Chiei Gilles Warning About The Dangers no3 Fire Cheii tim om uttered seasonal advice to householders today on the care and handling ul Christmas trees and other holiday decorations This is the time of year when the number of tires and conse quent loss ot life and property reaches its coir he said With heatingsys ems working at full capacity and electrical circuits loaded we must not add to the danger by bringing unsafe decor ations into the house Seiect tree that Is green and lush Leave it outside In the cool airnot in awarm base ment until you are ready to set it in position Then make fresh cut at an angle near the base ot the trunk and set It in water away Irom radiators re gisters and other warm spots The water will keep it fresh and prevent It from drying too quick ly it your tree becomes so dry the needles begin to drop off it Is time to remove it lrorn the house SAFE METHOD Strings of lights should not bo used on metal trees The metal is good conductor oi electricity and could produce an electric shock or even tire Man ufacturers at certain metnl trees recommend spotlight directed at the tree as the sotest and Irrrost attractive method oi light Remember that tell is con ductor of electricity Reflectors for lights should be insulated between the bulb and the socket Sate reflectors are lined with fibre around the hole where they fit against the sachets he said Another suggestion Irom the Fire Chlet ls Have carton handy for giit wrapping and dispose oi the excess paper im4 mediately Do not allow children to play with Christmas lights and above all make sure there are no open sockets on your tree and that your wiring is not overloaded by one string oi Carol Singers lights added to another Keep your tree was from room exits Careless smoking habits cause as per cent of ailfired in 0ntsrlo1vet us not add to that percentage this year by smoking and using matches near Christmas trees paper wrapp ing and other conibustibie ma teriais VISIT ART OWENS Art Owens the well known federal oiticiat tor the farm loans department has tinaily reached the point where ha can have Iew visitors tor short period He has been recovering Irom heart condition at the hospital and the sign on his door said no visitors feel am getting the best of it he told us on call we made when he Invited us in from the hall do want you to pass on to the many friends who have been cai ilng my home the thanirs we wish to express for their concern and for our gradual return to better health heutoid usl ANOTHER OLD TIMER Further up the hall on the same floor we had the pleasure at chat with Dick Steele lormer merchant oi Ailandaie and veteran ratiraadar Dick has been In hospital tor tew weeks but is hoping to be around again soon He is one at the Allondale oldtimers starting with the railway as call boy and also operating the smoke shop on the corner for many years read your column re guiariy he told us PLENTY OF SNOW Plenty ot the beautitul white snow and more to come will make White Christmas and bring back memories of the days when we used to get out the team and sleigh or the horse and cutter and enioy ride on Christmas Day it will be real fun for the sirllers and children and bring big bushrcss to the resorts Will Serenade liliiston Hospital Patients ALLISION Stall Two groups are coming In to Star enson Memorial Hospital next week to sing calole to the pa tients Superintendent lilies Irma Show announced Tuesday On Dec 22 the patients will hear the Alliston Girl Guides under the leadership oi Mrs Gwen Day Besides singing carols the guides will also give corsage to each patient Miss Rosalie Stubbs and ill her frimds of liliiston will be singing at the hospital Dec Both groups will begin their programs at pm Councils Finish This afternoon the hospital stall ls having its own Christ mas party from pm to pm at the nurses residence it will teature social hour refreshments and an cxrhango ot gills While not having Christmas party the Hospital Auxiliary will be having Christmas so Elli meeting tomorrow utter noon at the nurses residence 0n ChrLstrnas Day each has tlcnt will receive gilt Irom the hospital and also mm the Iiospitai Auxiliary Itllss Shaw said 63 llilairs Set Dates For 1964 Inaugurals With several township coun cils iinlshlng up their that at tnirs at meetings Dcc is the stage is now set tor the 1904 inaugural meetings next month hiuimur Township council met at the Orange linii at iIoney wood yesterday clerk ii itcid reports Jan 13 Is the date set for hlulmurs 1w Inaugural mccting As for all winter meet ings It will be held in the Uni toti Church basement at Terra Nova Starting time is it Im For iIes Township where council is serving twotyeor term there will be no inaugural but the regular Jonunry met last will be on Jon at the ottire Vcspro Township will hold its inaugural meeting Jon at lttldhurst township hail begin ning at to om Sunnltinie Township council wrapped up Iis ms business lionday at the New lowell community centre delegation mm the Federation oi Agricul ture Including rrprcscnistivcs Arthur litters and Alvin Sorta nl Bunnldoie Cornerl appeared before council seeking grant tor the Federation Within the nut wccit or so ï¬unnidalc Township representa TTIAFVIC Illtllliilfll report to tho itritlsh gov rrnmrnt ralhnntu there will he thumb vrhiclrs In iirlinin by lives will be contcrring with their advisers to prepare the townshlps case for the Inner ation hearing on Jan Tl These advisers are the townshlps law yer Wilbur West Brampton and town planning consultants Marshall Mackiln and Mona han oi Willowdalc Date for Sunnldole Township counctil 1m inaugural meeting is Jan to The mecting place has not been set Ileeva Lloyd Prldham uld HECOIIIEII CIIANCZLLOII BELFAST Northern ireiand fAitSir rono Guthrie ths Irish piaywr ght and producer was instniicd nrcsdoy as cth cciier at Queens University licitost in succession to the Info Lord Iiionbrooke An honor Iry degree at doctor of inI was conferred on sir Wrens BARRIE DEIICATESSEN European Food at Its flnosil Large Variety oi Cold Meats imported Cheese imperial Christmas Candy ls Chocolates William Ellis said Tuesday mother at tour was given food vouchers instead of cash by the city redepartment b6 cause shewss buying nonessenv tiai articles from her aid money The woman Marie ilamer nyk 33 whose husband is in Jail turned the Chiidr Aid Society Mon day saying she ouidnt torthem because she had money Whethertheichiidren were children over to Iected wiii be decided in tam ly court Thursday it the court rules the mother was unable to provide to them they will be made srds oi thesociety and placed In Ioster horn Mrs Hemeinyksaldjhe had been receiving also month in aid from thecityweifsre de partment Howev the depnuts ment hadgiven only toad voucher but nomoney to last her until Christmas Mayor Ellis said shewouid continuete receive only toad vouchers because in the past she has used part ot her wet fare assistance to buy $50 re frigerator soulleievision set vacuum eleuner and floor pollsher WEIIENT ESSENTIAL The mayor said the articles vlvelre desirable but not essen tat Mrs iiamernyir said she bought the television set when her husband was working in September because her children never had the money to attend the movies and she felt they should have some term at amusement lfowever Mayor Ellis com mented We haveto think at the people who are paying taxes as well as welfare recipients litre Simone Patterson city welfare aid otllcial denied that any assistance had been with held from the mother or that there had been any sudden change in thc weliare depart ments policy concerning the family Mrs Patterson said the lam iiy had rcceived 52360 welinre assistance during the last two years In vouchers and cheques She said it was usual tor the department to pay by cheque at the beginning of the month to cover rent and Iuel GIVE VOUCHERS Vouchers were given for the purchase of food she said Mrs ilamernyk has been told not to use the cash to moire payments on articles bought on credit claim by the mother that she could not buy shoes tor the children or net was described as absurd by hire Patterson She never asked for shoes RUSSIAN BOUND Anntoiy Puzdneyev 1e kick ed soccer ball in snow in Moscow yestérday Is he woited departure with his par ents and sister for Christ mas holiday in Portsmouth Ohio Anaton is student He also works in an automobile liliiston Board Delays Meeting ALLISTON tStaffl Later on this week the Alliston Public School Board may hold its De cember meeting secretary treasurer ii Murphy said Tuesday The meeting was postponed trnm its regular date Monday and cheque was issued Dec to pay loci and light for 15 days Mrs Patterson said Mrs itamernyk said she had to but the refrigerator because all the baby was drinking was spoiled milk CA8 director Thomp son dcscribed the incident Mon day Is real tragedy nine days bciorc Christmas and criticised the whore depart ment tor Its sudden change in policy Thursday Night Is Kinsmen Bingo Night KINSMEN ooo FELLOWS HALL Thurs Dec 19 8pm bring cars at food for PATRONS CAN BINGO HELP KIN 10 GAMES SHARE THE WEALTH GAMES JACKPOT $23000 HELP KIDDIES TODAY ONLY HITCHCOCK THRILLERS THE MAN WHO KINEW TOO MUCH THE TROUBLE WITH HARRY Starts Tomorrow lhsyssrs mightiest shrntursamloutinirobntlmsioryl litlllti Mlltltllil snmedl son onto vrsrr factory In Moscow invitation tor the unusual holiday came tram the Portsmouth Junior Chamber ot Commerce The Pnsdncyev family will leave by air today tor their visit Photo from the Soviet agency Novosty AP Wilephoto via cable trorn Moscow evening by request of some oi the members No alterhatlve data was set at the time be cause of the nrcssurs of Christ mas preparations IVFIIIIM uvmocx TORONTO CPI Prices were steady on fair demand for all classes and grades ot slaughter cattle It the Ontario public stockyards today Veal eatt prices were actively strong Hog prices were steady and shoe Iiid lamb prices were ates Slaughter an 1075 conic steers ssrsao with fanc feed iot steers to 1371 goo 2150 twtr medium 1911 common sets choice heiters 214250 goodwtlflnmedium 1119 common 1050 choice ted yearlings espouse good at 28 good cows rssoisno with Isles to 1750 medium 1445 canners and cutters iii1t load heavy hole bulls 191950 commonan medium rare Replacement cattledw Good light stockers ms with sales tic as medium and common 11 Caives Choice vealers tree with sales to set good to um ms common to as boners 1419 Hogs see Grade It 1or onto 1935 heavy sows ruse Sheep and lambs Good handyweight lambs 21 per hun dredweight buclrs discounted at per hundredweight com mon and medium 1519 sheep Mt BUTTER TORONTO CF Churnlng cream and butter print prices were unchanged today butter pricesz Canada first grade Ontario tenderable st or nqntenderabte am It at truck in light trading western saw tnominslt EOYIIEANS TORONTO CF Soybeans 0238 bushel to dealers iob country shipping point GRAIN WINNIPEG CF Prices generally showed tlrmness in light opening trade today on the Winnipeg Grain Exchange Some iiux activity was evi PItI 33 dent and prices were steady Oats and barley trade continued along generally domestic lines with some purchases being made In connection with ice supply Rye showed rallying tendon cies aided by upturns in Chi cago rye The rapeseed market uncogered further shipping ds mon Parliament III Glance TUESDAY Dec 11 ms industry Minister Drnry said the governments earlier decision to locate heavy wster plant at Glace Bay Ns has not been revised Justice Minister Chuvrier said there is no reason for royal commission investiga tion at the rose Coifin mur der case TODAY anu sat Matinee Eat WWW Mlllldlldlflltllltfllklf BIIIIII MONIIIIIMHIY ansm rm UNIVIO antlers lMPERlAi THEATRE FIRST SHOW STARTS AT asnaraaxamnsne wanNaapavruac ms BETTEIt cassava VIIIIWIJ For the Bell Party or to year Its New Years Eva at LICTUBJ PAVALON Tlclrcis Available at JIchIonI Grill Barrie IN Phone mflm INIIIIIIINMINI ms nausrsn mar soonessr lilliiilliiitilti THE MIN All MMMDM WW5th Like an ale or lager IISON PIIASIIRI PAK 12 EXPORT ALE 12 CANADIAN LAGER BEER Enjoy the pleasure of two of your favourite brews 2m an compared with town Wit It We in one wavenicntpncltogc mi Save money toot Costs less than lZbotllo carton of each Pick up your Moiaon Platsuro Iok today The Rendezvous Room Barrlos Largest And Most Luxurious Meeting Place Presents Nightly Entertainment with OOItD HATCH at the big MOLSONS suei unaware lNDEPENDENTBREWERS SINCE1 BAYSHREMOIORHOTEI KIMPINFLT DNlNov WM Give Boogie 0i Theatre Tickets This Christin MIDI WIT IIOIII WNW 786