Inward lho Inn Ind jumvrudcnca an fashioned I7 StyleRite Toronto Kellensly he re qulremenu Left to right may are draped neckllna IARRll SHOP 726096 Mr Sharkln mum lhak women aver 30 will especially wzlcame the return Io decolle use They dont Ilka to wear lleevelm drum because Ihclr mm rem their use but they want lo expo lamelllny woman he to be confident that when Ihe bends award and moves nround 1m dreu Ix loin to my on he Iayl ex plaining I9 lmporlanca of good dreu comlrudlon and prom undernrmentl la demlletuxe But you dont need bl but became the xtupendmu Improvements In the brasslm mak even the mum figure luck my FOR OVEN 1an how much woman ahould expose hm long been aubjecl ol conlrnllon Hollywood whlcll one had comldernble an nuance on North Amerlcan lax lam nllgd that about two Inch cleanse wax all woman could show without belnl lnde ccnl Montmll Alhndfl dean Clnadlan delllnm um many expert ladny heHeva neckline Ihould not be mm than llx Inchu from Iho lhml hut he lower ll much an Maven inchel Rodolphe lay morewomen wuld wur low neckline they could be cert1n lhey wouldnt Igll out nll1clr dream wouldnt huKate on make one plunging alum In tho waIII uyl lh WyeIrald mu lurler plunxln neckllna mlku human loo mama even desirable an Iomeone elul wfle or girl Mend nylon mulch 1am In Ink ellrnn acetate prlnl overb ouu with horxeshne neckline with tie Ilned Enxllnh Cotton 1m MR 510015 wlm BACK ram 993 muss NEW Complolo FONTINENTAL BEDS $30 55 name IT wm FARMEHEECONDHAND STORE Save Dollars Galore All OUR CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS $995 NEW TELEPHONE GOSSIP BENCHES All LI ON GIFTS The bulb usually become IV ellable mm the dealere In late all and ahnuld be pulled up be are Chrlalmeu Honlcullurlxll with he Ontnrla Devanmenl rlcullure auglell ualng lull lure that contains plenty peat or fibre and la IIIIMIY eeld Plum ln or lnch pull one bulb per pot Place lo incl ea 1011 In Ihe baltnm the Fol and let the bulb but do no lrm the soil under the bulb Bar ely cover Ihe bulb wllh eoll and then apply water Lam when Ihe growth le about lnchee hlgh II the pa with mutual the mlxlure leave enough rogm for fuming Once polled keep 1h emper Mura at so degreea During nmwtlm provlda plenty of light Ind mm 5011 Until he mull bud um form um mink In benellclal alter bud mnluure around the bud my cum mtWhm the plant are lnchu high they may be led wllh complete Inlnblq fertiliz trugvcrxli grin weeIgI When he buds are just Vlsiblo and grown 60 degree Iho plant rcqulres week bloam When the buds nan to bend nvtr lhe plnnla will Iow cr hi about men nalao ho temperaturo lo 65 or 75 do me the plants In Ink Mold no high ltmpernluro or too dry an Almonphcro hen mm may cauie blnilinz or drying of tho unopened flowm Although nnnmher lines urn grown or cut flowm only In Easter Llly widely grown IoLpalug pllnu Time To Plant Easter Lily TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA MIN overblouse In while lerylene crepe In while withdeep mop ed neckline trimmed with French nylon Val lace CF $800 5mm 6m DAVENPORT AND CHAIR DRESSERS AND CHESIS newtsucmw DAMAGED NIGHT mius 5600 snap 510015 $500 Walter make mlmkel and do machines It you have been payan your bllls without checking them youre not very mm Indy ADVICE 100 LATE be An Linden the mother of two leanage glrh take violent excepllon to some your Advice My dughlm md your column rezulnrly and yesterday had to hIde the iuwupnyer lo they wauldnt In CHILI CON CARNE Yo cup mad hm onlan flopped men pepper ney upped cup celery Indy mapped lb mud heel lemma II 0an paprflu twpoon chili powder WI cupcanned lemme if cup tied kidney bean town onun men pepper celery Ind bee In hot at In Iklllet Add uawnlpy Ind to mntou Ind mix mawuzhly Cover and Ilmmer to hm low heat Add kidney hunt and heat mommy TURKEY CASSEROLE cup chopped cooked lurkey cup chopped celery onion Hemmer plmenlo almonds chopped an to lute requenily question the Weller Ibeul charm For ex Imple hell ely thought the ulld came with he dinner or Didni iheprice oi the dinner include dneerii When he find mieieke in the nriiiuneilc he lriumphenily inn ll out in the wniier II il had diecnvered Fennete lee iheorem feel like crawling under the rug Shall Iell him how ieelI liniflnkn Den XII Any pemn who aye bill without lookinl at in Chump but In Iliriu lhauid be pleasant an not bound like the Hound Spanish Inquisition Salt and power 46 mp Mlucla Whip mad drculnx 5le I11 lozelher 1b with ruled cheese and butlmd crumb Bnkl In 50 deam oven hunt but Ann Lindqu am widow who ha been wing with man who in wallknown and highly mpecled in thin oom munily He in one little hlbii whim find embmualnsnso llr havent lei himknow ihat rii bother me lull ll you lay lo telinhlm will whan the Walter bring the dinner chequeh ho sermon oullyjakel hll hllaclhout his pocket reaches or III pen and mum Idd up the hill Evan Iecond mmrllkn In uur ATN LANDERS Checksxleléfihqrges And Signs The Cheque TODAYS RECIPE Why do you mm In telling wvm mm mom NEW WOOL BLANKETS Mn Elmn Pull Gun Club Slroud mam 14 108 LM Barri YI Mencflu 3550 Den Ann Landon wish had dollar for every mother lnlnw who burned the newspa per which carrled your column the other day lreler tolhe let ter lrom Miserable and your Inverb Idvlce hut lhm lhlrd party who undermines max rlue hould be removed lrom tho plcture young girls that they are under no obligation to tellrthelr iinnces Ibout put Indiipretlona Sud advice encounm them to lie Dont you think makes more 113020 tunes the girl re train from dpinz things they may bauhnmed oi interi it girl conduct hexsell in Vir tuous mamm Dlo will be able tonnaw myllndlniLguesflom Al man who was dedicated In Imuy life know how right you Ire inn compelled to iivev Ioncly Hie apart min wife adored My chiidxun are turned In bear the burden bmktn homoanti ihayre growing up aim nnmniu influence in their vex Please keep repeating ynur lound philosophy Ann hope that other for whom it not too In will heed your wads of wbdam Ind profit 1mm ycur uncommon common um on Deu NY Thank you or laklnz the lime and trouble to write word from one who has been there dwayl especially memfnflul So please flop telling young girls that lhel put nabodyl mine In my opinion this Is teglblgcqumgpflnla Mather Du Intel Unless you filmed to read this column yesterday you would know that can Iume tons newsprint telllul am not to do things thoy will be Ishamed cl later Such advice too late how ever for Kill who have already done him theyre uhnmed ol do notlell girls go llenar do mum that May pose as mmelhlnu they are not merely lat them know that real man is willing to accept girl 13 lbs He does not dgmnnd purity anlh The man who Imisls on the name and number all 1h player ll Invariany the one wine will ule Iha lnformallon Men to but her over the head cgmmoN Ema YHI on THAT OUALIW IUILT DUNLOP IT EAST IAIIII at 8pm Kmu gunulna lo pluu Mm FIIM will love out an llmlully 15me mm nu ma oun nun IN houu Caig $1 570114 mamastare 11514171 Witt 6llli5flfl115 gifts 51 Emmzq ISM It mm Mrmu nu In wilh In Anew new ya lo Pub lImhmhkh Ind Mun mull lm Dnl um Clubunu OTHE BARnlEéEXAMINEfl WEEDAV DECEMBER PLAN Manmumn SOUTHSEA Enlland CF Brlmlna Hm marlneland cross human 100 and an aquariumi3 to hehull In lhla Hampshire coastal town Sea mammall Including whale and do him are to be aupplled yvja amoua Florida marina 52 Dunlop SI FREE GIFT WRAPPING RINGS CHECKED AND CLEANED FREEI morning fiIOSe fashioned to fit proudly Into your tuture 4eu gem1 40 newest paflefn In 5995 Prlnuu Chm EXTRA place nrvlco for le mm hm Ill Mum nly In el mmyl 50 9mm your man le Mm MI Innu hm hm our WIN Olrillmu ulnlkm ulmlnlln dillll hy lho lender in Huhkmu K¢ BRINGV DWNIHEAT CIRENCESTER nd CPDPeople attendinl the pm lab church In lhls Gloucester hlra lawman urged to bring hot water botlles with them Tho heallnx system which recently coal H000 to repair has broken duwnfizr around time In year Mount about whim Ihht from wide Kledlnn of mllu Myles md ngvmicm mm mt when you Indy vf Ibo hwu mun pair mm out Im ulKllon nl unmly Ilykd lljlmll wuhn mt Shown L1 Galkn Atmw Duh anmniu fur Guillmu IBM Whnluu MI Mk nthlu funk IMI IIIH97 mo um ellem 7292243 donmm Limb

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